Live For Christ

Ah Yo
Yo Yes
Here we go yo ah
Ha ha ha ha
Yeah man

Lord, do you still remember me?
We used to have a conversation
Like every week
Now it's only on the rare occasion
I tried fix my life but all
I got was abrasion
I think I said before
I'm sick of going round in circles
I'm getting sick of it
Like my face is turning purple
I've been dealing
With oppression on a major scale
Meaning that the Devil is on my tail
Deliver me from the snares of the enemy
He's not a friend to me
He wants me dead you see
He sent people in my life
To start telling me
To throw away the bible
Cause it ain't good for me
I know they're telling me lies
Because they don't want me
To serve Jesus Christ
Because he's the way
& the truth & the life
Yes he's coming back
Like a thief in the night

James 1 verse 8 this it
What says (yo yes)
A double minded man
Is unstable in his ways (woo)
There's only one me
& I've gotta live right
I don't wanna live for the Devil
I wanna live for Christ
I don't wanna live a double life
Because I wanna live for Christ
I don't wanna live a double life
Because I wanna live for Christ

Yo I wanna fully serve you Lord
No more living a double
Life coz I'm not a fraud
I couldn't live it anyway
Cause I'm in plain sight
Most of sinning was out
In broad daylight
Yes I said it Lord
I don't wanna be living a lie
And this lust of the flesh has to die
I'm only being honest about
Where I am at in my faith
I'm not saying it's okay
To be this way
I'm real sorry for living for Satan
And wishing death upon
Myself over dumb situations
I believe that I'm forgiven
And I'm praying for my health
Because I need to be delivered
I don't have anywhere that I can go
I dealt with rejection
That got me real low
I'm reaching my hand
To you don't let me go
And help me to not leave
The straight narrow road yo

James 1 verse 8
This it what says (yo yes)
A double minded man
Is unstable (woo) in his ways
There's only one me
& I've gotta live right
I don't wanna live for the Devil
I wanna live for Christ
I don't wanna live a double life
Because I wanna live for Christ
I don't wanna live a double life
Because I wanna live for Christ

I'm not gonna lie about faith
Cause I was on the broad road
I should slammed on the brakes
I should have reversed
Done a 3 point turn
And avoided the road in the first place
Cause I had a lot of demons
Coming after me
Lurking round my yard
Cause they didn't wanna leave
They better keep away from me
The Lord paid the price
For my sins there's the receipt
I'm still blocking half naked
Women on my Instagram
I don't wanna follow them OnlyFans
I can't play Drums
For a heavy metal rock band
Or sell my soul to Devil oh no man
I'm choosing to stay with the Lord
Devil get thee behind or under the floor
I mean what I say as I'm moving jaw
I've got the whole armour of God for this war

James 1 verse 8
This it what says (yo yes)
A double minded man
Is unstable in his ways (woo)
There's only one me
& I've gotta live right (ha ha ha ha)
I don't wanna live for the Devil
I wanna live for Christ (yo)
I don't wanna live a double life
Because I wanna live for Christ
I don't wanna live a double life
Because I wanna live for Christ

James 1 verse 8 this it what says
A double minded man
Is unstable in his ways
There's only one me
& I've gotta live right
I don't wanna live for the Devil
I wanna live for Christ
I don't wanna live a double life
Because I wanna live for Christ
I don't wanna live a double life
Because I wanna live for Christ

I also wanna say hallelujah
I also wanna say hallelujah
I also wanna say hallelujah
I also wanna say hallelujah
I also wanna say hallelujah
I also wanna say hallelujah
I also wanna say hallelujah
I also wanna say hallelujah

Yo Matthew chapter 6 verse 24
No man can serve two masters
For either he will hate the one
And love the other or else he will hold
To the one and despise the other
Ye cannot serve God and mammon
It's not my words it's the Lord's words
It's either God or the Devil
I choose to live for Jesus Christ
Yo yes

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