Mic Mac
Meen ajassa taaksepäin
Mutta onneksi ne ajat taakse jäi
Olin merkillinen enkä esimerkillinen
Käyttäytymisen alkeet jäi hei
Oli rasavillin elkeet
Katoin Smackdownii TV:st
Ja otin mittaa mun isoveljest
Meno epätervet
Tuolit lens minkä kerkes
Kavereiden kesken
Olin pieni ja paskiainen
Alakoulun penkillä laiskiainen
Poden vielki morkkist
Ja henki haisee siit tupakin maistiaisesta
Ja niist muutamast katkonaisest muistosta
Ne vielki hävettää
Ei muisteta pahalla
Ku tuut vastaa
Unohdetaa menneet ja halataa
Soratie jäi taakse ja saavuin mummolaan
Menin olohuoneeseen odottaa tuoretta pullaa uunista
Odotellessa piirongista hain sen
Albumin virkistämään muistojain lapsuudestain
Jolloin meil oli päällä Mic Maccii
Oltii Mic Macci jätkii
Jolloin meil oli päällä Mic Maccii
Oltii Mic Macci jätkii
Ei ollu värillä väliä kuhan fit oli fättii
Mic! Mac! Fit! Fat!
Taas ajassa taaksepäin
Mun suuri suu sai isommat pojat ravistelee
Olin pihapelien Jarkko Ruutu
Leuka tummu ku pojan nassikat taistelee
En alkanu aristelee
Jos piti frendi tempun takii tuikata tulee
Enkä astella heikoil jäillä
Jonka johdosta mummo sai kuivata kuteet
Jotain samaa on faijas ja mussa
Ei omena parka pudonnu kauas puusta
Mutta sillon ku putosin ni tuhosin mun ranteen
Ihan tuusannuuskaks
Vielki Habboo on kiinni portit
Mä palautan pöllityt pokemonkortit
Ei muisteta pahalla
Ku tuut vastaa unohdetaa menneet ja halataa
Soratie jäi taakse ja saavuin mummolaan
Menin olohuoneeseen odottaa tuoretta pullaa uunista
Odotellessa piirongista hain sen
Albumin virkistämään muistojain lapsuudestain
Jolloin meil oli päällä Mic Maccii
Oltii Mic Macci jätkii
Jolloin meil oli päällä Mic Maccii
Oltii Mic Macci jätkii
Ei ollu värillä väliä kuhan fit oli fättii
Ei ollu värillä väliä kuhan fit oli fättii
Ja ku mentiin liian pitkälle läppienkaa
Istuttiin jälki-istunnossa Mic Macci jätkien kaa
Ei ollu värillä väliä kuhan fit oli fättii
Mic! Mac! Fit! Fat!
Mic, Mac!
Oltiin Mic Macci jätkii
Fit, Fat!
Oltiin Mic Macci jätkii
Ei ollu värillä väliä kuhan fit oli fättii
Mic! Mac! Fit! Fat!
Mic, Mac!
Oltiin Mic Macci jätkii
Fit, Fat!
Oltiin Mic Macci jätkii
Ei ollu värillä väliä kuhan fit oli fättii
Mic! Mac! Fit! Fat!
I'm going back in time but thank god those days are over and long gone
I was odd, not at all what one would call exemplary: no room for the rudiments of polite demeanor, hey!
The shenanigans of a rascal, I watched Smackdown on TV and butted heads with my big brother (ouch)
Unhinged actions, throwing hands and chairs with my friends whenever we had extra time (ow)
I was small and a shithead, a child lazing around in the back of the primary school class
Still hungover by regret as my breath stinks from that one time we tried cigarettes (ew)
And thosе few fragmentary memoriеs, they still make me cringe
No hard feelings once we see each other again, alright? Let's just forget the past and hug
The gravel road was left behind as I arrived at grandma's place (aa-ha-hah)
The fresh batch of sweet buns hadn't finished baking so I went ahead to wait in her living room (aa-ha-hah)
And I grabbed it from the bureau to kill some time (aa-aa-ha)
The photo album to refresh those precious memories from my childhood
Back when we were wearing Mic Mac, we were Mic Mac bros (hey)
Back when we were wearing Mic Mac, we were Mic Mac bros
No matter the color as long as we had drip
Mic! (mic) Mac! (mac) Fit! (fit) Fat! (fat)
Mic! (mic) Mac! (mac) Fit! (fit) Fat! (fat)
Once again, going back in time, my big mouth made the big boys angry
I was the Jarkko Ruutu of the kids in the neighborhood
As the little brats scuffle, some are bound to get a bruise or two (Fight!)
I wasn't the one to shy away from putting the blame on my friends after a prank gone wrong (nope)
I wasn't afraid of stepping on thin ice either but after that grandma got to dry my clothes out (ugh)
I somehow resemble my father; poor apple, it didn't fall far from the tree (no)
But when I fell, I broke my wrist into a thousand pieces
I'm still permabanned from Habbo Hotel, I'll return the stolen Pokémon cards (yeah)
No hard feelings once we see each other again, alright? Let's just forget the past and hug
The gravel road was left behind as I arrived at grandma's place (aa-ha-hah)
The fresh batch of sweet buns hadn't finished baking so I went ahead to wait in her living room (aa-ha-hah)
And I grabbed it from the bureau to kill some time (aa-aa-ha)
The photo album to refresh those precious memories from my childhood
Back when we were wearing Mic Mac, we were Mic Mac bros (hey)
Back when we were wearing Mic Mac, we were Mic Mac bros
No matter the color as long as we had drip
No matter the color as long as we had drip
And when we went too far with our jokes
We sat around in detention with the Mic Mac bros
(Mic Mac!)
No matter the color as long as we had drip
Mic! (mic) Mac! (mac) Fit! (fat) Fat! (fat)
Mic! (mic) Mac! (mac)
We were Mic Mac bros (bros)
Fit! (fit) Fat! (fat)
We were Mic Mac bros
No matter the color as long as we had drip
Mic! (mic) Mac! (mac) Fit! (fat) Fat! (fat)
Mic! (mic) Mac! (mac)
We were Mic Mac bros (bros)
Fit! (fit) Fat! (fat)
We were Mic Mac bros
(Mic Mac)
No matter the color as long as we had drip
Mic! (mic) Mac! (mac) Fit!(fit) Fat!