Brad Delson, Chester Bennington, David Farrell, Joseph Hahn, Mark Wakefield, Mike Shinoda, Robert Bourdon, Victoria Walker
I crashed my car right into a tree
I'd risk my life for a chance you'd come back to me (yeah)
You called 999 then left me to bleed
I know you'd never cause an accident for me
I'll count the stars tonight
So last Valentine's, you spent it away
To be with a girl you said you never saw that way
It hurts now to smile, it hurts more to breathe
It makes me so angry all I do is grit my teeth
I still let this man take over me
But I know that I'm not the one it should be
I should really take some time instead
To figure why this plays out again and again
I'll count the stars tonight
Whoa, whoa, whoa (night)
I crashed my car right into a tree
Ich habe mein Auto direkt gegen einen Baum gefahren
I'd risk my life for a chance you'd come back to me (yeah)
Ich würde mein Leben riskieren, für die Chance, dass du zu mir zurückkommst (ja)
You called 999 then left me to bleed
Du hast 999 angerufen und mich dann bluten lassen
I know you'd never cause an accident for me
Ich weiß, du würdest nie einen Unfall für mich verursachen
I'll count the stars tonight
Ich werde die Sterne heute Nacht zählen
So last Valentine's, you spent it away
Also letzten Valentinstag, hast du ihn woanders verbracht
To be with a girl you said you never saw that way
Mit einem Mädchen, von dem du sagtest, du hättest sie nie so gesehen
It hurts now to smile, it hurts more to breathe
Es tut jetzt weh zu lächeln, es tut mehr weh zu atmen
It makes me so angry all I do is grit my teeth
Es macht mich so wütend, dass ich nur die Zähne zusammenbeiße
I still let this man take over me
Ich lasse diesen Mann immer noch über mich bestimmen
But I know that I'm not the one it should be
Aber ich weiß, dass ich nicht diejenige sein sollte
I should really take some time instead
Ich sollte wirklich stattdessen etwas Zeit nehmen
To figure why this plays out again and again
Um herauszufinden, warum sich das immer wieder abspielt
I'll count the stars tonight
Ich werde die Sterne heute Nacht zählen
Whoa, whoa, whoa (night)
Whoa, whoa, whoa (Nacht)
I crashed my car right into a tree
Bati meu carro direto numa árvore
I'd risk my life for a chance you'd come back to me (yeah)
Arriscaria minha vida pela chance de você voltar para mim (sim)
You called 999 then left me to bleed
Você ligou para o 999 e depois me deixou sangrar
I know you'd never cause an accident for me
Eu sei que você nunca causaria um acidente para mim
I'll count the stars tonight
Vou contar as estrelas esta noite
So last Valentine's, you spent it away
Então, no último Dia dos Namorados, você passou longe
To be with a girl you said you never saw that way
Para estar com uma garota que você disse que nunca viu dessa maneira
It hurts now to smile, it hurts more to breathe
Dói agora sorrir, dói mais respirar
It makes me so angry all I do is grit my teeth
Isso me deixa tão irritado que tudo o que faço é cerrar os dentes
I still let this man take over me
Ainda deixo esse homem tomar conta de mim
But I know that I'm not the one it should be
Mas eu sei que eu não sou a pessoa que deveria ser
I should really take some time instead
Eu realmente deveria tirar algum tempo
To figure why this plays out again and again
Para entender por que isso se repete de novo e de novo
I'll count the stars tonight
Vou contar as estrelas esta noite
Whoa, whoa, whoa (night)
Whoa, whoa, whoa (noite)
I crashed my car right into a tree
Estrellé mi coche contra un árbol
I'd risk my life for a chance you'd come back to me (yeah)
Arriesgaría mi vida por la posibilidad de que volvieras a mí (sí)
You called 999 then left me to bleed
Llamaste al 999 y luego me dejaste sangrar
I know you'd never cause an accident for me
Sé que nunca causarías un accidente por mí
I'll count the stars tonight
Contaré las estrellas esta noche
So last Valentine's, you spent it away
Así que el último San Valentín, lo pasaste lejos
To be with a girl you said you never saw that way
Para estar con una chica que dijiste que nunca veías de esa manera
It hurts now to smile, it hurts more to breathe
Ahora duele sonreír, duele más respirar
It makes me so angry all I do is grit my teeth
Me hace tan enfadado que todo lo que hago es apretar los dientes
I still let this man take over me
Todavía dejo que este hombre se apodere de mí
But I know that I'm not the one it should be
Pero sé que no soy a quien debería ser
I should really take some time instead
Realmente debería tomarme un tiempo en su lugar
To figure why this plays out again and again
Para averiguar por qué esto se repite una y otra vez
I'll count the stars tonight
Contaré las estrellas esta noche
Whoa, whoa, whoa (night)
Whoa, whoa, whoa (noche)
I crashed my car right into a tree
J'ai écrasé ma voiture contre un arbre
I'd risk my life for a chance you'd come back to me (yeah)
Je risquerais ma vie pour une chance que tu reviennes vers moi (ouais)
You called 999 then left me to bleed
Tu as appelé le 999 puis tu m'as laissé saigner
I know you'd never cause an accident for me
Je sais que tu ne causerais jamais d'accident pour moi
I'll count the stars tonight
Je compterai les étoiles ce soir
So last Valentine's, you spent it away
Alors le dernier Saint-Valentin, tu l'as passé loin
To be with a girl you said you never saw that way
Pour être avec une fille que tu as dit ne jamais voir de cette façon
It hurts now to smile, it hurts more to breathe
Ça fait mal maintenant de sourire, ça fait plus mal de respirer
It makes me so angry all I do is grit my teeth
Ça me rend tellement en colère tout ce que je fais c'est serrer les dents
I still let this man take over me
Je laisse encore cet homme prendre le dessus sur moi
But I know that I'm not the one it should be
Mais je sais que je ne suis pas celle qui devrait l'être
I should really take some time instead
Je devrais vraiment prendre du temps à la place
To figure why this plays out again and again
Pour comprendre pourquoi cela se reproduit encore et encore
I'll count the stars tonight
Je compterai les étoiles ce soir
Whoa, whoa, whoa (night)
Whoa, whoa, whoa (nuit)
I crashed my car right into a tree
Ho schiantato la mia auto contro un albero
I'd risk my life for a chance you'd come back to me (yeah)
Rischerei la mia vita per una possibilità che tu tornassi da me (sì)
You called 999 then left me to bleed
Hai chiamato il 999 poi mi hai lasciato sanguinare
I know you'd never cause an accident for me
So che non causeresti mai un incidente per me
I'll count the stars tonight
Conto le stelle stasera
So last Valentine's, you spent it away
Così l'ultimo San Valentino, l'hai passato lontano
To be with a girl you said you never saw that way
Per stare con una ragazza che hai detto di non vedere in quel modo
It hurts now to smile, it hurts more to breathe
Fa male ora sorridere, fa più male respirare
It makes me so angry all I do is grit my teeth
Mi fa arrabbiare così tanto che tutto quello che faccio è digrignare i denti
I still let this man take over me
Lascio ancora che quest'uomo prenda il sopravvento su di me
But I know that I'm not the one it should be
Ma so che non sono io quella che dovrebbe essere
I should really take some time instead
Dovrei davvero prendermi del tempo invece
To figure why this plays out again and again
Per capire perché questo si ripete ancora e ancora
I'll count the stars tonight
Conto le stelle stasera
Whoa, whoa, whoa (night)
Whoa, whoa, whoa (notte)