Colors Without You
Yellow blue always drew me
Lime green called my name
To come back home
To my first and last garden
And you have the audacity to say
Eventually, darling
As if you don't know me
And don't know I'm impatient as hell
And hot just as much
And now black and grey
Though they are pretty and calm
Call my name and I answer and put 'em on
Like an old blues record
I dance in my sweats and the t-shirt I didn't want
But hey, every year there has to be a birthday
And so now, I am surrounded by colors
By florals and by the scent you didn't leave
Now all I have is a memory
Nothing will ever be the same, not for me
Now I have to grow up and buy furtinure
And work on my diction and don't lose humor
Though some colors have faded, it's probably for the best
The thing thaťs supposed to leave will
Whether you want it or not
It will not stay, it will linger and sway
Across your bare body in midday
Over a glass of iced tea and a second hand shirt
No one else wears life like I do
And I don't know if it's a win or loss
There I am, useless all old rusting happening
All the drunk nights and regretful mornings
And I throw them out of the window
I have no need for them anymore
I will hold on to myself and myself only
And the colors, if there're true
Will follow me
And I would't have it any other way
And my friends and teachers bring newness
New hope and inspiration and I collect it
And I plant every seed which blooms into an idea
I don't need vibrant neon flashes
Though I love them more than cheese
I need to feel real, and I think I'm almost there
I'm almost there
I'm almost there