I Wanna Be Around
I wanna be around to pick up the pieces
When somebody breaks your heart
Some, somebody twice as smart as I
Yo quiero estar ahí
Para saber que hay alguien
Que te hace justo lo que tú a mí
Sentarme a observar tus lagrimas caer
Para mi placer
Wait and see
I mean, I wanna be around to see how he does it
When he breaks your heart to bits
Y ver como caen al suelo
Tus sueños
And that's when I'll discover that revenge is sweet
Y verte en mi butaca en primera fila
When somebody breaks your heart like you, like you broke mine
And that's when we'll discover that revenge is sweet
As we sit there applauding from a front-row seat
When somebody breaks your heart
Like you, you broke mine
When somebody breaks your heart
Like you, broke mine