Steady As the Beating Drum

Alan Menken, Stephen Laurence Schwartz

Liedtexte Übersetzung

Hega hega yah-pi-ye-hega
Yah-pi-ye-he-he hega

Hega hega yah-pi-ye-hega
Yah-pi-ye-he-he hega

Steady as the beating drum
Singing to the cedar flute
Seasons Go and seasons Come
Bring the corn and bear the fruit

By the waters sweet and clean
Where the mighty sturgeon lives
Plant the squash and reap the bean
All the earth our mother gives

O Great Spirit, hear our song
Help us keep the ancient ways
Keep the sacred fire strong
Walk in balance all our days

Seasons go and seasons come
Steady as the beating drum
Plum to seed to bud to plum
(Hega hega yah-pi-ye hega)
Steady as the beating drum

Hega hega yam-pi-ye-hega
Yah-pi-ye-ne-he hega

Hega hega yam-pi-ye-hega
Yah-pi-ye-ne-he hega

Hega hega yah-pi-ye-hega
Hega hega yah-pi-ye-hega
Yah-pi-ye-he-he hega
Yah-pi-ye-he-he hega
Hega hega yah-pi-ye-hega
Hega hega yah-pi-ye-hega
Yah-pi-ye-he-he hega
Yah-pi-ye-he-he hega
Steady as the beating drum
Stetig wie die schlagende Trommel
Singing to the cedar flute
Singend zur Zederflöte
Seasons Go and seasons Come
Jahreszeiten kommen und gehen
Bring the corn and bear the fruit
Bring den Mais und trage die Frucht
By the waters sweet and clean
An den süßen und sauberen Gewässern
Where the mighty sturgeon lives
Wo der mächtige Stör lebt
Plant the squash and reap the bean
Pflanze den Kürbis und ernte die Bohne
All the earth our mother gives
Alles, was unsere Mutter Erde gibt
O Great Spirit, hear our song
O großer Geist, hör unser Lied
Help us keep the ancient ways
Hilf uns, die alten Wege zu bewahren
Keep the sacred fire strong
Halte das heilige Feuer stark
Walk in balance all our days
Gehe in Balance all unsere Tage
Seasons go and seasons come
Jahreszeiten kommen und gehen
Steady as the beating drum
Stetig wie die schlagende Trommel
Plum to seed to bud to plum
Pflaume zu Samen zu Knospe zu Pflaume
(Hega hega yah-pi-ye hega)
(Hega hega yah-pi-ye hega)
Steady as the beating drum
Stetig wie die schlagende Trommel
Hega hega yam-pi-ye-hega
Hega hega yam-pi-ye-hega
Yah-pi-ye-ne-he hega
Yah-pi-ye-ne-he hega
Hega hega yam-pi-ye-hega
Hega hega yam-pi-ye-hega
Yah-pi-ye-ne-he hega
Yah-pi-ye-ne-he hega
Hega hega yah-pi-ye-hega
Hega hega yah-pi-ye-hega
Yah-pi-ye-he-he hega
Yah-pi-ye-he-he hega
Hega hega yah-pi-ye-hega
Hega hega yah-pi-ye-hega
Yah-pi-ye-he-he hega
Yah-pi-ye-he-he hega
Steady as the beating drum
Firme como o tambor batendo
Singing to the cedar flute
Cantando para a flauta de cedro
Seasons Go and seasons Come
As estações vão e as estações vêm
Bring the corn and bear the fruit
Trazem o milho e dão o fruto
By the waters sweet and clean
Pelas águas doces e limpas
Where the mighty sturgeon lives
Onde o poderoso esturjão vive
Plant the squash and reap the bean
Plante a abóbora e colha o feijão
All the earth our mother gives
Tudo o que a nossa mãe terra dá
O Great Spirit, hear our song
Ó Grande Espírito, ouça nossa canção
Help us keep the ancient ways
Ajude-nos a manter os antigos caminhos
Keep the sacred fire strong
Mantenha o fogo sagrado forte
Walk in balance all our days
Caminhe em equilíbrio todos os dias
Seasons go and seasons come
As estações vão e as estações vêm
Steady as the beating drum
Firme como o tambor batendo
Plum to seed to bud to plum
Ameixa para semente, para broto, para ameixa
(Hega hega yah-pi-ye hega)
(Hega hega yah-pi-ye hega)
Steady as the beating drum
Firme como o tambor batendo
Hega hega yam-pi-ye-hega
Hega hega yam-pi-ye-hega
Yah-pi-ye-ne-he hega
Yah-pi-ye-ne-he hega
Hega hega yam-pi-ye-hega
Hega hega yam-pi-ye-hega
Yah-pi-ye-ne-he hega
Yah-pi-ye-ne-he hega
Hega hega yah-pi-ye-hega
Hega hega yah-pi-ye-hega
Yah-pi-ye-he-he hega
Yah-pi-ye-he-he hega
Hega hega yah-pi-ye-hega
Hega hega yah-pi-ye-hega
Yah-pi-ye-he-he hega
Yah-pi-ye-he-he hega
Steady as the beating drum
Constante como el tambor que late
Singing to the cedar flute
Cantando a la flauta de cedro
Seasons Go and seasons Come
Las estaciones van y las estaciones vienen
Bring the corn and bear the fruit
Traen el maíz y dan el fruto
By the waters sweet and clean
Por las aguas dulces y limpias
Where the mighty sturgeon lives
Donde vive el poderoso esturión
Plant the squash and reap the bean
Planta la calabaza y recoge el frijol
All the earth our mother gives
Todo lo que nuestra madre tierra da
O Great Spirit, hear our song
Oh Gran Espíritu, escucha nuestra canción
Help us keep the ancient ways
Ayúdanos a mantener las antiguas costumbres
Keep the sacred fire strong
Mantén el fuego sagrado fuerte
Walk in balance all our days
Caminar en equilibrio todos nuestros días
Seasons go and seasons come
Las estaciones van y las estaciones vienen
Steady as the beating drum
Constante como el tambor que late
Plum to seed to bud to plum
De ciruela a semilla a brote a ciruela
(Hega hega yah-pi-ye hega)
(Hega hega yah-pi-ye hega)
Steady as the beating drum
Constante como el tambor que late
Hega hega yam-pi-ye-hega
Hega hega yam-pi-ye-hega
Yah-pi-ye-ne-he hega
Yah-pi-ye-ne-he hega
Hega hega yam-pi-ye-hega
Hega hega yam-pi-ye-hega
Yah-pi-ye-ne-he hega
Yah-pi-ye-ne-he hega
Hega hega yah-pi-ye-hega
Hega hega yah-pi-ye-hega
Yah-pi-ye-he-he hega
Yah-pi-ye-he-he hega
Hega hega yah-pi-ye-hega
Hega hega yah-pi-ye-hega
Yah-pi-ye-he-he hega
Yah-pi-ye-he-he hega
Steady as the beating drum
Stable comme le tambour battant
Singing to the cedar flute
Chantant à la flûte de cèdre
Seasons Go and seasons Come
Les saisons vont et viennent
Bring the corn and bear the fruit
Apportez le maïs et portez le fruit
By the waters sweet and clean
Par les eaux douces et propres
Where the mighty sturgeon lives
Où vit le puissant esturgeon
Plant the squash and reap the bean
Plantez la courge et récoltez le haricot
All the earth our mother gives
Tout ce que notre mère la terre donne
O Great Spirit, hear our song
Ô Grand Esprit, écoute notre chanson
Help us keep the ancient ways
Aidez-nous à garder les anciennes voies
Keep the sacred fire strong
Gardez le feu sacré fort
Walk in balance all our days
Marchez en équilibre tous nos jours
Seasons go and seasons come
Les saisons vont et viennent
Steady as the beating drum
Stable comme le tambour battant
Plum to seed to bud to plum
De la prune à la graine à la bourgeon à la prune
(Hega hega yah-pi-ye hega)
(Hega hega yah-pi-ye hega)
Steady as the beating drum
Stable comme le tambour battant
Hega hega yam-pi-ye-hega
Hega hega yam-pi-ye-hega
Yah-pi-ye-ne-he hega
Yah-pi-ye-ne-he hega
Hega hega yam-pi-ye-hega
Hega hega yam-pi-ye-hega
Yah-pi-ye-ne-he hega
Yah-pi-ye-ne-he hega
Hega hega yah-pi-ye-hega
Hega hega yah-pi-ye-hega
Yah-pi-ye-he-he hega
Yah-pi-ye-he-he hega
Hega hega yah-pi-ye-hega
Hega hega yah-pi-ye-hega
Yah-pi-ye-he-he hega
Yah-pi-ye-he-he hega
Steady as the beating drum
Costante come il battito del tamburo
Singing to the cedar flute
Cantando al flauto di cedro
Seasons Go and seasons Come
Le stagioni vanno e le stagioni vengono
Bring the corn and bear the fruit
Portano il mais e danno il frutto
By the waters sweet and clean
Dalle acque dolci e pulite
Where the mighty sturgeon lives
Dove vive lo sturione potente
Plant the squash and reap the bean
Pianta la zucca e raccogli il fagiolo
All the earth our mother gives
Tutto ciò che la nostra madre terra dà
O Great Spirit, hear our song
O Grande Spirito, ascolta la nostra canzone
Help us keep the ancient ways
Aiutaci a mantenere gli antichi modi
Keep the sacred fire strong
Mantieni forte il fuoco sacro
Walk in balance all our days
Cammina in equilibrio tutti i nostri giorni
Seasons go and seasons come
Le stagioni vanno e le stagioni vengono
Steady as the beating drum
Costante come il battito del tamburo
Plum to seed to bud to plum
Da prugna a seme a germoglio a prugna
(Hega hega yah-pi-ye hega)
(Hega hega yah-pi-ye hega)
Steady as the beating drum
Costante come il battito del tamburo
Hega hega yam-pi-ye-hega
Hega hega yam-pi-ye-hega
Yah-pi-ye-ne-he hega
Yah-pi-ye-ne-he hega
Hega hega yam-pi-ye-hega
Hega hega yam-pi-ye-hega
Yah-pi-ye-ne-he hega
Yah-pi-ye-ne-he hega
Hega hega yah-pi-ye-hega
Hega hega yah-pi-ye-hega
Yah-pi-ye-he-he hega
Yah-pi-ye-he-he hega
Hega hega yah-pi-ye-hega
Hega hega yah-pi-ye-hega
Yah-pi-ye-he-he hega
Yah-pi-ye-he-he hega
Steady as the beating drum
Teguh seperti irama gendang
Singing to the cedar flute
Menyanyi untuk seruling cedar
Seasons Go and seasons Come
Musim datang dan musim pergi
Bring the corn and bear the fruit
Membawa jagung dan menghasilkan buah
By the waters sweet and clean
Di air yang manis dan bersih
Where the mighty sturgeon lives
Dimana sturgeon yang perkasa hidup
Plant the squash and reap the bean
Menanam labu dan memanen kacang
All the earth our mother gives
Semua bumi yang ibu kita berikan
O Great Spirit, hear our song
Oh Roh Agung, dengarkan lagu kami
Help us keep the ancient ways
Bantu kami menjaga cara kuno
Keep the sacred fire strong
Jaga api suci tetap menyala
Walk in balance all our days
Berjalan dengan seimbang sepanjang hari kita
Seasons go and seasons come
Musim datang dan musim pergi
Steady as the beating drum
Teguh seperti irama gendang
Plum to seed to bud to plum
Dari buah prem menjadi biji menjadi tunas menjadi buah prem
(Hega hega yah-pi-ye hega)
(Hega hega yah-pi-ye hega)
Steady as the beating drum
Teguh seperti irama gendang
Hega hega yam-pi-ye-hega
Hega hega yam-pi-ye-hega
Yah-pi-ye-ne-he hega
Yah-pi-ye-ne-he hega
Hega hega yam-pi-ye-hega
Hega hega yam-pi-ye-hega
Yah-pi-ye-ne-he hega
Yah-pi-ye-ne-he hega
Hega hega yah-pi-ye-hega
เฮกา เฮกา ยาห์-พี-เย-เฮกา
Yah-pi-ye-he-he hega
ยาห์-พี-เย-เฮ-เฮ เฮกา
Hega hega yah-pi-ye-hega
เฮกา เฮกา ยาห์-พี-เย-เฮกา
Yah-pi-ye-he-he hega
ยาห์-พี-เย-เฮ-เฮ เฮกา
Steady as the beating drum
Singing to the cedar flute
Seasons Go and seasons Come
Bring the corn and bear the fruit
By the waters sweet and clean
Where the mighty sturgeon lives
Plant the squash and reap the bean
All the earth our mother gives
O Great Spirit, hear our song
โอ้ วิญญาณยิ่งใหญ่ โปรดฟังเพลงของเรา
Help us keep the ancient ways
Keep the sacred fire strong
Walk in balance all our days
Seasons go and seasons come
Steady as the beating drum
Plum to seed to bud to plum
(Hega hega yah-pi-ye hega)
(เฮกา เฮกา ยาห์-พี-เย เฮกา)
Steady as the beating drum
Hega hega yam-pi-ye-hega
เฮกา เฮกา ยาม-พี-เย-เฮกา
Yah-pi-ye-ne-he hega
ยาห์-พี-เย-เน-เฮ เฮกา
Hega hega yam-pi-ye-hega
เฮกา เฮกา ยาม-พี-เย-เฮกา
Yah-pi-ye-ne-he hega
ยาห์-พี-เย-เน-เฮ เฮกา
Hega hega yah-pi-ye-hega
Hega hega yah-pi-ye-hega
Yah-pi-ye-he-he hega
Yah-pi-ye-he-he hega
Hega hega yah-pi-ye-hega
Hega hega yah-pi-ye-hega
Yah-pi-ye-he-he hega
Yah-pi-ye-he-he hega
Steady as the beating drum
Singing to the cedar flute
Seasons Go and seasons Come
Bring the corn and bear the fruit
By the waters sweet and clean
Where the mighty sturgeon lives
Plant the squash and reap the bean
All the earth our mother gives
O Great Spirit, hear our song
Help us keep the ancient ways
Keep the sacred fire strong
Walk in balance all our days
Seasons go and seasons come
Steady as the beating drum
Plum to seed to bud to plum
(Hega hega yah-pi-ye hega)
(Hega hega yah-pi-ye hega)
Steady as the beating drum
Hega hega yam-pi-ye-hega
Hega hega yam-pi-ye-hega
Yah-pi-ye-ne-he hega
Yah-pi-ye-ne-he hega
Hega hega yam-pi-ye-hega
Hega hega yam-pi-ye-hega
Yah-pi-ye-ne-he hega
Yah-pi-ye-ne-he hega

Wissenswertes über das Lied Steady As the Beating Drum von Alan Menken

Wann wurde das Lied “Steady As the Beating Drum” von Alan Menken veröffentlicht?
Das Lied Steady As the Beating Drum wurde im Jahr 1995, auf dem Album “Pocahontas” veröffentlicht.
Wer hat das Lied “Steady As the Beating Drum” von Alan Menken komponiert?
Das Lied “Steady As the Beating Drum” von Alan Menken wurde von Alan Menken, Stephen Laurence Schwartz komponiert.

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