Sleeping Giant

John Petrucci, Jordan Rudess

Liedtexte Übersetzung

Some will be driven by conflict
Others will fight the good fight
Some will rely on the darkness
Some will rely on the light
Some elevate with compassion
Yearning for knowledge and peace
Some motivate through aggression
Selfishly serve their own needs

Shadows disappear at night
Buried out of fear
Driven underground
Hidden lies the rage inside
Like a ticking bomb
That doesn't make a sound

People will obsess
With suffering and death
Questioning their own desires
This morbid fascination
Renders us possessed
By our violent and destructive side

When we lay our armor down
Fragments of our love
Slip through the cracks of hate
But the raging storm below
Will never go away
If it is not embraced

Shadows disappear at night
Buried out of fear
Driven underground
Hidden lies the rage inside
Like a ticking bomb
That doesn't make a sound

Shadows disappear at night
Harmless as a dove
Clever like a snake
Hidden lies the rage inside
Like a sleeping giant
One we dare not wake

Standing under the eclipse
Are we sheltered and concealed
Or bathing in its glow?

Our desires and ambitions
And our need to believe
There is good in this world
Spin a common thread

Some will be driven by conflict
Einige werden durch Konflikte angetrieben
Others will fight the good fight
Andere werden den guten Kampf kämpfen
Some will rely on the darkness
Einige werden sich auf die Dunkelheit verlassen
Some will rely on the light
Einige werden sich auf das Licht verlassen
Some elevate with compassion
Einige erheben sich mit Mitgefühl
Yearning for knowledge and peace
Sehnen sich nach Wissen und Frieden
Some motivate through aggression
Einige motivieren durch Aggression
Selfishly serve their own needs
Bedienen egoistisch ihre eigenen Bedürfnisse
Shadows disappear at night
Schatten verschwinden in der Nacht
Buried out of fear
Aus Angst begraben
Driven underground
Hidden lies the rage inside
Verborgen liegt der Zorn im Inneren
Like a ticking bomb
Wie eine tickende Bombe
That doesn't make a sound
Die keinen Laut von sich gibt
People will obsess
Menschen werden besessen sein
With suffering and death
Mit Leiden und Tod
Questioning their own desires
Hinterfragen ihre eigenen Wünsche
This morbid fascination
Diese morbide Faszination
Renders us possessed
Macht uns besessen
By our violent and destructive side
Von unserer gewalttätigen und zerstörerischen Seite
When we lay our armor down
Wenn wir unsere Rüstung ablegen
Fragments of our love
Bruchstücke unserer Liebe
Slip through the cracks of hate
Rutschen durch die Risse des Hasses
But the raging storm below
Aber der tobende Sturm darunter
Will never go away
Wird niemals verschwinden
If it is not embraced
Wenn er nicht angenommen wird
Shadows disappear at night
Schatten verschwinden in der Nacht
Buried out of fear
Aus Angst begraben
Driven underground
Hidden lies the rage inside
Verborgen liegt der Zorn im Inneren
Like a ticking bomb
Wie eine tickende Bombe
That doesn't make a sound
Die keinen Laut von sich gibt
Shadows disappear at night
Schatten verschwinden in der Nacht
Harmless as a dove
Harmlos wie eine Taube
Clever like a snake
Schlau wie eine Schlange
Hidden lies the rage inside
Verborgen liegt der Zorn im Inneren
Like a sleeping giant
Wie ein schlafender Riese
One we dare not wake
Den wir nicht wecken dürfen
Standing under the eclipse
Stehen unter der Sonnenfinsternis
Are we sheltered and concealed
Sind wir geschützt und verborgen
Or bathing in its glow?
Oder baden wir in ihrem Schein?
Our desires and ambitions
Unsere Wünsche und Ambitionen
And our need to believe
Und unser Bedürfnis zu glauben
There is good in this world
Dass es Gutes in dieser Welt gibt
Spin a common thread
Spinnen einen gemeinsamen Faden
Some will be driven by conflict
Alguns serão movidos pelo conflito
Others will fight the good fight
Outros lutarão a boa luta
Some will rely on the darkness
Alguns confiarão na escuridão
Some will rely on the light
Alguns confiarão na luz
Some elevate with compassion
Alguns se elevam com compaixão
Yearning for knowledge and peace
Ansiando por conhecimento e paz
Some motivate through aggression
Alguns motivam através da agressão
Selfishly serve their own needs
Servem egoisticamente suas próprias necessidades
Shadows disappear at night
Sombras desaparecem à noite
Buried out of fear
Enterradas por medo
Driven underground
Conduzidas ao subterrâneo
Hidden lies the rage inside
Escondida está a raiva interior
Like a ticking bomb
Como uma bomba relógio
That doesn't make a sound
Que não faz um som
People will obsess
As pessoas vão se obcecar
With suffering and death
Com sofrimento e morte
Questioning their own desires
Questionando seus próprios desejos
This morbid fascination
Esta fascinação mórbida
Renders us possessed
Nos torna possuídos
By our violent and destructive side
Por nosso lado violento e destrutivo
When we lay our armor down
Quando deixamos nossa armadura
Fragments of our love
Fragmentos do nosso amor
Slip through the cracks of hate
Escorrem pelas rachaduras do ódio
But the raging storm below
Mas a tempestade furiosa abaixo
Will never go away
Nunca irá embora
If it is not embraced
Se não for abraçada
Shadows disappear at night
Sombras desaparecem à noite
Buried out of fear
Enterradas por medo
Driven underground
Conduzidas ao subterrâneo
Hidden lies the rage inside
Escondida está a raiva interior
Like a ticking bomb
Como uma bomba relógio
That doesn't make a sound
Que não faz um som
Shadows disappear at night
Sombras desaparecem à noite
Harmless as a dove
Inofensivas como uma pomba
Clever like a snake
Astutas como uma cobra
Hidden lies the rage inside
Escondida está a raiva interior
Like a sleeping giant
Como um gigante adormecido
One we dare not wake
Que não ousamos acordar
Standing under the eclipse
De pé sob o eclipse
Are we sheltered and concealed
Estamos abrigados e escondidos
Or bathing in its glow?
Ou banhando em seu brilho?
Our desires and ambitions
Nossos desejos e ambições
And our need to believe
E nossa necessidade de acreditar
There is good in this world
Que há bondade neste mundo
Spin a common thread
Tecem um fio comum
Some will be driven by conflict
Algunos serán impulsados por el conflicto
Others will fight the good fight
Otros lucharán la buena batalla
Some will rely on the darkness
Algunos confiarán en la oscuridad
Some will rely on the light
Algunos confiarán en la luz
Some elevate with compassion
Algunos se elevan con compasión
Yearning for knowledge and peace
Anhelando conocimiento y paz
Some motivate through aggression
Algunos motivan a través de la agresión
Selfishly serve their own needs
Sirven egoístamente a sus propias necesidades
Shadows disappear at night
Las sombras desaparecen en la noche
Buried out of fear
Enterradas por miedo
Driven underground
Impulsadas bajo tierra
Hidden lies the rage inside
Oculto yace la rabia interior
Like a ticking bomb
Como una bomba de tiempo
That doesn't make a sound
Que no hace ningún sonido
People will obsess
La gente se obsesionará
With suffering and death
Con el sufrimiento y la muerte
Questioning their own desires
Cuestionando sus propios deseos
This morbid fascination
Esta morbosa fascinación
Renders us possessed
Nos hace poseídos
By our violent and destructive side
Por nuestro lado violento y destructivo
When we lay our armor down
Cuando dejamos nuestra armadura
Fragments of our love
Fragmentos de nuestro amor
Slip through the cracks of hate
Se deslizan a través de las grietas del odio
But the raging storm below
Pero la tormenta furiosa debajo
Will never go away
Nunca se irá
If it is not embraced
Si no es abrazada
Shadows disappear at night
Las sombras desaparecen en la noche
Buried out of fear
Enterradas por miedo
Driven underground
Impulsadas bajo tierra
Hidden lies the rage inside
Oculto yace la rabia interior
Like a ticking bomb
Como una bomba de tiempo
That doesn't make a sound
Que no hace ningún sonido
Shadows disappear at night
Las sombras desaparecen en la noche
Harmless as a dove
Inofensivas como una paloma
Clever like a snake
Astutas como una serpiente
Hidden lies the rage inside
Oculto yace la rabia interior
Like a sleeping giant
Como un gigante dormido
One we dare not wake
Al que no nos atrevemos a despertar
Standing under the eclipse
De pie bajo el eclipse
Are we sheltered and concealed
¿Estamos protegidos y ocultos
Or bathing in its glow?
O bañándonos en su resplandor?
Our desires and ambitions
Nuestros deseos y ambiciones
And our need to believe
Y nuestra necesidad de creer
There is good in this world
Que hay bondad en este mundo
Spin a common thread
Hilan un hilo común
Some will be driven by conflict
Certains seront poussés par le conflit
Others will fight the good fight
D'autres se battront pour la bonne cause
Some will rely on the darkness
Certains se fieront à l'obscurité
Some will rely on the light
Certains se fieront à la lumière
Some elevate with compassion
Certains s'élèvent avec compassion
Yearning for knowledge and peace
Aspirant à la connaissance et à la paix
Some motivate through aggression
Certains motivent par l'agression
Selfishly serve their own needs
Servent égoïstement leurs propres besoins
Shadows disappear at night
Les ombres disparaissent la nuit
Buried out of fear
Enterrées par peur
Driven underground
Poussées sous terre
Hidden lies the rage inside
Cachée se trouve la rage intérieure
Like a ticking bomb
Comme une bombe à retardement
That doesn't make a sound
Qui ne fait pas de bruit
People will obsess
Les gens vont s'obséder
With suffering and death
Avec la souffrance et la mort
Questioning their own desires
Questionnant leurs propres désirs
This morbid fascination
Cette fascination morbide
Renders us possessed
Nous rend possédés
By our violent and destructive side
Par notre côté violent et destructeur
When we lay our armor down
Quand nous déposons notre armure
Fragments of our love
Des fragments de notre amour
Slip through the cracks of hate
Glissent à travers les fissures de la haine
But the raging storm below
Mais la tempête furieuse en dessous
Will never go away
Ne disparaîtra jamais
If it is not embraced
Si elle n'est pas acceptée
Shadows disappear at night
Les ombres disparaissent la nuit
Buried out of fear
Enterrées par peur
Driven underground
Poussées sous terre
Hidden lies the rage inside
Cachée se trouve la rage intérieure
Like a ticking bomb
Comme une bombe à retardement
That doesn't make a sound
Qui ne fait pas de bruit
Shadows disappear at night
Les ombres disparaissent la nuit
Harmless as a dove
Inoffensives comme une colombe
Clever like a snake
Rusées comme un serpent
Hidden lies the rage inside
Cachée se trouve la rage intérieure
Like a sleeping giant
Comme un géant endormi
One we dare not wake
Que nous n'osons pas réveiller
Standing under the eclipse
Se tenant sous l'éclipse
Are we sheltered and concealed
Sommes-nous abrités et dissimulés
Or bathing in its glow?
Ou baignons-nous dans sa lueur?
Our desires and ambitions
Nos désirs et ambitions
And our need to believe
Et notre besoin de croire
There is good in this world
Qu'il y a du bien dans ce monde
Spin a common thread
Tissent un fil commun
Some will be driven by conflict
Alcuni saranno guidati dal conflitto
Others will fight the good fight
Altri combatteranno la buona battaglia
Some will rely on the darkness
Alcuni si affideranno all'oscurità
Some will rely on the light
Alcuni si affideranno alla luce
Some elevate with compassion
Alcuni si elevano con compassione
Yearning for knowledge and peace
Anelando alla conoscenza e alla pace
Some motivate through aggression
Alcuni motivano attraverso l'aggressione
Selfishly serve their own needs
Servono egoisticamente i loro bisogni
Shadows disappear at night
Le ombre scompaiono di notte
Buried out of fear
Sepolte per paura
Driven underground
Guidate sottoterra
Hidden lies the rage inside
Nascosto giace la rabbia dentro
Like a ticking bomb
Come una bomba a orologeria
That doesn't make a sound
Che non fa un suono
People will obsess
Le persone saranno ossessionate
With suffering and death
Con sofferenza e morte
Questioning their own desires
Interrogando i loro stessi desideri
This morbid fascination
Questa morbosa fascinazione
Renders us possessed
Ci rende posseduti
By our violent and destructive side
Dal nostro lato violento e distruttivo
When we lay our armor down
Quando deporremo la nostra armatura
Fragments of our love
Frammenti del nostro amore
Slip through the cracks of hate
Scivolano attraverso le crepe dell'odio
But the raging storm below
Ma la tempesta furiosa sotto
Will never go away
Non andrà mai via
If it is not embraced
Se non viene abbracciata
Shadows disappear at night
Le ombre scompaiono di notte
Buried out of fear
Sepolte per paura
Driven underground
Guidate sottoterra
Hidden lies the rage inside
Nascosto giace la rabbia dentro
Like a ticking bomb
Come una bomba a orologeria
That doesn't make a sound
Che non fa un suono
Shadows disappear at night
Le ombre scompaiono di notte
Harmless as a dove
Innocue come una colomba
Clever like a snake
Astute come un serpente
Hidden lies the rage inside
Nascosto giace la rabbia dentro
Like a sleeping giant
Come un gigante addormentato
One we dare not wake
Che non osiamo svegliare
Standing under the eclipse
In piedi sotto l'eclissi
Are we sheltered and concealed
Siamo riparati e nascosti
Or bathing in its glow?
O ci stiamo bagnando nel suo bagliore?
Our desires and ambitions
I nostri desideri e ambizioni
And our need to believe
E il nostro bisogno di credere
There is good in this world
Che c'è del bene in questo mondo
Spin a common thread
Filano un filo comune

Wissenswertes über das Lied Sleeping Giant von Dream Theater

Wann wurde das Lied “Sleeping Giant” von Dream Theater veröffentlicht?
Das Lied Sleeping Giant wurde im Jahr 2021, auf dem Album “A View From the Top of the World” veröffentlicht.
Wer hat das Lied “Sleeping Giant” von Dream Theater komponiert?
Das Lied “Sleeping Giant” von Dream Theater wurde von John Petrucci, Jordan Rudess komponiert.

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