Heavy Fog
[Verse 1]
葡萄糖に打ちつけた頭が まだ少し痛む
アルミから首筋へと 冷気が伝わっていく
虚な影を落とす 白い濃霧が立ち込める
暗く底の見えない 濃霧が立ち込める
[Verse 2]
逃げ出したい私を 湿った小部屋に閉じ込めた
葡萄糖に打ちつけた頭は まだ少し痛む
無意識に痺れた手が 形を失っていく
虚な影を落とす 黒い濃霧が立ち込める
[Verse 3]
あの日から少しずつ 視界が狭まっていく…
[Verse 1]
After hitting the glucose, my head still aches a bit
From aluminum to the back of my neck, cold air travels
On nights when the scenery I dreamed of that day is projected in monochrome
Those forgotten colors shine strangely faint
Casting hollow shadows, a white heavy fog envelops
Making the bottom dark and invisible, a heavy fog envelops
[Verse 2]
Repeating the boring 15 degrees twenty-four times again
I locked myself in this damp little room, longing to escape
After hitting the glucose, my head still aches a bit
My numb hand unconsciously loses its form
On nights when the scenery I dreamed of that day is projected in monochrome
Those forgotten colors helplessly conjured up in my mind
On nights when the scenery I dreamed of that day appears only in monochrome, my beloved colors shine strangely faint
Casting hollow shadows, a black heavy fog envelops
Lying heavily, a heavy fog envelops
[Verse 3]
After hitting the glucose, my head softly blurs
Day by day since then, my field of vision is narrowing...