Nihil Messiah
Sacred beings have been turned to none
By the light of Its omnipotence
The One sent through the gates of nothing
Has blurred Its eternal presence
In days of doubt
The image was made
Not by the ones being faithful
But those being scared
And yet all the miracles
Were made by a shade
And through the centuries
Their blood will be shed
Bow down to me
For my words wеre meant to be unbrokеn
Thee will be worlds and dimensions
And Its reign will be broken
What lies beyond?
Wrong questions, no answers
Led astray
Nothing but
Cattle to the slaughter
Wrong decisions
The only effect
Handicapped creatures
Thy image
Undelivered prayers
Will weaken thy soul
Shatter the things you beloved
No cries will be heard
In the ocean of nothing
Perfect minds
Still too shallow
To comprehend
Still too shallow
To embrace It
Strings pulled by nihil
Strings pulled by none
Empty illusions of fate and hope
Nihil Messiah
The Absent God
Sacred beings have been left undone
A fragile dirt, fracturable clay
One empty promise
Forever delayed
And still they have followed
His knowledge in vain
Hoping for purpose
Of hatred and pain
None of the promises
Were meant to be kept
The circle of nothing
Its reign won't be swept
The gathering of blindfolded fools
I am the way
I am the one who remains
For thee I lay my life on the altar
I am the cleansing fire
What lies beyond?
Wrong questions, no answers
Led astray
Nothing but
Cattle to the slaughter
Wrong decisions
The only effect
Handicapped creatures
Thy image