Thrill Of It All


Liedtexte Übersetzung

Inclination of direction, walk the turned and twisted rift
With the children of creation futuristic dreams we sift
Clutching violently we whisper with a liquefying cry
Any deadly final answers that are surely doomed to die

Won't you help me Mr. Jesus, won't you tell me if you can?
When you see this world we live in, do you still believe in man?
If my songs become my freedom, and my freedom turns to gold
Then I'll ask the final question, if the answer could be sold

Well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it
'Cause I've got no reason to lie, yeah
Forget your problems that don't even exist
And I'll show you a way to get high, oh yeah
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah

So come along, you know you matter to me
Remember freedom is not hard to find, yeah
Time to stop all your messing around
Don't you think that I know my own mind, oh yeah
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah

Why can't you believe, it's not here to perceive
Do you always have to be told, yeah
For you have been taught that if your mind has been bought
Life's entire answer was sold, oh yeah
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah

Inclination of direction, walk the turned and twisted rift
Neigung der Richtung, gehe den gedrehten und verworrenen Riss
With the children of creation futuristic dreams we sift
Mit den Kindern der Schöpfung sieben wir futuristische Träume
Clutching violently we whisper with a liquefying cry
Wir flüstern gewaltsam mit einem verflüssigenden Schrei
Any deadly final answers that are surely doomed to die
Jegliche tödliche endgültige Antworten, die sicherlich zum Sterben verurteilt sind
Won't you help me Mr. Jesus, won't you tell me if you can?
Können Sie mir helfen, Herr Jesus, können Sie mir sagen, ob Sie können?
When you see this world we live in, do you still believe in man?
Wenn Sie diese Welt sehen, in der wir leben, glauben Sie immer noch an den Menschen?
If my songs become my freedom, and my freedom turns to gold
Wenn meine Lieder meine Freiheit werden und meine Freiheit zu Gold wird
Then I'll ask the final question, if the answer could be sold
Dann werde ich die endgültige Frage stellen, ob die Antwort verkauft werden könnte
Well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it
Nun, das ist meine Geschichte und ich bleibe dabei
'Cause I've got no reason to lie, yeah
Denn ich habe keinen Grund zu lügen, ja
Forget your problems that don't even exist
Vergessen Sie Ihre Probleme, die nicht einmal existieren
And I'll show you a way to get high, oh yeah
Und ich zeige Ihnen einen Weg, um high zu werden, oh ja
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
Oh ja, oh ja, oh ja
So come along, you know you matter to me
Also komm mit, du weißt, du bist mir wichtig
Remember freedom is not hard to find, yeah
Erinnere dich, Freiheit ist nicht schwer zu finden, ja
Time to stop all your messing around
Zeit, mit all deinem Herumalbern aufzuhören
Don't you think that I know my own mind, oh yeah
Glaubst du nicht, dass ich meinen eigenen Verstand kenne, oh ja
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
Oh ja, oh ja, oh ja
Why can't you believe, it's not here to perceive
Warum kannst du nicht glauben, es ist nicht hier zu erkennen
Do you always have to be told, yeah
Müssen Sie immer gesagt bekommen, ja
For you have been taught that if your mind has been bought
Denn man hat Ihnen beigebracht, dass wenn Ihr Verstand gekauft wurde
Life's entire answer was sold, oh yeah
Die gesamte Antwort des Lebens wurde verkauft, oh ja
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
Oh ja, oh ja, oh ja
Inclination of direction, walk the turned and twisted rift
Inclinação de direção, caminhe pela fenda torcida e retorcida
With the children of creation futuristic dreams we sift
Com os filhos da criação, peneiramos sonhos futuristas
Clutching violently we whisper with a liquefying cry
Agarrando violentamente, sussurramos com um grito liquefeito
Any deadly final answers that are surely doomed to die
Qualquer resposta final mortal que certamente está condenada a morrer
Won't you help me Mr. Jesus, won't you tell me if you can?
Você vai me ajudar, Sr. Jesus, você não vai me dizer se pode?
When you see this world we live in, do you still believe in man?
Quando você vê este mundo em que vivemos, você ainda acredita no homem?
If my songs become my freedom, and my freedom turns to gold
Se minhas canções se tornam minha liberdade, e minha liberdade se transforma em ouro
Then I'll ask the final question, if the answer could be sold
Então eu farei a pergunta final, se a resposta poderia ser vendida
Well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it
Bem, essa é a minha história e eu estou me apegando a ela
'Cause I've got no reason to lie, yeah
Porque eu não tenho motivo para mentir, sim
Forget your problems that don't even exist
Esqueça seus problemas que nem mesmo existem
And I'll show you a way to get high, oh yeah
E eu vou te mostrar uma maneira de ficar fora de si, oh sim
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
Oh sim, oh sim, oh sim
So come along, you know you matter to me
Então venha, você sabe que é importante para mim
Remember freedom is not hard to find, yeah
Lembre-se que a liberdade não é difícil de encontrar, sim
Time to stop all your messing around
Hora de parar com toda essa bagunça
Don't you think that I know my own mind, oh yeah
Você não acha que eu conheço meus próprios pensamentos? Oh sim
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
Oh sim, oh sim, oh sim
Why can't you believe, it's not here to perceive
Por que você não pode acreditar, não está aqui para perceber
Do you always have to be told, yeah
Você sempre tem que ser informado, sim
For you have been taught that if your mind has been bought
Pois você foi ensinado que se sua mente foi comprada
Life's entire answer was sold, oh yeah
A resposta inteira da vida foi vendida, oh sim
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
Oh sim, oh sim, oh sim
Inclination of direction, walk the turned and twisted rift
Inclinación de dirección, camina la grieta torcida y retorcida
With the children of creation futuristic dreams we sift
Con los hijos de la creación, tamizamos sueños futuristas
Clutching violently we whisper with a liquefying cry
Agarrándonos violentamente, susurramos con un grito licuante
Any deadly final answers that are surely doomed to die
Cualquier respuesta final mortal que seguramente está condenada a morir
Won't you help me Mr. Jesus, won't you tell me if you can?
¿No me ayudarás, Sr. Jesús, no me dirás si puedes?
When you see this world we live in, do you still believe in man?
Cuando ves este mundo en el que vivimos, ¿todavía crees en el hombre?
If my songs become my freedom, and my freedom turns to gold
Si mis canciones se convierten en mi libertad, y mi libertad se convierte en oro
Then I'll ask the final question, if the answer could be sold
Entonces haré la pregunta final, si la respuesta podría ser vendida
Well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it
Bueno, esa es mi historia y me apego a ella
'Cause I've got no reason to lie, yeah
Porque no tengo ninguna razón para mentir, sí
Forget your problems that don't even exist
Olvida tus problemas que ni siquiera existen
And I'll show you a way to get high, oh yeah
Y te mostraré una forma de embriagarte, oh sí
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
Oh sí, oh sí, oh sí
So come along, you know you matter to me
Así que ven, sabes que me importas
Remember freedom is not hard to find, yeah
Recuerda que la libertad no es difícil de encontrar, sí
Time to stop all your messing around
Es hora de dejar todas tus tonterías
Don't you think that I know my own mind, oh yeah
¿No crees que conozco mi propia mente, oh sí?
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
Oh sí, oh sí, oh sí
Why can't you believe, it's not here to perceive
¿Por qué no puedes creer, no está aquí para percibir
Do you always have to be told, yeah
¿Siempre tienes que ser informado, sí?
For you have been taught that if your mind has been bought
Porque se te ha enseñado que si tu mente ha sido comprada
Life's entire answer was sold, oh yeah
La respuesta completa de la vida fue vendida, oh sí
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
Oh sí, oh sí, oh sí
Inclination of direction, walk the turned and twisted rift
Inclinaison de direction, marche le rift tourné et tordu
With the children of creation futuristic dreams we sift
Avec les enfants de la création, nous tamisons les rêves futuristes
Clutching violently we whisper with a liquefying cry
Agrippant violemment, nous chuchotons avec un cri liquéfiant
Any deadly final answers that are surely doomed to die
Toutes les réponses finales mortelles qui sont sûrement condamnées à mourir
Won't you help me Mr. Jesus, won't you tell me if you can?
Ne m'aideras-tu pas, M. Jésus, ne me diras-tu pas si tu peux?
When you see this world we live in, do you still believe in man?
Quand tu vois ce monde dans lequel nous vivons, crois-tu encore en l'homme?
If my songs become my freedom, and my freedom turns to gold
Si mes chansons deviennent ma liberté, et ma liberté se transforme en or
Then I'll ask the final question, if the answer could be sold
Alors je poserai la question finale, si la réponse pourrait être vendue
Well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it
Eh bien, c'est mon histoire et je m'y tiens
'Cause I've got no reason to lie, yeah
Parce que je n'ai aucune raison de mentir, ouais
Forget your problems that don't even exist
Oubliez vos problèmes qui n'existent même pas
And I'll show you a way to get high, oh yeah
Et je vais vous montrer un moyen de vous élever, oh ouais
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
Oh ouais, oh ouais, oh ouais
So come along, you know you matter to me
Alors venez, vous savez que vous comptez pour moi
Remember freedom is not hard to find, yeah
Rappelez-vous que la liberté n'est pas difficile à trouver, ouais
Time to stop all your messing around
Il est temps d'arrêter tous vos désordres
Don't you think that I know my own mind, oh yeah
Ne pensez-vous pas que je connais mon propre esprit, oh ouais
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
Oh ouais, oh ouais, oh ouais
Why can't you believe, it's not here to perceive
Pourquoi ne pouvez-vous pas croire, ce n'est pas ici pour percevoir
Do you always have to be told, yeah
Faut-il toujours vous le dire, ouais
For you have been taught that if your mind has been bought
Car on vous a appris que si votre esprit a été acheté
Life's entire answer was sold, oh yeah
La réponse entière à la vie a été vendue, oh ouais
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
Oh ouais, oh ouais, oh ouais
Inclination of direction, walk the turned and twisted rift
Inclinazione di direzione, cammina la faglia girata e contorta
With the children of creation futuristic dreams we sift
Con i figli della creazione setacciamo sogni futuristici
Clutching violently we whisper with a liquefying cry
Aggrappandoci violentemente sussurriamo con un grido liquefacente
Any deadly final answers that are surely doomed to die
Qualsiasi risposta finale mortale che è sicuramente destinata a morire
Won't you help me Mr. Jesus, won't you tell me if you can?
Non mi aiuterai signor Gesù, non mi dirai se puoi?
When you see this world we live in, do you still believe in man?
Quando vedi questo mondo in cui viviamo, credi ancora nell'uomo?
If my songs become my freedom, and my freedom turns to gold
Se le mie canzoni diventano la mia libertà, e la mia libertà si trasforma in oro
Then I'll ask the final question, if the answer could be sold
Allora farò l'ultima domanda, se la risposta potrebbe essere venduta
Well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it
Beh, questa è la mia storia e ci sto attaccando
'Cause I've got no reason to lie, yeah
Perché non ho motivo di mentire, sì
Forget your problems that don't even exist
Dimentica i tuoi problemi che non esistono nemmeno
And I'll show you a way to get high, oh yeah
E ti mostrerò un modo per sballarti, oh sì
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
Oh sì, oh sì, oh sì
So come along, you know you matter to me
Quindi vieni, sai che conti per me
Remember freedom is not hard to find, yeah
Ricorda la libertà non è difficile da trovare, sì
Time to stop all your messing around
È ora di smettere di fare casino
Don't you think that I know my own mind, oh yeah
Non pensi che conosca la mia mente, oh sì
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
Oh sì, oh sì, oh sì
Why can't you believe, it's not here to perceive
Perché non riesci a credere, non è qui per essere percepito
Do you always have to be told, yeah
Devi sempre essere detto, sì
For you have been taught that if your mind has been bought
Perché ti è stato insegnato che se la tua mente è stata comprata
Life's entire answer was sold, oh yeah
La risposta intera della vita è stata venduta, oh sì
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
Oh sì, oh sì, oh sì
Inclination of direction, walk the turned and twisted rift
Kecenderungan arah, berjalanlah di retakan yang bengkok dan berliku
With the children of creation futuristic dreams we sift
Dengan anak-anak ciptaan, mimpi futuristik kita ayak
Clutching violently we whisper with a liquefying cry
Dengan kerasnya kita berbisik sambil menangis meleleh
Any deadly final answers that are surely doomed to die
Jawaban akhir yang mematikan yang pasti akan mati
Won't you help me Mr. Jesus, won't you tell me if you can?
Tidakkah kamu akan membantuku, Tuan Yesus, tidakkah kamu bisa memberitahuku?
When you see this world we live in, do you still believe in man?
Ketika kamu melihat dunia ini tempat kita hidup, apakah kamu masih percaya pada manusia?
If my songs become my freedom, and my freedom turns to gold
Jika laguku menjadi kebebasanku, dan kebebasanku berubah menjadi emas
Then I'll ask the final question, if the answer could be sold
Maka aku akan mengajukan pertanyaan terakhir, jika jawabannya bisa dijual
Well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it
Nah, itu ceritaku dan aku akan tetap pada itu
'Cause I've got no reason to lie, yeah
Karena aku tidak punya alasan untuk berbohong, ya
Forget your problems that don't even exist
Lupakan masalahmu yang bahkan tidak ada
And I'll show you a way to get high, oh yeah
Dan aku akan menunjukkanmu cara untuk menjadi tinggi, oh ya
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
Oh ya, oh ya, oh ya
So come along, you know you matter to me
Jadi ikutlah, kamu tahu kamu penting bagiku
Remember freedom is not hard to find, yeah
Ingat kebebasan tidak sulit untuk ditemukan, ya
Time to stop all your messing around
Saatnya berhenti bermain-main
Don't you think that I know my own mind, oh yeah
Tidakkah kamu pikir aku tahu pikiranku sendiri, oh ya
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
Oh ya, oh ya, oh ya
Why can't you believe, it's not here to perceive
Mengapa kamu tidak bisa percaya, itu tidak ada di sini untuk dipersepsi
Do you always have to be told, yeah
Apakah kamu selalu harus diberitahu, ya
For you have been taught that if your mind has been bought
Karena kamu telah diajarkan bahwa jika pikiranmu telah dibeli
Life's entire answer was sold, oh yeah
Seluruh jawaban hidup telah terjual, oh ya
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
Oh ya, oh ya, oh ya
Inclination of direction, walk the turned and twisted rift
ความโน้มเอียงของทิศทาง ก้าวเดินไปตามรอยแยกที่บิดเบี้ยวและพลิกผัน
With the children of creation futuristic dreams we sift
พร้อมกับบุตรหลานแห่งการสร้างสรรค์ ฝันอนาคตที่เราคัดกรอง
Clutching violently we whisper with a liquefying cry
กำลังกุมอย่างแรงกล้า เรากระซิบด้วยเสียงร้องที่กำลังละลาย
Any deadly final answers that are surely doomed to die
คำตอบสุดท้ายที่ร้ายแรง ซึ่งแน่นอนว่าจะต้องตาย
Won't you help me Mr. Jesus, won't you tell me if you can?
คุณจะช่วยผมได้ไหม คุณพระเยซู คุณจะบอกผมได้ไหม?
When you see this world we live in, do you still believe in man?
เมื่อคุณเห็นโลกที่เราอาศัยอยู่นี้ คุณยังเชื่อในมนุษย์อยู่ไหม?
If my songs become my freedom, and my freedom turns to gold
ถ้าเพลงของผมกลายเป็นเสรีภาพของผม และเสรีภาพของผมกลายเป็นทองคำ
Then I'll ask the final question, if the answer could be sold
แล้วผมจะถามคำถามสุดท้าย ถ้าคำตอบนั้นสามารถขายได้
Well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it
นั่นคือเรื่องราวของผม และผมยืนยันมัน
'Cause I've got no reason to lie, yeah
Forget your problems that don't even exist
And I'll show you a way to get high, oh yeah
และผมจะแสดงวิธีให้คุณเมามัน, โอ้ ใช่
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
โอ้ ใช่, โอ้ ใช่, โอ้ ใช่
So come along, you know you matter to me
มาด้วยกันสิ, คุณรู้ว่าคุณมีความสำคัญกับผม
Remember freedom is not hard to find, yeah
Time to stop all your messing around
Don't you think that I know my own mind, oh yeah
คุณไม่คิดว่าผมรู้ใจตัวเองหรือ, โอ้ ใช่
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
โอ้ ใช่, โอ้ ใช่, โอ้ ใช่
Why can't you believe, it's not here to perceive
ทำไมคุณไม่เชื่อ, มันไม่ได้อยู่ที่นี่เพื่อรับรู้
Do you always have to be told, yeah
For you have been taught that if your mind has been bought
Life's entire answer was sold, oh yeah
คำตอบทั้งหมดของชีวิตก็ถูกขายไป, โอ้ ใช่
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
โอ้ ใช่, โอ้ ใช่, โอ้ ใช่
Inclination of direction, walk the turned and twisted rift
With the children of creation futuristic dreams we sift
Clutching violently we whisper with a liquefying cry
Any deadly final answers that are surely doomed to die
Won't you help me Mr. Jesus, won't you tell me if you can?
When you see this world we live in, do you still believe in man?
If my songs become my freedom, and my freedom turns to gold
Then I'll ask the final question, if the answer could be sold
Well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it
'Cause I've got no reason to lie, yeah
Forget your problems that don't even exist
And I'll show you a way to get high, oh yeah
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
So come along, you know you matter to me
Remember freedom is not hard to find, yeah
Time to stop all your messing around
Don't you think that I know my own mind, oh yeah
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
Why can't you believe, it's not here to perceive
Do you always have to be told, yeah
For you have been taught that if your mind has been bought
Life's entire answer was sold, oh yeah
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah

Wissenswertes über das Lied Thrill Of It All von Black Sabbath

Wann wurde das Lied “Thrill Of It All” von Black Sabbath veröffentlicht?
Das Lied Thrill Of It All wurde im Jahr 1975, auf dem Album “Sabotage” veröffentlicht.
Wer hat das Lied “Thrill Of It All” von Black Sabbath komponiert?
Das Lied “Thrill Of It All” von Black Sabbath wurde von MICHAEL BUTLER, OZZY OSBOURNE, TONY IOMMI, WILLIAM WARD komponiert.

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