When we gone about tides
Each day survives less to hide
Seems like nothing freaks' out
Keeping them under control less now
It's not our fault right?
Rights seem to constantly die
With nature picking the fight
It's more to find then feature lies
Changing colours to mix our dimes
With cheep liquor less days survive
Pick our way past wall of cries
Now how could someone feel better
While near they reside
One of the reasons I left Beside
With hands are bound to spin
Don't think we'll have what lies with in
Tossing each night back to never
For never having to remember
With love it is an endeavor
I will take a crack at this
That means two before each new
Making it easier on us to see
What can really speak
so it doesn't clear up with all the need
Popping bubbles
Like they don't deserve this
It seems to be the lo
Closing the game before it starts