We've waited for this day
We shed some tears of love now
Like a desert in the rain
When some of the dead are waking up (mm, yeah)
There's nobody like my mom
There's no place like my home since I was born
When I was young
The flavor is so strong
I've missed it so long now
These people are my heroes
From death to the sky
They light me up with flying clouds
They ever get me high like a cool blunt smoke
I'm shining like the moon
I'm feeling like a bloom in the black sun
I remember when I was young
The flavor is so strong
I've missed it so long
We've waited for this day
Wir warteten auf diesen Tag
We shed some tears of love now
Teilten Tränen der Liebe
Like a desert in the rain
Wie eine Wüste im Regen
When some of the dead are waking up (mm, yeah)
Beim Untergehen der Tagessonne
There's nobody like my mom
Es gibt niemanden wie meine Mutter
There's no place like my home since I was born
Es gab nie einen Platz wie mein Zuhause
When I was young
Als ich jung war
The flavor is so strong
Der Geschmack davon ist noch so stark
I've missed it so long now
Ich vermisse das jetzt schon so lange
These people are my heroes
Diese Leute sind meine Helden
From death to the sky
Vom fernen Himmel
They light me up with flying clouds
Zünden sie mich mit fliegenden Wolken an
They ever get me high like a cool blunt smoke
Erheben mich wie kalter, stumpfer Rauch
I'm shining like the moon
Ich glänze wie der Mond
I'm feeling like a bloom in the black sun
Ich fühle mich wie eine Blüte in der schwarzen Sonne
I remember when I was young
Ich erinnere mich daran jung zu sein
The flavor is so strong
Der Geschmack davon ist noch so stark
I've missed it so long
Ich vermisse das jetzt schon so lange
We've waited for this day
Esperamos por este dia
We shed some tears of love now
Nós compartilhamos algumas lágrimas de amor agora
Like a desert in the rain
Como um deserto na chuva
When some of the dead are waking up (mm, yeah)
Quando o sol do dia caiu
There's nobody like my mom
Não há ninguém como minha mãe
There's no place like my home since I was born
Não há lugar como minha casa desde que nasci
When I was young
Quando eu era jovem
The flavor is so strong
O sabor é tão forte
I've missed it so long now
Eu senti tanta falta agora
These people are my heroes
Essas pessoas são meus heróis
From death to the sky
Do céu distante
They light me up with flying clouds
Eles me iluminam com nuvens voadoras
They ever get me high like a cool blunt smoke
Isso sempre me deixa alto como uma fumaça franca
I'm shining like the moon
Estou brilhando como a lua
I'm feeling like a bloom in the black sun
Eu me sinto como uma flor no sol preto
I remember when I was young
Lembro-me quando era jovem
The flavor is so strong
O sabor é tão forte
I've missed it so long
Eu senti tanta falta
We've waited for this day
Hemos esperado este día
We shed some tears of love now
Ya hemos compartido algunas lágrimas de amor
Like a desert in the rain
Como un desierto en la lluvia
When some of the dead are waking up (mm, yeah)
Cuando se ocultó el sol del día
There's nobody like my mom
No hay nadie como mi mamá
There's no place like my home since I was born
No hay lugar como mi hogar desde que nací
When I was young
Cuando era joven
The flavor is so strong
El sabor es tan fuerte
I've missed it so long now
Lo he extrañado por tanto tiempo
These people are my heroes
Estas personas son mis héroes
From death to the sky
Desde el cielo lejano
They light me up with flying clouds
Me iluminan con nubes flotantes
They ever get me high like a cool blunt smoke
Esto me deja tan drogado como fumar un blunt
I'm shining like the moon
Brillo como la luna
I'm feeling like a bloom in the black sun
Me siento como una flor en el sol negro
I remember when I was young
Recuerdo cuando era joven
The flavor is so strong
El sabor es tan fuerte
I've missed it so long
Lo he extrañado por tanto tiempo
We've waited for this day
Nous avons attendu ce jour
We shed some tears of love now
Nous avons partagé des larmes d'amour maintenant
Like a desert in the rain
Tel un désert sous la pluie
When some of the dead are waking up (mm, yeah)
Lorsque le soleil du jour s'est couché
There's nobody like my mom
Il n'y a personne comme ma maman
There's no place like my home since I was born
Il n'y aucun endroit comme ma maison depuis ma naissance
When I was young
Lorsque j'étais jeune
The flavor is so strong
La saveur est si forte
I've missed it so long now
Elle m'a manqué depuis si longtemps
These people are my heroes
Ces personnes sont mes héros
From death to the sky
Depuis le ciel lointain
They light me up with flying clouds
Ils m'éclairent avec des nuages volants
They ever get me high like a cool blunt smoke
Ça me fait planer comme la fumée d'un joint
I'm shining like the moon
Je brille telle la lune
I'm feeling like a bloom in the black sun
Je me sens telle une fleur dans le soleil noir
I remember when I was young
Je me souviens lorsque j'étais jeune
The flavor is so strong
La saveur est si forte
I've missed it so long
Elle m'a manqué depuis si longtemps
We've waited for this day
Abbiamo aspettato questo giorno
We shed some tears of love now
Abbiamo versato qualche lacrima d'amore ora
Like a desert in the rain
Come un deserto sotto la pioggia
When some of the dead are waking up (mm, yeah)
Quando alcuni dei morti si svegliano
There's nobody like my mom
Non c'è nessuno come mia madre
There's no place like my home since I was born
Non c'è nessun posto come la casa in cui sono nato
When I was young
Quando ero giovane
The flavor is so strong
Il sapore è così forte
I've missed it so long now
Mi è mancato così a lungo
These people are my heroes
Queste persone sono i miei eroi
From death to the sky
Dalla morte al cielo
They light me up with flying clouds
Mi accendono con nuvole volanti
They ever get me high like a cool blunt smoke
Mi sballano come fumare uno spinello
I'm shining like the moon
Sto brillando come la luna
I'm feeling like a bloom in the black sun
Mi sento come una fiore sotto il sole nero
I remember when I was young
Ricordo quando ero giovane
The flavor is so strong
Il sapore è così forte
I've missed it so long
Mi è mancato così a lungo
We've waited for this day
We shed some tears of love now
Like a desert in the rain
When some of the dead are waking up (mm, yeah)
数人の死者が目覚める時 (mm, yeah)
There's nobody like my mom
There's no place like my home since I was born
When I was young
The flavor is so strong
I've missed it so long now
These people are my heroes
From death to the sky
They light me up with flying clouds
They ever get me high like a cool blunt smoke
I'm shining like the moon
I'm feeling like a bloom in the black sun
I remember when I was young
覚えてるさ 俺が幼いころ
The flavor is so strong
I've missed it so long