Hello from the Spirit World
Hello from the Spirit World
My days here have been as
Rewarding as they are troublesome
And often dangerous
I have been assembling my notes
For some time now my intent is to create a
Guide for anyone whose path
May lead them to this unwavering otherness
(This unwavering otherness)
There are days I fear my work will only serve
To create more confusion about
What I've found
But I felt it nеcessary to stay the course in
Hopеs that these insights may
Be illuminating for some
Contained within are anecdotes, recipes
Survival tips, warnings, maps, drawings
And more
All organized in an effort to promote
Safe travel and interdimensional awareness
While this arrangement highlights the basic
Chronology of my experiences
Users should skip to whatever section most
Directly applies to their impending scenario
As no two Spirit World
Experiences are the same (The same)
Accordingly, certain passages may
Detail specific circumstances
That you will not encounter
It is still recommended you cover
These sections as to
Increase your general understanding of
What can be expected
There will be times when you
Will be tested in
Ways this guide can neither prepare you for
Nor help you from spirit World travel is not
Recommended for the
Faint of heart or weak of stomach
Swift and unprecedented consequences
Will follow your
Decision to breach this environment
(Will follow) with that in mind
I believe the unabridged Spirit World
Field Guide compiled here
To be the ultimate companion for
All modern supernatural tourism
As well as those potentially
Seeking more permanent residency
Kindest regards, Aesop Rock