The Wayfarer (Part 3: To Find Solace... Where Security Stands)
Then he who thought wisely of
Deeply contemplates this dark life
Wise in mind, remembers he, the battles of old
Time has departed
Grown dark under cover of night
As if it were never there
Powerful spears took earls away
Weapons greedy for slaughter
Storms now batter these stone cliffs
A falling snowstorm binds the Earth
The tummult of winter
Shade of night grows dark
Sends from the north
The rough hailstorm in hosility to men
Everything is fraught with hardship in the kingdom of Earth
Here all is temporary
Earth's foundations become vain!
Apart in counsel
Good is he who preserves faith
Nor ought a man to ever
Make known the grief of his heart too quickly
Well it is for the one, who seeks mercy for himself
To find solace, where security stands
My lord was covered in darkness
I was wretched, I was desolate
As the winter coming of waves
To find solace, where security stands!