Shedu Liberation
Enter my child we've been waiting for you
Long have we watched as you made your way through
Yes we know of your troubles we know of your grief
The things that you witnessed will beggar belief
Lay down your head and please try to rewind
Before all these nightmares had poisoned your mind
Back when you last felt the sun on your face
Remember the way, try to retrace
We are psionic protectors
Plucked from the astral domain
We were entrapped by collectors
But we yearn to be free once again
Thank you my child you may wake from your sleep
You've shown us safe passage from this horrible keep
And now here in turn is a treasure for you
Pelor protect you in all that you do
We are psionic protectors
Returned to the astral domain
We were entrapped by collectors
But you brought us freedom again
Once again