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Looking for a place to go
A place to grow
A place to feel at peace and warm
Looking for a place to be
A place to breathe
A place to feel freer than before
Looking for a place to sing
Feel at one with the wind
Looking for a place to go
A place to grow and feel alive
Cause I hope one day
I'll be able to find the place where I belong
Cause I hope one day
I'll be able to find my way back home
Looking for a place to go
A place to grow
A place to keep me out of harm
Looking for a place to give
A place to live
A place to just let go
Looking for a place to bloom
Find my own tune
Looking for a place to go
A place where life is an open door
Cause I hope one day
I'll be able to find the place where I belong
Cause I hope one day
I'll be able to find my way back home

Cause I hope one day
I'll be able to find my Home
Cause I hope one day
I'll be able to find my Home
I’ll find my Home
I’ll find my Home
I’ll find my Home
I’ll find my Home
I’ll find my Home