We Become the Night

Andrew Fulk, Chris Cerulli, Justin Deblieck, Justin Morrow, Mick Kenney, Richard Olson, Steve Sopchak

Liedtexte Übersetzung

We become the night

The rich get richer while the sick get sicker
The profits from the people feed the poor another needle
The flames get bigger while the moths all shiver
They're subsidizing evil with no budget for a sequel

The Prozac's gift wrapped with a smile
The cash grab never goes out of style
Your flashbacks givin' you a panic attack
When your eyes go pitch black

We become the night
Where hope survives
We embrace the shadow following behind
So come alive, and take back your soul
While we become the night

They pull the trigger like a cold heart killer
But then they play the victim to manipulate the system
They synthesize reality to sell what you don't need
They drain us of our portion just to paint another portrait

The Prozac's gift wrapped with a smile
The cash grab never goes out of style
We're cutting the ties with the knives in our backs
When your eyes go pitch black

We become the night
Where hope survives
We embrace the shadow following behind
So come alive, and take back your soul
While we become the night

Creatures crawling out from hell with
Vengeance in our hearts
As the hourglass becomes your reaper
We've come to take what's ours

We become the night
Where hope survives
We embrace the shadow following behind
So come alive, and take back your soul
While we become the night
So run and hide
Screaming out like thunder, lightning cracks the sky
Close your eyes, don't walk towards the light
Yeah, we become the night

We become the night
We become the night

We become the night
Wir werden zur Nacht
The rich get richer while the sick get sicker
Die Reichen werden reicher, während die Kranken kränker werden
The profits from the people feed the poor another needle
Die Gewinne aus dem Volk füttern die Armen mit einer weiteren Nadel
The flames get bigger while the moths all shiver
Die Flammen werden größer, während die Motten alle zittern
They're subsidizing evil with no budget for a sequel
Sie subventionieren das Böse, ohne Budget für eine Fortsetzung
The Prozac's gift wrapped with a smile
Das Prozac ist geschenkverpackt mit einem Lächeln
The cash grab never goes out of style
Der Geldraub kommt nie aus der Mode
Your flashbacks givin' you a panic attack
Deine Rückblenden verursachen eine Panikattacke
When your eyes go pitch black
Wenn deine Augen pechschwarz werden
We become the night
Wir werden zur Nacht
Where hope survives
Wo Hoffnung überlebt
We embrace the shadow following behind
Wir umarmen den Schatten, der uns folgt
So come alive, and take back your soul
Also komm zum Leben und nimm deine Seele zurück
While we become the night
Während wir zur Nacht werden
They pull the trigger like a cold heart killer
Sie drücken den Abzug wie ein kaltherziger Killer
But then they play the victim to manipulate the system
Aber dann spielen sie das Opfer, um das System zu manipulieren
They synthesize reality to sell what you don't need
Sie synthetisieren die Realität, um zu verkaufen, was du nicht brauchst
They drain us of our portion just to paint another portrait
Sie entziehen uns unseren Anteil, nur um ein weiteres Porträt zu malen
The Prozac's gift wrapped with a smile
Das Prozac ist geschenkverpackt mit einem Lächeln
The cash grab never goes out of style
Der Geldraub kommt nie aus der Mode
We're cutting the ties with the knives in our backs
Wir durchtrennen die Verbindungen mit den Messern in unseren Rücken
When your eyes go pitch black
Wenn deine Augen pechschwarz werden
We become the night
Wir werden zur Nacht
Where hope survives
Wo Hoffnung überlebt
We embrace the shadow following behind
Wir umarmen den Schatten, der uns folgt
So come alive, and take back your soul
Also komm zum Leben und nimm deine Seele zurück
While we become the night
Während wir zur Nacht werden
Creatures crawling out from hell with
Kreaturen kriechen aus der Hölle mit
Vengeance in our hearts
Rache in unseren Herzen
As the hourglass becomes your reaper
Wenn die Sanduhr dein Sensenmann wird
We've come to take what's ours
Wir sind gekommen, um das zu nehmen, was uns gehört
We become the night
Wir werden zur Nacht
Where hope survives
Wo Hoffnung überlebt
We embrace the shadow following behind
Wir umarmen den Schatten, der uns folgt
So come alive, and take back your soul
Also komm zum Leben und nimm deine Seele zurück
While we become the night
Während wir zur Nacht werden
So run and hide
Also renne und verstecke dich
Screaming out like thunder, lightning cracks the sky
Schreiend wie Donner, zerreißt der Blitz den Himmel
Close your eyes, don't walk towards the light
Schließe deine Augen, geh nicht ins Licht
Yeah, we become the night
Ja, wir werden zur Nacht
We become the night
Wir werden zur Nacht
We become the night
Wir werden zur Nacht
We become the night
Nós nos tornamos a noite
The rich get richer while the sick get sicker
Os ricos ficam mais ricos enquanto os doentes ficam mais doentes
The profits from the people feed the poor another needle
Os lucros das pessoas alimentam os pobres com outra agulha
The flames get bigger while the moths all shiver
As chamas ficam maiores enquanto as mariposas tremem
They're subsidizing evil with no budget for a sequel
Eles estão subsidiando o mal sem orçamento para uma sequência
The Prozac's gift wrapped with a smile
O Prozac é embrulhado para presente com um sorriso
The cash grab never goes out of style
A ganância por dinheiro nunca sai de moda
Your flashbacks givin' you a panic attack
Seus flashbacks te dando um ataque de pânico
When your eyes go pitch black
Quando seus olhos ficam completamente pretos
We become the night
Nós nos tornamos a noite
Where hope survives
Onde a esperança sobrevive
We embrace the shadow following behind
Nós abraçamos a sombra que segue atrás
So come alive, and take back your soul
Então venha à vida, e recupere sua alma
While we become the night
Enquanto nos tornamos a noite
They pull the trigger like a cold heart killer
Eles puxam o gatilho como um assassino de coração frio
But then they play the victim to manipulate the system
Mas então eles se fazem de vítima para manipular o sistema
They synthesize reality to sell what you don't need
Eles sintetizam a realidade para vender o que você não precisa
They drain us of our portion just to paint another portrait
Eles nos drenam de nossa parte apenas para pintar outro retrato
The Prozac's gift wrapped with a smile
O Prozac é embrulhado para presente com um sorriso
The cash grab never goes out of style
A ganância por dinheiro nunca sai de moda
We're cutting the ties with the knives in our backs
Estamos cortando os laços com as facas em nossas costas
When your eyes go pitch black
Quando seus olhos ficam completamente pretos
We become the night
Nós nos tornamos a noite
Where hope survives
Onde a esperança sobrevive
We embrace the shadow following behind
Nós abraçamos a sombra que segue atrás
So come alive, and take back your soul
Então venha à vida, e recupere sua alma
While we become the night
Enquanto nos tornamos a noite
Creatures crawling out from hell with
Criaturas rastejando para fora do inferno com
Vengeance in our hearts
Vingança em nossos corações
As the hourglass becomes your reaper
Enquanto a ampulheta se torna seu ceifador
We've come to take what's ours
Viemos para pegar o que é nosso
We become the night
Nós nos tornamos a noite
Where hope survives
Onde a esperança sobrevive
We embrace the shadow following behind
Nós abraçamos a sombra que segue atrás
So come alive, and take back your soul
Então venha à vida, e recupere sua alma
While we become the night
Enquanto nos tornamos a noite
So run and hide
Então corra e se esconda
Screaming out like thunder, lightning cracks the sky
Gritando como um trovão, o relâmpago racha o céu
Close your eyes, don't walk towards the light
Feche seus olhos, não caminhe em direção à luz
Yeah, we become the night
Sim, nós nos tornamos a noite
We become the night
Nós nos tornamos a noite
We become the night
Nós nos tornamos a noite
We become the night
Nos convertimos en la noche
The rich get richer while the sick get sicker
Los ricos se hacen más ricos mientras los enfermos se vuelven más enfermos
The profits from the people feed the poor another needle
Las ganancias de la gente alimentan a los pobres con otra aguja
The flames get bigger while the moths all shiver
Las llamas se hacen más grandes mientras las polillas tiemblan
They're subsidizing evil with no budget for a sequel
Están subsidiando el mal sin presupuesto para una secuela
The Prozac's gift wrapped with a smile
El Prozac está envuelto para regalo con una sonrisa
The cash grab never goes out of style
El afán de dinero nunca pasa de moda
Your flashbacks givin' you a panic attack
Tus recuerdos te están dando un ataque de pánico
When your eyes go pitch black
Cuando tus ojos se vuelven completamente negros
We become the night
Nos convertimos en la noche
Where hope survives
Donde la esperanza sobrevive
We embrace the shadow following behind
Abrazamos la sombra que sigue detrás
So come alive, and take back your soul
Así que cobra vida, y recupera tu alma
While we become the night
Mientras nos convertimos en la noche
They pull the trigger like a cold heart killer
Apretan el gatillo como un asesino de corazón frío
But then they play the victim to manipulate the system
Pero luego se hacen las víctimas para manipular el sistema
They synthesize reality to sell what you don't need
Sintetizan la realidad para vender lo que no necesitas
They drain us of our portion just to paint another portrait
Nos drenan nuestra porción solo para pintar otro retrato
The Prozac's gift wrapped with a smile
El Prozac está envuelto para regalo con una sonrisa
The cash grab never goes out of style
El afán de dinero nunca pasa de moda
We're cutting the ties with the knives in our backs
Estamos cortando los lazos con los cuchillos en nuestras espaldas
When your eyes go pitch black
Cuando tus ojos se vuelven completamente negros
We become the night
Nos convertimos en la noche
Where hope survives
Donde la esperanza sobrevive
We embrace the shadow following behind
Abrazamos la sombra que sigue detrás
So come alive, and take back your soul
Así que cobra vida, y recupera tu alma
While we become the night
Mientras nos convertimos en la noche
Creatures crawling out from hell with
Criaturas saliendo del infierno con
Vengeance in our hearts
Venganza en nuestros corazones
As the hourglass becomes your reaper
A medida que el reloj de arena se convierte en tu segador
We've come to take what's ours
Hemos venido a tomar lo que es nuestro
We become the night
Nos convertimos en la noche
Where hope survives
Donde la esperanza sobrevive
We embrace the shadow following behind
Abrazamos la sombra que sigue detrás
So come alive, and take back your soul
Así que cobra vida, y recupera tu alma
While we become the night
Mientras nos convertimos en la noche
So run and hide
Así que corre y esconde
Screaming out like thunder, lightning cracks the sky
Gritando como el trueno, el rayo rompe el cielo
Close your eyes, don't walk towards the light
Cierra los ojos, no camines hacia la luz
Yeah, we become the night
Sí, nos convertimos en la noche
We become the night
Nos convertimos en la noche
We become the night
Nos convertimos en la noche
We become the night
Nous devenons la nuit
The rich get richer while the sick get sicker
Les riches deviennent plus riches tandis que les malades deviennent plus malades
The profits from the people feed the poor another needle
Les profits des gens nourrissent les pauvres avec une autre aiguille
The flames get bigger while the moths all shiver
Les flammes deviennent plus grandes tandis que les mites tremblent toutes
They're subsidizing evil with no budget for a sequel
Ils subventionnent le mal sans budget pour une suite
The Prozac's gift wrapped with a smile
Le cadeau du Prozac est emballé avec un sourire
The cash grab never goes out of style
La course à l'argent ne se démode jamais
Your flashbacks givin' you a panic attack
Vos flashbacks vous donnent une crise de panique
When your eyes go pitch black
Quand vos yeux deviennent noirs comme la nuit
We become the night
Nous devenons la nuit
Where hope survives
Où l'espoir survit
We embrace the shadow following behind
Nous embrassons l'ombre qui suit derrière
So come alive, and take back your soul
Alors venez à la vie, et reprenez votre âme
While we become the night
Pendant que nous devenons la nuit
They pull the trigger like a cold heart killer
Ils appuient sur la gâchette comme un tueur au cœur froid
But then they play the victim to manipulate the system
Mais ensuite ils jouent les victimes pour manipuler le système
They synthesize reality to sell what you don't need
Ils synthétisent la réalité pour vendre ce dont vous n'avez pas besoin
They drain us of our portion just to paint another portrait
Ils nous drainent de notre part juste pour peindre un autre portrait
The Prozac's gift wrapped with a smile
Le cadeau du Prozac est emballé avec un sourire
The cash grab never goes out of style
La course à l'argent ne se démode jamais
We're cutting the ties with the knives in our backs
Nous coupons les liens avec les couteaux dans le dos
When your eyes go pitch black
Quand vos yeux deviennent noirs comme la nuit
We become the night
Nous devenons la nuit
Where hope survives
Où l'espoir survit
We embrace the shadow following behind
Nous embrassons l'ombre qui suit derrière
So come alive, and take back your soul
Alors venez à la vie, et reprenez votre âme
While we become the night
Pendant que nous devenons la nuit
Creatures crawling out from hell with
Des créatures rampent hors de l'enfer avec
Vengeance in our hearts
La vengeance dans nos cœurs
As the hourglass becomes your reaper
Alors que le sablier devient votre faucheur
We've come to take what's ours
Nous sommes venus prendre ce qui est à nous
We become the night
Nous devenons la nuit
Where hope survives
Où l'espoir survit
We embrace the shadow following behind
Nous embrassons l'ombre qui suit derrière
So come alive, and take back your soul
Alors venez à la vie, et reprenez votre âme
While we become the night
Pendant que nous devenons la nuit
So run and hide
Alors courez et cachez-vous
Screaming out like thunder, lightning cracks the sky
Criant comme le tonnerre, la foudre fend le ciel
Close your eyes, don't walk towards the light
Fermez les yeux, ne marchez pas vers la lumière
Yeah, we become the night
Oui, nous devenons la nuit
We become the night
Nous devenons la nuit
We become the night
Nous devenons la nuit
We become the night
Diventiamo la notte
The rich get richer while the sick get sicker
I ricchi diventano più ricchi mentre i malati diventano più malati
The profits from the people feed the poor another needle
I profitti delle persone nutrono i poveri con un altro ago
The flames get bigger while the moths all shiver
Le fiamme diventano più grandi mentre le falene tremano tutte
They're subsidizing evil with no budget for a sequel
Stanno sovvenzionando il male senza budget per un sequel
The Prozac's gift wrapped with a smile
Il Prozac è confezionato con un sorriso
The cash grab never goes out of style
La presa di denaro non passa mai di moda
Your flashbacks givin' you a panic attack
I tuoi flashback ti danno un attacco di panico
When your eyes go pitch black
Quando i tuoi occhi diventano completamente neri
We become the night
Diventiamo la notte
Where hope survives
Dove la speranza sopravvive
We embrace the shadow following behind
Abbracciamo l'ombra che segue dietro
So come alive, and take back your soul
Quindi vieni a vita, e riprenditi la tua anima
While we become the night
Mentre diventiamo la notte
They pull the trigger like a cold heart killer
Premono il grilletto come un killer dal cuore freddo
But then they play the victim to manipulate the system
Ma poi giocano la vittima per manipolare il sistema
They synthesize reality to sell what you don't need
Sintetizzano la realtà per vendere ciò di cui non hai bisogno
They drain us of our portion just to paint another portrait
Ci svuotano della nostra parte solo per dipingere un altro ritratto
The Prozac's gift wrapped with a smile
Il Prozac è confezionato con un sorriso
The cash grab never goes out of style
La presa di denaro non passa mai di moda
We're cutting the ties with the knives in our backs
Stiamo tagliando i legami con i coltelli nelle nostre schiene
When your eyes go pitch black
Quando i tuoi occhi diventano completamente neri
We become the night
Diventiamo la notte
Where hope survives
Dove la speranza sopravvive
We embrace the shadow following behind
Abbracciamo l'ombra che segue dietro
So come alive, and take back your soul
Quindi vieni a vita, e riprenditi la tua anima
While we become the night
Mentre diventiamo la notte
Creatures crawling out from hell with
Creature che strisciano fuori dall'inferno con
Vengeance in our hearts
Vendetta nei nostri cuori
As the hourglass becomes your reaper
Mentre la clessidra diventa il tuo mietitore
We've come to take what's ours
Siamo venuti a prendere ciò che è nostro
We become the night
Diventiamo la notte
Where hope survives
Dove la speranza sopravvive
We embrace the shadow following behind
Abbracciamo l'ombra che segue dietro
So come alive, and take back your soul
Quindi vieni a vita, e riprenditi la tua anima
While we become the night
Mentre diventiamo la notte
So run and hide
Quindi corri e nasconditi
Screaming out like thunder, lightning cracks the sky
Gridando come un tuono, il fulmine squarcia il cielo
Close your eyes, don't walk towards the light
Chiudi gli occhi, non camminare verso la luce
Yeah, we become the night
Sì, diventiamo la notte
We become the night
Diventiamo la notte
We become the night
Diventiamo la notte

Wissenswertes über das Lied We Become the Night von Motionless in White

Wann wurde das Lied “We Become the Night” von Motionless in White veröffentlicht?
Das Lied We Become the Night wurde im Jahr 2022, auf dem Album “Scoring the End of the World” veröffentlicht.
Wer hat das Lied “We Become the Night” von Motionless in White komponiert?
Das Lied “We Become the Night” von Motionless in White wurde von Andrew Fulk, Chris Cerulli, Justin Deblieck, Justin Morrow, Mick Kenney, Richard Olson, Steve Sopchak komponiert.

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