Every Movie’s a Circus
I read one of your stories
Wasn't it Scribner's some magazine
Title something with windows
It was "Blind Windows"
If that's what you mean
That's right i really liked it
I'm all warm and runny inside
Let me pitch it to Sheldrake
I may be broke but I still have my pride
Come on get off your high horse
Writers with pride don't live in LA silence
Exile and cunning
Those are the only cards you can play
Sheldrake won't buy this story
He likes trash with fairy lights
Jesus, think of the effort
Trying to get him to heighten his sights
Every movie's a circus
Can't we discuss this
Schwab's Thursday night?
What for? Nothing will happen
I gotta go now fight the good fight
What's the rush?
See those gorillas?
Yes, what about them?
Do me a terrific favor
Keep them amused while I escape
If you're at Schwab's on Thursday
Done look, those guys are after my car
If I lose that in this town
It's like having my legs cut off
Let's duck into the soundstage
Come on, Gillis, give us the keys
Shhh! Please be quiet
Mr deMille is shooting right over there
So what?
He's working on "Samson and Delilah"
- they're doing a red-hot
Scene with Hedy Lamarr you want
To stay and watch?
Relax, we got five minutes