Children of Zion
Children of Zion children of Zebulan
Children of Africa
Children of the world right now
Children, children we're
Calling onto you now
Children, children come forward in the future
Let's learn from the Elders
And teach one another (yeah)
Let's unite together
And love all our brothers (yeah)
Children of the world let's unite
And love all our brothers
Children of the world let's unite
And don't fuss nor fight
Children of Zion children of Zebulan
Children of Africa
Children of the world right now
Children, children we're calling
Onto you now
Children, children come forward in the future
Children of Zion children of Zebulan
Children of Africa
Children of the world right now
Children, children we're calling
Onto you now
Children, children come forward in the future
Children of the world let's unite
And love all our brothers
Children of the world let's unite
And don't fuss nor fight