Una Rosa Blanca

Casado Ernesto Lecuona, Jose Angel Lopez-Nussa

Liedtexte Übersetzung

Coltivo una rosa blanca
In his famous, in his most famous poem
José Martí made this offering of friendship and peace
To both his friend and his enemy
Today, as the President of the United States of America
I offer, the Cuban people, el saludo de paz

Coltivo una rosa blanca
Ich züchte eine weiße Rose
In his famous, in his most famous poem
In seinem berühmten, in seinem bekanntesten Gedicht
José Martí made this offering of friendship and peace
machte José Martí dieses Angebot von Freundschaft und Frieden
To both his friend and his enemy
Sowohl seinem Freund als auch seinem Feind
Today, as the President of the United States of America
Heute, als der Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika
I offer, the Cuban people, el saludo de paz
biete ich, dem kubanischen Volk, den Friedensgruß an
Coltivo una rosa blanca
Cultivo uma rosa branca
In his famous, in his most famous poem
Em seu famoso, em seu poema mais famoso
José Martí made this offering of friendship and peace
José Martí fez esta oferta de amizade e paz
To both his friend and his enemy
Tanto para seu amigo quanto para seu inimigo
Today, as the President of the United States of America
Hoje, como Presidente dos Estados Unidos da América
I offer, the Cuban people, el saludo de paz
Ofereço, ao povo cubano, o saudação de paz
Coltivo una rosa blanca
Cultivo una rosa blanca
In his famous, in his most famous poem
En su famoso, en su poema más famoso
José Martí made this offering of friendship and peace
José Martí hizo esta ofrenda de amistad y paz
To both his friend and his enemy
Tanto a su amigo como a su enemigo
Today, as the President of the United States of America
Hoy, como el Presidente de los Estados Unidos de América
I offer, the Cuban people, el saludo de paz
Ofrezco, al pueblo cubano, el saludo de paz
Coltivo una rosa blanca
Je cultive une rose blanche
In his famous, in his most famous poem
Dans son poème le plus célèbre, dans son poème le plus renommé
José Martí made this offering of friendship and peace
José Martí a fait cette offrande d'amitié et de paix
To both his friend and his enemy
À la fois à son ami et à son ennemi
Today, as the President of the United States of America
Aujourd'hui, en tant que Président des États-Unis d'Amérique
I offer, the Cuban people, el saludo de paz
J'offre, au peuple cubain, le salut de paix
Coltivo una rosa blanca
Coltivo una rosa bianca
In his famous, in his most famous poem
Nella sua famosa, nella sua poesia più famosa
José Martí made this offering of friendship and peace
José Martí ha fatto questa offerta di amicizia e pace
To both his friend and his enemy
Sia al suo amico che al suo nemico
Today, as the President of the United States of America
Oggi, come Presidente degli Stati Uniti d'America
I offer, the Cuban people, el saludo de paz
Offro, al popolo cubano, il saluto di pace

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