

Liedtexte Übersetzung

Come on, baby, dry your eyes
Wipe your tears
Never like to see you cry
Won't you please forgive me?

I wouldn't ever try to hurt you
I just needed someone to hold me
To fill the void while you were gone
To fill this space of emptiness

I'm only human of flesh and blood I'm made
Human, born to make mistakes

So many nights I longed to hold you
So many times I looked and saw your face
Nothing could change the way I feel
No one else could ever take your place

I'm only human of flesh and blood I'm made
Human, born to make mistakes (I am just a man, human)

Please forgive me

The tears I cry aren't tears of pain
They're only to hide my guilt and shame
I forgive you, now I ask the same of you
While we were apart I was human too

I'm only human of flesh and blood I'm made (I am just a man)
Human, born to make mistakes

Come on, baby, dry your eyes
Komm schon, Baby, trockne deine Augen
Wipe your tears
Wische deine Tränen weg
Never like to see you cry
Ich sehe dich nie gerne weinen
Won't you please forgive me?
Willst du mir bitte vergeben?
I wouldn't ever try to hurt you
Ich würde niemals versuchen, dir weh zu tun
I just needed someone to hold me
Ich brauchte nur jemanden, der mich hält
To fill the void while you were gone
Um die Leere zu füllen, während du weg warst
To fill this space of emptiness
Um diesen Raum der Leere zu füllen
I'm only human of flesh and blood I'm made
Ich bin nur ein Mensch aus Fleisch und Blut gemacht
Human, born to make mistakes
Mensch, geboren um Fehler zu machen
So many nights I longed to hold you
So viele Nächte sehnte ich mich danach, dich zu halten
So many times I looked and saw your face
So viele Male habe ich dein Gesicht gesehen
Nothing could change the way I feel
Nichts könnte ändern, wie ich fühle
No one else could ever take your place
Niemand sonst könnte jemals deinen Platz einnehmen
I'm only human of flesh and blood I'm made
Ich bin nur ein Mensch aus Fleisch und Blut gemacht
Human, born to make mistakes (I am just a man, human)
Mensch, geboren um Fehler zu machen (Ich bin nur ein Mann, Mensch)
Please forgive me
Bitte vergib mir
The tears I cry aren't tears of pain
Die Tränen, die ich weine, sind keine Tränen des Schmerzes
They're only to hide my guilt and shame
Sie dienen nur dazu, meine Schuld und Scham zu verbergen
I forgive you, now I ask the same of you
Ich vergebe dir, jetzt bitte ich dich, dasselbe zu tun
While we were apart I was human too
Während wir getrennt waren, war ich auch nur ein Mensch
I'm only human of flesh and blood I'm made (I am just a man)
Ich bin nur ein Mensch aus Fleisch und Blut gemacht (Ich bin nur ein Mann)
Human, born to make mistakes
Mensch, geboren um Fehler zu machen
Come on, baby, dry your eyes
Vamos lá, querida, seque seus olhos
Wipe your tears
Enxugue suas lágrimas
Never like to see you cry
Nunca gosto de te ver chorar
Won't you please forgive me?
Você não poderia me perdoar?
I wouldn't ever try to hurt you
Eu nunca tentaria te machucar
I just needed someone to hold me
Eu só precisava de alguém para me abraçar
To fill the void while you were gone
Para preencher o vazio enquanto você estava longe
To fill this space of emptiness
Para preencher este espaço de vazio
I'm only human of flesh and blood I'm made
Eu sou apenas humano, feito de carne e sangue
Human, born to make mistakes
Humano, nascido para cometer erros
So many nights I longed to hold you
Tantas noites eu desejei te abraçar
So many times I looked and saw your face
Tantas vezes eu olhei e vi o seu rosto
Nothing could change the way I feel
Nada poderia mudar o que eu sinto
No one else could ever take your place
Ninguém mais poderia tomar o seu lugar
I'm only human of flesh and blood I'm made
Eu sou apenas humano, feito de carne e sangue
Human, born to make mistakes (I am just a man, human)
Humano, nascido para cometer erros (Eu sou apenas um homem, humano)
Please forgive me
Por favor, me perdoe
The tears I cry aren't tears of pain
As lágrimas que eu choro não são de dor
They're only to hide my guilt and shame
Elas são apenas para esconder minha culpa e vergonha
I forgive you, now I ask the same of you
Eu te perdoo, agora peço o mesmo de você
While we were apart I was human too
Enquanto estávamos separados, eu também era humano
I'm only human of flesh and blood I'm made (I am just a man)
Eu sou apenas humano, feito de carne e sangue (Eu sou apenas um homem)
Human, born to make mistakes
Humano, nascido para cometer erros
Come on, baby, dry your eyes
Vamos, cariño, seca tus ojos
Wipe your tears
Limpia tus lágrimas
Never like to see you cry
Nunca me gusta verte llorar
Won't you please forgive me?
¿No me perdonarías, por favor?
I wouldn't ever try to hurt you
Nunca intentaría hacerte daño
I just needed someone to hold me
Solo necesitaba a alguien que me abrazara
To fill the void while you were gone
Para llenar el vacío mientras te habías ido
To fill this space of emptiness
Para llenar este espacio de soledad
I'm only human of flesh and blood I'm made
Solo soy un humano de carne y hueso
Human, born to make mistakes
Humano, nacido para cometer errores
So many nights I longed to hold you
Tantas noches anhelé abrazarte
So many times I looked and saw your face
Tantas veces miré y vi tu rostro
Nothing could change the way I feel
Nada podría cambiar lo que siento
No one else could ever take your place
Nadie más podría tomar tu lugar
I'm only human of flesh and blood I'm made
Solo soy un humano de carne y hueso
Human, born to make mistakes (I am just a man, human)
Humano, nacido para cometer errores (Solo soy un hombre, humano)
Please forgive me
Por favor, perdóname
The tears I cry aren't tears of pain
Las lágrimas que lloro no son de dolor
They're only to hide my guilt and shame
Solo son para ocultar mi culpa y vergüenza
I forgive you, now I ask the same of you
Te perdono, ahora te pido lo mismo
While we were apart I was human too
Mientras estuvimos separados, yo también era humano
I'm only human of flesh and blood I'm made (I am just a man)
Solo soy un humano de carne y hueso (Solo soy un hombre)
Human, born to make mistakes
Humano, nacido para cometer errores
Come on, baby, dry your eyes
Allez, bébé, sèche tes yeux
Wipe your tears
Essuie tes larmes
Never like to see you cry
Je n'aime jamais te voir pleurer
Won't you please forgive me?
Ne pourrais-tu pas me pardonner?
I wouldn't ever try to hurt you
Je n'essaierais jamais de te blesser
I just needed someone to hold me
J'avais juste besoin de quelqu'un pour me tenir
To fill the void while you were gone
Pour combler le vide pendant ton absence
To fill this space of emptiness
Pour remplir cet espace de vide
I'm only human of flesh and blood I'm made
Je suis seulement humain, fait de chair et de sang
Human, born to make mistakes
Humain, né pour faire des erreurs
So many nights I longed to hold you
Tant de nuits j'ai désiré te tenir
So many times I looked and saw your face
Tant de fois j'ai regardé et vu ton visage
Nothing could change the way I feel
Rien ne pourrait changer ce que je ressens
No one else could ever take your place
Personne d'autre ne pourrait jamais prendre ta place
I'm only human of flesh and blood I'm made
Je suis seulement humain, fait de chair et de sang
Human, born to make mistakes (I am just a man, human)
Humain, né pour faire des erreurs (Je suis juste un homme, humain)
Please forgive me
S'il te plaît, pardonne-moi
The tears I cry aren't tears of pain
Les larmes que je pleure ne sont pas des larmes de douleur
They're only to hide my guilt and shame
Elles servent seulement à cacher ma culpabilité et ma honte
I forgive you, now I ask the same of you
Je te pardonne, maintenant je te demande la même chose
While we were apart I was human too
Pendant que nous étions séparés, j'étais aussi humain
I'm only human of flesh and blood I'm made (I am just a man)
Je suis seulement humain, fait de chair et de sang (Je suis juste un homme)
Human, born to make mistakes
Humain, né pour faire des erreurs
Come on, baby, dry your eyes
Dai, amore, asciuga i tuoi occhi
Wipe your tears
Asciuga le tue lacrime
Never like to see you cry
Non mi piace mai vederti piangere
Won't you please forgive me?
Non mi perdoneresti?
I wouldn't ever try to hurt you
Non avrei mai cercato di farti del male
I just needed someone to hold me
Avevo solo bisogno di qualcuno da abbracciare
To fill the void while you were gone
Per colmare il vuoto mentre eri via
To fill this space of emptiness
Per riempire questo spazio di vuoto
I'm only human of flesh and blood I'm made
Sono solo un essere umano fatto di carne e sangue
Human, born to make mistakes
Umano, nato per fare errori
So many nights I longed to hold you
Quante notti ho desiderato abbracciarti
So many times I looked and saw your face
Quante volte ho guardato e ho visto il tuo viso
Nothing could change the way I feel
Niente potrebbe cambiare quello che sento
No one else could ever take your place
Nessun altro potrebbe mai prendere il tuo posto
I'm only human of flesh and blood I'm made
Sono solo un essere umano fatto di carne e sangue
Human, born to make mistakes (I am just a man, human)
Umano, nato per fare errori (Sono solo un uomo, umano)
Please forgive me
Per favore, perdonami
The tears I cry aren't tears of pain
Le lacrime che piango non sono lacrime di dolore
They're only to hide my guilt and shame
Servono solo a nascondere la mia colpa e la mia vergogna
I forgive you, now I ask the same of you
Ti perdono, ora chiedo lo stesso a te
While we were apart I was human too
Mentre eravamo separati, anch'io ero umano
I'm only human of flesh and blood I'm made (I am just a man)
Sono solo un essere umano fatto di carne e sangue (Sono solo un uomo)
Human, born to make mistakes
Umano, nato per fare errori
Come on, baby, dry your eyes
Ayo, sayang, keringkan matamu
Wipe your tears
Hapus air matamu
Never like to see you cry
Tak pernah suka melihatmu menangis
Won't you please forgive me?
Maukah kamu memaafkanku?
I wouldn't ever try to hurt you
Aku tak pernah berusaha menyakitimu
I just needed someone to hold me
Aku hanya butuh seseorang untuk memelukku
To fill the void while you were gone
Untuk mengisi kekosongan saat kamu pergi
To fill this space of emptiness
Untuk mengisi ruang ini yang kosong
I'm only human of flesh and blood I'm made
Aku hanya manusia yang terbuat dari daging dan darah
Human, born to make mistakes
Manusia, lahir untuk membuat kesalahan
So many nights I longed to hold you
Begitu banyak malam aku merindukanmu
So many times I looked and saw your face
Begitu banyak kali aku melihat dan melihat wajahmu
Nothing could change the way I feel
Tak ada yang bisa mengubah perasaanku
No one else could ever take your place
Tak ada orang lain yang bisa menggantikan tempatmu
I'm only human of flesh and blood I'm made
Aku hanya manusia yang terbuat dari daging dan darah
Human, born to make mistakes (I am just a man, human)
Manusia, lahir untuk membuat kesalahan (Aku hanya seorang manusia)
Please forgive me
Mohon maafkan aku
The tears I cry aren't tears of pain
Air mata yang aku tangisi bukan air mata kesakitan
They're only to hide my guilt and shame
Hanya untuk menyembunyikan rasa bersalah dan maluku
I forgive you, now I ask the same of you
Aku memaafkanmu, sekarang aku meminta hal yang sama darimu
While we were apart I was human too
Saat kita terpisah, aku juga manusia
I'm only human of flesh and blood I'm made (I am just a man)
Aku hanya manusia yang terbuat dari daging dan darah (Aku hanya seorang manusia)
Human, born to make mistakes
Manusia, lahir untuk membuat kesalahan
Come on, baby, dry your eyes
มาเถอะ ที่รัก ล้างน้ำตาออก
Wipe your tears
Never like to see you cry
Won't you please forgive me?
I wouldn't ever try to hurt you
I just needed someone to hold me
To fill the void while you were gone
To fill this space of emptiness
I'm only human of flesh and blood I'm made
Human, born to make mistakes
มนุษย์, ที่เกิดมาเพื่อทำความผิด
So many nights I longed to hold you
So many times I looked and saw your face
Nothing could change the way I feel
No one else could ever take your place
I'm only human of flesh and blood I'm made
Human, born to make mistakes (I am just a man, human)
มนุษย์, ที่เกิดมาเพื่อทำความผิด (ฉันเพียงแค่เป็นคน, มนุษย์)
Please forgive me
The tears I cry aren't tears of pain
They're only to hide my guilt and shame
I forgive you, now I ask the same of you
ฉันอภัยให้เธอแล้ว ตอนนี้ฉันขอให้เธอทำเช่นเดียวกับฉัน
While we were apart I was human too
ขณะที่เราแยกจากกัน ฉันก็ยังคงเป็นมนุษย์
I'm only human of flesh and blood I'm made (I am just a man)
ฉันเป็นมนุษย์ที่สร้างจากเนื้อและเลือด (ฉันเพียงแค่เป็นคน)
Human, born to make mistakes
มนุษย์, ที่เกิดมาเพื่อทำความผิด
Come on, baby, dry your eyes
Wipe your tears
Never like to see you cry
Won't you please forgive me?
I wouldn't ever try to hurt you
I just needed someone to hold me
To fill the void while you were gone
To fill this space of emptiness
I'm only human of flesh and blood I'm made
Human, born to make mistakes
So many nights I longed to hold you
So many times I looked and saw your face
Nothing could change the way I feel
No one else could ever take your place
I'm only human of flesh and blood I'm made
Human, born to make mistakes (I am just a man, human)
Please forgive me
The tears I cry aren't tears of pain
They're only to hide my guilt and shame
I forgive you, now I ask the same of you
While we were apart I was human too
I'm only human of flesh and blood I'm made (I am just a man)
Human, born to make mistakes

Wissenswertes über das Lied Human von The Human League

Auf welchen Alben wurde das Lied “Human” von The Human League veröffentlicht?
The Human League hat das Lied auf den Alben “Crash” im Jahr 1986, “Greatest Hits” im Jahr 2003, “The Best of The Human League” im Jahr 2003, “Live at the Dome” im Jahr 2005, “Original Remixes & Rarities” im Jahr 2005 und “The Very Best of The Human League” im Jahr 2007 veröffentlicht.
Wer hat das Lied “Human” von The Human League komponiert?
Das Lied “Human” von The Human League wurde von TERRY LEWIS, JAMES HARRIS III komponiert.

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