
Clive Ronald Burr, Adrian Frederick Smith

Liedtexte Übersetzung

Shadows may hide you but also may be your grave
You're running today maybe tomorrow you'll be saved
You pray for daylight to save you for a while
You wonder if your children will face the killer's smile

Dead men, tell no tales
In Gangland, murder's up for sale
Dead men, tell no tales
In Gangland, where jail birds die

Face at the window leers into your own
But it's only your reflection still you tremble in your bones
How long can you hide? How long till they come?
A rat in a trap but you've got to survive

Once you were glad to be free for a while
The air tasted good and the world was your friend
Then came the day when the hard times began
Now your alone but alive for how long?

Dead men, tell no tales
In Gangland, murder's up for sale
Dead men, tell no tales
In Gangland, where jail birds die

A knife at your throat another body on the pile
A contract to keep and it's service with a smile
Murder for vengeance or murder for gain
Death on the streets or a blackened out jail

Dead men, tell no tales
In Gangland, murder's up for sale
Dead men, tell no tales
In Gangland, where jail birds die

Dead men
Gangland tell no tales

Shadows may hide you but also may be your grave
Schatten können dich verbergen, aber auch dein Grab sein
You're running today maybe tomorrow you'll be saved
Du rennst heute, vielleicht wirst du morgen gerettet sein
You pray for daylight to save you for a while
Du betest für Tageslicht, um dich eine Weile zu retten
You wonder if your children will face the killer's smile
Du fragst dich, ob deine Kinder dem Lächeln des Mörders gegenüberstehen werden
Dead men, tell no tales
Tote Männer erzählen keine Geschichten
In Gangland, murder's up for sale
In Gangland ist Mord zum Verkauf
Dead men, tell no tales
Tote Männer erzählen keine Geschichten
In Gangland, where jail birds die
In Gangland, wo Gefängnisvögel sterben
Face at the window leers into your own
Gesicht am Fenster starrt in dein eigenes
But it's only your reflection still you tremble in your bones
Aber es ist nur dein Spiegelbild, trotzdem zitterst du in deinen Knochen
How long can you hide? How long till they come?
Wie lange kannst du dich verstecken? Wie lange, bis sie kommen?
A rat in a trap but you've got to survive
Eine Ratte in der Falle, aber du musst überleben
Once you were glad to be free for a while
Einst warst du froh, für eine Weile frei zu sein
The air tasted good and the world was your friend
Die Luft schmeckte gut und die Welt war dein Freund
Then came the day when the hard times began
Dann kam der Tag, an dem die harten Zeiten begannen
Now your alone but alive for how long?
Jetzt bist du allein, aber wie lange noch am Leben?
Dead men, tell no tales
Tote Männer erzählen keine Geschichten
In Gangland, murder's up for sale
In Gangland ist Mord zum Verkauf
Dead men, tell no tales
Tote Männer erzählen keine Geschichten
In Gangland, where jail birds die
In Gangland, wo Gefängnisvögel sterben
A knife at your throat another body on the pile
Ein Messer an deiner Kehle, ein weiterer Körper auf dem Haufen
A contract to keep and it's service with a smile
Ein Vertrag, den es zu erfüllen gilt, und das mit einem Lächeln
Murder for vengeance or murder for gain
Mord aus Rache oder Mord für Gewinn
Death on the streets or a blackened out jail
Tod auf den Straßen oder ein verdunkeltes Gefängnis
Dead men, tell no tales
Tote Männer erzählen keine Geschichten
In Gangland, murder's up for sale
In Gangland ist Mord zum Verkauf
Dead men, tell no tales
Tote Männer erzählen keine Geschichten
In Gangland, where jail birds die
In Gangland, wo Gefängnisvögel sterben
Dead men
Tote Männer
Gangland tell no tales
Gangland erzählt keine Geschichten
Shadows may hide you but also may be your grave
As sombras podem esconder você, mas também podem ser seu túmulo
You're running today maybe tomorrow you'll be saved
Você está correndo hoje, talvez amanhã você seja salvo
You pray for daylight to save you for a while
Você reza pela luz do dia para te salvar por um tempo
You wonder if your children will face the killer's smile
Você se pergunta se seus filhos enfrentarão o sorriso do assassino
Dead men, tell no tales
Homens mortos, não contam histórias
In Gangland, murder's up for sale
Em Gangland, o assassinato está à venda
Dead men, tell no tales
Homens mortos, não contam histórias
In Gangland, where jail birds die
Em Gangland, onde os pássaros da prisão morrem
Face at the window leers into your own
Rosto na janela espreita para o seu próprio
But it's only your reflection still you tremble in your bones
Mas é apenas o seu reflexo, ainda assim você treme em seus ossos
How long can you hide? How long till they come?
Quanto tempo você pode se esconder? Quanto tempo até eles virem?
A rat in a trap but you've got to survive
Um rato numa armadilha, mas você tem que sobreviver
Once you were glad to be free for a while
Uma vez você estava feliz por ser livre por um tempo
The air tasted good and the world was your friend
O ar tinha um bom gosto e o mundo era seu amigo
Then came the day when the hard times began
Então veio o dia em que os tempos difíceis começaram
Now your alone but alive for how long?
Agora você está sozinho, mas vivo por quanto tempo?
Dead men, tell no tales
Homens mortos, não contam histórias
In Gangland, murder's up for sale
Em Gangland, o assassinato está à venda
Dead men, tell no tales
Homens mortos, não contam histórias
In Gangland, where jail birds die
Em Gangland, onde os pássaros da prisão morrem
A knife at your throat another body on the pile
Uma faca em sua garganta, outro corpo na pilha
A contract to keep and it's service with a smile
Um contrato para manter e é serviço com um sorriso
Murder for vengeance or murder for gain
Assassinato por vingança ou assassinato por ganho
Death on the streets or a blackened out jail
Morte nas ruas ou uma prisão escurecida
Dead men, tell no tales
Homens mortos, não contam histórias
In Gangland, murder's up for sale
Em Gangland, o assassinato está à venda
Dead men, tell no tales
Homens mortos, não contam histórias
In Gangland, where jail birds die
Em Gangland, onde os pássaros da prisão morrem
Dead men
Homens mortos
Gangland tell no tales
Gangland não conta histórias
Shadows may hide you but also may be your grave
Las sombras pueden ocultarte pero también pueden ser tu tumba
You're running today maybe tomorrow you'll be saved
Hoy estás huyendo, tal vez mañana serás salvado
You pray for daylight to save you for a while
Rogas por la luz del día para que te salve por un tiempo
You wonder if your children will face the killer's smile
Te preguntas si tus hijos enfrentarán la sonrisa del asesino
Dead men, tell no tales
Los hombres muertos no cuentan cuentos
In Gangland, murder's up for sale
En el mundo de las pandillas, el asesinato está a la venta
Dead men, tell no tales
Los hombres muertos no cuentan cuentos
In Gangland, where jail birds die
En el mundo de las pandillas, donde los pájaros de la cárcel mueren
Face at the window leers into your own
Una cara en la ventana se burla de la tuya
But it's only your reflection still you tremble in your bones
Pero solo es tu reflejo y aún así tiemblas en tus huesos
How long can you hide? How long till they come?
¿Cuánto tiempo puedes esconderte? ¿Cuánto hasta que vengan?
A rat in a trap but you've got to survive
Una rata en una trampa, pero tienes que sobrevivir
Once you were glad to be free for a while
Una vez estabas feliz de ser libre por un tiempo
The air tasted good and the world was your friend
El aire sabía bien y el mundo era tu amigo
Then came the day when the hard times began
Luego llegó el día en que los tiempos difíciles comenzaron
Now your alone but alive for how long?
Ahora estás solo pero vivo, ¿por cuánto tiempo?
Dead men, tell no tales
Los hombres muertos no cuentan cuentos
In Gangland, murder's up for sale
En el mundo de las pandillas, el asesinato está a la venta
Dead men, tell no tales
Los hombres muertos no cuentan cuentos
In Gangland, where jail birds die
En el mundo de las pandillas, donde los pájaros de la cárcel mueren
A knife at your throat another body on the pile
Un cuchillo en tu garganta, otro cuerpo en la pila
A contract to keep and it's service with a smile
Un contrato que cumplir y servicio con una sonrisa
Murder for vengeance or murder for gain
Asesinato por venganza o asesinato por ganancia
Death on the streets or a blackened out jail
Muerte en las calles o una cárcel ennegrecida
Dead men, tell no tales
Los hombres muertos no cuentan cuentos
In Gangland, murder's up for sale
En el mundo de las pandillas, el asesinato está a la venta
Dead men, tell no tales
Los hombres muertos no cuentan cuentos
In Gangland, where jail birds die
En el mundo de las pandillas, donde los pájaros de la cárcel mueren
Dead men
Hombres muertos
Mundo de las pandillas
Gangland tell no tales
El mundo de las pandillas no cuenta cuentos
Shadows may hide you but also may be your grave
Les ombres peuvent te cacher mais peuvent aussi être ta tombe
You're running today maybe tomorrow you'll be saved
Tu cours aujourd'hui, peut-être seras-tu sauvé demain
You pray for daylight to save you for a while
Tu pries pour que la lumière du jour te sauve pendant un moment
You wonder if your children will face the killer's smile
Tu te demandes si tes enfants devront affronter le sourire du tueur
Dead men, tell no tales
Les morts, ne racontent pas d'histoires
In Gangland, murder's up for sale
Dans le monde des gangs, le meurtre est à vendre
Dead men, tell no tales
Les morts, ne racontent pas d'histoires
In Gangland, where jail birds die
Dans le monde des gangs, où les prisonniers meurent
Face at the window leers into your own
Un visage à la fenêtre se moque de toi
But it's only your reflection still you tremble in your bones
Mais ce n'est que ton reflet, pourtant tu trembles dans tes os
How long can you hide? How long till they come?
Combien de temps peux-tu te cacher ? Combien de temps avant qu'ils ne viennent ?
A rat in a trap but you've got to survive
Un rat dans un piège mais tu dois survivre
Once you were glad to be free for a while
Une fois, tu étais content d'être libre pendant un moment
The air tasted good and the world was your friend
L'air avait bon goût et le monde était ton ami
Then came the day when the hard times began
Puis est venu le jour où les temps difficiles ont commencé
Now your alone but alive for how long?
Maintenant tu es seul mais vivant, pour combien de temps ?
Dead men, tell no tales
Les morts, ne racontent pas d'histoires
In Gangland, murder's up for sale
Dans le monde des gangs, le meurtre est à vendre
Dead men, tell no tales
Les morts, ne racontent pas d'histoires
In Gangland, where jail birds die
Dans le monde des gangs, où les prisonniers meurent
A knife at your throat another body on the pile
Un couteau à ta gorge, un autre corps sur le tas
A contract to keep and it's service with a smile
Un contrat à respecter et c'est un service avec le sourire
Murder for vengeance or murder for gain
Meurtre pour vengeance ou meurtre pour gain
Death on the streets or a blackened out jail
Mort dans les rues ou dans une prison noircie
Dead men, tell no tales
Les morts, ne racontent pas d'histoires
In Gangland, murder's up for sale
Dans le monde des gangs, le meurtre est à vendre
Dead men, tell no tales
Les morts, ne racontent pas d'histoires
In Gangland, where jail birds die
Dans le monde des gangs, où les prisonniers meurent
Dead men
Les morts
Le monde des gangs
Gangland tell no tales
Le monde des gangs ne raconte pas d'histoires
Shadows may hide you but also may be your grave
Le ombre possono nasconderti ma possono anche essere la tua tomba
You're running today maybe tomorrow you'll be saved
Stai correndo oggi, forse domani sarai salvato
You pray for daylight to save you for a while
Pregi per la luce del giorno per salvarti per un po'
You wonder if your children will face the killer's smile
Ti chiedi se i tuoi figli dovranno affrontare il sorriso dell'assassino
Dead men, tell no tales
Uomini morti, non raccontano storie
In Gangland, murder's up for sale
Nel territorio delle gang, l'omicidio è in vendita
Dead men, tell no tales
Uomini morti, non raccontano storie
In Gangland, where jail birds die
Nel territorio delle gang, dove gli uccelli in gabbia muoiono
Face at the window leers into your own
Il volto alla finestra si insinua nel tuo
But it's only your reflection still you tremble in your bones
Ma è solo il tuo riflesso eppure tremi nelle tue ossa
How long can you hide? How long till they come?
Quanto tempo puoi nasconderti? Quanto tempo prima che arrivino?
A rat in a trap but you've got to survive
Un topo in trappola ma devi sopravvivere
Once you were glad to be free for a while
Una volta eri contento di essere libero per un po'
The air tasted good and the world was your friend
L'aria sapeva di buono e il mondo era tuo amico
Then came the day when the hard times began
Poi è arrivato il giorno in cui sono iniziati i tempi duri
Now your alone but alive for how long?
Ora sei solo ma vivo per quanto tempo?
Dead men, tell no tales
Uomini morti, non raccontano storie
In Gangland, murder's up for sale
Nel territorio delle gang, l'omicidio è in vendita
Dead men, tell no tales
Uomini morti, non raccontano storie
In Gangland, where jail birds die
Nel territorio delle gang, dove gli uccelli in gabbia muoiono
A knife at your throat another body on the pile
Un coltello alla gola un altro corpo sulla pila
A contract to keep and it's service with a smile
Un contratto da rispettare e un servizio con un sorriso
Murder for vengeance or murder for gain
Omicidio per vendetta o omicidio per guadagno
Death on the streets or a blackened out jail
Morte per le strade o una prigione oscurata
Dead men, tell no tales
Uomini morti, non raccontano storie
In Gangland, murder's up for sale
Nel territorio delle gang, l'omicidio è in vendita
Dead men, tell no tales
Uomini morti, non raccontano storie
In Gangland, where jail birds die
Nel territorio delle gang, dove gli uccelli in gabbia muoiono
Dead men
Uomini morti
Territorio delle gang
Gangland tell no tales
Il territorio delle gang non racconta storie
Shadows may hide you but also may be your grave
Bayangan mungkin menyembunyikanmu tetapi juga bisa menjadi kuburanmu
You're running today maybe tomorrow you'll be saved
Kau berlari hari ini mungkin besok kau akan diselamatkan
You pray for daylight to save you for a while
Kau berdoa agar siang hari menyelamatkanmu untuk sementara
You wonder if your children will face the killer's smile
Kau bertanya-tanya apakah anak-anakmu akan menghadapi senyuman pembunuh
Dead men, tell no tales
Orang mati, tidak bercerita
In Gangland, murder's up for sale
Di Gangland, pembunuhan dijual
Dead men, tell no tales
Orang mati, tidak bercerita
In Gangland, where jail birds die
Di Gangland, di mana burung penjara mati
Face at the window leers into your own
Wajah di jendela menatap ke arahmu
But it's only your reflection still you tremble in your bones
Tapi itu hanya bayanganmu tetapi kau masih gemetar dalam tulangmu
How long can you hide? How long till they come?
Berapa lama kau bisa bersembunyi? Berapa lama sampai mereka datang?
A rat in a trap but you've got to survive
Sebuah tikus dalam perangkap tetapi kau harus bertahan hidup
Once you were glad to be free for a while
Dulu kau senang bisa bebas untuk sementara
The air tasted good and the world was your friend
Udara terasa baik dan dunia adalah temanmu
Then came the day when the hard times began
Lalu datang hari ketika masa-masa sulit dimulai
Now your alone but alive for how long?
Sekarang kau sendirian tetapi hidup sampai kapan?
Dead men, tell no tales
Orang mati, tidak bercerita
In Gangland, murder's up for sale
Di Gangland, pembunuhan dijual
Dead men, tell no tales
Orang mati, tidak bercerita
In Gangland, where jail birds die
Di Gangland, di mana burung penjara mati
A knife at your throat another body on the pile
Pisau di tenggorokanmu, jasad lain di tumpukan
A contract to keep and it's service with a smile
Kontrak untuk dipenuhi dan itu adalah layanan dengan senyuman
Murder for vengeance or murder for gain
Pembunuhan untuk balas dendam atau pembunuhan untuk keuntungan
Death on the streets or a blackened out jail
Kematian di jalanan atau penjara yang gelap
Dead men, tell no tales
Orang mati, tidak bercerita
In Gangland, murder's up for sale
Di Gangland, pembunuhan dijual
Dead men, tell no tales
Orang mati, tidak bercerita
In Gangland, where jail birds die
Di Gangland, di mana burung penjara mati
Dead men
Orang mati
Gangland tell no tales
Gangland tidak bercerita
Shadows may hide you but also may be your grave
เงาอาจซ่อนคุณไว้ แต่ก็อาจเป็นหลุมฝังศพของคุณ
You're running today maybe tomorrow you'll be saved
คุณกำลังวิ่งวันนี้ อาจจะพรุ่งนี้คุณจะรอด
You pray for daylight to save you for a while
You wonder if your children will face the killer's smile
คุณสงสัยว่าลูก ๆ ของคุณจะต้องเผชิญหน้ากับยิ้มของฆาตกรหรือไม่
Dead men, tell no tales
ผู้ชายที่ตายแล้ว, ไม่มีเรื่องราวใด ๆ
In Gangland, murder's up for sale
ใน Gangland, การฆ่าเป็นสินค้าที่ขาย
Dead men, tell no tales
ผู้ชายที่ตายแล้ว, ไม่มีเรื่องราวใด ๆ
In Gangland, where jail birds die
ใน Gangland, ที่นกขังตาย
Face at the window leers into your own
But it's only your reflection still you tremble in your bones
แต่มันเป็นแค่สะท้อนของคุณเอง แต่คุณยังสั่นในกระดูกของคุณ
How long can you hide? How long till they come?
คุณจะซ่อนตัวได้นานแค่ไหน? จนกว่าพวกเขาจะมา?
A rat in a trap but you've got to survive
หนูในกับดัก แต่คุณต้องรอด
Once you were glad to be free for a while
The air tasted good and the world was your friend
Then came the day when the hard times began
Now your alone but alive for how long?
ตอนนี้คุณอยู่คนเดียว แต่ยังมีชีวิตอยู่นานแค่ไหน?
Dead men, tell no tales
ผู้ชายที่ตายแล้ว, ไม่มีเรื่องราวใด ๆ
In Gangland, murder's up for sale
ใน Gangland, การฆ่าเป็นสินค้าที่ขาย
Dead men, tell no tales
ผู้ชายที่ตายแล้ว, ไม่มีเรื่องราวใด ๆ
In Gangland, where jail birds die
ใน Gangland, ที่นกขังตาย
A knife at your throat another body on the pile
มีมีดที่คอคุณ อีกหนึ่งร่างกายอยู่บนกอง
A contract to keep and it's service with a smile
Murder for vengeance or murder for gain
Death on the streets or a blackened out jail
Dead men, tell no tales
ผู้ชายที่ตายแล้ว, ไม่มีเรื่องราวใด ๆ
In Gangland, murder's up for sale
ใน Gangland, การฆ่าเป็นสินค้าที่ขาย
Dead men, tell no tales
ผู้ชายที่ตายแล้ว, ไม่มีเรื่องราวใด ๆ
In Gangland, where jail birds die
ใน Gangland, ที่นกขังตาย
Dead men
Gangland tell no tales
Gangland ไม่มีเรื่องราวใด ๆ
Shadows may hide you but also may be your grave
You're running today maybe tomorrow you'll be saved
You pray for daylight to save you for a while
You wonder if your children will face the killer's smile
Dead men, tell no tales
In Gangland, murder's up for sale
Dead men, tell no tales
In Gangland, where jail birds die
Face at the window leers into your own
But it's only your reflection still you tremble in your bones
How long can you hide? How long till they come?
A rat in a trap but you've got to survive
Once you were glad to be free for a while
The air tasted good and the world was your friend
Then came the day when the hard times began
Now your alone but alive for how long?
Dead men, tell no tales
In Gangland, murder's up for sale
Dead men, tell no tales
In Gangland, where jail birds die
A knife at your throat another body on the pile
A contract to keep and it's service with a smile
Murder for vengeance or murder for gain
Death on the streets or a blackened out jail
Dead men, tell no tales
In Gangland, murder's up for sale
Dead men, tell no tales
In Gangland, where jail birds die
Dead men
Gangland tell no tales

Wissenswertes über das Lied Gangland von Iron Maiden

Wann wurde das Lied “Gangland” von Iron Maiden veröffentlicht?
Das Lied Gangland wurde im Jahr 1982, auf dem Album “The Number of the Beast” veröffentlicht.
Wer hat das Lied “Gangland” von Iron Maiden komponiert?
Das Lied “Gangland” von Iron Maiden wurde von Clive Ronald Burr, Adrian Frederick Smith komponiert.

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