
Alanis Morissette, Guy Sigsworth

Liedtexte Übersetzung

One day I'll find relief
I'll be arrived and I'll be a friend to my friends who know how to be friends

One day I'll be at peace
I'll be enlightened and I'll be married with children and maybe adopt

One day I will be healed
I will gather my wounds forge the end of tragic comedy

I have been running so sweaty my whole life
Urgent for a finish line
And I have been missing the rapture this whole time
Of being forever incomplete

One day, my mind will retreat, and I'll know God
And I'll be constantly one with her, night, dusk and day
One day, I'll be secure, like the women I see on their 30th anniversaries

I have been running so sweaty my whole life
Urgent for a finish line
And I have been missing the rapture this whole time
Of being forever incomplete

Ever unfolding
Ever expanding
Ever adventurous and torturous
But never done

One day, I will speak freely
I'll be less afraid
And measured outside of my poems and lyrics and art
One day I will be faith-filled
I'll be trusting and spacious authentic and grounded and whole

I have been running so sweaty my whole life
Urgent for a finish line
And I have been missing the rapture this whole time
Of being forever incomplete

One day I'll find relief
Eines Tages werde ich Erleichterung finden
I'll be arrived and I'll be a friend to my friends who know how to be friends
Ich werde angekommen sein und ein Freund für meine Freunde sein, die wissen, wie man Freunde ist
One day I'll be at peace
Eines Tages werde ich in Frieden sein
I'll be enlightened and I'll be married with children and maybe adopt
Ich werde erleuchtet sein und verheiratet mit Kindern und vielleicht adoptieren
One day I will be healed
Eines Tages werde ich geheilt sein
I will gather my wounds forge the end of tragic comedy
Ich werde meine Wunden sammeln und das Ende der tragischen Komödie schmieden
I have been running so sweaty my whole life
Ich bin mein ganzes Leben so verschwitzt gelaufen
Urgent for a finish line
Dringend auf eine Ziellinie
And I have been missing the rapture this whole time
Und ich habe die Verzückung die ganze Zeit verpasst
Of being forever incomplete
Von immer unvollständig zu sein
One day, my mind will retreat, and I'll know God
Eines Tages wird mein Geist sich zurückziehen, und ich werde Gott kennen
And I'll be constantly one with her, night, dusk and day
Und ich werde ständig eins mit ihr sein, Nacht, Dämmerung und Tag
One day, I'll be secure, like the women I see on their 30th anniversaries
Eines Tages werde ich sicher sein, wie die Frauen, die ich an ihrem 30. Jahrestag sehe
I have been running so sweaty my whole life
Ich bin mein ganzes Leben so verschwitzt gelaufen
Urgent for a finish line
Dringend auf eine Ziellinie
And I have been missing the rapture this whole time
Und ich habe die Verzückung die ganze Zeit verpasst
Of being forever incomplete
Von immer unvollständig zu sein
Ever unfolding
Immer entfaltend
Ever expanding
Immer erweiternd
Ever adventurous and torturous
Immer abenteuerlich und qualvoll
But never done
Aber nie fertig
One day, I will speak freely
Eines Tages werde ich frei sprechen
I'll be less afraid
Ich werde weniger ängstlich sein
And measured outside of my poems and lyrics and art
Und gemessen außerhalb meiner Gedichte und Liedtexte und Kunst
One day I will be faith-filled
Eines Tages werde ich voller Glauben sein
I'll be trusting and spacious authentic and grounded and whole
Ich werde vertrauensvoll und geräumig authentisch und geerdet und ganz sein
I have been running so sweaty my whole life
Ich bin mein ganzes Leben so verschwitzt gelaufen
Urgent for a finish line
Dringend auf eine Ziellinie
And I have been missing the rapture this whole time
Und ich habe die Verzückung die ganze Zeit verpasst
Of being forever incomplete
Von immer unvollständig zu sein
One day I'll find relief
Um dia encontrarei alívio
I'll be arrived and I'll be a friend to my friends who know how to be friends
Terei chegado e serei um amigo para meus amigos que sabem ser amigos
One day I'll be at peace
Um dia estarei em paz
I'll be enlightened and I'll be married with children and maybe adopt
Estarei iluminado e estarei casado com filhos e talvez adote
One day I will be healed
Um dia estarei curado
I will gather my wounds forge the end of tragic comedy
Reunirei minhas feridas forjando o fim da trágica comédia
I have been running so sweaty my whole life
Tenho corrido tão suado a minha vida inteira
Urgent for a finish line
Urgente por uma linha de chegada
And I have been missing the rapture this whole time
E tenho perdido o êxtase todo esse tempo
Of being forever incomplete
De ser eternamente incompleto
One day, my mind will retreat, and I'll know God
Um dia, minha mente recuará, e conhecerei Deus
And I'll be constantly one with her, night, dusk and day
E estarei constantemente unido a ela, noite, crepúsculo e dia
One day, I'll be secure, like the women I see on their 30th anniversaries
Um dia, estarei seguro, como as mulheres que vejo em seus 30º aniversários
I have been running so sweaty my whole life
Tenho corrido tão suado a minha vida inteira
Urgent for a finish line
Urgente por uma linha de chegada
And I have been missing the rapture this whole time
E tenho perdido o êxtase todo esse tempo
Of being forever incomplete
De ser eternamente incompleto
Ever unfolding
Sempre se desdobrando
Ever expanding
Sempre se expandindo
Ever adventurous and torturous
Sempre aventureiro e tortuoso
But never done
Mas nunca terminado
One day, I will speak freely
Um dia, falarei livremente
I'll be less afraid
Estarei menos assustado
And measured outside of my poems and lyrics and art
E medido fora de meus poemas e letras e arte
One day I will be faith-filled
Um dia estarei cheio de fé
I'll be trusting and spacious authentic and grounded and whole
Estarei confiante e espaçoso autêntico e aterrado e inteiro
I have been running so sweaty my whole life
Tenho corrido tão suado a minha vida inteira
Urgent for a finish line
Urgente por uma linha de chegada
And I have been missing the rapture this whole time
E tenho perdido o êxtase todo esse tempo
Of being forever incomplete
De ser eternamente incompleto
One day I'll find relief
Un día encontraré alivio
I'll be arrived and I'll be a friend to my friends who know how to be friends
Habré llegado y seré un amigo para mis amigos que saben cómo ser amigos
One day I'll be at peace
Un día estaré en paz
I'll be enlightened and I'll be married with children and maybe adopt
Estaré iluminado y estaré casado con hijos y quizás adopte
One day I will be healed
Un día estaré curado
I will gather my wounds forge the end of tragic comedy
Reuniré mis heridas forjando el fin de la tragicomedia
I have been running so sweaty my whole life
He estado corriendo tan sudoroso toda mi vida
Urgent for a finish line
Urgente por una línea de meta
And I have been missing the rapture this whole time
Y he estado perdiendo el rapto todo este tiempo
Of being forever incomplete
De ser siempre incompleto
One day, my mind will retreat, and I'll know God
Un día, mi mente se retirará, y conoceré a Dios
And I'll be constantly one with her, night, dusk and day
Y estaré constantemente uno con ella, noche, anochecer y día
One day, I'll be secure, like the women I see on their 30th anniversaries
Un día, estaré seguro, como las mujeres que veo en sus 30 aniversarios
I have been running so sweaty my whole life
He estado corriendo tan sudoroso toda mi vida
Urgent for a finish line
Urgente por una línea de meta
And I have been missing the rapture this whole time
Y he estado perdiendo el rapto todo este tiempo
Of being forever incomplete
De ser siempre incompleto
Ever unfolding
Siempre desplegándose
Ever expanding
Siempre expandiéndose
Ever adventurous and torturous
Siempre aventurero y tortuoso
But never done
Pero nunca terminado
One day, I will speak freely
Un día, hablaré libremente
I'll be less afraid
Tendré menos miedo
And measured outside of my poems and lyrics and art
Y seré medido fuera de mis poemas y letras y arte
One day I will be faith-filled
Un día estaré lleno de fe
I'll be trusting and spacious authentic and grounded and whole
Seré confiado y espacioso auténtico y arraigado y completo
I have been running so sweaty my whole life
He estado corriendo tan sudoroso toda mi vida
Urgent for a finish line
Urgente por una línea de meta
And I have been missing the rapture this whole time
Y he estado perdiendo el rapto todo este tiempo
Of being forever incomplete
De ser siempre incompleto
One day I'll find relief
Un jour, je trouverai un soulagement
I'll be arrived and I'll be a friend to my friends who know how to be friends
Je serai arrivé et je serai un ami pour mes amis qui savent être des amis
One day I'll be at peace
Un jour, je serai en paix
I'll be enlightened and I'll be married with children and maybe adopt
Je serai éclairé et je serai marié avec des enfants et peut-être adopter
One day I will be healed
Un jour, je serai guéri
I will gather my wounds forge the end of tragic comedy
Je rassemblerai mes blessures forge la fin de la comédie tragique
I have been running so sweaty my whole life
J'ai couru en sueur toute ma vie
Urgent for a finish line
Urgent pour une ligne d'arrivée
And I have been missing the rapture this whole time
Et j'ai manqué l'extase tout ce temps
Of being forever incomplete
D'être éternellement incomplet
One day, my mind will retreat, and I'll know God
Un jour, mon esprit se retirera, et je connaîtrai Dieu
And I'll be constantly one with her, night, dusk and day
Et je serai constamment un avec elle, nuit, crépuscule et jour
One day, I'll be secure, like the women I see on their 30th anniversaries
Un jour, je serai en sécurité, comme les femmes que je vois à leurs 30e anniversaires
I have been running so sweaty my whole life
J'ai couru en sueur toute ma vie
Urgent for a finish line
Urgent pour une ligne d'arrivée
And I have been missing the rapture this whole time
Et j'ai manqué l'extase tout ce temps
Of being forever incomplete
D'être éternellement incomplet
Ever unfolding
Toujours en évolution
Ever expanding
Toujours en expansion
Ever adventurous and torturous
Toujours aventureux et tortueux
But never done
Mais jamais terminé
One day, I will speak freely
Un jour, je parlerai librement
I'll be less afraid
Je serai moins effrayé
And measured outside of my poems and lyrics and art
Et mesuré en dehors de mes poèmes et paroles et art
One day I will be faith-filled
Un jour, je serai rempli de foi
I'll be trusting and spacious authentic and grounded and whole
Je serai confiant et spacieux authentique et ancré et entier
I have been running so sweaty my whole life
J'ai couru en sueur toute ma vie
Urgent for a finish line
Urgent pour une ligne d'arrivée
And I have been missing the rapture this whole time
Et j'ai manqué l'extase tout ce temps
Of being forever incomplete
D'être éternellement incomplet
One day I'll find relief
Un giorno troverò sollievo
I'll be arrived and I'll be a friend to my friends who know how to be friends
Sarò arrivata e sarò un'amica per i miei amici che sanno come essere amici
One day I'll be at peace
Un giorno sarò in pace
I'll be enlightened and I'll be married with children and maybe adopt
Sarò illuminata e sarò sposata con figli e forse adotterò
One day I will be healed
Un giorno sarò guarita
I will gather my wounds forge the end of tragic comedy
Raccoglierò le mie ferite forgiando la fine della tragica commedia
I have been running so sweaty my whole life
Ho corso così sudata tutta la mia vita
Urgent for a finish line
Urgente per un traguardo
And I have been missing the rapture this whole time
E ho perso l'estasi tutto questo tempo
Of being forever incomplete
Di essere per sempre incompleta
One day, my mind will retreat, and I'll know God
Un giorno, la mia mente si ritirerà, e conoscerò Dio
And I'll be constantly one with her, night, dusk and day
E sarò costantemente una con lei, notte, crepuscolo e giorno
One day, I'll be secure, like the women I see on their 30th anniversaries
Un giorno, sarò sicura, come le donne che vedo nei loro 30esimi anniversari
I have been running so sweaty my whole life
Ho corso così sudata tutta la mia vita
Urgent for a finish line
Urgente per un traguardo
And I have been missing the rapture this whole time
E ho perso l'estasi tutto questo tempo
Of being forever incomplete
Di essere per sempre incompleta
Ever unfolding
Sempre in evoluzione
Ever expanding
Sempre in espansione
Ever adventurous and torturous
Sempre avventurosa e tortuosa
But never done
Ma mai finita
One day, I will speak freely
Un giorno, parlerò liberamente
I'll be less afraid
Sarò meno spaventata
And measured outside of my poems and lyrics and art
E misurata al di fuori delle mie poesie e testi e arte
One day I will be faith-filled
Un giorno sarò piena di fede
I'll be trusting and spacious authentic and grounded and whole
Sarò fiduciosa e spaziosa autentica e radicata e intera
I have been running so sweaty my whole life
Ho corso così sudata tutta la mia vita
Urgent for a finish line
Urgente per un traguardo
And I have been missing the rapture this whole time
E ho perso l'estasi tutto questo tempo
Of being forever incomplete
Di essere per sempre incompleta
One day I'll find relief
Suatu hari aku akan merasa lega
I'll be arrived and I'll be a friend to my friends who know how to be friends
Aku akan tiba dan aku akan menjadi teman bagi teman-temanku yang tahu bagaimana menjadi teman
One day I'll be at peace
Suatu hari aku akan merasa damai
I'll be enlightened and I'll be married with children and maybe adopt
Aku akan tercerahkan dan aku akan menikah dengan anak-anak dan mungkin mengadopsi
One day I will be healed
Suatu hari aku akan sembuh
I will gather my wounds forge the end of tragic comedy
Aku akan mengumpulkan luka-lukaku dan mengakhiri tragedi komedi
I have been running so sweaty my whole life
Aku telah berlari begitu berkeringat sepanjang hidupku
Urgent for a finish line
Mendesak untuk sebuah garis finish
And I have been missing the rapture this whole time
Dan aku telah melewatkan kebahagiaan selama ini
Of being forever incomplete
Dari menjadi selamanya tidak lengkap
One day, my mind will retreat, and I'll know God
Suatu hari, pikiranku akan mundur, dan aku akan mengenal Tuhan
And I'll be constantly one with her, night, dusk and day
Dan aku akan selalu satu dengan Dia, malam, senja dan siang
One day, I'll be secure, like the women I see on their 30th anniversaries
Suatu hari, aku akan merasa aman, seperti wanita yang aku lihat di peringatan 30 tahun mereka
I have been running so sweaty my whole life
Aku telah berlari begitu berkeringat sepanjang hidupku
Urgent for a finish line
Mendesak untuk sebuah garis finish
And I have been missing the rapture this whole time
Dan aku telah melewatkan kebahagiaan selama ini
Of being forever incomplete
Dari menjadi selamanya tidak lengkap
Ever unfolding
Selalu berkembang
Ever expanding
Selalu meluas
Ever adventurous and torturous
Selalu petualangan dan menyiksa
But never done
Tapi tidak pernah selesai
One day, I will speak freely
Suatu hari, aku akan berbicara dengan bebas
I'll be less afraid
Aku akan kurang takut
And measured outside of my poems and lyrics and art
Dan diukur di luar puisi dan lirik dan seni ku
One day I will be faith-filled
Suatu hari aku akan penuh iman
I'll be trusting and spacious authentic and grounded and whole
Aku akan percaya dan luas otentik dan berakar dan utuh
I have been running so sweaty my whole life
Aku telah berlari begitu berkeringat sepanjang hidupku
Urgent for a finish line
Mendesak untuk sebuah garis finish
And I have been missing the rapture this whole time
Dan aku telah melewatkan kebahagiaan selama ini
Of being forever incomplete
Dari menjadi selamanya tidak lengkap
One day I'll find relief
I'll be arrived and I'll be a friend to my friends who know how to be friends
One day I'll be at peace
I'll be enlightened and I'll be married with children and maybe adopt
ฉันจะรู้สึกสติและฉันจะแต่งงานและมีลูก และอาจจะนำเด็กมาบุญญาติ
One day I will be healed
I will gather my wounds forge the end of tragic comedy
I have been running so sweaty my whole life
Urgent for a finish line
And I have been missing the rapture this whole time
Of being forever incomplete
One day, my mind will retreat, and I'll know God
วันหนึ่ง, จิตใจของฉันจะถอยหลัง, และฉันจะรู้จักพระเจ้า
And I'll be constantly one with her, night, dusk and day
และฉันจะอยู่กับเธออย่างต่อเนื่อง, กลางคืน, ค่ำคืนและกลางวัน
One day, I'll be secure, like the women I see on their 30th anniversaries
วันหนึ่ง, ฉันจะรู้สึกปลอดภัย, เหมือนผู้หญิงที่ฉันเห็นในวันครบรอบ 30 ปีของพวกเขา
I have been running so sweaty my whole life
Urgent for a finish line
And I have been missing the rapture this whole time
Of being forever incomplete
Ever unfolding
Ever expanding
Ever adventurous and torturous
But never done
One day, I will speak freely
วันหนึ่ง, ฉันจะพูดอย่างเสรี
I'll be less afraid
And measured outside of my poems and lyrics and art
One day I will be faith-filled
I'll be trusting and spacious authentic and grounded and whole
ฉันจะมีความไว้วางใจและกว้างขวาง ซื่อสัตย์และมั่นคงและสมบูรณ์
I have been running so sweaty my whole life
Urgent for a finish line
And I have been missing the rapture this whole time
Of being forever incomplete
One day I'll find relief
I'll be arrived and I'll be a friend to my friends who know how to be friends
One day I'll be at peace
I'll be enlightened and I'll be married with children and maybe adopt
One day I will be healed
I will gather my wounds forge the end of tragic comedy
I have been running so sweaty my whole life
Urgent for a finish line
And I have been missing the rapture this whole time
Of being forever incomplete
One day, my mind will retreat, and I'll know God
And I'll be constantly one with her, night, dusk and day
One day, I'll be secure, like the women I see on their 30th anniversaries
I have been running so sweaty my whole life
Urgent for a finish line
And I have been missing the rapture this whole time
Of being forever incomplete
Ever unfolding
Ever expanding
Ever adventurous and torturous
But never done
One day, I will speak freely
I'll be less afraid
And measured outside of my poems and lyrics and art
One day I will be faith-filled
I'll be trusting and spacious authentic and grounded and whole
I have been running so sweaty my whole life
Urgent for a finish line
And I have been missing the rapture this whole time
Of being forever incomplete

Wissenswertes über das Lied Incomplete von Alanis Morissette

Wann wurde das Lied “Incomplete” von Alanis Morissette veröffentlicht?
Das Lied Incomplete wurde im Jahr 2008, auf dem Album “Flavors Of Entanglement” veröffentlicht.
Wer hat das Lied “Incomplete” von Alanis Morissette komponiert?
Das Lied “Incomplete” von Alanis Morissette wurde von Alanis Morissette, Guy Sigsworth komponiert.

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