Sustainable Development
I want to believe in the nobility of the human spirit
I want to believe the horrors we witness and the misery we feel is temporary
The manifestation of a dark demon's death rattle
A demon that has marched ruthlessly across the planet for far too long
I want to believe that we can no longer be seduced by it's false promises
And as a result, it has fallen, never to rise again
I want to believe that we will grant the beast a decent burial
And will show it the respect it does not deserve
I want to believe that we will mark its passing with the scattering of seeds
And in no way seek revenge as it would have wished
I want to believe that in our newfound glory no new beast will take its place
And we can stand alone
Proud, yet wise enough not to let this feeling lead to a fall
I want to believe that we can recognize each other
Befriend one another
Love one another
And be certain that these new feelings will grow
A gentle expanding universe with no boundaries
I want to believe that we will fully deserve our place in this new eden
I want to believe
I want to believe all of these things
I want to believe all of these things and more
But, you caught me at a bad moment and I can't (and I can't)