Empfohlene Videos
Beliebteste Lieder
My Name Is Mud
1993 • Pork Soda
Tommy the Cat
1989 • Suck On This
Wynona's Big Brown Beaver
1995 • Tales from the Punchbowl
Jerry Was a Race Car Driver
1991 • Sailing the Seas of Cheese
Too Many Puppies
1990 • Frizzle Fry
John the Fisherman
1990 • Frizzle Fry
Hello Skinny/Constantinople
1990 • Frizzle Fry
Coattails of a Dead Man
1999 • Antipop
Dirty Drowning Man
1999 • Antipop
Lacquer Head
1999 • Antipop
Electric Uncle Sam
1999 • Antipop
Power Mad
1999 • Antipop
Mr. Knowitall
1990 • Frizzle Fry
Pudding Time
1989 • Suck On This
Lee Van Cleef
2011 • Green Naugahyde
The Antipop
1999 • Antipop
Alle Lieder
American Life
American Life [DVD]
Amos Moses
Ballad Bodacious
Ballad of Bodacious
Bob's Party Time Lounge
Buscando Encontrar
Camelback Cinema
Candy Man
Cheer Up Charlie
Coaatails Of A Dead Man
Coattails of a Dead Man
De Anza Jig
Del Davis Tree Farm
Detachable Penis
Devil Went Down to Georgia
Dirty Drowning Man
Duchess and the Proverbial Mind Spread
Dutchess And The Proverbial Mind Spread
Eclectic Electric
Electric Electric
Electric Uncle Sam
Eletric Uncle Sam
Erin On The Side Of Caution
Eternal Consumption Engine
Extinction Burst
Eyes of the Squirrel
Farewell Wonkites
Fish On
Fish On (Fisherman Chronicles, Chapter II)
Follow the Fool
Frizzle Fry
Frizzle Fry [DVD]
Glass Sandwich
Golden Boy
Golden Ticket
Grandad's Little Ditty
Green Ranger
Greet the Sacred Cow
Greet the Scared Cow
Ground Hog's Day
Groundhog's Day
Groundhog's Day [DVD]
Hamburger Train
Harold of the Rocks
Harold of the Rocks [DVD]
Hats Off
Have a Cigar
Heckler (Live at Berkeley Square)
Hellbound 17 1/2
Hellbound 17 ½ (Theme From)
Hello Skinny
Hello Skinny/Constantinople
Hennepin Crawler
Here Come the Bastards
I Want It Now
Is It Luck?
Jerry Was a Race Car Driver
Jerry Was a Race Car Driver [DVD]
Jerry Was a Racecar Driver
Jilly's on Smack
John the Fisherman
John the Fisherman [DVD]
Lacquer Head
Lacquer Head [DVD]
Last Salmon Man
Lee Van Cleef
Los Bastardos
LVSG [English Version]
Making Plans for Nigel
Mama Didn't Raise No Fool
Mary the Ice Cube
Mary the Icecube
Mephisto & Kevin
Moron TV
Mr Krinkle
Mr. Know-It-All
Mr. Knowitall
Mr. Knowitall [DVD]
Mr. Krinkle
Mr. Krinkle [DVD]
Mrs. Blaileen
My Friend Fats
My Friend Fats [DVD]
My Name Is Mud
My Name Is Mud [DVD]
My Name Is Mud [Live; Bonus Track]
Natural Joe
Nature Boy
On the Tweek Again
Oompa Augustus
Oompa TV
Oompa Veruca
Oompa Violet
Over The Electric Grapevine
Over the Falls
Over the Falls [DVD]
Pablo's Hippos
Pilcher's Squad
Poetry & Prose
Poetry and Prose
Pork Soda
Power Mad
Pressman [DVD]
Professor Nutbutter's House of Treats
Puddin' Taine
Pudding Time
Pudding Time [DVD]
Pure Imagination
Restin' Bones
Salmon Men
Sathington Willoby
Sathington Willoughby
Sathington Willoughby [DVD]
Scissor Man
Seas of Cheese
Semi-Wondrous Boat Ride
Sgt. Baker
Sgt. Baker [DVD]
Shake Hands With Beef
Shake Hands With Beef [DVD]
Shake Hands with Beef [Version]
Sinister Exaggerator
South Park
South Park Theme
Southbound Pachyderm
Southbound Pachyderm [DVD]
Spaghetti Western
Spegetti Western
Spegetti Western [DVD]
The Air Is Getting Slippery
The Antipop
The Ballad of Bodacious
The Ballad Of Buckethead
The Carpenter and the Dainty Bride
The Chastising of Renegade
The Devil Went Down To Georgia
The Dream
The Ends?
The Family and the Fishing Net
The Final Voyage of the Liquid Sky
The Hecker
The Heckler
The Last Superpower aka Rapscallion
The Ol' Diamond Back Sturgeon
The Ol' Diamondback Sturgeon (Fisherman's Part 1)
The Pressman
The Return of Sathington Willoughby
The Scheme
The Seven
The Storm
The Thing That Should Not Be
The Toys Go Winding Down
The Trek
The Valley
Those Damn Blue Collar Tweekers
Those Damned Blue-Collar Tweekers
To Defy
To Defy [DVD]
To Defy the Laws of Tradition
To Defy the Laws of Tradition [DVD]
Tommy the Cat
Tommy the Cat [Live; Bonus Track]
Too Many Puppies
Too Many Puppies [DVD]
Toys Go Winding Down [DVD]
Tragedy's A-Comin'
Welcome to This World
Wynona's Big Brown Beaver
Wynona's Big Brown Beaver [DVD]
Year of the Parrot
Wissenswertes über Primus
- Welche sind die Hauptlieder von Primus?
- Die Hauptlieder von Primus sind “My Name Is Mud”, “Tommy the Cat”, “Wynona's Big Brown Beaver”, “Jerry Was a Race Car Driver” und “Too Many Puppies”.
- Was ist das neueste Album von Primus?
- Das neueste Album von Primus ist “Conspiranoid”, veröffentlicht im Jahr 2022 mit 3 Titeln.
- Was ist das älteste Album von Primus?
- Das älteste Album von Primus ist “Suck On This”, veröffentlicht im Jahr 1989 mit 9 Titeln.
- Was ist der erfolgreichste Song von Primus?
- Der populärste Song von Primus ist “My Name Is Mud”, aus dem Album “Pork Soda”, veröffentlicht im Jahr 1993.
- Wie viele Alben wurden von Primus veröffentlicht?
- Zwischen 1989 und 2022, 20 Alben wurden von Primus veröffentlicht.
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