What Went Wrong? [Bonus Track]

Travis Barker, Tom DeLonge, Mark Hoppus

Liedtexte Übersetzung

I'm sick of always hearing
All the sad songs on the radio
All day it is there to remind an over sensitive guy
That he's lost and alone, yeah

I hate our favorite restaurant
Our favorite movie, our favorite show
We would stay up all through the night
We would laugh and get high
And never answer the phone

I can't forgive, can't forget
Can't give in, what went wrong?
'Cause you said this was right
You fucked up my life

I'm sick of always hearing
Sappy love songs on the radio
This place, it's fucking cursed and it's plagued
And I can never escape when my heart, it explodes

I can't forgive, can't forget
Can't give in what went wrong?
'Cause you said this was right
You fucked up my life

I'm kicking out fiercely at the world around me
What went wrong?
I'm kicking out fiercely at the world around me
What went wrong?
I'm kicking out fiercely at the world around me
What went wrong?
I'm kicking out fiercely at the world around me
What went wrong?

I'm kicking

I'm sick of always hearing
Ich habe es satt, immer zu hören
All the sad songs on the radio
Alle traurigen Lieder im Radio
All day it is there to remind an over sensitive guy
Den ganzen Tag ist es da, um einen überempfindlichen Kerl daran zu erinnern
That he's lost and alone, yeah
Dass er verloren und allein ist, ja
I hate our favorite restaurant
Ich hasse unser Lieblingsrestaurant
Our favorite movie, our favorite show
Unseren Lieblingsfilm, unsere Lieblingsshow
We would stay up all through the night
Wir würden die ganze Nacht wach bleiben
We would laugh and get high
Wir würden lachen und high werden
And never answer the phone
Und nie das Telefon beantworten
I can't forgive, can't forget
Ich kann nicht vergeben, kann nicht vergessen
Can't give in, what went wrong?
Kann nicht nachgeben, was ist schief gelaufen?
'Cause you said this was right
Denn du hast gesagt, das sei richtig
You fucked up my life
Du hast mein Leben ruiniert
I'm sick of always hearing
Ich habe es satt, immer zu hören
Sappy love songs on the radio
Schmalzige Liebeslieder im Radio
This place, it's fucking cursed and it's plagued
Dieser Ort, er ist verflucht und geplagt
And I can never escape when my heart, it explodes
Und ich kann nie entkommen, wenn mein Herz explodiert
I can't forgive, can't forget
Ich kann nicht vergeben, kann nicht vergessen
Can't give in what went wrong?
Kann nicht nachgeben, was ist schief gelaufen?
'Cause you said this was right
Denn du hast gesagt, das sei richtig
You fucked up my life
Du hast mein Leben ruiniert
I'm kicking out fiercely at the world around me
Ich trete wütend gegen die Welt um mich herum
What went wrong?
Was ist schief gelaufen?
I'm kicking out fiercely at the world around me
Ich trete wütend gegen die Welt um mich herum
What went wrong?
Was ist schief gelaufen?
I'm kicking out fiercely at the world around me
Ich trete wütend gegen die Welt um mich herum
What went wrong?
Was ist schief gelaufen?
I'm kicking out fiercely at the world around me
Ich trete wütend gegen die Welt um mich herum
What went wrong?
Was ist schief gelaufen?
I'm kicking
Ich trete
I'm sick of always hearing
Estou cansado de sempre ouvir
All the sad songs on the radio
Todas as músicas tristes no rádio
All day it is there to remind an over sensitive guy
O dia todo está lá para lembrar um cara super sensível
That he's lost and alone, yeah
Que ele está perdido e sozinho, sim
I hate our favorite restaurant
Odeio nosso restaurante favorito
Our favorite movie, our favorite show
Nosso filme favorito, nosso programa favorito
We would stay up all through the night
Ficaríamos acordados a noite toda
We would laugh and get high
Riríamos e ficaríamos chapados
And never answer the phone
E nunca atenderíamos o telefone
I can't forgive, can't forget
Não consigo perdoar, não consigo esquecer
Can't give in, what went wrong?
Não posso ceder, o que deu errado?
'Cause you said this was right
Porque você disse que isso estava certo
You fucked up my life
Você estragou minha vida
I'm sick of always hearing
Estou cansado de sempre ouvir
Sappy love songs on the radio
Músicas de amor melosas no rádio
This place, it's fucking cursed and it's plagued
Este lugar, é maldito e atormentado
And I can never escape when my heart, it explodes
E eu nunca consigo escapar quando meu coração explode
I can't forgive, can't forget
Não consigo perdoar, não consigo esquecer
Can't give in what went wrong?
Não posso ceder, o que deu errado?
'Cause you said this was right
Porque você disse que isso estava certo
You fucked up my life
Você estragou minha vida
I'm kicking out fiercely at the world around me
Estou chutando ferozmente o mundo ao meu redor
What went wrong?
O que deu errado?
I'm kicking out fiercely at the world around me
Estou chutando ferozmente o mundo ao meu redor
What went wrong?
O que deu errado?
I'm kicking out fiercely at the world around me
Estou chutando ferozmente o mundo ao meu redor
What went wrong?
O que deu errado?
I'm kicking out fiercely at the world around me
Estou chutando ferozmente o mundo ao meu redor
What went wrong?
O que deu errado?
I'm kicking
Estou chutando
I'm sick of always hearing
Estoy harto de escuchar siempre
All the sad songs on the radio
Todas las canciones tristes en la radio
All day it is there to remind an over sensitive guy
Todo el día está ahí para recordarle a un chico demasiado sensible
That he's lost and alone, yeah
Que está perdido y solo, sí
I hate our favorite restaurant
Odio nuestro restaurante favorito
Our favorite movie, our favorite show
Nuestra película favorita, nuestro programa favorito
We would stay up all through the night
Nos quedaríamos despiertos toda la noche
We would laugh and get high
Nos reíamos y nos drogábamos
And never answer the phone
Y nunca contestábamos el teléfono
I can't forgive, can't forget
No puedo perdonar, no puedo olvidar
Can't give in, what went wrong?
No puedo rendirme, ¿qué salió mal?
'Cause you said this was right
Porque dijiste que esto era correcto
You fucked up my life
Chingaste mi vida
I'm sick of always hearing
Estoy harto de escuchar siempre
Sappy love songs on the radio
Canciones de amor cursis en la radio
This place, it's fucking cursed and it's plagued
Este lugar, está jodidamente maldito y plagado
And I can never escape when my heart, it explodes
Y nunca puedo escapar cuando mi corazón, explota
I can't forgive, can't forget
No puedo perdonar, no puedo olvidar
Can't give in what went wrong?
No puedo rendirme, ¿qué salió mal?
'Cause you said this was right
Porque dijiste que esto era correcto
You fucked up my life
Chingaste mi vida
I'm kicking out fiercely at the world around me
Estoy pateando ferozmente al mundo que me rodea
What went wrong?
¿Qué salió mal?
I'm kicking out fiercely at the world around me
Estoy pateando ferozmente al mundo que me rodea
What went wrong?
¿Qué salió mal?
I'm kicking out fiercely at the world around me
Estoy pateando ferozmente al mundo que me rodea
What went wrong?
¿Qué salió mal?
I'm kicking out fiercely at the world around me
Estoy pateando ferozmente al mundo que me rodea
What went wrong?
¿Qué salió mal?
I'm kicking
Estoy pateando
I'm sick of always hearing
J'en ai marre d'entendre toujours
All the sad songs on the radio
Toutes les chansons tristes à la radio
All day it is there to remind an over sensitive guy
Toute la journée, elles sont là pour rappeler à un gars trop sensible
That he's lost and alone, yeah
Qu'il est perdu et seul, ouais
I hate our favorite restaurant
Je déteste notre restaurant préféré
Our favorite movie, our favorite show
Notre film préféré, notre émission préférée
We would stay up all through the night
Nous restions éveillés toute la nuit
We would laugh and get high
Nous riions et nous nous défoncions
And never answer the phone
Et nous ne répondions jamais au téléphone
I can't forgive, can't forget
Je ne peux pas pardonner, ne peux pas oublier
Can't give in, what went wrong?
Ne peux pas céder, qu'est-ce qui a mal tourné ?
'Cause you said this was right
Parce que tu as dit que c'était bien
You fucked up my life
Tu as foutu ma vie en l'air
I'm sick of always hearing
J'en ai marre d'entendre toujours
Sappy love songs on the radio
Des chansons d'amour mièvres à la radio
This place, it's fucking cursed and it's plagued
Cet endroit, il est putain de maudit et il est frappé
And I can never escape when my heart, it explodes
Et je ne peux jamais échapper quand mon cœur, il explose
I can't forgive, can't forget
Je ne peux pas pardonner, ne peux pas oublier
Can't give in what went wrong?
Ne peux pas céder, qu'est-ce qui a mal tourné ?
'Cause you said this was right
Parce que tu as dit que c'était bien
You fucked up my life
Tu as foutu ma vie en l'air
I'm kicking out fiercely at the world around me
Je donne des coups de pied avec fureur au monde autour de moi
What went wrong?
Qu'est-ce qui a mal tourné ?
I'm kicking out fiercely at the world around me
Je donne des coups de pied avec fureur au monde autour de moi
What went wrong?
Qu'est-ce qui a mal tourné ?
I'm kicking out fiercely at the world around me
Je donne des coups de pied avec fureur au monde autour de moi
What went wrong?
Qu'est-ce qui a mal tourné ?
I'm kicking out fiercely at the world around me
Je donne des coups de pied avec fureur au monde autour de moi
What went wrong?
Qu'est-ce qui a mal tourné ?
I'm kicking
Je donne des coups de pied
I'm sick of always hearing
Sono nauseato dal sentire sempre
All the sad songs on the radio
Tutte le canzoni tristi alla radio
All day it is there to remind an over sensitive guy
Sono lì tutto il giorno per ricordare ad un ragazzo troppo sensibile
That he's lost and alone, yeah
Che è perso e solo, sì
I hate our favorite restaurant
Odio il nostro ristorante preferito
Our favorite movie, our favorite show
Il nostro film preferito, il nostro spettacolo preferito
We would stay up all through the night
Saremmo stati svegli tutta la notte
We would laugh and get high
Avremmo riso e ci saremmo sballati
And never answer the phone
Senza rispondere mai al telefono
I can't forgive, can't forget
Non posso perdonare, non posso dimenticare
Can't give in, what went wrong?
Non posso darmi per vinto, che cosa è andato storto?
'Cause you said this was right
Perché tu hai detto che era giusto
You fucked up my life
Tu hai fottuto la mia vita
I'm sick of always hearing
Sono nauseato dal sentire sempre
Sappy love songs on the radio
Tutte le canzoni tristi alla radio
This place, it's fucking cursed and it's plagued
Questo posto è fottutamente maledetto e tormentato
And I can never escape when my heart, it explodes
E io non posso mai scappare quando il mio cuore esplode
I can't forgive, can't forget
Non posso perdonare, non posso dimenticare
Can't give in what went wrong?
Non posso darmi per vinto, che cosa è andato storto?
'Cause you said this was right
Perché tu hai detto che era giusto
You fucked up my life
Tu hai fottuto la mia vita
I'm kicking out fiercely at the world around me
Sto prendendo a calci ferocemente il mondo intorno a me
What went wrong?
Cosa è andato storto?
I'm kicking out fiercely at the world around me
Sto prendendo a calci ferocemente il mondo intorno a me
What went wrong?
Cosa è andato storto?
I'm kicking out fiercely at the world around me
Sto prendendo a calci ferocemente il mondo intorno a me
What went wrong?
Cosa è andato storto?
I'm kicking out fiercely at the world around me
Sto prendendo a calci ferocemente il mondo intorno a me
What went wrong?
Cosa è andato storto?
I'm kicking
Sto prendendo a calci
I'm sick of always hearing
Saya muak selalu mendengar
All the sad songs on the radio
Semua lagu sedih di radio
All day it is there to remind an over sensitive guy
Seharian itu ada untuk mengingatkan seorang pria yang terlalu sensitif
That he's lost and alone, yeah
Bahwa dia telah tersesat dan sendirian, ya
I hate our favorite restaurant
Saya benci restoran favorit kita
Our favorite movie, our favorite show
Film favorit kita, acara favorit kita
We would stay up all through the night
Kita akan begadang sepanjang malam
We would laugh and get high
Kita akan tertawa dan menjadi tinggi
And never answer the phone
Dan tidak pernah menjawab telepon
I can't forgive, can't forget
Saya tidak bisa memaafkan, tidak bisa melupakan
Can't give in, what went wrong?
Tidak bisa menyerah, apa yang salah?
'Cause you said this was right
Karena kamu bilang ini benar
You fucked up my life
Kamu telah merusak hidupku
I'm sick of always hearing
Saya muak selalu mendengar
Sappy love songs on the radio
Lagu cinta yang menyedihkan di radio
This place, it's fucking cursed and it's plagued
Tempat ini, sangat sial dan terkutuk
And I can never escape when my heart, it explodes
Dan saya tidak pernah bisa melarikan diri ketika hati saya, meledak
I can't forgive, can't forget
Saya tidak bisa memaafkan, tidak bisa melupakan
Can't give in what went wrong?
Tidak bisa menyerah, apa yang salah?
'Cause you said this was right
Karena kamu bilang ini benar
You fucked up my life
Kamu telah merusak hidupku
I'm kicking out fiercely at the world around me
Saya menendang dengan keras dunia di sekitar saya
What went wrong?
Apa yang salah?
I'm kicking out fiercely at the world around me
Saya menendang dengan keras dunia di sekitar saya
What went wrong?
Apa yang salah?
I'm kicking out fiercely at the world around me
Saya menendang dengan keras dunia di sekitar saya
What went wrong?
Apa yang salah?
I'm kicking out fiercely at the world around me
Saya menendang dengan keras dunia di sekitar saya
What went wrong?
Apa yang salah?
I'm kicking
Saya menendang
I'm sick of always hearing
All the sad songs on the radio
All day it is there to remind an over sensitive guy
That he's lost and alone, yeah
自分が道に迷い一人だと言うことを yeah
I hate our favorite restaurant
Our favorite movie, our favorite show
We would stay up all through the night
We would laugh and get high
And never answer the phone
I can't forgive, can't forget
Can't give in, what went wrong?
'Cause you said this was right
You fucked up my life
I'm sick of always hearing
Sappy love songs on the radio
This place, it's fucking cursed and it's plagued
And I can never escape when my heart, it explodes
I can't forgive, can't forget
Can't give in what went wrong?
'Cause you said this was right
You fucked up my life
I'm kicking out fiercely at the world around me
What went wrong?
I'm kicking out fiercely at the world around me
What went wrong?
I'm kicking out fiercely at the world around me
What went wrong?
I'm kicking out fiercely at the world around me
What went wrong?
I'm kicking
I'm sick of always hearing
All the sad songs on the radio
All day it is there to remind an over sensitive guy
That he's lost and alone, yeah
ว่าเขาสูญหายและโดดเดี่ยว, ใช่
I hate our favorite restaurant
Our favorite movie, our favorite show
ภาพยนตร์ที่เราชอบที่สุด, รายการทีวีที่เราชอบที่สุด
We would stay up all through the night
We would laugh and get high
And never answer the phone
I can't forgive, can't forget
ฉันไม่สามารถอภัย, ไม่สามารถลืม
Can't give in, what went wrong?
ไม่สามารถยอมแพ้, สิ่งที่ผิดพลาดคืออะไร?
'Cause you said this was right
You fucked up my life
I'm sick of always hearing
Sappy love songs on the radio
This place, it's fucking cursed and it's plagued
สถานที่นี้, มันถูกสาปและถูกทำลาย
And I can never escape when my heart, it explodes
และฉันไม่สามารถหนีเมื่อหัวใจของฉัน, มันระเบิด
I can't forgive, can't forget
ฉันไม่สามารถอภัย, ไม่สามารถลืม
Can't give in what went wrong?
ไม่สามารถยอมแพ้, สิ่งที่ผิดพลาดคืออะไร?
'Cause you said this was right
You fucked up my life
I'm kicking out fiercely at the world around me
What went wrong?
I'm kicking out fiercely at the world around me
What went wrong?
I'm kicking out fiercely at the world around me
What went wrong?
I'm kicking out fiercely at the world around me
What went wrong?
I'm kicking
I'm sick of always hearing
All the sad songs on the radio
All day it is there to remind an over sensitive guy
That he's lost and alone, yeah
I hate our favorite restaurant
Our favorite movie, our favorite show
We would stay up all through the night
We would laugh and get high
And never answer the phone
I can't forgive, can't forget
Can't give in, what went wrong?
'Cause you said this was right
You fucked up my life
I'm sick of always hearing
Sappy love songs on the radio
This place, it's fucking cursed and it's plagued
And I can never escape when my heart, it explodes
I can't forgive, can't forget
Can't give in what went wrong?
'Cause you said this was right
You fucked up my life
I'm kicking out fiercely at the world around me
What went wrong?
I'm kicking out fiercely at the world around me
What went wrong?
I'm kicking out fiercely at the world around me
What went wrong?
I'm kicking out fiercely at the world around me
What went wrong?
I'm kicking

Wissenswertes über das Lied What Went Wrong? [Bonus Track] von blink-182

Wer hat das Lied “What Went Wrong? [Bonus Track]” von blink-182 komponiert?
Das Lied “What Went Wrong? [Bonus Track]” von blink-182 wurde von Travis Barker, Tom DeLonge, Mark Hoppus komponiert.

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