Winter Spring
It's a face
I'm lookin' in the mirror
I'm looking at a face
Get out of the woods
It's a face
I'm lookin' in the mirror
It's just a face
Get out of the woods
Get out
You think you're gonna last
In this game of danger
Leave behind your number and move on
He's a 6
He's lookin' in the mirror
He's gonna start a fire
'Cause he's the fire man
Get out of the woods
Watch out
These warriors won't spar
With anything that's really out there
They just can't be bothered to care
And they're afraid of the holes in the walls
She's an 8
She's lookin' in the mirror
She's talkin' to her doctor
The doctor is a quack
She's gonna cut him open with a cleaver
She's gonna slice his eyes with a circular saw
And then she's gonna kill him
She's gonna paint his lab coat red
She is the chief of police in Paralysis Town
She's gonna make a lot of money
She's gonna flee the flee the country
It's the American dream
It's the American dream
It's the American dream
It's the American dream