It Came Upon a Midnight Clear

Edmund Hamilton Sears, Richard Storrs Willis

Liedtexte Übersetzung

It came upon a midnight clear
That glorious song of old
From angels bending near the earth
To touch their harps of gold

Peace on the earth, good will to men
From Heaven's gracious King
The world in solemn stillness lay
To hear the angels sing

Still through the cloven skies, they come
With peaceful wings unfurled
And still the heavenly music flows
Over all the weary world

Above its sad and lonely plains
They bend on hovering wing
And, o'er its Babel ancient sounds
The blessed angels sing

Oh, you beneath life's crushing load
Whose forms are bending low
Who tore among the climbing way
With painful steps and slow

Look now for glad and golden hours
Come swiftly on the wind
Oh, rest beside the weary road
To hear the angels sing

It came upon a midnight clear
Es kam in einer klaren Mitternacht
That glorious song of old
Dieses glorreiche Lied von einst
From angels bending near the earth
Von Engeln, die sich zur Erde neigen
To touch their harps of gold
Um ihre goldenen Harfen zu berühren
Peace on the earth, good will to men
Frieden auf der Erde, guter Wille zu den Menschen
From Heaven's gracious King
Vom gnädigen König des Himmels
The world in solemn stillness lay
Die Welt lag in feierlicher Stille
To hear the angels sing
Um das Singen der Engel zu hören
Still through the cloven skies, they come
Noch immer kommen sie durch die gespaltenen Himmel
With peaceful wings unfurled
Mit friedlichen Flügeln entfaltet
And still the heavenly music flows
Und immer noch fließt die himmlische Musik
Over all the weary world
Über die ganze müde Welt
Above its sad and lonely plains
Über ihren traurigen und einsamen Ebenen
They bend on hovering wing
Beugen sie sich auf schwebenden Flügeln
And, o'er its Babel ancient sounds
Und über ihren alten Babel-Klängen
The blessed angels sing
Singen die gesegneten Engel
Oh, you beneath life's crushing load
Oh, ihr unter der erdrückenden Last des Lebens
Whose forms are bending low
Deren Formen sich tief beugen
Who tore among the climbing way
Die sich den steilen Weg hinaufquälen
With painful steps and slow
Mit schmerzhaften und langsamen Schritten
Look now for glad and golden hours
Sucht jetzt nach frohen und goldenen Stunden
Come swiftly on the wind
Kommt schnell mit dem Wind
Oh, rest beside the weary road
Oh, ruht euch neben der müden Straße aus
To hear the angels sing
Um das Singen der Engel zu hören
It came upon a midnight clear
Chegou à meia-noite clara
That glorious song of old
Aquela canção gloriosa de antigamente
From angels bending near the earth
De anjos curvados perto da terra
To touch their harps of gold
Para tocar suas harpas de ouro
Peace on the earth, good will to men
Paz na terra, boa vontade aos homens
From Heaven's gracious King
Do gracioso Rei do Céu
The world in solemn stillness lay
O mundo em solene quietude jazia
To hear the angels sing
Para ouvir os anjos cantarem
Still through the cloven skies, they come
Ainda através dos céus fendidos, eles vêm
With peaceful wings unfurled
Com asas tranquilas abertas
And still the heavenly music flows
E ainda assim a música celestial flui
Over all the weary world
Sobre todo o mundo cansado
Above its sad and lonely plains
Acima de suas planícies tristes e solitárias
They bend on hovering wing
Eles se curvam na asa pairando
And, o'er its Babel ancient sounds
E, sobre seus sons antigos de Babel
The blessed angels sing
Os anjos abençoados cantam
Oh, you beneath life's crushing load
Oh, você está abaixo da carga esmagadora da vida
Whose forms are bending low
Cujas formas estão se curvando
Who tore among the climbing way
Sobre quem rasgou entre o caminho de escalada
With painful steps and slow
Com passos dolorosos e lentos
Look now for glad and golden hours
Procure agora por horas alegres e felizes
Come swiftly on the wind
Venha rapidamente no vento
Oh, rest beside the weary road
Oh, descanse ao lado da estrada percorrida
To hear the angels sing
Para ouvir os anjos cantarem
It came upon a midnight clear
Llegó en una medianoche clara
That glorious song of old
Esa gloriosa canción de antaño
From angels bending near the earth
De ángeles inclinándose cerca de la tierra
To touch their harps of gold
Para tocar sus arpas de oro
Peace on the earth, good will to men
Paz en la tierra, buena voluntad para los hombres
From Heaven's gracious King
Del bondadoso Rey del Cielo
The world in solemn stillness lay
El mundo yacía en solemne quietud
To hear the angels sing
Para escuchar a los ángeles cantar
Still through the cloven skies, they come
Aún a través de los cielos hendidos, ellos vienen
With peaceful wings unfurled
Con alas pacíficas desplegadas
And still the heavenly music flows
Y aún la música celestial fluye
Over all the weary world
Sobre todo el cansado mundo
Above its sad and lonely plains
Sobre sus tristes y solitarias llanuras
They bend on hovering wing
Se inclinan con alas suspendidas
And, o'er its Babel ancient sounds
Y, sobre sus antiguos sonidos de Babel
The blessed angels sing
Los benditos ángeles cantan
Oh, you beneath life's crushing load
Oh, tú bajo la aplastante carga de la vida
Whose forms are bending low
Cuyas formas se inclinan bajo
Who tore among the climbing way
Quien se desgarra entre el camino ascendente
With painful steps and slow
Con pasos dolorosos y lentos
Look now for glad and golden hours
Busca ahora horas alegres y doradas
Come swiftly on the wind
Ven rápidamente con el viento
Oh, rest beside the weary road
Oh, descansa al lado del cansado camino
To hear the angels sing
Para escuchar a los ángeles cantar
It came upon a midnight clear
Il est arrivé par une claire minuit
That glorious song of old
Ce glorieux chant d'antan
From angels bending near the earth
Des anges se penchant près de la terre
To touch their harps of gold
Pour toucher leurs harpes d'or
Peace on the earth, good will to men
Paix sur la terre, bonne volonté envers les hommes
From Heaven's gracious King
Du gracieux Roi du Ciel
The world in solemn stillness lay
Le monde dans une solennelle tranquillité se couchait
To hear the angels sing
Pour entendre les anges chanter
Still through the cloven skies, they come
Encore à travers les cieux fendus, ils viennent
With peaceful wings unfurled
Avec des ailes paisiblement déployées
And still the heavenly music flows
Et encore la musique céleste coule
Over all the weary world
Sur tout le monde fatigué
Above its sad and lonely plains
Au-dessus de ses tristes et solitaires plaines
They bend on hovering wing
Ils se penchent sur l'aile flottante
And, o'er its Babel ancient sounds
Et, sur ses sons anciens de Babel
The blessed angels sing
Les anges bénis chantent
Oh, you beneath life's crushing load
Oh, vous sous le fardeau écrasant de la vie
Whose forms are bending low
Dont les formes sont courbées
Who tore among the climbing way
Qui ont déchiré parmi le chemin grimpant
With painful steps and slow
Avec des pas douloureux et lents
Look now for glad and golden hours
Regardez maintenant pour des heures heureuses et dorées
Come swiftly on the wind
Venez rapidement sur le vent
Oh, rest beside the weary road
Oh, reposez-vous à côté de la route fatiguée
To hear the angels sing
Pour entendre les anges chanter
It came upon a midnight clear
Era una mezzanotte limpida
That glorious song of old
Quella gloriosa canzone antica
From angels bending near the earth
Degli angeli che si chinavano vicino alla terra
To touch their harps of gold
Per toccare le loro arpe d'oro
Peace on the earth, good will to men
Pace sulla terra, buona volontà verso gli uomini
From Heaven's gracious King
Dal grazioso Re del Cielo
The world in solemn stillness lay
Il mondo giaceva in solenne silenzio
To hear the angels sing
Per ascoltare il canto degli angeli
Still through the cloven skies, they come
Ancora attraverso i cieli spaccati, essi vengono
With peaceful wings unfurled
Con ali pacifiche spiegate
And still the heavenly music flows
E ancora la musica celeste scorre
Over all the weary world
Su tutto il mondo stanco
Above its sad and lonely plains
Sopra le sue tristi e solitarie pianure
They bend on hovering wing
Si piegano con ali sospese
And, o'er its Babel ancient sounds
E, sopra i suoi antichi suoni di Babele
The blessed angels sing
Gli angeli benedetti cantano
Oh, you beneath life's crushing load
Oh, voi sotto il peso schiacciante della vita
Whose forms are bending low
Le cui forme si stanno piegando
Who tore among the climbing way
Chi ha lacerato tra la via in salita
With painful steps and slow
Con passi dolorosi e lenti
Look now for glad and golden hours
Guardate ora per ore liete e dorate
Come swiftly on the wind
Vengono rapidamente con il vento
Oh, rest beside the weary road
Oh, riposatevi accanto alla strada stancante
To hear the angels sing
Per ascoltare il canto degli angeli
It came upon a midnight clear
Datanglah pada tengah malam yang jernih
That glorious song of old
Nyanyian agung dari masa lalu
From angels bending near the earth
Dari malaikat yang membungkuk dekat bumi
To touch their harps of gold
Untuk menyentuh harpa mereka yang emas
Peace on the earth, good will to men
Damai di bumi, kebaikan hati kepada manusia
From Heaven's gracious King
Dari Raja Surga yang murah hati
The world in solemn stillness lay
Dunia dalam kesunyian yang khidmat
To hear the angels sing
Untuk mendengarkan nyanyian malaikat
Still through the cloven skies, they come
Masih melalui langit yang terbelah, mereka datang
With peaceful wings unfurled
Dengan sayap damai yang terbuka
And still the heavenly music flows
Dan masih alunan musik surgawi mengalir
Over all the weary world
Di atas seluruh dunia yang lelah
Above its sad and lonely plains
Di atas dataran yang sedih dan sepi
They bend on hovering wing
Mereka membungkuk di atas sayap yang melayang
And, o'er its Babel ancient sounds
Dan, di atas suara Babel kuno
The blessed angels sing
Malaikat yang diberkati itu bernyanyi
Oh, you beneath life's crushing load
Oh, kamu di bawah beban hidup yang berat
Whose forms are bending low
Yang bentuknya membungkuk rendah
Who tore among the climbing way
Yang merobek di antara jalan mendaki
With painful steps and slow
Dengan langkah yang menyakitkan dan lambat
Look now for glad and golden hours
Lihatlah sekarang jam-jam yang ceria dan emas
Come swiftly on the wind
Datang cepat dengan angin
Oh, rest beside the weary road
Oh, beristirahatlah di samping jalan yang lelah
To hear the angels sing
Untuk mendengarkan nyanyian malaikat
It came upon a midnight clear
That glorious song of old
From angels bending near the earth
To touch their harps of gold
Peace on the earth, good will to men
สันติภาพบนโลก ความปรารถนาดีต่อมนุษย์
From Heaven's gracious King
The world in solemn stillness lay
To hear the angels sing
Still through the cloven skies, they come
แม้ผ่านท้องฟ้าที่แยกออกจากกัน พวกเขายังมา
With peaceful wings unfurled
And still the heavenly music flows
Over all the weary world
Above its sad and lonely plains
They bend on hovering wing
And, o'er its Babel ancient sounds
The blessed angels sing
Oh, you beneath life's crushing load
โอ้ คุณที่อยู่ใต้ภาระหนักของชีวิต
Whose forms are bending low
Who tore among the climbing way
With painful steps and slow
Look now for glad and golden hours
Come swiftly on the wind
Oh, rest beside the weary road
โอ้ พักผ่อนข้างทางที่เหน็ดเหนื่อย
To hear the angels sing
It came upon a midnight clear
That glorious song of old
From angels bending near the earth
To touch their harps of gold
Peace on the earth, good will to men
From Heaven's gracious King
The world in solemn stillness lay
To hear the angels sing
Still through the cloven skies, they come
With peaceful wings unfurled
And still the heavenly music flows
Over all the weary world
Above its sad and lonely plains
They bend on hovering wing
And, o'er its Babel ancient sounds
The blessed angels sing
Oh, you beneath life's crushing load
Whose forms are bending low
Who tore among the climbing way
With painful steps and slow
Look now for glad and golden hours
Come swiftly on the wind
Oh, rest beside the weary road
To hear the angels sing

Wissenswertes über das Lied It Came Upon a Midnight Clear von Norah Jones

Wer hat das Lied “It Came Upon a Midnight Clear” von Norah Jones komponiert?
Das Lied “It Came Upon a Midnight Clear” von Norah Jones wurde von Edmund Hamilton Sears, Richard Storrs Willis komponiert.

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