Cooking up the King Meat
Cooking up some king meat on the line
Cut it thin and slice it fine
Keeping up our gruesome pantomime
Because it's king meat harvest time
Aaah.... Ah, yes... King, the king... Hahaha, hahaha, haha... Haaa... Haaa... Haaa... Ha...
Why do we need the king meat? It's for our land
The king meat day must go as planned
Why do we slice and dice? It keeps us whole
The king must give this meat to save our soul
Aaah... Ahahahaha... Haha... The King, the king...
The piece - Ah, the piece - We cut it perfectly
Place thе piece into the pot so I can dancе with glee
Nothing could be better than what we've stumbled upon
Yes, it seems this cut is some king filet mignon
Family and friends, thank you for your patience
The harvest of the king meat was something mighty tense
But the meat has come out fine, so there's no need to worry
Our land will surely prosper now that king is one lung free
Haaa... Ahaha... Hahaha... Aaaha aaaha... Yes, yes, it's beautiful... Aaah... Delicious, delicious... King meat for us all... Hahaha... hahaha...
Cooking up the king meat
Cooking up the king meat
Cooking up the king meat
Cooking up the king meat