Empfohlene Videos
Beliebteste Lieder
Pata Pata
1996 • Live from Paris and Conakry
Grand Finale Tour, Live at the 2006 Cape Town International Jazz Festival
Brand New Day
1970 • Keep Me In Mind
The Retreat Song
1964 • One More Dance
Quit It
1994 • A Promise
Ngalala Phantsi
1982 • Sangoma
The Click Song
1994 • The Click Song
You Are In Love
1966 • The Magic of Makeba
One More Dance
1994 • The Click Song
In My Life
1970 • Keep Me In Mind
For What It's Worth
1970 • Keep Me In Mind
1967 • Pata Pata
Iya Guduza
2004 • Reflections
1963 • The World Of Miriam Makeba
Thula Mntanami
1993 • Sing Me a Song
Alle Lieder
A Luta Continua
A Piece Of Ground
A Piece of Ground [Live in Concert]
A Piece of Ground [Live in Tokyo]
A Piece of Ground [Stereo Version]
Africa Is Where My Heart Lies
African Convention
African Convention [Comme]
African Sunset
African Sunset [Welela]
Akana Nkomo
Akana Nkomo [(Live)]
Aluta Continua
Amampondo [(Live)]
Amampondo [En public a Paris et Conakry]
Amampondo [Forbidden Games]
Amampondo [Golden Voices of Africa]
Amampondo [Kwedini]
Amampondo [Lakutshn Ilanga]
Amampondo [Live in Paris]
Amampondo [Live in Tokyo]
Amampondo [Mampondo]
Amampondo [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Amampondo [Mpondo]
Amampondo [The Guinea Years]
Amampondo [Tonados De Media Noche]
Ask the Rising Sun
Ask the Rising Sun [(Live)]
Autumn Song
Baby Ntsoare [Africa, Africa]
Baby Ntsoare [African Classics]
Baby Ntsoare [African Roots Volume 2]
Baby Ntsoare [Baby Ntsoare Early]
Baby Ntsoare [Best Oldies Duo]
Baby Ntsoare [Carnival Vol 2]
Baby Ntsoare [Click]
Baby Ntsoare [Dubula]
Baby Ntsoare [Essential 2]
Baby Ntsoare [Essential]
Baby Ntsoare [Goodbye Africa]
Baby Ntsoare [Greatest Hits Vol 2]
Baby Ntsoare [Greetings]
Baby Ntsoare [Iya Guduza]
Baby Ntsoare [Last Christmas]
Baby Ntsoare [Make Us One]
Baby Ntsoare [Music & Wine with Miriam Makeba]
Baby Ntsoare [Night Must Fall]
Baby Ntsoare [Oldies Selection: The Early Years]
Baby Ntsoare [ONE - Original Mix]
Baby Ntsoare [Orlando Mix]
Baby Ntsoare [Pata Pata 2]
Baby Ntsoare [Quick Love]
Baby Ntsoare [Shellac Memories]
Baby Ntsoare [Table Mountain]
Baby Ntsoare [Teya 2]
Baby Ntsoare [Teya]
Baby Ntsoare [The Collection]
Baby Ntsoare [The Early Years]
Baby Ntsoare [The Legendary Hits]
Baby Ntsoare [The Lifetime Award Collection]
Baby Ntsoare [The Man]
Baby Ntsoare [The Ultimate Collection]
Baby Ntsoare [This Is The Sound of Africa]
Baby Ntsoare [Vintage 2021]
Baby Ntsoare [Volume 2]
Baby Ntsoare [Wonderland]
Back of the Moon
Back of the Moon [Back]
Back of the Moon [Essential 2]
Back of the Moon [Essential]
Back of the moon [Golden Voices of Africa]
Back of the Moon [Greetings]
Back of the Moon [Last Christmas]
Back of the Moon [Make Us One]
Back of the Moon [Mampondo]
Back of the Moon [Nomalungelo]
Back of the Moon [Oldies Selection: The Early Years]
Back of the Moon [ONE - Original Mix]
Back of the Moon [Orlando Mix]
Back Of The Moon [Quick Love]
Back Of The Moon [Table Mountain]
Back of the Moon [Teya 2]
Back of the Moon [Teya]
Back of the Moon [The Early Years]
Back of the Moon [The Lifetime Award Collection]
Back of the Moon [Vintage 2021]
Back of the Moon [Wonderland]
Banoy [Live At Lincoln Center]
Banoyi [Live in Concert]
Baxabene Oxamu
Baya Jabula
Baya Ndi Memeza
Baya Ndi Memeza [Africa, Africa]
Baya Ndi Memeza [African Classics]
Baya Ndi Memeza [Carnival Vol 1]
Baya Ndi Memeza [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Baya Ndi Memeza [Miriam Makeba Greatest Hits Vol 1]
Baya ndi memeza [Phansi Kwalomhlaba]
Baya Ndi Memeza [Strawberries]
Baya Ndi Memeza [The Collection]
Baya Ndi Memeza [The Legendary Hits]
Baya Ndi Memeza [The Ultimate Collection]
Baya Ndi Memeza [This Is The Sound of Africa]
Beware, Verwoerd! (Ndodemnyama)
Brand New Day
Cameroon [Forbidden Games]
Cameroon [Sings]
Can't Corss Over [Qongq]
Can't Cross Over - Original Mix [Saduva 2]
Can't Cross Over - West Indian Calypso [Mama Africa]
Can't Cross Over - West Indian Calypso [Night Must Fall]
Can't Cross Over - West Indian Calypso [The Collection]
Can't Cross Over - West Indian Calypso [The Essential]
Can'T Cross Over - West Indian Calypso [The Legendary Hits]
Can't Cross Over - West Indian Calypso [The Ultimate Collection]
Can't Cross Over - West Indian Calypso [This Is The Sound of Africa]
Can't Cross Over (River Come Down)
Can't Cross over (West Indian Calypso) [African Classics]
Can't Cross Over (West Indian Calypso) [Carnival Vol 2]
Can't Cross Over (West Indian Calypso) [Click]
Can't Cross Over (West Indian Calypso) [Iya Guduza]
Can't Cross Over (West Indian Calypso) [The Man]
Can't Cross Over (West Indian Calypso) [Volume 2]
Can't Cross Over (West Indian Calypso) [Zenizenabo]
Can't Cross Over [Golden Star Collection]
Can't Cross Over [Greatest Hits Vol 2]
Can't Cross Over [Kilimanjaro]
Can't Cross Over [Kwedini]
Can't Cross Over [Many Voices]
Can't Cross Over [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Can't Cross Over [Night Must Fall 2]
Can't Cross Over [Pata Pata 2]
Can't Cross Over [Pula Kgosi Seretse]
Can't Cross Over [Shellac Memories]
Can't Cross Over [Strawberries]
Can't Cross Over [Tonados De Media Noche]
Cannon (Mbayi, Mbayi)
Chicken - Kikirikiki [Sono (Essentiels)]
Choo Choo Train - Shuku Shuku
Chove Chuva
Click Song
Click Song [(Live)]
Click Song [Live in Concert]
Click Song #2 [Live At Lincoln Center]
Click Song Number 1
Click Song Number One [Mono Version]
Come to Glory
Come to Glory [Voice Africa]
Come to Glory [Voice of Africa]
Darlie Kea Lemang
Darlie Kea Lemang [Back]
Darlie Kea Lemang [Best Oldies Duo]
Darlie Kea Lemang [Essential]
Darlie Kea Lemang [Greetings]
Darlie Kea Lemang [Last Christmas]
Darlie Kea Lemang [Lifetime Award]
Darlie Kea Lemang [Make Us One]
Darlie Kea Lemang [ONE - Original Mix]
Darlie Kea Lemang [Orlando Mix]
Darlie Kea Lemang [Quick Love]
Darlie Kea Lemang [Table Mountain]
Darlie Kea Lemang [Teya 2]
Darlie Kea Lemang [Teya]
Darlie Kea Lemang [The Early Years]
Darlie Kea Lemang [The Planet's Greatest]
Darlie Kea Lemang [The Skylarks]
Darlie Kea Lemang [Vintage 2021]
Darlie Kea Lemang [Wonderland]
Darlie Kee Leung [Dubula]
Djiu de Galinha
Do Unto Others
Do Unto Others [Golden Collection]
Do Unto Others [Pula Kgosi Seretse]
Do Unto Others [The Planet's Greatest]
Do Unto Others [Tonados De Media Noche]
Down on the Corner
Dubla Ndini [(Live)]
Dubula [Dubula]
Dubula [Forbidden Games]
Dubula [Golden Voices of Africa]
Dubula [Kwedini]
Dubula [Lakutshn Ilanga]
Dubula [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Dubula [Mpondo]
Dubula [Pula Kgosi Seretse]
Dubula [Tonados De Media Noche]
Dubula [World Mix 1]
Ekoneni [African Classics]
Ekoneni [Carnival Vol 1]
Ekoneni [Golden Collection]
Ekoneni [Greatest Hits Vol 1]
Ekoneni [Mampondo]
Ekoneni [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Ekoneni [Miriam Makeba The Collection]
Ekoneni [Strawberries]
Ekoneni [The Legendary Hits]
Ekoneni [The Ultimate Collection]
Ekoneni [This Is The Sound of Africa]
Emavungwini (Down In The Dumps)
Erev Shel Shoshanim
For What It's Worth
Forbidden Games
Forbidden Games [(Live)]
Forbidden Games [Dubula]
Forbidden Games [En public a Paris et Conakry]
Forbidden Games [Forbidden Games]
Forbidden Games [Kwedini]
Forbidden Games [Lakutshn Ilanga]
Forbidden Games [Live in Paris]
Forbidden Games [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Forbidden Games [Mpondo]
Forbidden Games [Pula Kgosi Seretse]
Forbidden Games [Tonados De Media Noche]
Four-Letter Words
Give Us Our Land (Mabayeke)
Ha Po Zamani
Hamba Naye
Hamba Naye [Live in Tokyo]
Holili [Golden Collection]
Holilili [Back]
Holilili [Best Oldies Duo]
Holilili [Christmas Stars Miriam Makeba]
Holilili [Essential 2]
Holilili [Essential]
Holilili [Greetings]
Holilili [Last Christmas]
Holilili [Make Us One]
Holilili [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Holilili [Miriam]
Holilili [Oldies Selection: The Early Years]
Holilili [ONE - Original Mix]
Holilili [Orlando Mix]
Holilili [Phansi Kwalomhlaba]
Holilili [Quick Love]
Holilili [Strawberries]
Holilili [Table Mountain]
Holilili [Teya 2]
Holilili [Teya]
Holilili [The Early Years]
Holilili [The Lifetime Award Collection]
Holilili [The Planet's Greatest]
Holilili [Vintage 2021]
Holilili [Wonderland]
House Of The Rising Sound [Golden Voices of Africa]
House Of The Rising Sun
House of the Rising Sun [af]
House Of The Rising Sun [Africa, Africa]
House of the Rising Sun [Afternoon Tunes]
House of the Rising Sun [Carnival Vol 2]
House of the Rising Sun [Cheerful]
House of the Rising Sun [Everyday Tunes]
House of the Rising Sun [Golden Collection]
House of the Rising Sun [Goodbye Africa]
House Of The Rising Sun [Greatest Hits Vol 2]
House of the Rising Sun [House Of The Rising Sun]
House of the Rising Sun [Iya Guduza]
House of the Rising Sun [Kilimanjaro]
House of the Rising Sun [Kwedini]
House of the Rising Sun [Laku Tshoni'langa]
House of the Rising Sun [Miri Ma]
House of the Rising Sun [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
House of the Rising Sun [Miriam Makeba Mama Africa]
House of the Rising Sun [Miriam]
House of the Rising Sun [Mysterious]
House of the Rising Sun [Night Must Fall 2]
House of the Rising Sun [Opulent Event]
House of the Rising Sun [Pata Pata 2]
House of the Rising Sun [Precious]
House of the Rising Sun [Queen of African Music]
House of the Rising Sun [Rarity Music]
House of the Rising Sun [Saduva 2]
House of the Rising Sun [Skylarks]
House of the Rising Sun [Some Winter Dreams]
House of the Rising Sun [Strawberries]
House of the Rising Sun [The Collection]
House of the Rising Sun [The Essential]
House of the Rising Sun [The Legendary Hits]
House of the Rising Sun [The Ultimate Collection]
House of the Rising Sun [This Is The Sound of Africa]
House of the Rising Sun [Urbanized]
House of the Rising Sun [Volume 2]
House of the Rising Sun [Zenizenabo]
Hurry, Mama, Hurry! (Khawuleza)
Hush [African Roots Volume 2]
Hush [Baby Ntsoare Early]
Hush [Christmas Stars Miriam Makeba]
Hush [Click]
Hush [Dubula]
Hush [Essential 2]
Hush [Essential]
Hush [Goodbye Africa]
Hush [Greetings]
Hush [Last Christmas]
Hush [Make Us One]
Hush [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Hush [Miriam Makeba Golden Collection]
Hush [Nomalungelo]
Hush [Oldies Selection: The Early Years]
Hush [ONE - Original Mix]
Hush [Orlando Mix]
Hush [Phansi Kwalomhlaba]
Hush [Quick Love]
Hush [Shellac Memories]
Hush [Strawberries]
Hush [Table Mountain]
Hush [Teya 2]
Hush [Teya]
Hush [The Early Years]
Hush [The Lifetime Award Collection]
Hush [The Man]
Hush [Wonderland]
Hush, Hush (Thula, Thula)
I Long to Return
I Phin Diela [En public a Paris et Conakry]
I phin dlela [Appel Radio Live]
I Shall Sing [(Live)]
I Shall Sing [Album Version]
I Shall Sing [En public a Paris et Conakry]
I Shall Sing [Keep Me In Mind]
I Shall Sing [Live in Paris]
I Think I Ought To
I'm in Love with Spring
I'mm You'mm We'mm - Live [live au palais du peuple]
I'mm You'mm We'mm [En public a Paris et Conakry]
Ibabalazie [Live At Lincoln Center]
Ibabalazie [Live in Concert]
Ibabalazie [Live in Tokyo]
If We Ever (feat. David Guetta)
Imagine Me
In My Life
Inhlupeko [(Live)]
Inkoma zodwa [African Roots Volume 2]
Inkoma Zodwa [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Inkomo Zodwa
Inkomo Zodwa [African Classics]
Inkomo Zodwa [Carnival Vol 2]
Inkomo Zodwa [Golden Collection]
Inkomo Zodwa [Greatest Hits Vol 2]
Inkomo Zodwa [Iya Guduza]
Inkomo Zodwa [Pata Pata 2]
Inkomo Zodwa [Queen of African Music]
Inkomo Zodwa [Skylarks]
Inkomo Zodwa [Strawberries]
Inkomo Zodwa [The Collection]
Inkomo Zodwa [The Legendary Hits]
Inkomo Zodwa [The Planet's Greatest]
Inkomo Zodwa [The Skylarks]
Inkomo Zodwa [This Is The Sound of Africa]
Inkomo Zodwa [Volume 2]
Intandane [Baby Ntsoare Early]
Intandane [Golden Collection]
Intandane [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Intandane [Phansi Kwalomhlaba]
Intandane [Strawberries]
Into Yam
Into Yam [(Live)]
Into yam [Golden Voices of Africa]
Into Yam [Kwedini]
Into Yam [Lakutshn Ilanga]
Into Yam [Live in Tokyo]
Into Yam [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Into Yam [Mpondo]
Into Yam [Tonados De Media Noche]
Iphi Ndilela
Ishayisa Mfana
Ishayisa Mfana [Dubula]
Ishayisa Mfana [Golden Collection]
Ishayisa Mfana [Pula Kgosi Seretse]
Ishayisa Mfana [The Planet's Greatest]
Ishayisa Mfana [Tonados De Media Noche]
Ityala Madoda [Live]
Iva Guduza [Miri Ma]
Iya Gaduza
Iya Gaduza [Golden Collection]
Iya Gaduza [The Click Song]
Iya Guduza
Iya Guduza [African Classics]
Iya Guduza [Afternoon Tunes]
Iya Guduza [Carnival Vol 2]
Iya Guduza [Cheerful]
Iya Guduza [Everyday Tunes]
Iya Guduza [Goodbye Africa]
Iya Guduza [House Of The Rising Sun]
Iya Guduza [Iya Guduza]
Iya Guduza [Kilimanjaro]
Iya Guduza [Laku Tshoni'langa]
Iya Guduza [Mampondo]
Iya Guduza [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Iya Guduza [Miriam Makeba Greatest Hits Vol 2]
Iya Guduza [Miriam]
Iya Guduza [Mysterious]
Iya Guduza [Night Must Fall 2]
Iya Guduza [Opulent Event]
Iya Guduza [Pata Pata 2]
Iya Guduza [Precious]
Iya Guduza [Rarity Music]
Iya Guduza [Saduva 2]
Iya Guduza [Some Winter Dreams]
Iya Guduza [Sono (Essentiels)]
Iya Guduza [Strawberries]
Iya Guduza [The Collection]
Iya Guduza [The Legendary Hits]
Iya Guduza [The Ultimate Collection]
Iya Guduza [This Is The Sound of Africa]
Iya Guduza [Urbanized]
Iya Guduza [Volume 2]
Iya Guduza [Zenizenabo]
Iyaho [Miriam Makeba Golden Collection]
Jeux Interdis (Forbidden Games) [The Guinea Years]
Jeux Interdits - Forbidden Games [Quick Love]
Jeux Interdits (Forbidden Games) [Back]
Jeux Interdits (Forbidden Games) [Essential]
Jeux Interdits (Forbidden Games) [Greetings]
Jeux Interdits (Forbidden Games) [Last Christmas]
Jeux Interdits (Forbidden Games) [Make Us One]
Jeux Interdits (Forbidden Games) [Music & Wine with Miriam Makeba]
Jeux Interdits (Forbidden Games) [Oldies Selection: The Early Years]
Jeux Interdits (Forbidden Games) [ONE - Original Mix]
Jeux Interdits (Forbidden Games) [Orlando Mix]
Jeux Interdits (Forbidden Games) [Table Mountain]
Jeux Interdits (Forbidden Games) [Teya 2]
Jeux Interdits (Forbidden Games) [Teya]
Jeux Interdits (Forbidden Games) [The Early Years]
Jeux Interdits (Forbidden Games) [The Lifetime Award Collection]
Jeux Interdits (Forbidden Games) [Wonderland]
Jikale Maweni (The Retreat Song)
Jikale Maweni (The Retreat Song) [Lakutshn Ilanga]
Jikele Maweni [(Live)]
Jol' Inkomo
Jol' Inkomo [Live At Lincoln Center]
Jol'inkomo [stereo version]
Jolinkomo [En public a Paris et Conakry]
Jolinkomo [Live au Palais Du Peuple]
Jolinkomo [Live in Paris]
Jolinkomo [Live]
Kilimanjaro - Hunting Song And Boot Dance [Africa, Africa]
Kilimanjaro - Hunting Song and Boot Dance [Goodbye Africa]
Kilimanjaro - Hunting Song And Boot Dance [Laku Tshoni'langa]
Kilimanjaro - Hunting Song and Boot Dance [Night Must Fall]
Kilimanjaro - Hunting Song And Boot Dance [The Essential]
Kilimanjaro - Hunting Song And Boot Dance [The Legendary Hits]
Kilimanjaro - Hunting Song And Boot Dance [The Ultimate Collection]
Kilimanjaro (Hunting Song and Boot Dance) [African Classics]
Kilimanjaro (Hunting Song and Boot Dance) [Carnival Vol 1]
Kilimanjaro (Hunting Song and Boot Dance) [Click]
Kilimanjaro (Hunting Song and Boot Dance) [The Man]
Kilimanjaro (Hunting Song and Boot Dance) [Zenizenabo]
Kilimanjaro [(Live)]
Kilimanjaro [En public à Paris et Conakry]
Kilimanjaro [Forbidden Games]
Kilimanjaro [Golden Star Collection]
Kilimanjaro [Greatest Hits Vol 1]
Kilimanjaro [Le Monde]
Kilimanjaro [Live au palais du peuple]
Kilimanjaro [Mampondo]
Kilimanjaro [Many Voices]
Kilimanjaro [Original Mix]
Kilimanjaro [Qongq]
Kilimanjaro [Shellac Memories]
Kilimanjaro [Sings]
Kilimanjaro [Strawberries]
Known Unsung Hero
Kudala Ngikwemele
Kudala Ngikwemele [Golden Collection]
Kulo Nyaka
Kutheni Sithandwa
Kutheni Sithandwa [African Classics]
Kutheni sithandwa [African Roots Volume 2]
Kutheni Sithandwa [Best Oldies Duo]
Kutheni Sithandwa [Carnival Vol 2]
Kutheni Sithandwa [Christmas Stars Miriam Makeba]
Kutheni Sithandwa [Dubula]
Kutheni Sithandwa [Essential 2]
Kutheni Sithandwa [Essential]
Kutheni Sithandwa [Golden Collection]
Kutheni Sithandwa [Greatest Hits Vol 2]
Kutheni Sithandwa [Greetings]
Kutheni Sithandwa [Iya Guduza]
Kutheni Sithandwa [Last Christmas]
Kutheni Sithandwa [Make Us One]
Kutheni Sithandwa [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Kutheni Sithandwa [MPhansi Kwalomhlaba]
Kutheni Sithandwa [Nomalungelo]
Kutheni Sithandwa [Oldies Selection: The Early Years]
Kutheni Sithandwa [ONE - Original Mix]
Kutheni Sithandwa [Orlando Mix]
Kutheni Sithandwa [Pata Pata 2]
Kutheni Sithandwa [Quick Love]
Kutheni Sithandwa [Strawberries]
Kutheni Sithandwa [Table Mountain]
Kutheni Sithandwa [Teya 2]
Kutheni Sithandwa [Teya]
Kutheni Sithandwa [The Collection]
Kutheni Sithandwa [The Early Years]
Kutheni Sithandwa [The Legendary Hits]
Kutheni Sithandwa [The Lifetime Award Collection]
Kutheni Sithandwa [The Planet's Greatest]
Kutheni Sithandwa [The Ultimate Collection]
Kutheni Sithandwa [This Is The Sound of Africa]
Kutheni Sithandwa [Vintage 2021]
Kutheni Sithandwa [Volume 2]
Kutheni Sithandwa [Wonderland]
Kwazulu (In the Land of the Zulus)
Kwedini [Golden Voices of Africa]
Kwedini [Kwedini]
Kwedini [Lakutshn Ilanga]
Kwedini [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Kwedini [Mpondo]
Kwedini [Pula Kgosi Seretse]
Kwedini [Tonados De Media Noche]
La Bushe (Congo Bushe)
Laktushona Ilanga
Laku Tshone 'ilanga [Christmas Stars Miriam Makeba]
Laku Tshone 'ilanga [Greetings]
Laku Tshone 'Ilanga [Last Christmas]
Laku Tshone 'Ilanga [Make Us One]
Laku Tshone 'ilanga [Nomalungelo]
Laku Tshone 'ilanga [Oldies Selection: The Early Years]
Laku Tshone 'Ilanga [The Early Years]
Laku Tshone 'ilanga [The Lifetime Award Collection]
Laku Tshone 'ilanga [Vintage 2021]
Laku Tshone 'ilanga [Wonderland]
Laku Tshone 'Llanga [Quick Love]
Laku Tshone Llanga [Essential 2]
Laku Tshone Llanga [Essential]
Laku Tshone Llanga [ONE - Original Mix]
Laku Tshone Llanga [Orlando Mix]
Laku Tshone Llanga [Table Mountain]
Laku Tshone Llanga [Teya 2]
Laku Tshone Llanga [Teya]
Laku Tshoni 'Ilanga [Qongq]
Laku Tshoni'langa
Laku Tshoni'langa [Kwedini]
Laku tshoni'langa [Laku Tshoni'langa]
Laku Tshoni'langa [Tonados De Media Noche]
Laku Tshuni 'Langa
Lakutshn Ilanga
Lakutshn Ilanga [Golden Collection]
Lakutshn Ilanga [House Of The Rising Sun]
Lakutshn Ilanga [Kilimanjaro]
Lakutshn Ilanga [Lakutshn Ilanga]
Lakutshn Ilanga [Mama Africa]
Lakutshn Ilanga [Strawberries]
Lakutshn, Ilanga
Lakutshn, Ilanga [African Classics]
Lakutshn, Ilanga [Afternoon Tunes]
Lakutshn, Ilanga [Carnival Vol 2]
Lakutshn, Ilanga [Cheerful]
Lakutshn, Ilanga [Everyday Tunes]
Lakutshn, Ilanga [Greatest Hits Vol 2]
Lakutshn, Ilanga [Iya Guduza]
Lakutshn, Ilanga [Miri Ma]
Lakutshn, Ilanga [Mysterious]
Lakutshn, Ilanga [night must fall vol 1]
Lakutshn, Ilanga [Opulent Event]
Lakutshn, Ilanga [Pata Pata 2]
Lakutshn, Ilanga [Precious]
Lakutshn, Ilanga [Queen of African Music]
Lakutshn, Ilanga [Rarity Music]
Lakutshn, Ilanga [Skylarks]
Lakutshn, Ilanga [Some Winter Dreams]
Lakutshn, Ilanga [The Collection]
Lakutshn, Ilanga [The Legendary Hits]
Lakutshn, Ilanga [This Is The Sound of Africa]
Lakutshn, Ilanga [Urbanized]
Lakutshn, Ilanga [Zenizenabo]
Lakutshon Ilanga [The Click Song]
Lakutshon' Ilanga [Miriam]
Lalelani [Golden Collection]
Langa More
Langa More [Voice Africa]
Langa More [Voice of Africa]
Let's Pretend
Let's Pretend [Forbidden Games]
Little Bird
Little Bird [Forbidden Games]
Little Boy
Little Boy [Forbidden Games]
Little boy [Golden Voices of Africa]
Little Boy [Kwedini]
Little Boy [Lakutshn Ilanga]
Little Boy [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Little Boy [Mpondo]
Little Boy [Pula Kgosi Seretse]
Little Boy [Tonados De Media Noche]
Little Boy [World Mix 2]
Live Humbe
Live Humble
Live Humble [Back]
Live Humble [Best Oldies Duo]
Live Humble [Christmas Stars Miriam Makeba]
Live Humble [Essential 2]
Live Humble [Essential]
Live Humble [Golden Collection]
Live Humble [Greetings]
Live Humble [Last Christmas]
Live Humble [Make Us One]
Live Humble [Mampondo]
Live Humble [Oldies Selection: The Early Years]
Live Humble [ONE - Original Mix]
Live Humble [Orlando Mix]
Live Humble [Queen of African Music]
Live Humble [Quick Love]
Live Humble [Skylarks]
Live Humble [Strawberries]
Live Humble [Table Mountain]
Live Humble [Teya 2]
Live Humble [Teya]
Live Humble [The Early Years]
Live Humble [The Lifetime Award Collection]
Live Humble [The Planet's Greatest]
Live Humble [Vintage 2021]
Live Humble [Wonderland]
Liwa Wechi
Love Tastes Like Strawberries
Love Tastes Like Strawberries - West Indian Ballad [Five Original Albums]
Love Tastes Like Strawberries - West Indian Ballad [Mama Africa]
Love Tastes Like Strawberries - West Indian Ballad [Night Must Fall]
Love Tastes Like Strawberries - West Indian Ballad [The Collection]
Love Tastes Like Strawberries - West Indian Ballad [The Legendary Hits]
Love Tastes Like Strawberries - West Indian Ballad [The Ultimate Collection]
Love Tastes Like Strawberries - West Indian Ballad [This Is The Sound of Africa]
Love Tastes Like Strawberries (West Indian Ballad) [African Classics]
Love Tastes Like Strawberries (West Indian Ballad) [Carnival Vol 1]
Love Tastes Like Strawberries (West Indian Ballad) [Click]
Love Tastes Like Strawberries (West Indian Ballad) [The Man]
Love Tastes Like Strawberries (West Indian Ballad) [Zenizenabo]
Love Tastes Like Strawberries [Golden Star Collection]
Love Tastes Like Strawberries [Greatest Hits Vol 1]
Love Tastes Like Strawberries [Kilimanjaro]
Love Tastes Like Strawberries [Le Monde]
Love Tastes Like Strawberries [Mampondo]
Love Tastes Like Strawberries [Many Voices]
Love Tastes Like Strawberries [Night Must Fall 2]
Love Tastes Like Strawberries [Queen of African Music]
Love Tastes Like Strawberries [Saduva 2]
Love Tastes Like Strawberries [Shellac Memories]
Love Tastes Like Strawberries [Skylarks]
Love Tastes Like Strawberries [Strawberries]
Lovely Lies
Lovely Lies (Lakutshona Ilanga) [Voice]
Lovely Lies [Golden Collection]
Lovely Lies [The Guinea Years]
Lovely Lies [Voice Africa]
Lovely Lies [Voice of Africa]
Lullaby (Thula Sthandwa Same)
Lumumba [Keep Me In Mind]
lya guduza [Golden Voices of Africa]
Magwala Ndini
Make Us One
Make us one [African Roots Volume 2]
Make Us One [Christmas Stars Miriam Makeba]
Make Us One [Click]
Make Us One [Essential 2]
Make Us One [Essential]
Make Us One [Golden Collection]
Make Us One [Greetings]
Make Us One [Last Christmas]
Make Us One [Make Us One]
Make Us One [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Make Us One [Nomalungelo]
Make Us One [Oldies Selection: The Early Years]
Make Us One [Orlando Mix]
Make Us One [Pula Kgosi Seretse]
Make Us One [Queen of African Music]
Make Us One [Quick Love]
Make Us One [Shellac Memories]
Make Us One [Skylarks]
Make Us One [Strawberries]
Make Us One [Table Mountain]
Make Us One [Teya 2]
Make Us One [Teya]
Make Us One [The Early Years]
Make Us One [The Lifetime Award Collection]
Make Us One [The Man]
Make Us One [The Planet's Greatest]
Make Us One [The Skylarks]
Make Us One [Tonados De Media Noche]
Make Us One [Vintage 2021]
Make Us One [Wonderland]
Makoti [Africa, Africa]
Makoti [African Classics]
Makoti [Carnival Vol 1]
Makoti [Click]
Makoti [Dubula]
Makoti [Golden Collection]
Makoti [Greatest Hits Vol 1]
Makoti [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Makoti [Shellac Memories]
Makoti [Strawberries]
Makoti [The Collection]
Makoti [The Legendary Hits]
Makoti [The Man]
Makoti [The Ultimate Collection]
Makoti [This Is The Sound of Africa]
Malaika [Appel Radio Live]
Malaika [Live au palais du peuple]
Malaika [Live in Paris]
Malaisha - Bring the Axe [Sono (Essentiels)]
Malaisha (Bring the Axe)
Malayisha [Live in Tokyo]
Malcom X (Original single 1974)
Malcom X [Appel Radio Live]
Malcom X [En public a Paris et Conakry]
Mama Ndiyalila
Mamoriri [Voice Africa]
Mamoriri [Voice of Africa]
Mas Que Nada
Mayibuye [(Live)]
Mayibuye [Voice Africa]
Mayibuye [Voice of Africa]
Mbube (Wimoweh) [Queen of African Music]
Mbube (Wimoweh) [Skylarks]
Mbube (Wimoweh/the Lion Sleeps Tonight) [Click]
Mbube (Wimoweh/the Lion Sleeps Tonight) [The Man]
Mbube (with The Chad Mitchell Trio) [Afternoon Tunes]
Mbube (with The Chad Mitchell Trio) [Cheerful]
Mbube (with The Chad Mitchell Trio) [Everyday Tunes]
Mbube (with The Chad Mitchell Trio) [Miri Ma]
Mbube (with The Chad Mitchell Trio) [Mysterious]
Mbube (with The Chad Mitchell Trio) [Opulent Event]
Mbube (with The Chad Mitchell Trio) [Some Winter Dreams]
Mbube (with The Chad Mitchell Trio) [Urbanized]
Mbube [Africa, Africa]
Mbube [African Classics]
Mbube [Carnival Vol 1]
Mbube [Golden Collection]
Mbube [Golden Voices of Africa]
Mbube [Greatest Hits Vol 1]
Mbube [Kilimanjaro]
Mbube [Laku Tshoni'langa]
Mbube [LIVE]
Mbube [Mama Africa]
Mbube [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Mbube [Miriam Makeba House Of The Rising Sun]
Mbube [Miriam Makeba The Collection]
Mbube [Miriam]
Mbube [Night Must Fall 2]
Mbube [Precious]
Mbube [Rarity Music]
Mbube [Saduva 2]
Mbube [Strawberries]
Mbube [The Click Song]
Mbube [The Legendary Hits]
Mbube [The Ultimate Collection]
Mbube [This Is The Sound of Africa]
Mbube [Zenizenabo]
Measure the Valley [Appel Radio Live]
Measure the Valley [En public a Paris et Conakry]
Measure The Valleys
Measure the Valleys [Live au palais du peuple]
Meet Me At The River
Miriam and Spoke's Phatha Phatha [Golden Collection]
Miriam and Spokes' Phata Phata [The Planet's Greatest]
Miriam And Spokes' Phatha Phatha
Miriam and Spokes' Phatha Phatha [Click]
Miriam And Spokes' Phatha Phatha [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Miriam and Spokes' Phatha Phatha [Shellac Memories]
Miriam and Spokes' Phatha Phatha [Strawberries]
Miriam and Spokes' Phatha Phatha [The Man]
Miriam S Goodbye to Africa [Essential]
Miriam S Goodbye to Africa [ONE - Original Mix]
Miriam S Goodbye to Africa [Orlando Mix]
Miriam S Goodbye To Africa [Table Mountain]
Miriam S Goodbye to Africa [Teya 2]
Miriam S Goodbye to Africa [Teya]
Miriam's Goodbye to Africa
Miriam's goodbye to Africa [African Roots Volume 2]
Miriam's Goodbye to Africa [Click]
Miriam's Goodbye to Africa [Golden Collection]
Miriam's Goodbye to Africa [Goodbye Africa]
Miriam's Goodbye To Africa [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Miriam's Goodbye to Africa [Miriam Makeba's Hits]
Miriam's Goodbye to Africa [Miriam's Goodbye to Africa]
Miriam's Goodbye to Africa [Pula Kgosi Seretse]
Miriam's Goodbye To Africa [Quick Love]
Miriam's Goodbye to Africa [Shellac Memories]
Miriam's Goodbye to Africa [The Man]
Miriam's Goodbye to Africa [The Planet's Greatest]
Miriam's Goodbye to Africa [Tonados De Media Noche]
Miriams's Goodbye to Africa [Back]
Miriams's Goodbye to Africa [Best Oldies Duo]
Miriams's Goodbye to Africa [Christmas Holidays with Miriam Makeba]
Miriams's Goodbye to Africa [Christmas Stars Miriam Makeba]
Miriams's Goodbye to Africa [Greetings]
Miriams's Goodbye to Africa [Last Christmas]
Miriams's Goodbye to Africa [Make Us One]
Miriams's Goodbye to Africa [Oldies Selection: The Early Years]
Miriams's Goodbye to Africa [The Early Years]
Miriams's Goodbye to Africa [The Lifetime Award Collection]
Miriams's Goodbye to Africa [Vintage 2021]
Miriams's Goodbye to Africa [Wonderland]
Mommy [Live in Concert]
Mommy, Mommy What Is Heaven Like?
Moody Moods
Moody Moods [Sing Me A Song]
Mr. Man
Mtshakasi [African Classics]
Mtshakasi [Baby Ntsoare Early]
Mtshakasi [Carnival Vol 1]
Mtshakasi [Greatest Hits Vol 1]
Mtshakasi [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Mtshakasi [Miriam Makeba's Hits]
Mtshakasi [Phansi Kwalomhlaba]
Mtshakasi [The Collection]
Mtshakasi [The Legendary Hits]
Mtshakasi [The Ultimate Collection]
Mtshakasi [This Is The Sound of Africa]
Mtshakazi [Golden Collection]
Mtshakazi [Pula Kgosi Seretse]
Mtshakazi [The Planet's Greatest]
Mtshakazi [The Skylarks]
Mtshakazi [Tonados De Media Noche]
Muntu (Lullaby)
My angel (Malaika) [Golden Voices of Africa]
My Love Is Young
My Yiddishe Momme / The Click Song
Nagula - The Witch Doctor Song [Africa, Africa]
Nagula - The Witch Doctor Song [The Collection]
Nagula - The Witch Doctor Song [The Essential]
Nagula - The Witch Doctor Song [The Legendary Hits]
Nagula - The Witch Doctor Song [The Ultimate Collection]
Nagula - The Witch Doctor Song [This Is The Sound of Africa]
Nagula - Witch Doctor Song [Goodbye Africa]
Nagula - Witch Doctor Song [Laku Tshoni'langa]
Nagula - Witch Doctor Song [Mama Africa]
Nagula - Witch Doctor Song [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Nagula - Witch Doctor Song [Night Must Fall]
Nagula (Witch Doctor Song) [African Classics]
Nagula (Witch Doctor Song) [Carnival Vol 1]
Nagula (Witch Doctor Song) [Click]
Nagula (Witch Doctor Song) [The Man]
Nagula (Witch Doctor Song) [Zenizenabo]
Nagula [Dubula]
Nagula [Golden Star Collection]
Nagula [Greatest Hits Vol 1]
Nagula [Kilimanjaro]
Nagula [Many Voices]
Nagula [Miriam Makeba's Hits]
Nagula [Night Must Fall 2]
Nagula [Saduva 2]
Ndamcenga (Nomeva)
Ndamcenga [African Classics]
Ndamcenga [African Roots Volume 2]
Ndamcenga [Carnival Vol 2]
Ndamcenga [Christmas Stars Miriam Makeba]
Ndamcenga [Essential 2]
Ndamcenga [Essential]
Ndamcenga [Golden Collection]
Ndamcenga [Greatest Hits Vol 2]
Ndamcenga [Greetings]
Ndamcenga [Iya Guduza]
Ndamcenga [Last Christmas]
Ndamcenga [Make Us One]
Ndamcenga [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Ndamcenga [Miriam Makeba's Hits]
Ndamcenga [Nomalungelo]
Ndamcenga [Oldies Selection: The Early Years]
Ndamcenga [ONE - Original Mix]
Ndamcenga [Orlando Mix]
Ndamcenga [Pata Pata 2]
Ndamcenga [Table Mountain]
Ndamcenga [Teya 2]
Ndamcenga [Teya]
Ndamcenga [The Collection]
Ndamcenga [The Early Years]
Ndamcenga [The Legendary Hits]
Ndamcenga [The Lifetime Award Collection]
Ndamcenga [This Is The Sound of Africa]
Ndamcenga [Vintage 2021]
Ndamcenga [Volume 2]
Ndamcenga [Wonderland]
Ndamcenga & The Skylarks
Ndi Nxila Apha Ebhayi [Golden Collection]
Ndidiwe Zintaba
Ndidiwe Zintabe [Iya Guduza]
Ndidliwe zintaba [Golden Voices of Africa]
Ndidliwe Zintaba [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Ndidliwe Zintaba [Miriam Makeba's Hits]
Ndidliwe Zintabe
Ndidliwe Zintabe [African Classics]
Ndidliwe Zintabe [Carnival Vol 2]
Ndidliwe Zintabe [Golden Collection]
Ndidliwe Zintabe [Greatest Hits Vol 2]
Ndidliwe Zintabe [Pata Pata 2]
Ndidliwe Zintabe [The Collection]
Ndidliwe Zintabe [The Legendary Hits]
Ndidliwe Zintabe [This Is The Sound of Africa]
Ndidliwe Zintabe [Volume 2]
Ndimbone Dluca
Ndimbone Dluca [African Classics]
Ndimbone Dluca [Carnival Vol 1]
Ndimbone Dluca [Dubula]
Ndimbone Dluca [Golden Collection]
Ndimbone Dluca [Greatest Hits Vol 1]
Ndimbone Dluca [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Ndimbone Dluca [Miriam Makeba's Hits]
Ndimbone dluca [Phansi Kwalomhlaba]
Ndimbone Dluca [The Collection]
Ndimbone Dluca [The Essential]
Ndimbone Dluca [The Legendary Hits]
Ndimbone Dluca [The Ultimate Collection]
Ndimbone Dluca [This Is The Sound of Africa]
Ndixolele [Golden Collection]
Ndixolele [Pula Kgosi Seretse]
Ndixolele [The Planet's Greatest]
Ndixolele [Tonados De Media Noche]
Ndiya Nxila Apha E Bhayi
Ndiya Nxila Apha E-Bhayi [Baby Ntsoare Early]
Ndiya Nxila Apha E-Bhayi [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Ndiya Nxila Apha E-Bhayi [Miriam Makeba's Hits]
Ndiya nxila apha e-bhayi [Phansi Kwalomhlaba]
Ngalala Phantsi
Ngicela Indlela
Ngicela Indlela [Golden Collection]
Ngicela Indlela [Pula Kgosi Seretse]
Ngicela Indlela [The Planet's Greatest]
Ngicela Indlela [The Skylarks]
Ngicela Indlela [Tonados De Media Noche]
Nginani Na
Ngiya Khuyeka
Night Must Fall
Night Must Fall [Africa, Africa]
Night Must Fall [African Classics]
Night Must Fall [Carnival Vol 1]
Night Must Fall [Golden Collection]
Night Must Fall [Kilimanjaro]
Night Must Fall [Mama Africa]
Night Must Fall [Mampondo]
Night Must Fall [Many Voices]
Night Must Fall [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Night Must Fall [Miriam Makeba Greatest Hits Vol 1]
Night Must Fall [Miriam Makeba's Hits]
Night Must Fall [Night Must Fall 2]
Night Must Fall [Night Must Fall]
Night Must Fall [Saduva 2]
Night Must Fall [The Collection]
Night Must Fall [The Legendary Hits]
Night Must Fall [The Ultimate Collection]
Night Must Fall [This Is The Sound of Africa]
Nkosi Sikelele Africa
Nomalugelo [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Nomalugelo [Phansi Kwalomhlaba]
Nomalungelo [African Classics]
Nomalungelo [African Roots Volume 2]
Nomalungelo [Best Oldies Duo]
Nomalungelo [Carnival Vol 2]
Nomalungelo [Christmas Stars Miriam Makeba]
Nomalungelo [Essential]
Nomalungelo [Golden Star Collection]
Nomalungelo [Greatest Hits Vol 2]
Nomalungelo [Greetings]
Nomalungelo [Last Christmas]
Nomalungelo [Make Us One]
Nomalungelo [Miriam Makeba's Hits]
Nomalungelo [Nomalungelo]
Nomalungelo [Oldies Selection: The Early Years]
Nomalungelo [ONE - Original Mix]
Nomalungelo [Orlando Mix]
Nomalungelo [Pata Pata 2]
Nomalungelo [Quick Love]
Nomalungelo [Table Mountain]
Nomalungelo [Teya 2]
Nomalungelo [Teya]
Nomalungelo [The Collection]
Nomalungelo [The Early Years]
Nomalungelo [The Legendary Hits]
Nomalungelo [The Lifetime Award Collection]
Nomalungelo [The Planet's Greatest]
Nomalungelo [The Skylarks]
Nomalungelo [This Is The Sound of Africa]
Nomalungelo [Vintage 2021]
Nomalungelo [Volume 2]
Nomalungelo [Wonderland]
Nomaungelo [Iya Guduza]
Nomeva [African Classics]
Nomeva [Afternoon Tunes]
Nomeva [Carnival Vol 2]
Nomeva [Cheerful]
Nomeva [Everyday Tunes]
Nomeva [Golden Collection]
Nomeva [Golden Voices of Africa]
Nomeva [House Of The Rising Sun]
Nomeva [Iya Guduza]
Nomeva [Kilimanjaro]
Nomeva [Kwedini]
Nomeva [Miri Ma]
Nomeva [Miriam Makeba Greatest Hits Vol 2]
Nomeva [Miriam Makeba's Hits]
Nomeva [Miriam]
Nomeva [Mysterious]
Nomeva [Night Must Fall 2]
Nomeva [Opulent Event]
Nomeva [Pata Pata 2]
Nomeva [Precious]
Nomeva [Pula Kgosi Seretse]
Nomeva [Queen of African Music]
Nomeva [Rarity Music]
Nomeva [Saduva 2]
Nomeva [Skylarks]
Nomeva [Some Winter Dreams]
Nomeva [The Click Song]
Nomeva [The Collection]
Nomeva [The Legendary Hits]
Nomeva [The Ultimate Collection]
Nomeva [This Is The Sound of Africa]
Nomeva [Tonados De Media Noche]
Nomeva [Urbanized]
Nomeva [Volume 2]
Nomeva [Zenizenabo]
Nomthini [Voice of Africa]
Nongqongqo (To Those We Love)
Novema [Laku Tshoni'langa]
Novema [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Ntjilo Ntjila [African Roots Volume 2]
Ntjilo Ntjilo
Ntjilo Ntjilo - Lullaby to a Child About a Little Canary
Ntjilo Ntjilo - Lullaby to a Child About a Little Canary [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Ntjilo Ntjilo - Lullaby to a Child About a Little Canary [Night Must Fall]
Ntjilo Ntjilo - Lullaby To A Child About A Little Canary [The Collection]
Ntjilo Ntjilo - Lullaby To A Child About A Little Canary [The Essential]
Ntjilo Ntjilo - Lullaby To A Child About A Little Canary [The Legendary Hits]
Ntjilo Ntjilo - Lullaby To A Child About A Little Canary [The Ultimate Collection]
Ntjilo Ntjilo - Lullaby To A Child About A Little Canary [This Is The Sound of Africa]
Ntjilo Ntjilo (Lullaby to a Child About a Little Canary) [African Classics]
Ntjilo Ntjilo (Lullaby to a Child About a Little Canary) [Carnival Vol 2]
Ntjilo Ntjilo (Lullaby to a Child About a Little Canary) [Iya Guduza]
Ntjilo Ntjilo (Lullaby to a Child About a Little Canary) [Volume 2]
Ntjilo Ntjilo (Lullaby to a Child About a Little Canary) [Zenizenabo]
Ntjilo Ntjilo [Golden Collection]
Ntjilo Ntjilo [Greatest Hits Vol 2]
Ntjilo Ntjilo [Kilimanjaro]
Ntjilo Ntjilo [Le Monde]
Ntjilo Ntjilo [MAM AFRICA]
Ntjilo Ntjilo [Mampondo]
Ntjilo Ntjilo [Many Voices]
Ntjilo Ntjilo [Pata Pata 2]
Ntjilo Ntjilo [Queen of African Music]
Ntjilo Ntjilo [Skylarks]
Ntyiki [(Live)]
Ntyilo Ntyilo
Ntyilo Ntyilo [Christmas Stars Miriam Makeba]
Ntyilo Ntyilo [Essential 2]
Ntyilo Ntyilo [Essential]
Ntyilo Ntyilo [Greetings]
Ntyilo Ntyilo [Last Christmas]
Ntyilo Ntyilo [Make Us One]
Ntyilo Ntyilo [Oldies Selection: The Early Years]
Ntyilo Ntyilo [ONE - Original Mix]
Ntyilo Ntyilo [Orlando Mix]
Ntyilo Ntyilo [Quick Love]
Ntyilo Ntyilo [Table Mountain]
Ntyilo Ntyilo [Teya 2]
Ntyilo Ntyilo [Teya]
Ntyilo Ntyilo [The Early Years]
Ntyilo Ntyilo [The Lifetime Award Collection]
Ntyilo Ntyilo [Vintage 2021]
Ntyilo Ntyilo [Wonderland]
Oh, So Alone
Oh, So Alone [(Live)]
Oh, Tell Me My Mother (Wa Thint'a Madoda)
Olilili [African Classics]
Olilili [Afternoon Tunes]
Olilili [Baby Ntsoare Early]
Olilili [Carnival Vol 2]
Olilili [Cheerful]
Olilili [Everyday Tunes]
Olilili [Golden Collection]
Olilili [Golden Voices of Africa]
Olilili [Greatest Hits Vol 2]
Olilili [House Of The Rising Sun]
Olilili [Iya Guduza]
Olilili [Kilimanjaro]
Olilili [Kwedini]
Olilili [Mama Africa]
Olilili [Miri Ma]
Olilili [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Olilili [Mysterious]
Olilili [Opulent Event]
Olilili [Pata Pata 2]
Olilili [Precious]
Olilili [Pula Kgosi Seretse]
Olilili [Queen of African Music]
Olilili [Rarity Music]
Olilili [Skylarks]
Olilili [Some Winter Dreams]
Olilili [The Collection]
Olilili [The Legendary Hits]
Olilili [The Ultimate Collection]
Olilili [This Is The Sound of Africa]
Olilili [Tonados De Media Noche]
Olilili [Urbanized]
Olilili [Volume 2]
Olilili [Zenizenabo]
Olililili [The Click Song]
One More Dance
One More Dance - Version 2 [Golden Star Collection]
One More Dance (with Charles Coleman) [Carnival Vol 2]
One More Dance (with Charles Colman) [Afternoon Tunes]
One More Dance (with Charles Colman) [Cheerful]
One More Dance (with Charles Colman) [Everyday Tunes]
One More Dance (with Charles Colman) [Miri Ma]
One More Dance (with Charles Colman) [Mysterious]
One More Dance (with Charles Colman) [Opulent Event]
One More Dance (with Charles Colman) [Some Winter Dreams]
One More Dance [Africa, Africa]
One More Dance [African Classics]
One More Dance [Click]
One More Dance [Golden Collection]
One more dance [Golden Voices of Africa]
One More Dance [Greatest Hits Vol 2]
One More Dance [House Of The Rising Sun]
One More Dance [Iya Guduza]
One More Dance [Kilimanjaro]
One More Dance [Laku Tshoni'langa]
One More Dance [Mama Africa]
One More Dance [Mampondo]
One More Dance [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
One More Dance [Miriam]
One More Dance [Night Must Fall 2]
One More Dance [Precious]
One More Dance [Rarity Music]
One More Dance [Saduva 2]
One More Dance [Shellac Memories]
One More Dance [The Click Song]
One More Dance [The Collection]
One More Dance [The Legendary Hits]
One More Dance [The Man]
One More Dance [The Ultimate Collection]
One More Dance [This Is The Sound Of Africa]
One More Dance [Urbanized]
One More Dance [Volume 2]
One More Dance [Zenizenabo]
Orlando [African Roots Volume 2]
Orlando [Baby Ntsoare Early]
Orlando [Best Oldies Duo]
Orlando [Christmas Stars Miriam Makeba]
Orlando [Click]
Orlando [Essential 2]
Orlando [Essential]
Orlando [Golden Collection]
Orlando [Greetings]
Orlando [Last Christmas]
Orlando [Make Us One]
Orlando [MAM AFRICA]
Orlando [Mampondo]
Orlando [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Orlando [Oldies Selection: The Early Years]
Orlando [ONE - Original Mix]
Orlando [Orlando Mix]
Orlando [Phansi Kwalomhlaba]
Orlando [Shellac Memories]
Orlando [Table Mountain]
Orlando [Teya 2]
Orlando [Teya]
Orlando [The Early Years]
Orlando [The Lifetime Award Collection]
Orlando [The Man]
Orlando [Vintage 2021]
Orlando [Wonderland]
Orlando & The Skylarks [Quick Love]
Owakho [African Classics]
Owakho [Carnival Vol 1]
Owakho [Dubula]
Owakho [Golden Collection]
Owakho [Greatest Hits Vol 1]
Owakho [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Owakho [Phansi Kwalomhlaba]
Owakho [The Collection]
Owakho [The Legendary Hits]
Owakho [The Ultimate Collection]
Owakho [This Is The Sound of Africa]
Oxgam [(Live)]
Oxgam [Forbidden Games]
Pata Pata
Pata Pata [(Live)]
Pata Pata [En public a Paris et Conakry]
Pata pata [Golden Voices of Africa]
Pata Pata [Live in Paris]
Pata Pata [Live in Tokyo]
Pata Pata [Mono Version]
Pata Pata [Sono (Essentiels)]
Pata Pata [Welela]
Phansi Kwalomhlaba
Phansi kwalomhlaba [African Roots Volume 2]
Phansi Kwalomhlaba [Click]
Phansi Kwalomhlaba [MAM AFRICA]
Phansi Kwalomhlaba [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Phansi kwalomhlaba [Phansi Kwalomhlaba]
Phansi Kwalomhlaba [Shellac Memories]
Phansi Kwalomhlaba [The Man]
Phansi Kwalomhlaba [The Planet's Greatest]
Phansi Kwalomhlaba [The Skylarks]
Phansi Kwalomhloba [Golden Collection]
Phata Phata
Phata Phata [Africa, Africa]
Phata Phata [African Classics]
Phata Phata [Carnival Vol 1]
Phata Phata [Greatest Hits Vol 1]
Phata Phata [The Collection]
Phata Phata [The Essential]
Phata Phata [The Legendary Hits]
Phata Phata [The Ultimate Collection]
Phata Phata [This Is The Sound of Africa]
Pula Kgosi Seretse
Pula Kgosi Seretse [Baby Ntsoare Early]
Pula Kgosi Seretse [Greetings]
Pula Kgosi Seretse [Last Christmas]
Pula Kgosi Seretse [Lifetime Award]
Pula Kgosi Seretse [Make Us One]
Pula Kgosi Seretse [Pula Kgosi Seretse]
Pula Kgosi Seretse [The Early Years]
Pula Kgosi Seretse [Vintage 2021]
Pula Kgosi Seretse [Wonderland]
Pulo Kgosi Seretse
Pulo Kgosi Seretse [Essential]
Pulo Kgosi Seretse [Orlando Mix]
Pulo Kgosi Seretse [Table Mountain]
Pulo Kgosi Seretse [Teya 2]
Pulo Kgosi Seretse [Teya]
Qhude [Voice of Africa]
Quickly in Love
Quickly in Love [Back]
Quickly in Love [Christmas Stars Miriam Makeba]
Quickly in Love [Dubula]
Quickly in Love [Essential 2]
Quickly in Love [Essential]
Quickly in Love [Greetings]
Quickly in Love [Last Christmas]
Quickly in Love [Make Us One]
Quickly in Love [Nomalungelo]
Quickly in Love [Oldies Selection: The Early Years]
Quickly in Love [Orlando Mix]
Quickly In Love [Quick Love]
Quickly In Love [Table Mountain]
Quickly in Love [Teya 2]
Quickly in Love [Teya]
Quickly in Love [The Early Years]
Quickly in Love [The Lifetime Award Collection]
Quickly in Love [Vintage 2021]
Quickly in Love [Wonderland]
Quit It
Remember Sophiatown
Ring Bell
Ring Bell [(Live)]
Ring Bell [En public a Paris et Conakry]
Ring Bell [Live in Paris]
Ring Bell, Ring Bell [Live]
Saduva [Africa, Africa]
Saduva [African Classics]
Saduva [Afternoon Tunes]
Saduva [Carnival Vol 1]
Saduva [Cheerful]
Saduva [Everyday Tunes]
Saduva [Golden Star Collection]
Saduva [Goodbye Africa]
Saduva [Greatest Hits Vol 1]
Saduva [House Of The Rising Sun]
Saduva [Kilimanjaro]
Saduva [Laku Tshoni'langa]
Saduva [Miri Ma]
Saduva [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Saduva [Miriam Makeba Mama Africa]
Saduva [Miriam]
Saduva [Mysterious]
Saduva [Night Must Fall 2]
Saduva [Opulent Event]
Saduva [Precious]
Saduva [Queen of African Music]
Saduva [Rarity Music]
Saduva [Saduva 2]
Saduva [Skylarks]
Saduva [Some Winter Dreams]
Saduva [The Click Song]
Saduva [The Collection]
Saduva [The Legendary Hits]
Saduva [The Ultimate Collection]
Saduva [This Is The Sound of Africa]
Saduva [Urbanized]
Saduva [Welela]
Saduva [Zenizenabo]
Same Moon
Same Moon [Sings]
Serenade Me
Shaka [Appel Radio Live]
Show Me the Way, My Brother (Iph'indlela)
Sing Me a Song
Singa Madoda
Siyavuya [African Roots Volume 2]
Siyavuya [Dubula]
Siyavuya [Golden Collection]
Siyavuya [MAM AFRICA]
Siyavuya [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Siyavuya [Queen of African Music]
Siyavuya [Skylarks]
Siyavuya [The Planet's Greatest]
Siyavuya [The Skylarks]
Sleep Tight
Sophiatown is gone [African Roots Volume 2]
Sophiatown Is Gone [Back]
Sophiatown Is Gone [Best Oldies Duo]
Sophiatown Is Gone [Christmas Stars Miriam Makeba]
Sophiatown Is Gone [Essential]
Sophiatown Is Gone [Golden Collection]
Sophiatown Is Gone [Greetings]
Sophiatown Is Gone [Last Christmas]
Sophiatown Is Gone [Make Us One]
Sophiatown Is Gone [MAM AFRICA]
Sophiatown Is Gone [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Sophiatown Is Gone [Nomalungelo]
Sophiatown Is Gone [Oldies Selection: The Early Years]
Sophiatown Is Gone [ONE - Original Mix]
Sophiatown Is Gone [Orlando Mix]
Sophiatown Is Gone [Table Mountain]
Sophiatown Is Gone [Teya 2]
Sophiatown Is Gone [Teya]
Sophiatown Is Gone [The Early Years]
Sophiatown Is Gone [The Lifetime Award Collection]
Sophiatown Is Gone [Vintage 2021]
Sophiatown Is Gone [Wonderland]
Sophiatown Is Gone & The Skylarks [Quick Love]
Soweto Blues
Spokes Phata Phata
Spokes Phata Phata [Pula Kgosi Seretse]
Sunrise, Sunset
Sunrise, Sunset [Forbidden Games]
Talking and Dialoging
Thanayi - Story Song About A Girl Named Thanayi [Africa, Africa]
Thanayi - Story Song About a Girl Named Thanayi [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Thanayi - Story Song About a Girl Named Thanayi [Night Must Fall]
Thanayi - Story Song About A Girl Named Thanayi [The Collection]
Thanayi - Story Song About A Girl Named Thanayi [The Essential]
Thanayi - Story Song About A Girl Named Thanayi [The Legendary Hits]
Thanayi - Story Song About A Girl Named Thanayi [The Ultimate Collection]
Thanayi - Story Song About A Girl Named Thanayi [This Is The Sound of Africa]
Thanayi (A.K.A Nomalungelo)
Thanayi (Story Song About a Girl Named Thanayi) [African Classics]
Thanayi (Story Song About a Girl Named Thanayi) [Carnival Vol 1]
Thanayi (Story Song About a Girl Named Thanayi) [Zenizenabo]
Thanayi [Golden Collection]
Thanayi [Kilimanjaro]
Thanayi [Mama Africa]
Thanayi [Mampondo]
Thanayi [Miriam Makeba Greatest Hits Vol 1]
Thanayi [Queen of African Music]
Thanayi [Skylarks]
Thank You Mama
That's How It Goes (Ntsizwa)
The Ballad Of The Sad Young Men
The Click Song
The Click Song [African Classics]
The Click Song [Afternoon Tunes]
The Click Song [Carnival Vol 1]
The Click Song [Cheerful]
The Click Song [Click]
The Click Song [Everyday Tunes]
The Click Song [Forbidden Games]
The Click Song [Golden Collection]
The click song [Golden Voices of Africa]
The Click Song [Goodbye Africa]
The Click Song [Greatest Hits Vol 1]
The Click Song [House Of The Rising Sun]
The Click Song [Kilimanjaro]
The Click Song [Laku Tshoni'langa]
The Click Song [Live in Tokyo]
The Click Song [Mama Africa]
The Click Song [Miri Ma]
The Click Song [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
The Click Song [Miriam]
The Click Song [Mysterious]
The Click Song [Night Must Fall]
The Click Song [Opulent Event]
The Click Song [Precious]
The Click Song [Queen of African Music]
The Click Song [Rarity Music]
The Click Song [Shellac Memories]
The Click Song [Skylarks]
The Click Song [Some Winter Dreams]
The Click Song [The Click Song]
The Click Song [The Essential]
The Click Song [The Man]
The Click Song [The Ultimate Collection]
The Click Song [This Is The Sound of Africa]
The Click Song [Urbanized]
The Click Song [Zenizenabo]
The Click Song a.k.a. Qongqothwane
The House of the Rising Sun [Lakutshn Ilanga]
The House of the Rising Sun [The Click Song]
The Lion Cries (Mbube)
The Lion Sleeps Tonight [Shellac Memories]
The Naughty Flea [The Click Song]
The Naughty Little Flea
The Naughty Little Flea [(Live)]
The Naughty Little Flea [Afternoon Tunes]
The Naughty Little Flea [Cheerful]
The Naughty Little Flea [Everyday Tunes]
The Naughty Little Flea [Golden Collection]
The Naughty Little Flea [Goodbye Africa]
The Naughty Little Flea [House Of The Rising Sun]
The Naughty Little Flea [Iya Guduza]
The Naughty Little Flea [Kilimanjaro]
The Naughty Little Flea [Kwedini]
The Naughty Little Flea [Laku Tshoni'langa]
The Naughty Little Flea [Mampondo]
The Naughty Little Flea [Miri Ma]
The Naughty Little Flea [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
The Naughty Little Flea [Miriam Makeba Mama Africa]
The Naughty Little Flea [Miriam]
The Naughty Little Flea [Mysterious]
The Naughty Little Flea [Night Must Fall 2]
The Naughty Little Flea [Opulent Event]
The Naughty Little Flea [Pata Pata 2]
The Naughty Little Flea [Precious]
The Naughty Little Flea [Queen of African Music]
The Naughty Little Flea [Rarity Music]
The Naughty Little Flea [Saduva 2]
The Naughty Little Flea [Skylarks]
The Naughty Little Flea [Some Winter Dreams]
The Naughty Little Flea [Urbanized]
The Naughty Little Flea [Zenizenabo; the Many Voices of Miriam Makeba]
The Naugthy Little Flea [African Classics]
The Naugthy Little Flea [Carnival Vol 2]
The Naugthy Little Flea [Greatest Hits Vol 2]
The Naugthy Little Flea [Miriam Makeba The Collection]
The Naugthy Little Flea [The Essential]
The Naugthy Little Flea [The Legendary Hits]
The Naugthy Little Flea [This Is The Sound of Africa]
The Naugthy Little Flea [Volume 2]
The Red Rosy Bush
The Retreat Song
The Retreat Song - Jikele Maweni
The Retreat Song (Jikele Maweni) [Click]
The Retreat Song (Jikele Maweni) [Golden Voices of Africa]
The Retreat Song (Jikele Maweni) [Queen of African Music]
The Retreat Song (Jikele Maweni) [Skylarks]
The Retreat Song (Jikele Maweni) [The Click Song]
The Retreat Song (Jikele Maweni) [The Man]
The Retreat Song (Jikele Maweni) [Zenizenabo]
The Retreat Song [African Classics]
The Retreat Song [Afternoon Tunes]
The Retreat Song [Carnival Vol 2]
The Retreat Song [Cheerful]
The Retreat Song [Dubula]
The Retreat Song [Everyday Tunes]
The Retreat Song [Golden Collection]
The Retreat Song [Greatest Hits Vol 2]
The Retreat Song [House Of The Rising Sun]
The Retreat Song [Iya Guduza]
The Retreat Song [Kilimanjaro]
The Retreat Song [Kwedini]
The Retreat Song [Laku Tshoni'langa]
The Retreat Song [MAM AFRICA]
The Retreat Song [Miri Ma]
The Retreat Song [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
The Retreat Song [Miriam]
The Retreat Song [Mysterious]
The Retreat Song [night must fall vol 1]
The Retreat Song [Opulent Event]
The Retreat Song [Pata Pata 2]
The Retreat Song [Rarity Music]
The Retreat Song [Shellac Memories]
The Retreat Song [Some Winter Dreams]
The Retreat Song [The Collection]
The Retreat Song [The Essential]
The Retreat Song [The Legendary Hits]
The Retreat Song [This Is The Sound of Africa]
The Retreat Song [Urbanized]
The Retreat Song [Volume 2]
The Sound of a Drum
Themba Lami
Themba Lami [Golden Collection]
Themba Lami [MAM AFRICA]
Themba Lami [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Themba Lami [Tonados De Media Noche]
Thula Mntanami
Thulasizwe/I Shall Be Released
To Love And Lose
To Those We Love (Nongqongqo)
Tula Dubula [(Live)]
Tula Ndivile [Click]
Tula Ndivile [Shellac Memories]
Tula Ndivile [The Man]
Tula Ndiville
Tula Ndiville [Best Oldies Duo]
Tula Ndiville [Christmas Stars Miriam Makeba]
Tula Ndiville [Dubula]
Tula Ndiville [Essential]
Tula Ndiville [Greetings]
Tula Ndiville [Last Christmas]
Tula Ndiville [Make Us One]
Tula Ndiville [Oldies Selection: The Early Years]
Tula Ndiville [ONE - Original Mix]
Tula Ndiville [Orlando Mix]
Tula Ndiville [Quick Love]
Tula Ndiville [Table Mountain]
Tula Ndiville [Teya 2]
Tula Ndiville [Teya]
Tula Ndiville [The Early Years]
Tula Ndiville [The Lifetime Award Collection]
Tula Ndiville [Vintage 2021]
U Shaka
U Shaka - Live [En public a Paris et Conakry]
Uile ngoan'a batho [African Roots Volume 2]
Uile Ngoan'a Batho [MAM AFRICA]
Uile Ngoan'a Batho [Pula Kgosi Seretse]
Uile Ngoana Batho
Uile Ngoana Batho [MARABI TO DISCO]
Umam' Uyajabula
Umbhaqanga [Baby Ntsoare Early]
Umbhaqanga [Back]
Umbhaqanga [Christmas Stars Miriam Makeba]
Umbhaqanga [Essential 2]
Umbhaqanga [Essential]
Umbhaqanga [Golden Collection]
Umbhaqanga [Greetings]
Umbhaqanga [Last Christmas]
Umbhaqanga [Make Us One]
Umbhaqanga [MAM AFRICA]
Umbhaqanga [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Umbhaqanga [Nomalungelo]
Umbhaqanga [Oldies Selection: The Early Years]
Umbhaqanga [ONE - Original Mix]
Umbhaqanga [Orlando Mix]
Umbhaqanga [Phansi Kwalomhlaba]
Umbhaqanga [Quick Love]
Umbhaqanga [Table Mountain]
Umbhaqanga [Teya 2]
Umbhaqanga [Teya]
Umbhaqanga [The Early Years]
Umbhaqanga [The Lifetime Award Collection]
Umbhaqanga [The Planet's Greatest]
Umbhaqanga [The Skylarks]
Umbhaqanga [Vintage 2021]
Umbhaqanga [Wonderland]
Umqokozo - A Children'S Game Song About A New Red Dress [Miriam Makeba The Collection]
Umqokozo - A Children's Game Song About A New Red Dress [The Essential]
Umqokozo - A Children'S Game Song About A New Red Dress [The Legendary Hits]
Umqokozo - A Children's Game Song About A New Red Dress [This Is The Sound of Africa]
Umqokozo - Children's Game Song About a New Red Dress
Umqokozo - Children's Game Song About a New Red Dress [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Umqokozo - Children's Game Song About a New Red Dress [Night Must Fall]
Umqokozo (A Children's Game Song About a New Red [Iya Guduza]
Umqokozo (A Children's Game Song About a New Red Dress) [African Classics]
Umqokozo (A Children's Game Song About a New Red Dress) [Carnival Vol 2]
Umqokozo (A Children's Game Song About a New Red Dress) [Volume 2]
Umqokozo (Children's Game Song About a New Red Dress) [Zenizenabo]
Umqokozo [Greatest Hits Vol 2]
Umqokozo [Kilimanjaro]
Umqokozo [Le Monde]
Umqokozo [Live in Tokyo]
Umqokozo [Many Voices]
Umqokozo [Miriam Makeba Golden Star Collection]
Umqokozo [Miriam Makeba's Hits]
Umqokozo [Pata Pata 2]
Umqokozo [Qongq]
Umthakathi [Golden Collection]
Unyana wolahleka
Unyana wolahleka [African Roots Volume 2]
Unyana Wolahleka [Queen of African Music]
Unyana Wolahleka [Skylarks]
Unyana Wolahleko [Click]
Unyana Wolahleko [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Unyana Wolahleko [Miriam Makeba's Hits]
Unyana Wolahleko [Shellac Memories]
Unyana Wolahleko [The Man]
Unyana Wolahleko [Tonados De Media Noche]
Uthando Luyaphela
Uthando Luyaphela [African Classics]
Uthando Luyaphela [Baby Ntsoare Early]
Uthando Luyaphela [Carnival Vol 1]
Uthando Luyaphela [Golden Collection]
Uthando Luyaphela [Greatest Hits Vol 1]
Uthando Luyaphela [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Uthando Luyaphela [Miriam Makeba's Hits]
Uthando Luyaphela [Phansi Kwalomhlaba]
Uthando Luyaphela [The Collection]
Uthando Luyaphela [The Legendary Hits]
Uthando Luyaphela [The Planet's Greatest]
Uthando Luyaphela [The Skylarks]
Uthando Luyaphela [The Ultimate Collection]
Uthando Luyaphela [This Is The Sound of Africa]
Uyadela [African Classics]
Uyadela [Carnival Vol 1]
Uyadela [Golden Collection]
Uyadela [Greatest Hits Vol 1]
Uyadela [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Uyadela [Miriam Makeba's Hits]
Uyadela [Queen of African Music]
Uyadela [Skylarks]
Uyadela [The Collection]
Uyadela [The Legendary Hits]
Uyadela [The Ultimate Collection]
Uyadela [This Is The Sound of Africa]
Uyadela [Voice Africa]
Uyadela [Voice of Africa]
Uyana Wolahleko
Uyana Wolahleko [Golden Collection]
Vula Amasango
Vula Amasango [African Classics]
Vula amasango [African Roots Volume 2]
Vula Amasango [Carnival Vol 2]
Vula Amasango [Golden Collection]
Vula Amasango [Greatest Hits Vol 2]
Vula Amasango [Iya Guduza]
Vula Amasango [Miriam Makeba's Hits]
Vula Amasango [Pata Pata 2]
Vula Amasango [The Collection]
Vula Amasango [The Legendary Hits]
Vula Amasango [The Ultimate Collection]
Vula Amasango [This Is The Sound of Africa]
Vula Amasango [Volume 2]
Vulu Amasango [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Vulu Amasango [Phansi Kwalomhlaba]
We Speak Peace
West Wind
West Wind [En public a Paris et Conakry]
West Wind [Live in Paris]
West Wind [Mono Version]
West Wind [stereo version]
West Wind Unification [The Guinea Years]
When I've Passed On
When I've Passed On [(Live)]
When I've Passed On [Live in Concert]
Where Are You Going?
Where Can I Go?
Where Can I Go? [Dubula]
Where can I go? [Golden Voices of Africa]
Where Can I Go? [Kwedini]
Where Can I Go? [Lakutshn Ilanga]
Where Can I Go? [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Where Can I Go? [Mpondo]
Where Does It Lead
Where Does It Lead ? [Queen of African Music]
Where Does It Lead [Afternoon Tunes]
Where Does It Lead [Cheerful]
Where Does It Lead [Everyday Tunes]
Where Does It Lead [Golden Collection]
Where Does it Lead [House Of The Rising Sun]
Where Does It Lead [Kilimanjaro]
Where Does It Lead [Laku Tshoni'langa]
Where Does It Lead [Miri Ma]
Where Does It Lead [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Where Does It Lead [Miriam Makeba's Hits]
Where Does It Lead [Miriam]
Where Does It Lead [Mysterious]
Where Does It Lead [Night Must Fall 2]
Where Does It Lead [Opulent Event]
Where Does It Lead [Precious]
Where Does It Lead [Saduva 2]
Where Does It Lead [Some Winter Dreams]
Where Does It Lead [The Click Song]
Where Does It Lead [Urbanized]
Where Does It Lead [Zenizenabo]
Where Does It Lead?
Where Does It Lead? [African Classics]
Where Does It Lead? [Carnival Vol 2]
Where does it lead? [Golden Voices of Africa]
Where Does It Lead? [Greatest Hits Vol 2]
Where Does it Lead? [Iya Guduza]
Where Does It Lead? [Kwedini]
Where Does It Lead? [Mama Africa]
Where Does It Lead? [Mampondo]
Where Does It Lead? [Pata Pata 2]
Where Does It Lead? [Pula Kgosi Seretse]
Where Does It Lead? [Rarity Music]
Where Does It Lead? [Skylarks]
Where Does It Lead? [The Collection]
Where Does It Lead? [The Legendary Hits]
Where Does It Lead? [This Is The Sound of Africa]
Where Does It Lead? [Tonados De Media Noche]
Where Does It Lead? [Volume 2]
Willow Song
Willow Song [Voice Africa]
Willow Song [Voice of Africa]
Wind Song
Wind Song [Forbidden Games]
Wind Song [Sings]
Witch Doctor (Isangoma)
Witch Doctor Song [Shellac Memories]
Wonders and Things
Wonders and things [Golden Voices of Africa]
Wonders and Things [Kwedini]
Wonders and Things [Lakutshn Ilanga]
Wonders and Things [Mampondo]
Wonders and Things [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Wonders and Things [Mpondo]
Wonders and Things [Pula Kgosi Seretse]
Wonders and Things [Tonados De Media Noche]
Woza [Sings]
Yini Madoda
Yini Madoda [African Classics]
Yini madoda [African Roots Volume 2]
Yini Madoda [Carnival Vol 2]
Yini Madoda [Dubula]
Yini Madoda [Golden Collection]
Yini Madoda [Greatest Hits Vol 2]
Yini Madoda [Iya Guduza]
Yini Madoda [Make Us One]
Yini Madoda [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Yini Madoda [Miriam Makeba's Hits]
Yini Madoda [Oldies Selection: The Early Years]
Yini Madoda [Pata Pata 2]
Yini Madoda [Pula Kgosi Seretse]
Yini Madoda [The Collection]
Yini Madoda [The Legendary Hits]
Yini Madoda [The Planet's Greatest]
Yini Madoda [The Skylarks]
Yini Madoda [The Ultimate Collection]
Yini Madoda [This Is The Sound of Africa]
Yini Madoda [Tonados De Media Noche]
Yini Madoda [Vintage 2021]
Yini Madoda [Volume 2]
You Are In Love
You Are in Love [(Live)]
You Suffer Too
Zenizenabo - A Courage Song for Warriors
Zenizenabo - A Courage Song For Warriors [\The Collection]
Zenizenabo - A Courage Song for Warriors [Miriam Makeba (Five Original Albums)]
Zenizenabo - A Courage Song for Warriors [Night Must Fall]
Zenizenabo - A Courage Song For Warriors [The Essential]
Zenizenabo - A Courage Song For Warriors [The Legendary Hits]
Zenizenabo - A Courage Song For Warriors [The Ultimate Collection]
Zenizenabo - A Courage Song For Warriors [This Is The Sound of Africa]
Zenizenabo (A Courage Song for Warriors) [African Classics]
Zenizenabo (A Courage Song for Warriors) [Carnival Vol 2]
Zenizenabo (A Courage Song for Warriors) [Iya Guduza]
Zenizenabo (A Courage Song for Warriors) [Volume 2]
Zenizenabo (A Courage Song for Warriors) [Zenizenabo]
Zenizenabo [Golden Collection]
Zenizenabo [Greatest Hits Vol 2]
Zenizenabo [Kilimanjaro]
Zenizenabo [Many Voices]
Zenizenabo [Miriam Makeba's Hits]
Zenizenabo [Pata Pata 2]
Wissenswertes über Miriam Makeba
- Was ist das neueste Album von Miriam Makeba?
- Das neueste Album von Miriam Makeba ist “Phata Phata”, veröffentlicht im Jahr 2015 mit 45 Titeln.
- Was ist das älteste Album von Miriam Makeba?
- Das älteste Album von Miriam Makeba ist “Grand Finale Tour, Live at the 2006 Cape Town International Jazz Festival” mit 3 Titeln.
- Was ist der erfolgreichste Song von Miriam Makeba?
- Der populärste Song von Miriam Makeba ist “Pata Pata”, aus dem Album “Live from Paris and Conakry”, veröffentlicht im Jahr 1996.
- Wie viele Alben wurden von Miriam Makeba veröffentlicht?
- Zwischen 1960 und 2015, 39 Alben und 2 Singles/EPs wurden von Miriam Makeba veröffentlicht.
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