She Is My Sin [Live At Wacken 2013]


Liedtexte Übersetzung

Take heed, dear heart once apart
She can touch nor me nor you
Dressed as one a wolf will betray a lamb

Lead astray the gazers
The razors on your seducing skin
In the meadow of sinful thoughts
Every flower's a perfect one

To paradise with pleasure haunted
Haunted by fear

A sin for him
Desire within, desire within
A burning veil
For the bride too dear for him
A sin for him
Desire within, desire within
Fall in love with your deep dark sin

I am the fallen
You are what my sins enclose
Lust is not as creative as its discovery

To paradise with pleasure haunted
Haunted by fear

A sin for him
Desire within, desire within
A burning veil
For the bride too dear for him
A sin for him
Desire within, desire within
Fall in love with your deep dark sin

Bless me, undress me
Pick your prey in a wicked way
God, I must confess, I do envy the sinners

A sin for him
Desire within
A burning veil
For the bride too dear for him
A sin for him
Desire within, desire within
For the bride too dear for him
A sin for him
Desire within, desire within
Fall in love with your deep dark sin

Take heed, dear heart once apart
Nimm dich in Acht, liebes Herz, einmal getrennt
She can touch nor me nor you
Sie kann weder mich noch dich berühren
Dressed as one a wolf will betray a lamb
Gekleidet als einer wird ein Wolf ein Lamm verraten
Lead astray the gazers
Führe die Betrachter in die Irre
The razors on your seducing skin
Die Rasierklingen auf deiner verführerischen Haut
In the meadow of sinful thoughts
In der Wiese der sündigen Gedanken
Every flower's a perfect one
Jede Blume ist eine perfekte
To paradise with pleasure haunted
Ins Paradies mit Vergnügen verfolgt
Haunted by fear
Verfolgt von Angst
A sin for him
Eine Sünde für ihn
Desire within, desire within
Verlangen in ihm, Verlangen in ihm
A burning veil
Ein brennender Schleier
For the bride too dear for him
Für die Braut, die ihm zu teuer ist
A sin for him
Eine Sünde für ihn
Desire within, desire within
Verlangen in ihm, Verlangen in ihm
Fall in love with your deep dark sin
Verliebe dich in deine tiefe dunkle Sünde
I am the fallen
Ich bin der Gefallene
You are what my sins enclose
Du bist, was meine Sünden einschließen
Lust is not as creative as its discovery
Lust ist nicht so kreativ wie ihre Entdeckung
To paradise with pleasure haunted
Ins Paradies mit Vergnügen verfolgt
Haunted by fear
Verfolgt von Angst
A sin for him
Eine Sünde für ihn
Desire within, desire within
Verlangen in ihm, Verlangen in ihm
A burning veil
Ein brennender Schleier
For the bride too dear for him
Für die Braut, die ihm zu teuer ist
A sin for him
Eine Sünde für ihn
Desire within, desire within
Verlangen in ihm, Verlangen in ihm
Fall in love with your deep dark sin
Verliebe dich in deine tiefe dunkle Sünde
Bless me, undress me
Segne mich, entkleide mich
Pick your prey in a wicked way
Wähle deine Beute auf eine böse Weise
God, I must confess, I do envy the sinners
Gott, ich muss gestehen, ich beneide die Sünder
A sin for him
Eine Sünde für ihn
Desire within
Verlangen in ihm
A burning veil
Ein brennender Schleier
For the bride too dear for him
Für die Braut, die ihm zu teuer ist
A sin for him
Eine Sünde für ihn
Desire within, desire within
Verlangen in ihm, Verlangen in ihm
For the bride too dear for him
Für die Braut, die ihm zu teuer ist
A sin for him
Eine Sünde für ihn
Desire within, desire within
Verlangen in ihm, Verlangen in ihm
Fall in love with your deep dark sin
Verliebe dich in deine tiefe dunkle Sünde
Take heed, dear heart once apart
Preste atenção, querido coração uma vez separado
She can touch nor me nor you
Ela não pode tocar nem a mim nem a você
Dressed as one a wolf will betray a lamb
Vestido como um, um lobo trairá um cordeiro
Lead astray the gazers
Desviar os olhares
The razors on your seducing skin
As navalhas em sua pele sedutora
In the meadow of sinful thoughts
No prado dos pensamentos pecaminosos
Every flower's a perfect one
Cada flor é uma perfeita
To paradise with pleasure haunted
Para o paraíso com prazer assombrado
Haunted by fear
Assombrado pelo medo
A sin for him
Um pecado para ele
Desire within, desire within
Desejo dentro, desejo dentro
A burning veil
Um véu ardente
For the bride too dear for him
Para a noiva muito cara para ele
A sin for him
Um pecado para ele
Desire within, desire within
Desejo dentro, desejo dentro
Fall in love with your deep dark sin
Apaixone-se pelo seu pecado escuro e profundo
I am the fallen
Eu sou o caído
You are what my sins enclose
Você é o que meus pecados encerram
Lust is not as creative as its discovery
A luxúria não é tão criativa quanto sua descoberta
To paradise with pleasure haunted
Para o paraíso com prazer assombrado
Haunted by fear
Assombrado pelo medo
A sin for him
Um pecado para ele
Desire within, desire within
Desejo dentro, desejo dentro
A burning veil
Um véu ardente
For the bride too dear for him
Para a noiva muito cara para ele
A sin for him
Um pecado para ele
Desire within, desire within
Desejo dentro, desejo dentro
Fall in love with your deep dark sin
Apaixone-se pelo seu pecado escuro e profundo
Bless me, undress me
Abençoe-me, desvista-me
Pick your prey in a wicked way
Escolha sua presa de uma maneira perversa
God, I must confess, I do envy the sinners
Deus, eu devo confessar, eu invejo os pecadores
A sin for him
Um pecado para ele
Desire within
Desejo dentro
A burning veil
Um véu ardente
For the bride too dear for him
Para a noiva muito cara para ele
A sin for him
Um pecado para ele
Desire within, desire within
Desejo dentro, desejo dentro
For the bride too dear for him
Para a noiva muito cara para ele
A sin for him
Um pecado para ele
Desire within, desire within
Desejo dentro, desejo dentro
Fall in love with your deep dark sin
Apaixone-se pelo seu pecado escuro e profundo
Take heed, dear heart once apart
Ten cuidado, querido corazón una vez separado
She can touch nor me nor you
Ella no puede tocarme ni a mí ni a ti
Dressed as one a wolf will betray a lamb
Vestido como uno, un lobo traicionará a un cordero
Lead astray the gazers
Desvía a los observadores
The razors on your seducing skin
Las navajas en tu piel seductora
In the meadow of sinful thoughts
En el prado de pensamientos pecaminosos
Every flower's a perfect one
Cada flor es perfecta
To paradise with pleasure haunted
Al paraíso con placer atormentado
Haunted by fear
Atormentado por el miedo
A sin for him
Un pecado para él
Desire within, desire within
Deseo dentro, deseo dentro
A burning veil
Un velo ardiente
For the bride too dear for him
Para la novia demasiado cara para él
A sin for him
Un pecado para él
Desire within, desire within
Deseo dentro, deseo dentro
Fall in love with your deep dark sin
Enamórate de tu pecado oscuro y profundo
I am the fallen
Yo soy el caído
You are what my sins enclose
Tú eres lo que encierran mis pecados
Lust is not as creative as its discovery
La lujuria no es tan creativa como su descubrimiento
To paradise with pleasure haunted
Al paraíso con placer atormentado
Haunted by fear
Atormentado por el miedo
A sin for him
Un pecado para él
Desire within, desire within
Deseo dentro, deseo dentro
A burning veil
Un velo ardiente
For the bride too dear for him
Para la novia demasiado cara para él
A sin for him
Un pecado para él
Desire within, desire within
Deseo dentro, deseo dentro
Fall in love with your deep dark sin
Enamórate de tu pecado oscuro y profundo
Bless me, undress me
Bendíceme, desvísteme
Pick your prey in a wicked way
Elige tu presa de una manera malvada
God, I must confess, I do envy the sinners
Dios, debo confesar, envidio a los pecadores
A sin for him
Un pecado para él
Desire within
Deseo dentro
A burning veil
Un velo ardiente
For the bride too dear for him
Para la novia demasiado cara para él
A sin for him
Un pecado para él
Desire within, desire within
Deseo dentro, deseo dentro
For the bride too dear for him
Para la novia demasiado cara para él
A sin for him
Un pecado para él
Desire within, desire within
Deseo dentro, deseo dentro
Fall in love with your deep dark sin
Enamórate de tu pecado oscuro y profundo
Take heed, dear heart once apart
Prends garde, cher cœur une fois séparé
She can touch nor me nor you
Elle ne peut toucher ni moi ni toi
Dressed as one a wolf will betray a lamb
Vêtue comme un, un loup trahira un agneau
Lead astray the gazers
Égare les observateurs
The razors on your seducing skin
Les rasoirs sur ta peau séduisante
In the meadow of sinful thoughts
Dans la prairie des pensées pécheresses
Every flower's a perfect one
Chaque fleur est une perfection
To paradise with pleasure haunted
Au paradis avec un plaisir hanté
Haunted by fear
Hanté par la peur
A sin for him
Un péché pour lui
Desire within, desire within
Désir en lui, désir en lui
A burning veil
Un voile brûlant
For the bride too dear for him
Pour la mariée trop chère pour lui
A sin for him
Un péché pour lui
Desire within, desire within
Désir en lui, désir en lui
Fall in love with your deep dark sin
Tombe amoureux de ton péché sombre et profond
I am the fallen
Je suis le déchu
You are what my sins enclose
Tu es ce que mes péchés enferment
Lust is not as creative as its discovery
La luxure n'est pas aussi créative que sa découverte
To paradise with pleasure haunted
Au paradis avec un plaisir hanté
Haunted by fear
Hanté par la peur
A sin for him
Un péché pour lui
Desire within, desire within
Désir en lui, désir en lui
A burning veil
Un voile brûlant
For the bride too dear for him
Pour la mariée trop chère pour lui
A sin for him
Un péché pour lui
Desire within, desire within
Désir en lui, désir en lui
Fall in love with your deep dark sin
Tombe amoureux de ton péché sombre et profond
Bless me, undress me
Bénis-moi, déshabille-moi
Pick your prey in a wicked way
Choisis ta proie d'une manière méchante
God, I must confess, I do envy the sinners
Dieu, je dois avouer, j'envie les pécheurs
A sin for him
Un péché pour lui
Desire within
Désir en lui
A burning veil
Un voile brûlant
For the bride too dear for him
Pour la mariée trop chère pour lui
A sin for him
Un péché pour lui
Desire within, desire within
Désir en lui, désir en lui
For the bride too dear for him
Pour la mariée trop chère pour lui
A sin for him
Un péché pour lui
Desire within, desire within
Désir en lui, désir en lui
Fall in love with your deep dark sin
Tombe amoureux de ton péché sombre et profond
Take heed, dear heart once apart
Presta attenzione, caro cuore una volta separato
She can touch nor me nor you
Non può toccare né me né te
Dressed as one a wolf will betray a lamb
Vestito come uno, un lupo tradirà un agnello
Lead astray the gazers
Sviare gli osservatori
The razors on your seducing skin
I rasoi sulla tua pelle seducente
In the meadow of sinful thoughts
Nel prato dei pensieri peccaminosi
Every flower's a perfect one
Ogni fiore è perfetto
To paradise with pleasure haunted
Al paradiso con piacere tormentato
Haunted by fear
Tormentato dalla paura
A sin for him
Un peccato per lui
Desire within, desire within
Desiderio dentro, desiderio dentro
A burning veil
Un velo ardente
For the bride too dear for him
Per la sposa troppo cara per lui
A sin for him
Un peccato per lui
Desire within, desire within
Desiderio dentro, desiderio dentro
Fall in love with your deep dark sin
Innamorati del tuo peccato oscuro e profondo
I am the fallen
Io sono il caduto
You are what my sins enclose
Tu sei ciò che i miei peccati racchiudono
Lust is not as creative as its discovery
La lussuria non è creativa quanto la sua scoperta
To paradise with pleasure haunted
Al paradiso con piacere tormentato
Haunted by fear
Tormentato dalla paura
A sin for him
Un peccato per lui
Desire within, desire within
Desiderio dentro, desiderio dentro
A burning veil
Un velo ardente
For the bride too dear for him
Per la sposa troppo cara per lui
A sin for him
Un peccato per lui
Desire within, desire within
Desiderio dentro, desiderio dentro
Fall in love with your deep dark sin
Innamorati del tuo peccato oscuro e profondo
Bless me, undress me
Benedicimi, spogliami
Pick your prey in a wicked way
Scegli la tua preda in modo malvagio
God, I must confess, I do envy the sinners
Dio, devo confessare, invidio i peccatori
A sin for him
Un peccato per lui
Desire within
Desiderio dentro
A burning veil
Un velo ardente
For the bride too dear for him
Per la sposa troppo cara per lui
A sin for him
Un peccato per lui
Desire within, desire within
Desiderio dentro, desiderio dentro
For the bride too dear for him
Per la sposa troppo cara per lui
A sin for him
Un peccato per lui
Desire within, desire within
Desiderio dentro, desiderio dentro
Fall in love with your deep dark sin
Innamorati del tuo peccato oscuro e profondo
Take heed, dear heart once apart
Berhati-hatilah, sayangku sekali terpisah
She can touch nor me nor you
Dia tidak bisa menyentuh aku maupun kamu
Dressed as one a wolf will betray a lamb
Berpenampilan sebagai satu, serigala akan mengkhianati seekor domba
Lead astray the gazers
Menyesatkan para pengamat
The razors on your seducing skin
Pisau cukur di kulit menggoda mu
In the meadow of sinful thoughts
Di padang rumput pikiran berdosa
Every flower's a perfect one
Setiap bunga adalah yang sempurna
To paradise with pleasure haunted
Ke surga dengan kenikmatan yang menghantui
Haunted by fear
Dihantui oleh ketakutan
A sin for him
Dosa bagi dia
Desire within, desire within
Keinginan di dalam, keinginan di dalam
A burning veil
Sebuah tabir yang terbakar
For the bride too dear for him
Untuk pengantin yang terlalu berharga bagi dia
A sin for him
Dosa bagi dia
Desire within, desire within
Keinginan di dalam, keinginan di dalam
Fall in love with your deep dark sin
Jatuh cinta dengan dosa gelapmu yang dalam
I am the fallen
Aku adalah yang terjatuh
You are what my sins enclose
Kamu adalah apa yang dosa-dosaku rangkul
Lust is not as creative as its discovery
Nafsu tidak se-kreatif penemuannya
To paradise with pleasure haunted
Ke surga dengan kenikmatan yang menghantui
Haunted by fear
Dihantui oleh ketakutan
A sin for him
Dosa bagi dia
Desire within, desire within
Keinginan di dalam, keinginan di dalam
A burning veil
Sebuah tabir yang terbakar
For the bride too dear for him
Untuk pengantin yang terlalu berharga bagi dia
A sin for him
Dosa bagi dia
Desire within, desire within
Keinginan di dalam, keinginan di dalam
Fall in love with your deep dark sin
Jatuh cinta dengan dosa gelapmu yang dalam
Bless me, undress me
Berkatilah aku, bukalah pakaianku
Pick your prey in a wicked way
Pilih mangsamu dengan cara yang jahat
God, I must confess, I do envy the sinners
Tuhan, aku harus mengakui, aku iri pada para pendosa
A sin for him
Dosa bagi dia
Desire within
Keinginan di dalam
A burning veil
Sebuah tabir yang terbakar
For the bride too dear for him
Untuk pengantin yang terlalu berharga bagi dia
A sin for him
Dosa bagi dia
Desire within, desire within
Keinginan di dalam, keinginan di dalam
For the bride too dear for him
Untuk pengantin yang terlalu berharga bagi dia
A sin for him
Dosa bagi dia
Desire within, desire within
Keinginan di dalam, keinginan di dalam
Fall in love with your deep dark sin
Jatuh cinta dengan dosa gelapmu yang dalam
Take heed, dear heart once apart
ระวังให้ดีนะ ที่รัก หากเราต้องแยกจากกัน
She can touch nor me nor you
Dressed as one a wolf will betray a lamb
แต่งกายเป็นหนึ่งเดียว หมาป่าจะหลอกลวงลูกแกะ
Lead astray the gazers
The razors on your seducing skin
In the meadow of sinful thoughts
Every flower's a perfect one
To paradise with pleasure haunted
Haunted by fear
A sin for him
Desire within, desire within
ความปรารถนาภายใน, ความปรารถนาภายใน
A burning veil
For the bride too dear for him
A sin for him
Desire within, desire within
ความปรารถนาภายใน, ความปรารถนาภายใน
Fall in love with your deep dark sin
I am the fallen
You are what my sins enclose
Lust is not as creative as its discovery
To paradise with pleasure haunted
Haunted by fear
A sin for him
Desire within, desire within
ความปรารถนาภายใน, ความปรารถนาภายใน
A burning veil
For the bride too dear for him
A sin for him
Desire within, desire within
ความปรารถนาภายใน, ความปรารถนาภายใน
Fall in love with your deep dark sin
Bless me, undress me
ขอพรจากฉัน, ถอดเสื้อผ้าฉัน
Pick your prey in a wicked way
God, I must confess, I do envy the sinners
พระเจ้า, ฉันต้องสารภาพ, ฉันอิจฉาคนบาป
A sin for him
Desire within
A burning veil
For the bride too dear for him
A sin for him
Desire within, desire within
ความปรารถนาภายใน, ความปรารถนาภายใน
For the bride too dear for him
A sin for him
Desire within, desire within
ความปรารถนาภายใน, ความปรารถนาภายใน
Fall in love with your deep dark sin
Take heed, dear heart once apart
She can touch nor me nor you
Dressed as one a wolf will betray a lamb
Lead astray the gazers
The razors on your seducing skin
In the meadow of sinful thoughts
Every flower's a perfect one
To paradise with pleasure haunted
Haunted by fear
A sin for him
Desire within, desire within
A burning veil
For the bride too dear for him
A sin for him
Desire within, desire within
Fall in love with your deep dark sin
I am the fallen
You are what my sins enclose
Lust is not as creative as its discovery
To paradise with pleasure haunted
Haunted by fear
A sin for him
Desire within, desire within
A burning veil
For the bride too dear for him
A sin for him
Desire within, desire within
Fall in love with your deep dark sin
Bless me, undress me
Pick your prey in a wicked way
God, I must confess, I do envy the sinners
A sin for him
Desire within
A burning veil
For the bride too dear for him
A sin for him
Desire within, desire within
For the bride too dear for him
A sin for him
Desire within, desire within
Fall in love with your deep dark sin

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