i thought hell was hot.
Every time that I look in the mirror
I'm not really sure who's looking back
I don't even see how people listen
Everything I make is fucking whack
I appreciate it though because it helps
This depression shit is far from just a phase
I remember when we used to talk
Now you're lucky just to see my face
I don't really like to come around
People always just pissing me off
I don't even check my fucking texts
Now you're lucky if I even call
Honestly afraid of getting close
Every time I have its been a joke
Breathing in your love and then I choke
Tangled in the ties, I cut the rope
Maybe there's no meaning or a purpose
Maybe everything is fucking worthless
Maybe it's a waste I even wrote this
Guess I gotta keep my mental open
I don't see the point inside a lot
Me, myself, and I is all I got
Everyday I wake up and I rot
It's cold as fuck but I thought hell was hot
False fucking god, but the Devil's very real
[?], it all originated here
Everyone's so fucking stuck inside a lie that they were told was true
I decided fuck tradition because I know what it can do
Vast of dumb mistakes, I know I'm worthless, I can look at you
Maybe you're the one that needs a mental change of view