Toy Soldiers

Marta Marrero, Michael Jay Margules

Liedtexte Übersetzung

Step by step
Heart to heart
Left, right, left
We all fall down
Like toy soldiers

It wasn't my intention to mislead you
It never should have been this way
What can I say?
It's true I did extend the invitation
I never knew how long you'd stay
When you hear temptation call
It's your heart that takes
Takes the fall

Won't you come out and play with me?

Step by step
Heart to heart
Left, right, left
We all fall down
Like toy soldiers
Bit by bit torn apart
We never win
But the battle wages on
For toy soldiers

It's getting hard to wake up in the morning
My head is spinning constantly
How can it be?
How could I be so blind to this addiction?
If I don't stop
The next one's gonna be me

Only emptiness remains
It replaces all, all the pain

Won't you come out and play with me?

Step by step
Heart to heart
Left, right, left
We all fall down
Like toy soldiers
Bit by bit torn apart
We never win
But the battle wages on
For toy soldiers

(We never win)

Only emptiness remains
It replaces all, all the pain

Won't you come out and play with me?

Step by step
Heart to heart
Left, right, left
We all fall down
Like toy soldiers
Bit by bit torn apart
We never win
But the battle wages on
For toy soldiers

(Step by step
Heart to heart
Left, right, left
We all fall down)

Step by step
Schritt für Schritt
Heart to heart
Herz zu Herz
Left, right, left
Links, rechts, links
We all fall down
Wir fallen alle hin
Like toy soldiers
Wie Spielzeugsoldaten
It wasn't my intention to mislead you
Es war nicht meine Absicht, dich zu täuschen
It never should have been this way
Es hätte nie so sein sollen
What can I say?
Was kann ich sagen?
It's true I did extend the invitation
Es stimmt, ich habe die Einladung ausgesprochen
I never knew how long you'd stay
Ich wusste nie, wie lange du bleiben würdest
When you hear temptation call
Wenn du die Versuchung hörst rufen
It's your heart that takes
Ist es dein Herz, das
Takes the fall
Den Fall nimmt
Won't you come out and play with me?
Willst du nicht rauskommen und mit mir spielen?
Step by step
Schritt für Schritt
Heart to heart
Herz zu Herz
Left, right, left
Links, rechts, links
We all fall down
Wir fallen alle hin
Like toy soldiers
Wie Spielzeugsoldaten
Bit by bit torn apart
Stück für Stück zerrissen
We never win
Wir gewinnen nie
But the battle wages on
Aber der Kampf geht weiter
For toy soldiers
Für Spielzeugsoldaten
It's getting hard to wake up in the morning
Es wird schwer, morgens aufzuwachen
My head is spinning constantly
Mein Kopf dreht sich ständig
How can it be?
Wie kann das sein?
How could I be so blind to this addiction?
Wie konnte ich so blind für diese Sucht sein?
If I don't stop
Wenn ich nicht aufhöre
The next one's gonna be me
Werde ich der nächste sein
Only emptiness remains
Nur Leere bleibt übrig
It replaces all, all the pain
Sie ersetzt alles, all den Schmerz
Won't you come out and play with me?
Willst du nicht rauskommen und mit mir spielen?
Step by step
Schritt für Schritt
Heart to heart
Herz zu Herz
Left, right, left
Links, rechts, links
We all fall down
Wir fallen alle hin
Like toy soldiers
Wie Spielzeugsoldaten
Bit by bit torn apart
Stück für Stück zerrissen
We never win
Wir gewinnen nie
But the battle wages on
Aber der Kampf geht weiter
For toy soldiers
Für Spielzeugsoldaten
(We never win)
(Wir gewinnen nie)
Only emptiness remains
Nur Leere bleibt übrig
It replaces all, all the pain
Sie ersetzt alles, all den Schmerz
Won't you come out and play with me?
Willst du nicht rauskommen und mit mir spielen?
Step by step
Schritt für Schritt
Heart to heart
Herz zu Herz
Left, right, left
Links, rechts, links
We all fall down
Wir fallen alle hin
Like toy soldiers
Wie Spielzeugsoldaten
Bit by bit torn apart
Stück für Stück zerrissen
We never win
Wir gewinnen nie
But the battle wages on
Aber der Kampf geht weiter
For toy soldiers
Für Spielzeugsoldaten
(Step by step
(Schritt für Schritt
Heart to heart
Herz zu Herz
Left, right, left
Links, rechts, links
We all fall down)
Wir fallen alle hin)
Step by step
Passo a passo
Heart to heart
Coração a coração
Left, right, left
Esquerda, direita, esquerda
We all fall down
Todos nós caímos
Like toy soldiers
Como soldados de brinquedo
It wasn't my intention to mislead you
Não foi minha intenção te enganar
It never should have been this way
Nunca deveria ter sido assim
What can I say?
O que posso dizer?
It's true I did extend the invitation
É verdade, eu estendi o convite
I never knew how long you'd stay
Eu nunca soube quanto tempo você ficaria
When you hear temptation call
Quando você ouve a tentação chamar
It's your heart that takes
É o seu coração que leva
Takes the fall
Leva a queda
Won't you come out and play with me?
Você não quer sair e brincar comigo?
Step by step
Passo a passo
Heart to heart
Coração a coração
Left, right, left
Esquerda, direita, esquerda
We all fall down
Todos nós caímos
Like toy soldiers
Como soldados de brinquedo
Bit by bit torn apart
Pedaço por pedaço despedaçados
We never win
Nós nunca ganhamos
But the battle wages on
Mas a batalha continua
For toy soldiers
Para soldados de brinquedo
It's getting hard to wake up in the morning
Está ficando difícil acordar de manhã
My head is spinning constantly
Minha cabeça está girando constantemente
How can it be?
Como pode ser?
How could I be so blind to this addiction?
Como pude ser tão cego para este vício?
If I don't stop
Se eu não parar
The next one's gonna be me
O próximo vai ser eu
Only emptiness remains
Só resta o vazio
It replaces all, all the pain
Ele substitui tudo, toda a dor
Won't you come out and play with me?
Você não quer sair e brincar comigo?
Step by step
Passo a passo
Heart to heart
Coração a coração
Left, right, left
Esquerda, direita, esquerda
We all fall down
Todos nós caímos
Like toy soldiers
Como soldados de brinquedo
Bit by bit torn apart
Pedaço por pedaço despedaçados
We never win
Nós nunca ganhamos
But the battle wages on
Mas a batalha continua
For toy soldiers
Para soldados de brinquedo
(We never win)
(Nós nunca ganhamos)
Only emptiness remains
Só resta o vazio
It replaces all, all the pain
Ele substitui tudo, toda a dor
Won't you come out and play with me?
Você não quer sair e brincar comigo?
Step by step
Passo a passo
Heart to heart
Coração a coração
Left, right, left
Esquerda, direita, esquerda
We all fall down
Todos nós caímos
Like toy soldiers
Como soldados de brinquedo
Bit by bit torn apart
Pedaço por pedaço despedaçados
We never win
Nós nunca ganhamos
But the battle wages on
Mas a batalha continua
For toy soldiers
Para soldados de brinquedo
(Step by step
(Passo a passo
Heart to heart
Coração a coração
Left, right, left
Esquerda, direita, esquerda
We all fall down)
Todos nós caímos)
Step by step
Paso a paso
Heart to heart
Corazón a corazón
Left, right, left
Izquierda, derecha, izquierda
We all fall down
Todos caemos
Like toy soldiers
Como soldados de juguete
It wasn't my intention to mislead you
No fue mi intención engañarte
It never should have been this way
Nunca debió haber sido así
What can I say?
¿Qué puedo decir?
It's true I did extend the invitation
Es verdad que extendí la invitación
I never knew how long you'd stay
Nunca supe cuánto tiempo te quedarías
When you hear temptation call
Cuando escuchas la llamada de la tentación
It's your heart that takes
Es tu corazón
Takes the fall
El que cae
Won't you come out and play with me?
¿No quieres salir y jugar conmigo?
Step by step
Paso a paso
Heart to heart
Corazón a corazón
Left, right, left
Izquierda, derecha, izquierda
We all fall down
Todos caemos
Like toy soldiers
Como soldados de juguete
Bit by bit torn apart
Poco a poco desgarrados
We never win
Nunca ganamos
But the battle wages on
Pero la batalla continúa
For toy soldiers
Por los soldados de juguete
It's getting hard to wake up in the morning
Cada vez es más difícil despertar por la mañana
My head is spinning constantly
Mi cabeza está girando constantemente
How can it be?
¿Cómo puede ser?
How could I be so blind to this addiction?
¿Cómo pude ser tan ciego ante esta adicción?
If I don't stop
Si no paro
The next one's gonna be me
El siguiente voy a ser yo
Only emptiness remains
Solo queda el vacío
It replaces all, all the pain
Reemplaza todo, todo el dolor
Won't you come out and play with me?
¿No quieres salir y jugar conmigo?
Step by step
Paso a paso
Heart to heart
Corazón a corazón
Left, right, left
Izquierda, derecha, izquierda
We all fall down
Todos caemos
Like toy soldiers
Como soldados de juguete
Bit by bit torn apart
Poco a poco desgarrados
We never win
Nunca ganamos
But the battle wages on
Pero la batalla continúa
For toy soldiers
Por los soldados de juguete
(We never win)
(Nunca ganamos)
Only emptiness remains
Solo queda el vacío
It replaces all, all the pain
Reemplaza todo, todo el dolor
Won't you come out and play with me?
¿No quieres salir y jugar conmigo?
Step by step
Paso a paso
Heart to heart
Corazón a corazón
Left, right, left
Izquierda, derecha, izquierda
We all fall down
Todos caemos
Like toy soldiers
Como soldados de juguete
Bit by bit torn apart
Poco a poco desgarrados
We never win
Nunca ganamos
But the battle wages on
Pero la batalla continúa
For toy soldiers
Por los soldados de juguete
(Step by step
(Paso a paso
Heart to heart
Corazón a corazón
Left, right, left
Izquierda, derecha, izquierda
We all fall down)
Todos caemos)
Step by step
Pas à pas
Heart to heart
Cœur à cœur
Left, right, left
Gauche, droite, gauche
We all fall down
Nous tombons tous
Like toy soldiers
Comme des soldats de jouet
It wasn't my intention to mislead you
Ce n'était pas mon intention de te tromper
It never should have been this way
Ça n'aurait jamais dû être comme ça
What can I say?
Que puis-je dire ?
It's true I did extend the invitation
C'est vrai, j'ai bien étendu l'invitation
I never knew how long you'd stay
Je ne savais pas combien de temps tu resterais
When you hear temptation call
Quand tu entends l'appel de la tentation
It's your heart that takes
C'est ton cœur qui prend
Takes the fall
Prend la chute
Won't you come out and play with me?
Ne veux-tu pas sortir et jouer avec moi ?
Step by step
Pas à pas
Heart to heart
Cœur à cœur
Left, right, left
Gauche, droite, gauche
We all fall down
Nous tombons tous
Like toy soldiers
Comme des soldats de jouet
Bit by bit torn apart
Petit à petit déchirés
We never win
Nous ne gagnons jamais
But the battle wages on
Mais la bataille continue
For toy soldiers
Pour les soldats de jouet
It's getting hard to wake up in the morning
Il devient difficile de se réveiller le matin
My head is spinning constantly
Ma tête tourne constamment
How can it be?
Comment cela peut-il être ?
How could I be so blind to this addiction?
Comment ai-je pu être si aveugle à cette addiction ?
If I don't stop
Si je ne m'arrête pas
The next one's gonna be me
Le prochain sera moi
Only emptiness remains
Seule la vacuité reste
It replaces all, all the pain
Elle remplace tout, toute la douleur
Won't you come out and play with me?
Ne veux-tu pas sortir et jouer avec moi ?
Step by step
Pas à pas
Heart to heart
Cœur à cœur
Left, right, left
Gauche, droite, gauche
We all fall down
Nous tombons tous
Like toy soldiers
Comme des soldats de jouet
Bit by bit torn apart
Petit à petit déchirés
We never win
Nous ne gagnons jamais
But the battle wages on
Mais la bataille continue
For toy soldiers
Pour les soldats de jouet
(We never win)
(Nous ne gagnons jamais)
Only emptiness remains
Seule la vacuité reste
It replaces all, all the pain
Elle remplace tout, toute la douleur
Won't you come out and play with me?
Ne veux-tu pas sortir et jouer avec moi ?
Step by step
Pas à pas
Heart to heart
Cœur à cœur
Left, right, left
Gauche, droite, gauche
We all fall down
Nous tombons tous
Like toy soldiers
Comme des soldats de jouet
Bit by bit torn apart
Petit à petit déchirés
We never win
Nous ne gagnons jamais
But the battle wages on
Mais la bataille continue
For toy soldiers
Pour les soldats de jouet
(Step by step
(Pas à pas
Heart to heart
Cœur à cœur
Left, right, left
Gauche, droite, gauche
We all fall down)
Nous tombons tous)
Step by step
Passo dopo passo
Heart to heart
Cuore a cuore
Left, right, left
Sinistra, destra, sinistra
We all fall down
Tutti noi cadiamo
Like toy soldiers
Come soldatini di plastica
It wasn't my intention to mislead you
Non era mia intenzione ingannarti
It never should have been this way
Non avrebbe mai dovuto essere così
What can I say?
Cosa posso dire?
It's true I did extend the invitation
È vero, ho esteso l'invito
I never knew how long you'd stay
Non sapevo quanto saresti rimasto
When you hear temptation call
Quando senti la tentazione chiamare
It's your heart that takes
È il tuo cuore che prende
Takes the fall
Prende la caduta
Won't you come out and play with me?
Non vuoi uscire e giocare con me?
Step by step
Passo dopo passo
Heart to heart
Cuore a cuore
Left, right, left
Sinistra, destra, sinistra
We all fall down
Tutti noi cadiamo
Like toy soldiers
Come soldatini di plastica
Bit by bit torn apart
Pezzo per pezzo strappati
We never win
Non vinciamo mai
But the battle wages on
Ma la battaglia continua
For toy soldiers
Per i soldatini di plastica
It's getting hard to wake up in the morning
Sta diventando difficile svegliarsi la mattina
My head is spinning constantly
La mia testa gira costantemente
How can it be?
Come può essere?
How could I be so blind to this addiction?
Come potevo essere così cieco a questa dipendenza?
If I don't stop
Se non mi fermo
The next one's gonna be me
Il prossimo sarò io
Only emptiness remains
Solo il vuoto rimane
It replaces all, all the pain
Sostituisce tutto, tutto il dolore
Won't you come out and play with me?
Non vuoi uscire e giocare con me?
Step by step
Passo dopo passo
Heart to heart
Cuore a cuore
Left, right, left
Sinistra, destra, sinistra
We all fall down
Tutti noi cadiamo
Like toy soldiers
Come soldatini di plastica
Bit by bit torn apart
Pezzo per pezzo strappati
We never win
Non vinciamo mai
But the battle wages on
Ma la battaglia continua
For toy soldiers
Per i soldatini di plastica
(We never win)
(Non vinciamo mai)
Only emptiness remains
Solo il vuoto rimane
It replaces all, all the pain
Sostituisce tutto, tutto il dolore
Won't you come out and play with me?
Non vuoi uscire e giocare con me?
Step by step
Passo dopo passo
Heart to heart
Cuore a cuore
Left, right, left
Sinistra, destra, sinistra
We all fall down
Tutti noi cadiamo
Like toy soldiers
Come soldatini di plastica
Bit by bit torn apart
Pezzo per pezzo strappati
We never win
Non vinciamo mai
But the battle wages on
Ma la battaglia continua
For toy soldiers
Per i soldatini di plastica
(Step by step
(Passo dopo passo
Heart to heart
Cuore a cuore
Left, right, left
Sinistra, destra, sinistra
We all fall down)
Tutti noi cadiamo)
Step by step
Langkah demi langkah
Heart to heart
Hati ke hati
Left, right, left
Kiri, kanan, kiri
We all fall down
Kita semua jatuh
Like toy soldiers
Seperti prajurit mainan
It wasn't my intention to mislead you
Bukan niatku untuk menyesatkanmu
It never should have been this way
Ini seharusnya tidak pernah seperti ini
What can I say?
Apa yang bisa aku katakan?
It's true I did extend the invitation
Benar, aku memperpanjang undangan
I never knew how long you'd stay
Aku tidak pernah tahu berapa lama kamu akan tinggal
When you hear temptation call
Ketika kamu mendengar panggilan godaan
It's your heart that takes
Itulah hatimu yang menerima
Takes the fall
Menerima jatuhnya
Won't you come out and play with me?
Maukah kamu keluar dan bermain denganku?
Step by step
Langkah demi langkah
Heart to heart
Hati ke hati
Left, right, left
Kiri, kanan, kiri
We all fall down
Kita semua jatuh
Like toy soldiers
Seperti prajurit mainan
Bit by bit torn apart
Sedikit demi sedikit hancur
We never win
Kita tidak pernah menang
But the battle wages on
Tapi pertempuran terus berlangsung
For toy soldiers
Untuk prajurit mainan
It's getting hard to wake up in the morning
Sulit untuk bangun di pagi hari
My head is spinning constantly
Kepalaku terus berputar
How can it be?
Bagaimana bisa ini terjadi?
How could I be so blind to this addiction?
Bagaimana aku bisa begitu buta terhadap kecanduan ini?
If I don't stop
Jika aku tidak berhenti
The next one's gonna be me
Yang berikutnya akan menjadi aku
Only emptiness remains
Hanya kekosongan yang tersisa
It replaces all, all the pain
Menggantikan semua, semua rasa sakit
Won't you come out and play with me?
Maukah kamu keluar dan bermain denganku?
Step by step
Langkah demi langkah
Heart to heart
Hati ke hati
Left, right, left
Kiri, kanan, kiri
We all fall down
Kita semua jatuh
Like toy soldiers
Seperti prajurit mainan
Bit by bit torn apart
Sedikit demi sedikit hancur
We never win
Kita tidak pernah menang
But the battle wages on
Tapi pertempuran terus berlangsung
For toy soldiers
Untuk prajurit mainan
(We never win)
(Kita tidak pernah menang)
Only emptiness remains
Hanya kekosongan yang tersisa
It replaces all, all the pain
Menggantikan semua, semua rasa sakit
Won't you come out and play with me?
Maukah kamu keluar dan bermain denganku?
Step by step
Langkah demi langkah
Heart to heart
Hati ke hati
Left, right, left
Kiri, kanan, kiri
We all fall down
Kita semua jatuh
Like toy soldiers
Seperti prajurit mainan
Bit by bit torn apart
Sedikit demi sedikit hancur
We never win
Kita tidak pernah menang
But the battle wages on
Tapi pertempuran terus berlangsung
For toy soldiers
Untuk prajurit mainan
(Step by step
(Langkah demi langkah
Heart to heart
Hati ke hati
Left, right, left
Kiri, kanan, kiri
We all fall down)
Kita semua jatuh)
Step by step
Heart to heart
Left, right, left
ซ้าย, ขวา, ซ้าย
We all fall down
Like toy soldiers
It wasn't my intention to mislead you
It never should have been this way
What can I say?
It's true I did extend the invitation
I never knew how long you'd stay
When you hear temptation call
It's your heart that takes
Takes the fall
Won't you come out and play with me?
Step by step
Heart to heart
Left, right, left
ซ้าย, ขวา, ซ้าย
We all fall down
Like toy soldiers
Bit by bit torn apart
ทีละนิดๆ ถูกแยกออก
We never win
But the battle wages on
For toy soldiers
It's getting hard to wake up in the morning
My head is spinning constantly
How can it be?
How could I be so blind to this addiction?
If I don't stop
The next one's gonna be me
Only emptiness remains
It replaces all, all the pain
มันแทนที่ทุกอย่าง, ทุกความเจ็บปวด
Won't you come out and play with me?
Step by step
Heart to heart
Left, right, left
ซ้าย, ขวา, ซ้าย
We all fall down
Like toy soldiers
Bit by bit torn apart
ทีละนิดๆ ถูกแยกออก
We never win
But the battle wages on
For toy soldiers
(We never win)
Only emptiness remains
It replaces all, all the pain
มันแทนที่ทุกอย่าง, ทุกความเจ็บปวด
Won't you come out and play with me?
Step by step
Heart to heart
Left, right, left
ซ้าย, ขวา, ซ้าย
We all fall down
Like toy soldiers
Bit by bit torn apart
ทีละนิดๆ ถูกแยกออก
We never win
But the battle wages on
For toy soldiers
(Step by step
Heart to heart
Left, right, left
ซ้าย, ขวา, ซ้าย
We all fall down)
Step by step
Heart to heart
Left, right, left
We all fall down
Like toy soldiers
It wasn't my intention to mislead you
It never should have been this way
What can I say?
It's true I did extend the invitation
I never knew how long you'd stay
When you hear temptation call
It's your heart that takes
Takes the fall
Won't you come out and play with me?
Step by step
Heart to heart
Left, right, left
We all fall down
Like toy soldiers
Bit by bit torn apart
We never win
But the battle wages on
For toy soldiers
It's getting hard to wake up in the morning
My head is spinning constantly
How can it be?
How could I be so blind to this addiction?
If I don't stop
The next one's gonna be me
Only emptiness remains
It replaces all, all the pain
Won't you come out and play with me?
Step by step
Heart to heart
Left, right, left
We all fall down
Like toy soldiers
Bit by bit torn apart
We never win
But the battle wages on
For toy soldiers
(We never win)
Only emptiness remains
It replaces all, all the pain
Won't you come out and play with me?
Step by step
Heart to heart
Left, right, left
We all fall down
Like toy soldiers
Bit by bit torn apart
We never win
But the battle wages on
For toy soldiers
(Step by step
Heart to heart
Left, right, left
We all fall down)

Wissenswertes über das Lied Toy Soldiers von Martika

Auf welchen Alben wurde das Lied “Toy Soldiers” von Martika veröffentlicht?
Martika hat das Lied auf den Alben “Martika” im Jahr 1988, “Special Touch” im Jahr 1989, “Toy Soldiers - Single” im Jahr 1989, “More Than You Know - The Best of” im Jahr 1997 und “Toy Soldiers: The Best of Martika” im Jahr 2004 veröffentlicht.
Wer hat das Lied “Toy Soldiers” von Martika komponiert?
Das Lied “Toy Soldiers” von Martika wurde von Marta Marrero, Michael Jay Margules komponiert.

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