The Hooligan
She had her fill of people with a film of self-satisfaction taped all over their faces, just to hide their affliction
The well was dry, only muddy waters remained, drowning slowly the prophets self-ordained
The hooligan left her mark on the wall, she left her mark on the wall
Painted in red, it simply said, no go, no go, no go
With fatalism as ethos, she charged the world with pathos, only to hear the echoes, in the marble halls
She wanted to leave somewhere, but always ended up nowhere, tired of steering into the slide
Every new belief seemed only cannon fodder for the soul, sustenance for the tribal mind
A world where the playbook is, get them while they're young, be it for blind faith or firing a gun
The hooligan left her mark on the wall, she left her mark on the wall
Painted in red, it simply said, no go, no go, no go
A mass of a thousand faces, blind to the reality, a society of sheep screaming for land and liberty
The last fluke of an anchor, scraping the seabed, before the current swept away the boat misled
The hooligan left her mark on the wall, she left her mark on the wall
Painted in red, it simply said, no go, no go, no go…