Torture Porn
Limit experience
Feel like bacteria
I'm so material
Live for mutilation
This snuff criterion
My porn superior
Stuck in delirium
My seed is in gestation
You can’t control it
Hide behind clothing
You're being downloaded
You're opened
Don’t even know it
You're being molded
Being controlled by
I am a carnivore
Snuff film pornographer
Watch from your monitor
Degrees of separation
Subdue the populace
You know they wanting it
Strap in your oculus
We see through the depraved ones
Shits my
You need more of it
In every orifice
You become corpulent
Can’t hide desire
Can’t place the origin
Your metamorphosis
Yet here you are
You're a sub to your provider
Touching the open wound
It's like an open womb
It can open you
A pathway to your soul
This show engrossing you
Something is coding you
You're on a leash
And you go where I