Six Million Cock Stare
I wish trump was even half the fascist
As the degenerate protected classes
He should declare war on the united nations
Before they thoroughly destroy all our civilizations
I'm really tired of the worship of moloch
And all the little boys the jews want riding my cock
I'm tired of subsidizing zog enforced nog
I better go watch more cartoons and forget what i saw
We have to make sure pregnant men get abortions
As the cockroach boats scream across the oceans
Enjoy the fall and your enrichment too
Keep on jacking off to the electric jew
Stand in line, take your capeshit drugs
When we are all (((equal))) you won't need those guns
Demoralized by vibrants, you're under control
Watching your futures circle the toilet bowl
And when a sea of mud comes to rape your daughters
And all your sons are on puberty blockers
All the way from rotherham you can hear the laughter
Carried on the echo of the suicide bombers
We have to make sure pregnant men get abortions
As the cockroach boats scream across the oceans
Enjoy the fall and your enrichment too
Keep on jacking off to the electric jew
Stand in line, take your capeshit drugs
We are all (((equal))) you won't need those guns
Demoralized by vibrants, you're under control
Watching your futures circle the toilet bowl
Chasing the boogieman of carbon dioxide
Agenda 2030, nineteen eighty-four has arrived
It's easier to manipulate a rootless comrade
And those wildfires are a form of jihad