Absolved In Fire
When the burning rises
High to heaven
Scorched shall be the many
By dreadful fire
When then to all
Both just and sinful
Soul with body
Seek the creator's doom
There the 'blessed' shall be
Inside their space of exile
By their works encircled
Through their own deeds
As the fire burns
So, the sun kindles
And itself with it
After the flame
As the fire burns
So, the sun kindles
And itself with it
After the flame
Shall then be proved
The souls of men
Their vices burn
Through fire's bare heat
A death bed choose
This weary human course
Depart abject thence
Into the grip of dust
Damned for former deeds
Buried with clay
Death's embrace
Encircling they
As though the phoenix
A life anew
Of light and of comforts
Our souls are redeemed
A life anew
Our souls redeemed