
Ola Nils Haakan Svensson, Joy Neil Mitro Deb, Linnea Mary Han Deb, Anton Bror Malmberg Haard Af Segerstad

Liedtexte Übersetzung

There's a hole in the soul of happyland
We stay high in our castles made of sand
There's a church where we go to numb the pain
We messed up and I know you feel the same

And it goes on and I don't understand how we became a one-man band
Oh Lord, I guess we all fucked up, woah

Come to happy, happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland

There's a scar in the heart of happyland
And the shadows are where we used to stand
So we sleep and we dream but our dreams don't mean a thing, oh
We could run but we're puppets on a string

And it goes on, I guess we all fucked up, woah

Come to happy, happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland

And it goes on and I don't understand how we became a one-man band
Oh Lord, I guess we all fucked up, woah

Come to happy, happy, happy

Now we all wanna be happy (happyland)
No matter what we do we (happyland)
We all wanna be happy, oh
In happyland

There's a hole in the soul of happyland
Es gibt ein Loch in der Seele von Happyland
We stay high in our castles made of sand
Wir bleiben hoch in unseren aus Sand gebauten Schlössern
There's a church where we go to numb the pain
Es gibt eine Kirche, wo wir hingehen, um den Schmerz zu betäuben
We messed up and I know you feel the same
Wir haben Mist gebaut und ich weiß, du fühlst genauso
And it goes on and I don't understand how we became a one-man band
Und es geht weiter und ich verstehe nicht, wie wir zu einer Ein-Mann-Band wurden
Oh Lord, I guess we all fucked up, woah
Oh Herr, ich denke, wir haben alle Mist gebaut, woah
Come to happy, happy, happy, happyland
Komm zu happy, happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
There's a scar in the heart of happyland
Es gibt eine Narbe im Herzen von Happyland
And the shadows are where we used to stand
Und die Schatten sind, wo wir früher standen
So we sleep and we dream but our dreams don't mean a thing, oh
Also schlafen wir und träumen, aber unsere Träume bedeuten nichts, oh
We could run but we're puppets on a string
Wir könnten rennen, aber wir sind Marionetten an einer Schnur
And it goes on, I guess we all fucked up, woah
Und es geht weiter, ich denke, wir haben alle Mist gebaut, woah
Come to happy, happy, happy, happyland
Komm zu happy, happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
And it goes on and I don't understand how we became a one-man band
Und es geht weiter und ich verstehe nicht, wie wir zu einer Ein-Mann-Band wurden
Oh Lord, I guess we all fucked up, woah
Oh Herr, ich denke, wir haben alle Mist gebaut, woah
Come to happy, happy, happy
Komm zu happy, happy, happy
Now we all wanna be happy (happyland)
Jetzt wollen wir alle glücklich sein (happyland)
No matter what we do we (happyland)
Egal, was wir tun, wir (happyland)
We all wanna be happy, oh
Wir wollen alle glücklich sein, oh
In happyland
In Happyland
There's a hole in the soul of happyland
Há um buraco na alma da terra feliz
We stay high in our castles made of sand
Nós ficamos altos em nossos castelos feitos de areia
There's a church where we go to numb the pain
Há uma igreja onde vamos para anestesiar a dor
We messed up and I know you feel the same
Nós estragamos tudo e eu sei que você sente o mesmo
And it goes on and I don't understand how we became a one-man band
E isso continua e eu não entendo como nos tornamos uma banda de um homem só
Oh Lord, I guess we all fucked up, woah
Oh Senhor, acho que todos nós estragamos tudo, uau
Come to happy, happy, happy, happyland
Venha para a terra feliz, feliz, feliz, feliz
Happy, happy, happyland
Terra feliz, feliz, feliz
Happy, happy, happyland
Terra feliz, feliz, feliz
Terra feliz
Happy, happy, happyland
Terra feliz, feliz, feliz
Happy, happy, happyland
Terra feliz, feliz, feliz
Happy, happy, happyland
Terra feliz, feliz, feliz
There's a scar in the heart of happyland
Há uma cicatriz no coração da terra feliz
And the shadows are where we used to stand
E as sombras são onde costumávamos ficar
So we sleep and we dream but our dreams don't mean a thing, oh
Então dormimos e sonhamos, mas nossos sonhos não significam nada, oh
We could run but we're puppets on a string
Nós poderíamos correr, mas somos marionetes em uma corda
And it goes on, I guess we all fucked up, woah
E isso continua, acho que todos nós estragamos tudo, uau
Come to happy, happy, happy, happyland
Venha para a terra feliz, feliz, feliz, feliz
Happy, happy, happyland
Terra feliz, feliz, feliz
Happy, happy, happyland
Terra feliz, feliz, feliz
Terra feliz
Happy, happy, happyland
Terra feliz, feliz, feliz
Happy, happy, happyland
Terra feliz, feliz, feliz
Happy, happy, happyland
Terra feliz, feliz, feliz
Happy, happy, happyland
Terra feliz, feliz, feliz
And it goes on and I don't understand how we became a one-man band
E isso continua e eu não entendo como nos tornamos uma banda de um homem só
Oh Lord, I guess we all fucked up, woah
Oh Senhor, acho que todos nós estragamos tudo, uau
Come to happy, happy, happy
Venha para a terra feliz, feliz, feliz
Terra feliz
Terra feliz
Terra feliz
Now we all wanna be happy (happyland)
Agora todos nós queremos ser felizes (terra feliz)
No matter what we do we (happyland)
Não importa o que fazemos (terra feliz)
We all wanna be happy, oh
Todos nós queremos ser felizes, oh
In happyland
Na terra feliz
There's a hole in the soul of happyland
Hay un agujero en el alma de tierra feliz
We stay high in our castles made of sand
Nos mantenemos altos en nuestros castillos de arena
There's a church where we go to numb the pain
Hay una iglesia donde vamos para adormecer el dolor
We messed up and I know you feel the same
Nos equivocamos y sé que sientes lo mismo
And it goes on and I don't understand how we became a one-man band
Y sigue y no entiendo cómo nos convertimos en una banda de un solo hombre
Oh Lord, I guess we all fucked up, woah
Oh Señor, supongo que todos la cagamos, vaya
Come to happy, happy, happy, happyland
Ven a feliz, feliz, feliz, tierra feliz
Happy, happy, happyland
Feliz, feliz, tierra feliz
Happy, happy, happyland
Feliz, feliz, tierra feliz
Tierra feliz
Happy, happy, happyland
Feliz, feliz, tierra feliz
Happy, happy, happyland
Feliz, feliz, tierra feliz
Happy, happy, happyland
Feliz, feliz, tierra feliz
There's a scar in the heart of happyland
Hay una cicatriz en el corazón de tierra feliz
And the shadows are where we used to stand
Y las sombras son donde solíamos estar
So we sleep and we dream but our dreams don't mean a thing, oh
Así que dormimos y soñamos pero nuestros sueños no significan nada, oh
We could run but we're puppets on a string
Podríamos correr pero somos marionetas en un hilo
And it goes on, I guess we all fucked up, woah
Y sigue, supongo que todos la cagamos, vaya
Come to happy, happy, happy, happyland
Ven a feliz, feliz, feliz, tierra feliz
Happy, happy, happyland
Feliz, feliz, tierra feliz
Happy, happy, happyland
Feliz, feliz, tierra feliz
Tierra feliz
Happy, happy, happyland
Feliz, feliz, tierra feliz
Happy, happy, happyland
Feliz, feliz, tierra feliz
Happy, happy, happyland
Feliz, feliz, tierra feliz
Happy, happy, happyland
Feliz, feliz, tierra feliz
And it goes on and I don't understand how we became a one-man band
Y sigue y no entiendo cómo nos convertimos en una banda de un solo hombre
Oh Lord, I guess we all fucked up, woah
Oh Señor, supongo que todos la cagamos, vaya
Come to happy, happy, happy
Ven a feliz, feliz, feliz
Tierra feliz
Tierra feliz
Tierra feliz
Now we all wanna be happy (happyland)
Ahora todos queremos ser felices (tierra feliz)
No matter what we do we (happyland)
No importa lo que hagamos (tierra feliz)
We all wanna be happy, oh
Todos queremos ser felices, oh
In happyland
En tierra feliz
There's a hole in the soul of happyland
Il y a un trou dans l'âme de joyeuxland
We stay high in our castles made of sand
Nous restons haut dans nos châteaux de sable
There's a church where we go to numb the pain
Il y a une église où nous allons pour engourdir la douleur
We messed up and I know you feel the same
Nous avons gâché et je sais que tu ressens la même chose
And it goes on and I don't understand how we became a one-man band
Et ça continue et je ne comprends pas comment nous sommes devenus un homme-orchestre
Oh Lord, I guess we all fucked up, woah
Oh Seigneur, je suppose que nous avons tous merdé, woah
Come to happy, happy, happy, happyland
Venez à joyeux, joyeux, joyeux, joyeuxland
Happy, happy, happyland
Joyeux, joyeux, joyeuxland
Happy, happy, happyland
Joyeux, joyeux, joyeuxland
Happy, happy, happyland
Joyeux, joyeux, joyeuxland
Happy, happy, happyland
Joyeux, joyeux, joyeuxland
Happy, happy, happyland
Joyeux, joyeux, joyeuxland
There's a scar in the heart of happyland
Il y a une cicatrice dans le cœur de joyeuxland
And the shadows are where we used to stand
Et les ombres sont là où nous nous tenions
So we sleep and we dream but our dreams don't mean a thing, oh
Alors nous dormons et nous rêvons mais nos rêves ne signifient rien, oh
We could run but we're puppets on a string
Nous pourrions courir mais nous sommes des marionnettes sur une ficelle
And it goes on, I guess we all fucked up, woah
Et ça continue, je suppose que nous avons tous merdé, woah
Come to happy, happy, happy, happyland
Venez à joyeux, joyeux, joyeux, joyeuxland
Happy, happy, happyland
Joyeux, joyeux, joyeuxland
Happy, happy, happyland
Joyeux, joyeux, joyeuxland
Happy, happy, happyland
Joyeux, joyeux, joyeuxland
Happy, happy, happyland
Joyeux, joyeux, joyeuxland
Happy, happy, happyland
Joyeux, joyeux, joyeuxland
Happy, happy, happyland
Joyeux, joyeux, joyeuxland
And it goes on and I don't understand how we became a one-man band
Et ça continue et je ne comprends pas comment nous sommes devenus un homme-orchestre
Oh Lord, I guess we all fucked up, woah
Oh Seigneur, je suppose que nous avons tous merdé, woah
Come to happy, happy, happy
Venez à joyeux, joyeux, joyeux
Now we all wanna be happy (happyland)
Maintenant, nous voulons tous être heureux (joyeuxland)
No matter what we do we (happyland)
Peu importe ce que nous faisons, nous (joyeuxland)
We all wanna be happy, oh
Nous voulons tous être heureux, oh
In happyland
Dans joyeuxland
There's a hole in the soul of happyland
C'è un buco nell'anima di Happyland
We stay high in our castles made of sand
Rimaniamo alti nei nostri castelli di sabbia
There's a church where we go to numb the pain
C'è una chiesa dove andiamo per intorpidire il dolore
We messed up and I know you feel the same
Abbiamo sbagliato e so che tu senti lo stesso
And it goes on and I don't understand how we became a one-man band
E continua e non capisco come siamo diventati una band di un solo uomo
Oh Lord, I guess we all fucked up, woah
Oh Signore, immagino che abbiamo tutti sbagliato, woah
Come to happy, happy, happy, happyland
Vieni a happy, happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
There's a scar in the heart of happyland
C'è una cicatrice nel cuore di Happyland
And the shadows are where we used to stand
E le ombre sono dove eravamo soliti stare
So we sleep and we dream but our dreams don't mean a thing, oh
Quindi dormiamo e sogniamo ma i nostri sogni non significano nulla, oh
We could run but we're puppets on a string
Potremmo correre ma siamo burattini su una corda
And it goes on, I guess we all fucked up, woah
E continua, immagino che abbiamo tutti sbagliato, woah
Come to happy, happy, happy, happyland
Vieni a happy, happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
Happy, happy, happyland
And it goes on and I don't understand how we became a one-man band
E continua e non capisco come siamo diventati una band di un solo uomo
Oh Lord, I guess we all fucked up, woah
Oh Signore, immagino che abbiamo tutti sbagliato, woah
Come to happy, happy, happy
Vieni a happy, happy, happy
Now we all wanna be happy (happyland)
Ora tutti vogliamo essere felici (happyland)
No matter what we do we (happyland)
Non importa cosa facciamo (happyland)
We all wanna be happy, oh
Tutti vogliamo essere felici, oh
In happyland
In Happyland

Wissenswertes über das Lied Happyland von Måns Zelmerlöw

Wann wurde das Lied “Happyland” von Måns Zelmerlöw veröffentlicht?
Das Lied Happyland wurde im Jahr 2016, auf dem Album “Chameleon” veröffentlicht.
Wer hat das Lied “Happyland” von Måns Zelmerlöw komponiert?
Das Lied “Happyland” von Måns Zelmerlöw wurde von Ola Nils Haakan Svensson, Joy Neil Mitro Deb, Linnea Mary Han Deb, Anton Bror Malmberg Haard Af Segerstad komponiert.

Beliebteste Lieder von Måns Zelmerlöw

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