So Fine

W. Axl Rose, Saul Hudson, Duff Rose Mckagan, Izzy Stradlin, Darren A. Reed, Matt Sorum

Liedtexte Übersetzung

How could she look so fine?
How could it be she might be mine?
How could she be so cool?
I've been taken for a fool
So many times

Story of a man
Works as hard as he can
Just to be a man who stands on his own
But the book always burns
As the story takes it turn
And leaves a broken man

How could she be so cool (ah)
How could she be so fine
I owe a favor to a friend
My friends, they always come through for me, yeah

Story of a man
Works as hard as he can
Just to be a man who stands on his own
But the book always burns
As the story takes it turn
And leaves a broken man

If you could only live my life
You could see the difference you make to me
To me
And I'd look right up at night
And all I see was darkness
Now I see the stars alright
I want to reach right up and grab one for you
When the lights went down in your house
Yeah, that made me happy
The sweat I make for you
Yeah, I think you know where that comes from
Good talk, come on

Well I'd look right up at night
And all I see was darkness
Now I see the stars alright
I want to reach right up and grab one for you
When the lights went down in your house
Yeah, that made me happy
The sweat I make for you
I think you know where that comes from

How could she look so good (so good)
How could she be so fine
How could she be so cool
How could it be she might be mine

How could she look so fine?
Wie konnte sie nur so gut aussehen?
How could it be she might be mine?
Wie könnte sie meine sein?
How could she be so cool?
Wie konnte sie nur so cool sein?
I've been taken for a fool
Ich wurde zum Narren gehalten
So many times
So viele Male
Story of a man
Geschichte eines Mannes
Works as hard as he can
Der so hart arbeitet, wie er kann
Just to be a man who stands on his own
Nur um ein Mann zu sein, der auf eigenen Füßen steht
But the book always burns
Aber das Buch brennt immer
As the story takes it turn
Während die Geschichte ihre Wendung nimmt
And leaves a broken man
Und hinterlässt einen gebrochenen Mann
How could she be so cool (ah)
Wie konnte sie nur so cool sein (ah)
How could she be so fine
Wie konnte sie nur so gut aussehen
I owe a favor to a friend
Ich schulde einem Freund einen Gefallen
My friends, they always come through for me, yeah
Meine Freunde, sie helfen mir immer, ja
Story of a man
Geschichte eines Mannes
Works as hard as he can
Der so hart arbeitet, wie er kann
Just to be a man who stands on his own
Nur um ein Mann zu sein, der auf eigenen Füßen steht
But the book always burns
Aber das Buch brennt immer
As the story takes it turn
Während die Geschichte ihre Wendung nimmt
And leaves a broken man
Und hinterlässt einen gebrochenen Mann
If you could only live my life
Wenn du nur mein Leben leben könntest
You could see the difference you make to me
Könntest du den Unterschied sehen, den du für mich machst
To me
Für mich
And I'd look right up at night
Und ich würde nachts nach oben schauen
And all I see was darkness
Und alles, was ich sah, war Dunkelheit
Now I see the stars alright
Jetzt sehe ich die Sterne klar
I want to reach right up and grab one for you
Ich möchte nach oben greifen und einen für dich greifen
When the lights went down in your house
Als das Licht in deinem Haus erlosch
Yeah, that made me happy
Ja, das machte mich glücklich
The sweat I make for you
Der Schweiß, den ich für dich vergieße
Yeah, I think you know where that comes from
Ja, ich denke, du weißt, woher das kommt
Good talk, come on
Gutes Gespräch, komm schon
Well I'd look right up at night
Nun, ich würde nachts nach oben schauen
And all I see was darkness
Und alles, was ich sah, war Dunkelheit
Now I see the stars alright
Jetzt sehe ich die Sterne klar
I want to reach right up and grab one for you
Ich möchte nach oben greifen und einen für dich greifen
When the lights went down in your house
Als das Licht in deinem Haus erlosch
Yeah, that made me happy
Ja, das machte mich glücklich
The sweat I make for you
Der Schweiß, den ich für dich vergieße
I think you know where that comes from
Ich denke, du weißt, woher das kommt
How could she look so good (so good)
Wie konnte sie nur so gut aussehen (so gut)
How could she be so fine
Wie konnte sie nur so gut aussehen
How could she be so cool
Wie konnte sie nur so cool sein
How could it be she might be mine
Wie könnte sie meine sein
How could she look so fine?
Como ela poderia parecer tão bem?
How could it be she might be mine?
Como poderia ser que ela poderia ser minha?
How could she be so cool?
Como ela poderia ser tão legal?
I've been taken for a fool
Fui feito de bobo
So many times
Tantas vezes
Story of a man
História de um homem
Works as hard as he can
Trabalha o máximo que pode
Just to be a man who stands on his own
Só para ser um homem que se sustenta
But the book always burns
Mas o livro sempre queima
As the story takes it turn
Conforme a história dá a sua volta
And leaves a broken man
E deixa um homem quebrado
How could she be so cool (ah)
Como ela poderia ser tão legal (ah)
How could she be so fine
Como ela poderia parecer tão bem
I owe a favor to a friend
Devo um favor a um amigo
My friends, they always come through for me, yeah
Meus amigos, eles sempre estão lá para mim, sim
Story of a man
História de um homem
Works as hard as he can
Trabalha o máximo que pode
Just to be a man who stands on his own
Só para ser um homem que se sustenta
But the book always burns
Mas o livro sempre queima
As the story takes it turn
Conforme a história dá a sua volta
And leaves a broken man
E deixa um homem quebrado
If you could only live my life
Se você pudesse apenas viver minha vida
You could see the difference you make to me
Você poderia ver a diferença que você faz para mim
To me
Para mim
And I'd look right up at night
E eu olharia direto para cima à noite
And all I see was darkness
E tudo que eu via era escuridão
Now I see the stars alright
Agora eu vejo as estrelas direito
I want to reach right up and grab one for you
Eu quero alcançar e pegar uma para você
When the lights went down in your house
Quando as luzes se apagaram em sua casa
Yeah, that made me happy
Sim, isso me fez feliz
The sweat I make for you
O suor que faço por você
Yeah, I think you know where that comes from
Sim, acho que você sabe de onde isso vem
Good talk, come on
Boa conversa, vamos lá
Well I'd look right up at night
Bem, eu olharia direto para cima à noite
And all I see was darkness
E tudo que eu via era escuridão
Now I see the stars alright
Agora eu vejo as estrelas direito
I want to reach right up and grab one for you
Eu quero alcançar e pegar uma para você
When the lights went down in your house
Quando as luzes se apagaram em sua casa
Yeah, that made me happy
Sim, isso me fez feliz
The sweat I make for you
O suor que faço por você
I think you know where that comes from
Acho que você sabe de onde isso vem
How could she look so good (so good)
Como ela poderia parecer tão boa (tão boa)
How could she be so fine
Como ela poderia parecer tão bem
How could she be so cool
Como ela poderia ser tão legal
How could it be she might be mine
Como poderia ser que ela poderia ser minha
How could she look so fine?
¿Cómo puede ella lucir tan bien?
How could it be she might be mine?
¿Cómo puede ser que pueda ser mía?
How could she be so cool?
¿Cómo puede ser tan genial?
I've been taken for a fool
He sido tomado por un tonto
So many times
Muchas veces
Story of a man
Historia de un hombre
Works as hard as he can
Trabaja tan duro como puede
Just to be a man who stands on his own
Solo para ser un hombre que se sostiene por sí mismo
But the book always burns
Pero el libro siempre se quema
As the story takes it turn
A medida que la historia da su giro
And leaves a broken man
Y deja a un hombre roto
How could she be so cool (ah)
¿Cómo puede ser tan genial (ah)
How could she be so fine
¿Cómo puede lucir tan bien
I owe a favor to a friend
Le debo un favor a un amigo
My friends, they always come through for me, yeah
Mis amigos, siempre me ayudan, sí
Story of a man
Historia de un hombre
Works as hard as he can
Trabaja tan duro como puede
Just to be a man who stands on his own
Solo para ser un hombre que se sostiene por sí mismo
But the book always burns
Pero el libro siempre se quema
As the story takes it turn
A medida que la historia da su giro
And leaves a broken man
Y deja a un hombre roto
If you could only live my life
Si solo pudieras vivir mi vida
You could see the difference you make to me
Podrías ver la diferencia que haces para mí
To me
Para mí
And I'd look right up at night
Y miraría directamente hacia la noche
And all I see was darkness
Y todo lo que veía era oscuridad
Now I see the stars alright
Ahora veo las estrellas bien
I want to reach right up and grab one for you
Quiero alcanzar y agarrar una para ti
When the lights went down in your house
Cuando las luces se apagaron en tu casa
Yeah, that made me happy
Sí, eso me hizo feliz
The sweat I make for you
El sudor que hago por ti
Yeah, I think you know where that comes from
Sí, creo que sabes de dónde viene
Good talk, come on
Buena charla, vamos
Well I'd look right up at night
Bueno, miraría directamente hacia la noche
And all I see was darkness
Y todo lo que veía era oscuridad
Now I see the stars alright
Ahora veo las estrellas bien
I want to reach right up and grab one for you
Quiero alcanzar y agarrar una para ti
When the lights went down in your house
Cuando las luces se apagaron en tu casa
Yeah, that made me happy
Sí, eso me hizo feliz
The sweat I make for you
El sudor que hago por ti
I think you know where that comes from
Creo que sabes de dónde viene
How could she look so good (so good)
¿Cómo puede ella lucir tan bien (tan bien)
How could she be so fine
¿Cómo puede ser tan hermosa
How could she be so cool
¿Cómo puede ser tan genial
How could it be she might be mine
¿Cómo puede ser que pueda ser mía?
How could she look so fine?
Comment peut-elle avoir l'air si bien ?
How could it be she might be mine?
Comment se fait-il qu'elle puisse être à moi ?
How could she be so cool?
Comment peut-elle être si cool ?
I've been taken for a fool
J'ai été pris pour un imbécile
So many times
Tant de fois
Story of a man
Histoire d'un homme
Works as hard as he can
Qui travaille aussi dur qu'il le peut
Just to be a man who stands on his own
Juste pour être un homme qui se tient debout
But the book always burns
Mais le livre brûle toujours
As the story takes it turn
Alors que l'histoire prend son tournant
And leaves a broken man
Et laisse un homme brisé
How could she be so cool (ah)
Comment peut-elle être si cool (ah)
How could she be so fine
Comment peut-elle avoir l'air si bien
I owe a favor to a friend
Je dois une faveur à un ami
My friends, they always come through for me, yeah
Mes amis, ils sont toujours là pour moi, ouais
Story of a man
Histoire d'un homme
Works as hard as he can
Qui travaille aussi dur qu'il le peut
Just to be a man who stands on his own
Juste pour être un homme qui se tient debout
But the book always burns
Mais le livre brûle toujours
As the story takes it turn
Alors que l'histoire prend son tournant
And leaves a broken man
Et laisse un homme brisé
If you could only live my life
Si seulement tu pouvais vivre ma vie
You could see the difference you make to me
Tu pourrais voir la différence que tu fais pour moi
To me
Pour moi
And I'd look right up at night
Et je regarderais droit vers le haut la nuit
And all I see was darkness
Et tout ce que je voyais était l'obscurité
Now I see the stars alright
Maintenant je vois les étoiles très bien
I want to reach right up and grab one for you
Je veux tendre la main et en attraper une pour toi
When the lights went down in your house
Quand les lumières se sont éteintes dans ta maison
Yeah, that made me happy
Ouais, ça m'a rendu heureux
The sweat I make for you
La sueur que je fais pour toi
Yeah, I think you know where that comes from
Ouais, je pense que tu sais d'où ça vient
Good talk, come on
Bonne conversation, allez
Well I'd look right up at night
Eh bien, je regarderais droit vers le haut la nuit
And all I see was darkness
Et tout ce que je voyais était l'obscurité
Now I see the stars alright
Maintenant je vois les étoiles très bien
I want to reach right up and grab one for you
Je veux tendre la main et en attraper une pour toi
When the lights went down in your house
Quand les lumières se sont éteintes dans ta maison
Yeah, that made me happy
Ouais, ça m'a rendu heureux
The sweat I make for you
La sueur que je fais pour toi
I think you know where that comes from
Je pense que tu sais d'où ça vient
How could she look so good (so good)
Comment peut-elle avoir l'air si bien (si bien)
How could she be so fine
Comment peut-elle être si belle
How could she be so cool
Comment peut-elle être si cool
How could it be she might be mine
Comment se fait-il qu'elle puisse être à moi
How could she look so fine?
Come può sembrare così bella?
How could it be she might be mine?
Come può essere che potrebbe essere mia?
How could she be so cool?
Come può essere così fredda?
I've been taken for a fool
Sono stato preso per pazzo
So many times
Tante volte
Story of a man
Storia di un uomo
Works as hard as he can
Lavora duro quanto può
Just to be a man who stands on his own
Solo per essere un uomo che si regge da solo
But the book always burns
Ma il libro brucia sempre
As the story takes it turn
Mentre la storia prende la sua piega
And leaves a broken man
E lascia un uomo distrutto
How could she be so cool (ah)
Come può essere così fredda (ah)
How could she be so fine
Come può essere così bella
I owe a favor to a friend
Devo un favore a un amico
My friends, they always come through for me, yeah
I miei amici, loro vengono sempre in mio aiuto, sì
Story of a man
Storia di un uomo
Works as hard as he can
Lavora duro quanto può
Just to be a man who stands on his own
Solo per essere un uomo che si regge da solo
But the book always burns
Ma il libro brucia sempre
As the story takes it turn
Mentre la storia prende la sua piega
And leaves a broken man
E lascia un uomo distrutto
If you could only live my life
Se solo potessi vivere la mia vita
You could see the difference you make to me
Potresti vedere la differenza che fai per me
To me
Per me
And I'd look right up at night
E guardavo in alto la notte
And all I see was darkness
E tutto quello che vedevo era oscurità
Now I see the stars alright
Ora vedo abbastanza bene le stelle
I want to reach right up and grab one for you
Voglio allungarmi e afferrarne una per te
When the lights went down in your house
Quando le luci si sono spente in casa tua
Yeah, that made me happy
Sì, quello mi ha reso felice
The sweat I make for you
Tutto quello che sudo per te
Yeah, I think you know where that comes from
Sì, penso che tu sappia da dove viene
Good talk, come on
Bella conversazione, andiamo
Well I'd look right up at night
Beh, guardavo in alto la notte
And all I see was darkness
E tutto quello che vedevo era oscurità
Now I see the stars alright
Ora vedo abbastanza bene le stelle
I want to reach right up and grab one for you
Quando le luci si sono spente in casa tua
When the lights went down in your house
Quando le luci si sono spente nella tua casa
Yeah, that made me happy
Sì, quello mi ha reso felice
The sweat I make for you
Tutto quello che sudo per te
I think you know where that comes from
Sì, penso che tu sappia da dove viene
How could she look so good (so good)
Come può sembrare così bella (così bella)
How could she be so fine
Come può essere così bella
How could she be so cool
Come può essere così fredda
How could it be she might be mine
Come può essere che potrebbe essere mia
How could she look so fine?
Bagaimana dia bisa terlihat begitu cantik?
How could it be she might be mine?
Bagaimana mungkin dia bisa menjadi milikku?
How could she be so cool?
Bagaimana dia bisa begitu keren?
I've been taken for a fool
Aku telah ditipu
So many times
Begitu banyak kali
Story of a man
Kisah seorang pria
Works as hard as he can
Bekerja sekeras mungkin
Just to be a man who stands on his own
Hanya untuk menjadi pria yang berdiri sendiri
But the book always burns
Tapi buku selalu terbakar
As the story takes it turn
Saat cerita mengambil gilirannya
And leaves a broken man
Dan meninggalkan seorang pria yang hancur
How could she be so cool (ah)
Bagaimana dia bisa begitu keren (ah)
How could she be so fine
Bagaimana dia bisa begitu cantik
I owe a favor to a friend
Aku berhutang budi pada seorang teman
My friends, they always come through for me, yeah
Teman-temanku, mereka selalu membantuku, ya
Story of a man
Kisah seorang pria
Works as hard as he can
Bekerja sekeras mungkin
Just to be a man who stands on his own
Hanya untuk menjadi pria yang berdiri sendiri
But the book always burns
Tapi buku selalu terbakar
As the story takes it turn
Saat cerita mengambil gilirannya
And leaves a broken man
Dan meninggalkan seorang pria yang hancur
If you could only live my life
Jika kamu hanya bisa hidup dalam hidupku
You could see the difference you make to me
Kamu bisa melihat perbedaan yang kamu buat untukku
To me
And I'd look right up at night
Dan aku akan melihat ke atas di malam hari
And all I see was darkness
Dan yang aku lihat hanyalah kegelapan
Now I see the stars alright
Sekarang aku melihat bintang-bintang dengan baik
I want to reach right up and grab one for you
Aku ingin meraih dan mengambil satu untukmu
When the lights went down in your house
Ketika lampu di rumahmu padam
Yeah, that made me happy
Ya, itu membuatku bahagia
The sweat I make for you
Keringat yang aku buat untukmu
Yeah, I think you know where that comes from
Ya, aku pikir kamu tahu dari mana itu berasal
Good talk, come on
Percakapan yang baik, ayo
Well I'd look right up at night
Nah, aku akan melihat ke atas di malam hari
And all I see was darkness
Dan yang aku lihat hanyalah kegelapan
Now I see the stars alright
Sekarang aku melihat bintang-bintang dengan baik
I want to reach right up and grab one for you
Aku ingin meraih dan mengambil satu untukmu
When the lights went down in your house
Ketika lampu di rumahmu padam
Yeah, that made me happy
Ya, itu membuatku bahagia
The sweat I make for you
Keringat yang aku buat untukmu
I think you know where that comes from
Aku pikir kamu tahu dari mana itu berasal
How could she look so good (so good)
Bagaimana dia bisa terlihat begitu baik (begitu baik)
How could she be so fine
Bagaimana dia bisa begitu cantik
How could she be so cool
Bagaimana dia bisa begitu keren
How could it be she might be mine
Bagaimana mungkin dia bisa menjadi milikku
How could she look so fine?
How could it be she might be mine?
How could she be so cool?
I've been taken for a fool
So many times
Story of a man
Works as hard as he can
Just to be a man who stands on his own
But the book always burns
As the story takes it turn
And leaves a broken man
How could she be so cool (ah)
เธอจะเท่ห์ได้ยังไง (อ๊ะ)
How could she be so fine
I owe a favor to a friend
My friends, they always come through for me, yeah
เพื่อนของฉัน, พวกเขาเสมอมาช่วยฉัน, ใช่
Story of a man
Works as hard as he can
Just to be a man who stands on his own
But the book always burns
As the story takes it turn
And leaves a broken man
If you could only live my life
You could see the difference you make to me
To me
And I'd look right up at night
And all I see was darkness
Now I see the stars alright
I want to reach right up and grab one for you
When the lights went down in your house
Yeah, that made me happy
ใช่, สิ่งนั้นทำให้ฉันมีความสุข
The sweat I make for you
Yeah, I think you know where that comes from
ใช่, ฉันคิดว่าคุณรู้ว่ามันมาจากที่ไหน
Good talk, come on
คุยดีๆ, มาเถอะ
Well I'd look right up at night
And all I see was darkness
Now I see the stars alright
I want to reach right up and grab one for you
When the lights went down in your house
Yeah, that made me happy
ใช่, สิ่งนั้นทำให้ฉันมีความสุข
The sweat I make for you
I think you know where that comes from
How could she look so good (so good)
เธอจะดูดีได้ยังไง (ดีมาก)
How could she be so fine
How could she be so cool
How could it be she might be mine
How could she look so fine?
How could it be she might be mine?
How could she be so cool?
I've been taken for a fool
So many times
Story of a man
Works as hard as he can
Just to be a man who stands on his own
But the book always burns
As the story takes it turn
And leaves a broken man
How could she be so cool (ah)
How could she be so fine
I owe a favor to a friend
My friends, they always come through for me, yeah
Story of a man
Works as hard as he can
Just to be a man who stands on his own
But the book always burns
As the story takes it turn
And leaves a broken man
If you could only live my life
You could see the difference you make to me
To me
And I'd look right up at night
And all I see was darkness
Now I see the stars alright
I want to reach right up and grab one for you
When the lights went down in your house
Yeah, that made me happy
The sweat I make for you
Yeah, I think you know where that comes from
Good talk, come on
Well I'd look right up at night
And all I see was darkness
Now I see the stars alright
I want to reach right up and grab one for you
When the lights went down in your house
Yeah, that made me happy
The sweat I make for you
I think you know where that comes from
How could she look so good (so good)
How could she be so fine
How could she be so cool
How could it be she might be mine

Wissenswertes über das Lied So Fine von Guns N' Roses

Auf welchen Alben wurde das Lied “So Fine” von Guns N' Roses veröffentlicht?
Guns N' Roses hat das Lied auf den Alben “Use Your Illusion II” im Jahr 1991, “Use Your Illusion” im Jahr 1998 und “Tokyo Dome, Japan, February 22nd, 1992” im Jahr 2018 veröffentlicht.
Wer hat das Lied “So Fine” von Guns N' Roses komponiert?
Das Lied “So Fine” von Guns N' Roses wurde von W. Axl Rose, Saul Hudson, Duff Rose Mckagan, Izzy Stradlin, Darren A. Reed, Matt Sorum komponiert.

Beliebteste Lieder von Guns N' Roses

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