Fresh Out The Slammer

Jack Michael Antonoff, Taylor Swift

Liedtexte Übersetzung

Now, pretty baby, I'm running back home to you
Fresh out the slammer, I know who my first call will be to
(Fresh out the slammer, oh)

Another summer taking cover, rolling thunder
He don't understand me
Splintered back in winter, silent dinners, bitter
He was with her in dreams

Gray and blue and fights and tunnels
Handcuffed to the spell I was under
For just one hour of sunshine
Years of labor, locks and ceilings
In the shade of how he was feeling
But it's gonna be alright, I did my time

Now pretty baby, I'm running back home to you
Fresh out the slammer, I know who my first call will be to
(Fresh out the slammer, oh)

Camera flashes, welcome bashes
Get the matches, toss the ashes off the ledge
As I said in my letters, now that I know better
I will never lose my baby again

My friends tried, but I wouldn't hear it
Watch me daily disappearing
For just one glimpse of his smile
All those nights you kept me going
Swirled you into all of my poems
Now we're at the starting line, I did my time

Now, pretty baby, I'm running
To the house where you still wait up, and that porch light gleams
To the one who says I'm the girl of his American dreams
And no matter what I've done, it wouldn't matter anyway
Ain't no way I'm gonna screw up now that I know what's at stake
Here, at the park where we used to sit on children's swings
Wearing imaginary rings

But it's gonna be alright, I did my time

Now, pretty baby, I'm running back home to you
Jetzt, hübsches Baby, ich renne zurück nach Hause zu dir
Fresh out the slammer, I know who my first call will be to
Frisch aus dem Knast, ich weiß, wer mein erster Anruf sein wird
(Fresh out the slammer, oh)
(Frisch aus dem Knast, oh)
Another summer taking cover, rolling thunder
Ein weiterer Sommer in Deckung, laufender Donner
He don't understand me
Er versteht mich nicht
Splintered back in winter, silent dinners, bitter
Zersplittert zurück im Winter, stille Abendessen, bitter
He was with her in dreams
Er war mit ihr in Träumen
Gray and blue and fights and tunnels
Grau und blau und Kämpfe und Tunnel
Handcuffed to the spell I was under
An den Zauber gefesselt, unter dem ich stand
For just one hour of sunshine
Für nur eine Stunde Sonnenschein
Years of labor, locks and ceilings
Jahre der Arbeit, Schlösser und Decken
In the shade of how he was feeling
Im Schatten dessen, wie er sich fühlte
But it's gonna be alright, I did my time
Aber es wird alles in Ordnung sein, ich habe meine Zeit abgesessen
Now pretty baby, I'm running back home to you
Jetzt, hübsches Baby, ich renne zurück nach Hause zu dir
Fresh out the slammer, I know who my first call will be to
Frisch aus dem Knast, ich weiß, wer mein erster Anruf sein wird
(Fresh out the slammer, oh)
(Frisch aus dem Knast, oh)
Camera flashes, welcome bashes
Kamera blitzt, Willkommensfeiern
Get the matches, toss the ashes off the ledge
Hol die Streichhölzer, wirf die Asche von der Kante
As I said in my letters, now that I know better
Wie ich in meinen Briefen sagte, jetzt, da ich es besser weiß
I will never lose my baby again
Ich werde mein Baby nie wieder verlieren
My friends tried, but I wouldn't hear it
Meine Freunde haben es versucht, aber ich wollte es nicht hören
Watch me daily disappearing
Beobachte mich täglich verschwinden
For just one glimpse of his smile
Für nur einen Blick auf sein Lächeln
All those nights you kept me going
All die Nächte, die du mich am Laufen gehalten hast
Swirled you into all of my poems
Ich hab' dich in all meine Gedichte gewirbelt
Now we're at the starting line, I did my time
Jetzt sind wir an der Startlinie, ich hab' meine Zeit abgesessen
Now, pretty baby, I'm running
Jetzt, hübsches Baby, ich renne
To the house where you still wait up, and that porch light gleams
Zum Haus, wo du immer noch wartest, und das Veranda-Licht leuchtet
To the one who says I'm the girl of his American dreams
Zu demjenigen, der sagt, ich sei das Mädchen seiner amerikanischen Träume
And no matter what I've done, it wouldn't matter anyway
Und egal, was ich getan hab', es würde sowieso keine Rolle spielen
Ain't no way I'm gonna screw up now that I know what's at stake
Es gibt keine Möglichkeit, dass ich jetzt einen Fehler mache, jetzt, wo ich weiß, was auf dem Spiel steht
Here, at the park where we used to sit on children's swings
Hier, im Park, wo wir früher auf Kinderschaukeln saßen
Wearing imaginary rings
Trugen imaginäre Ringe
But it's gonna be alright, I did my time
Aber es wird alles in Ordnung sein, ich hab' meine Zeit abgesessen
Now, pretty baby, I'm running back home to you
Agora, meu benzinho, estou correndo de volta para casa para você
Fresh out the slammer, I know who my first call will be to
Recém saído da prisão, eu sei para quem será minha primeira ligação
(Fresh out the slammer, oh)
(Recém saído da prisão, oh)
Another summer taking cover, rolling thunder
Outro verão buscando abrigo, trovão correndo
He don't understand me
Ele não me entende
Splintered back in winter, silent dinners, bitter
Rachado de volta no inverno, jantares silenciosos, amargos
He was with her in dreams
Ele estava com ela nos sonhos
Gray and blue and fights and tunnels
Cinza e azul e brigas e túneis
Handcuffed to the spell I was under
Algemada ao feitiço sob o qual eu estava
For just one hour of sunshine
Por apenas uma hora de sol
Years of labor, locks and ceilings
Anos de trabalho forçado, fechaduras e tetos
In the shade of how he was feeling
Sob a sombra de como ele estava se sentindo
But it's gonna be alright, I did my time
Mas vai ficar tudo bem, eu cumpri minha pena
Now pretty baby, I'm running back home to you
Agora, meu benzinho, estou correndo de volta para casa para você
Fresh out the slammer, I know who my first call will be to
Recém saído da prisão, eu sei para quem será minha primeira ligação
(Fresh out the slammer, oh)
(Recém saído da prisão, oh)
Camera flashes, welcome bashes
Flashes de câmera, festas de boas-vindas
Get the matches, toss the ashes off the ledge
Pegue os fósforos, jogue as cinzas por sobre a bancada
As I said in my letters, now that I know better
Como eu disse em minhas cartas, agora que eu estou mais experiente
I will never lose my baby again
Eu nunca vou perder meu bebê novamente
My friends tried, but I wouldn't hear it
Meus amigos tentaram, mas eu não ouvi
Watch me daily disappearing
Me olhavam desaparecendo pouco a pouco diariamente
For just one glimpse of his smile
Por apenas um vislumbre do sorriso dele
All those nights you kept me going
Todas aquelas noites que você me ajudou a seguir em frente
Swirled you into all of my poems
Eu te envolvi em todos os meus poemas
Now we're at the starting line, I did my time
Agora estamos na linha de partida, eu cumpri minha pena
Now, pretty baby, I'm running
Agora, lindo bebê, estou correndo
To the house where you still wait up, and that porch light gleams
Para a casa onde você ainda espera acordado, e aquela luz da varanda brilha
To the one who says I'm the girl of his American dreams
Para aquele que diz que eu sou a garota dos sonhos americanos dele
And no matter what I've done, it wouldn't matter anyway
E não importa o que eu tenha feito, não importaria de qualquer maneira
Ain't no way I'm gonna screw up now that I know what's at stake
Não há como eu estragar agora que sei o que está em jogo
Here, at the park where we used to sit on children's swings
Aqui no parque onde costumávamos sentar nos balanços das crianças
Wearing imaginary rings
Usando anéis imaginários
But it's gonna be alright, I did my time
Mas vai ficar tudo bem, eu cumpri minha pena
Now, pretty baby, I'm running back home to you
Ahora, lindo bebé, estoy corriendo de vuelta a casa contigo
Fresh out the slammer, I know who my first call will be to
Recién salida de la cárcel, sé a quién será mi primera llamada
(Fresh out the slammer, oh)
(Recién salida de la cárcel, oh)
Another summer taking cover, rolling thunder
Otro verano buscando refugio, corriendo bajo el trueno
He don't understand me
Él no me entiende
Splintered back in winter, silent dinners, bitter
Fracturada de nuevo en invierno, cenas silenciosas, amargas
He was with her in dreams
Él estaba con ella en sueños
Gray and blue and fights and tunnels
Gris y azul y peleas y túneles
Handcuffed to the spell I was under
Esposada al hechizo bajo el que estaba
For just one hour of sunshine
Por solo una hora de sol
Years of labor, locks and ceilings
Años de trabajo, cerraduras y techos
In the shade of how he was feeling
A la sombra de cómo se sentía él
But it's gonna be alright, I did my time
Pero todo va a estar bien, cumplí mi tiempo
Now pretty baby, I'm running back home to you
Ahora, lindo bebé, estoy corriendo de vuelta a casa contigo
Fresh out the slammer, I know who my first call will be to
Recién salida de la cárcel, sé a quién será mi primera llamada
(Fresh out the slammer, oh)
(Recién salida de la cárcel, oh)
Camera flashes, welcome bashes
Flashes de cámaras, fiestas de bienvenida
Get the matches, toss the ashes off the ledge
Consigue los fósforos, tira las cenizas por el borde
As I said in my letters, now that I know better
Como dije en mis cartas, ahora que sé mejor
I will never lose my baby again
Nunca volveré a perder a mi bebé
My friends tried, but I wouldn't hear it
Mis amigos lo intentaron, pero no quise escuchar
Watch me daily disappearing
Mírame desaparecer día tras día
For just one glimpse of his smile
Por solo un vistazo de su sonrisa
All those nights you kept me going
Todas esas noches que me mantuviste en marcha
Swirled you into all of my poems
Te mezclaste en todos mis poemas
Now we're at the starting line, I did my time
Ahora estamos en la línea de salida, cumplí mi tiempo
Now, pretty baby, I'm running
Ahora, lindo bebé, estoy corriendo
To the house where you still wait up, and that porch light gleams
Hacia la casa donde aún esperas despierto, y esa luz del porche brilla
To the one who says I'm the girl of his American dreams
Hacia el que dice que soy la chica de sus sueños americanos
And no matter what I've done, it wouldn't matter anyway
Y no importa lo que haya hecho, no importaría de todos modos
Ain't no way I'm gonna screw up now that I know what's at stake
No hay forma de que vaya a arruinarlo ahora que sé lo que está en juego
Here, at the park where we used to sit on children's swings
Aquí, en el parque donde solíamos sentarnos en los columpios de los niños
Wearing imaginary rings
Usando anillos imaginarios
But it's gonna be alright, I did my time
Pero todo va a estar bien, cumplí mi tiempo
Now, pretty baby, I'm running back home to you
Maintenant, joli bébé, je rentre à la maison pour toi
Fresh out the slammer, I know who my first call will be to
Fraîchement sorti de la taule, je sais à qui sera mon premier appel
(Fresh out the slammer, oh)
(Fraîchement sorti de la taule, oh)
Another summer taking cover, rolling thunder
Un autre été à se cacher, courir sous l'orage
He don't understand me
Il ne me comprend pas
Splintered back in winter, silent dinners, bitter
Éclaté en hiver, dîners silencieux, amers
He was with her in dreams
Il était avec elle dans ses rêves
Gray and blue and fights and tunnels
Gris et bleu et combats et tunnels
Handcuffed to the spell I was under
Menotté au sort que j'étais sous
For just one hour of sunshine
Pour juste une heure de soleil
Years of labor, locks and ceilings
Des années de labeur, de verrous et de plafonds
In the shade of how he was feeling
À l'ombre de ce qu'il ressentait
But it's gonna be alright, I did my time
Mais tout va bien se passer, j'ai fait mon temps
Now pretty baby, I'm running back home to you
Maintenant, joli bébé, je rentre à la maison pour toi
Fresh out the slammer, I know who my first call will be to
Fraîchement sorti de la taule, je sais à qui sera mon premier appel
(Fresh out the slammer, oh)
(Fraîchement sorti de la taule, oh)
Camera flashes, welcome bashes
Flashes de caméra, fêtes de bienvenue
Get the matches, toss the ashes off the ledge
Prenez les allumettes, jetez les cendres par-dessus le rebord
As I said in my letters, now that I know better
Comme je l'ai dit dans mes lettres, maintenant que je sais mieux
I will never lose my baby again
Je ne perdrai plus jamais mon bébé
My friends tried, but I wouldn't hear it
Mes amis ont essayé, mais je ne voulais pas l'entendre
Watch me daily disappearing
Regardez-moi disparaître chaque jour
For just one glimpse of his smile
Pour juste un aperçu de son sourire
All those nights you kept me going
Toutes ces nuits où tu m'as fait tenir
Swirled you into all of my poems
Je t'ai intégré dans tous mes poèmes
Now we're at the starting line, I did my time
Maintenant nous sommes sur la ligne de départ, j'ai fait mon temps
Now, pretty baby, I'm running
Maintenant, joli bébé, je cours
To the house where you still wait up, and that porch light gleams
Vers la maison où tu attends toujours, et cette lumière de porche brille
To the one who says I'm the girl of his American dreams
Vers celui qui dit que je suis la fille de ses rêves américains
And no matter what I've done, it wouldn't matter anyway
Et peu importe ce que j'ai fait, ça n'aurait de toute façon pas d'importance
Ain't no way I'm gonna screw up now that I know what's at stake
Il n'y a pas moyen que je gâche tout maintenant que je sais ce qui est en jeu
Here, at the park where we used to sit on children's swings
Ici, au parc où nous avions l'habitude de nous asseoir sur les balançoires pour enfants
Wearing imaginary rings
Portant des bagues imaginaires
But it's gonna be alright, I did my time
Mais tout va bien se passer, j'ai fait mon temps
Now, pretty baby, I'm running back home to you
Ora, bel bambino, sto correndo a casa da te
Fresh out the slammer, I know who my first call will be to
Appena uscita dalla galera, so a chi sarà la mia prima chiamata
(Fresh out the slammer, oh)
(Appena uscito dalla galera, oh)
Another summer taking cover, rolling thunder
Un'altra estate a cercare riparo, correndo sotto il tuono
He don't understand me
Lui non mi capisce
Splintered back in winter, silent dinners, bitter
Spezzata di nuovo in inverno, cene silenziose, amare
He was with her in dreams
Lui era con lei nei sogni
Gray and blue and fights and tunnels
Amore e tristezza
Handcuffed to the spell I was under
Ammanettata all'incantesimo di cui ero vittima
For just one hour of sunshine
Per un'ora di sole soltanto
Years of labor, locks and ceilings
Anni di lavoro, serrature e soffitti
In the shade of how he was feeling
All'ombra di come si sentiva
But it's gonna be alright, I did my time
Ma andrà tutto bene, ho scontato la mia pena
Now pretty baby, I'm running back home to you
Ora, bel bambino, sto correndo a casa da te
Fresh out the slammer, I know who my first call will be to
Appena uscita dalla galera, so a chi sarà la mia prima chiamata
(Fresh out the slammer, oh)
(Appena uscito dalla galera, oh)
Camera flashes, welcome bashes
Flash di macchine fotografiche, feste di benvenuto
Get the matches, toss the ashes off the ledge
Prendi i fiammiferi, getta le ceneri dal cornicione
As I said in my letters, now that I know better
Come ho detto nelle mie lettere, ora che so meglio
I will never lose my baby again
Non perderò mai più il mio tesoro
My friends tried, but I wouldn't hear it
I miei amici ci hanno provato, ma non volevo sentire
Watch me daily disappearing
Guardami scomparire ogni giorno
For just one glimpse of his smile
Soltanto per un barlume del suo sorriso
All those nights you kept me going
Tutte quelle notti che mi hai tenuto in piedi
Swirled you into all of my poems
Ti ho mescolato in tutte le mie poesie
Now we're at the starting line, I did my time
Ora siamo alla linea di partenza, ho scontato la mia pena
Now, pretty baby, I'm running
Ora, bel bambino, sto correndo
To the house where you still wait up, and that porch light gleams
Verso la casa dove ancora aspetti, e quella luce del portico brilla
To the one who says I'm the girl of his American dreams
Verso quello che dice che sono la ragazza dei suoi sogni americani
And no matter what I've done, it wouldn't matter anyway
E non importa quello che ho fatto, non avrebbe comunque importanza
Ain't no way I'm gonna screw up now that I know what's at stake
Non c'è verso che sbagli ora che so cosa c'è in gioco
Here, at the park where we used to sit on children's swings
Qui, al parco dove eravamo soliti sederci sulle altalene dei bambini
Wearing imaginary rings
Indossando anelli immaginari
But it's gonna be alright, I did my time
Ma andrà tutto bene, ho scontato la mia pena
Now, pretty baby, I'm running back home to you
Fresh out the slammer, I know who my first call will be to
(Fresh out the slammer, oh)
Another summer taking cover, rolling thunder
He don't understand me
Splintered back in winter, silent dinners, bitter
He was with her in dreams
Gray and blue and fights and tunnels
Handcuffed to the spell I was under
For just one hour of sunshine
Years of labor, locks and ceilings
In the shade of how he was feeling
But it's gonna be alright, I did my time
Now pretty baby, I'm running back home to you
Fresh out the slammer, I know who my first call will be to
(Fresh out the slammer, oh)
Camera flashes, welcome bashes
Get the matches, toss the ashes off the ledge
As I said in my letters, now that I know better
I will never lose my baby again
My friends tried, but I wouldn't hear it
Watch me daily disappearing
For just one glimpse of his smile
All those nights you kept me going
Swirled you into all of my poems
Now we're at the starting line, I did my time
Now, pretty baby, I'm running
To the house where you still wait up, and that porch light gleams
To the one who says I'm the girl of his American dreams
And no matter what I've done, it wouldn't matter anyway
Ain't no way I'm gonna screw up now that I know what's at stake
Here, at the park where we used to sit on children's swings
Wearing imaginary rings
But it's gonna be alright, I did my time
Now, pretty baby, I'm running back home to you
자, 사랑스러운 자기야, 나는 너에게 돌아가고 있어
Fresh out the slammer, I know who my first call will be to
감옥에서 막 나왔고, 첫 전화를 걸 사람을 모를 리가
(Fresh out the slammer, oh)
(감옥에서 막 나왔어, 오)
Another summer taking cover, rolling thunder
또 다른 여름, 피난처를 찾아, 천둥의 울림
He don't understand me
그는 나를 이해하지 못해
Splintered back in winter, silent dinners, bitter
겨울에 돌아와서, 조용한 저녁 식사, 씁쓸함
He was with her in dreams
꿈을 꾸면 그는 다른 사람과 함께였어
Gray and blue and fights and tunnels
음울과 우울과 다툼과 끝나지 않는 어두운 터널
Handcuffed to the spell I was under
나를 지배하던 주문에 수갑을 채웠어
For just one hour of sunshine
단지 한 시간의 햇빛을 위해
Years of labor, locks and ceilings
수년의 노역, 잠금장치들과 천장
In the shade of how he was feeling
그의 감정에 휘둘리는 감옥 속에서
But it's gonna be alright, I did my time
하지만 괜찮을 거야, 나는 내 시간을 보냈어
Now pretty baby, I'm running back home to you
자, 사랑스러운 자기야, 나는 너에게 돌아가고 있어
Fresh out the slammer, I know who my first call will be to
감옥에서 막 나왔고, 첫 전화를 걸 사람을 모를 리가
(Fresh out the slammer, oh)
(감옥에서 막 나왔어, 오)
Camera flashes, welcome bashes
카메라 플래시가 터지는 환영파티
Get the matches, toss the ashes off the ledge
성냥을 가져와, 절벽 긑에서 타고 남은 재를 뿌려
As I said in my letters, now that I know better
내 편지에서 말했듯이, 이제 나는 더 잘 알아
I will never lose my baby again
나는 다시는 내 사랑을 잃지 않을 거야
My friends tried, but I wouldn't hear it
내 친구들은 시도했지만, 나는 듣지 않았어
Watch me daily disappearing
매일 사라지는 날 지켜봐
For just one glimpse of his smile
그의 희미한 미소라도 한번 보기 위해
All those nights you kept me going
그 모든 밤들이 나를 가두고 있었어
Swirled you into all of my poems
너를 내 모든 시속으로 널 휘몰아 넣었지
Now we're at the starting line, I did my time
이제 우리는 출발선에 서 있어, 나는 내 시간을 보냈어
Now, pretty baby, I'm running
이제, 예쁜 아기, 나는 달려가고 있어
To the house where you still wait up, and that porch light gleams
네가 아직도 기다리는 집으로, 그 현관 등이 반짝이고
To the one who says I'm the girl of his American dreams
나를 그의 아메리칸 드림의 여자라고 말하는 그 사람에게
And no matter what I've done, it wouldn't matter anyway
그리고 내가 무엇을 했든, 어차피 상관없어
Ain't no way I'm gonna screw up now that I know what's at stake
내가 무슨 위험이 닥쳤는지 알게 된 이제, 나는 절대로 실수하지 않을 거야
Here, at the park where we used to sit on children's swings
여기, 우리가 어린이 그네에 앉아 있던 공원에서
Wearing imaginary rings
상상 속의 반지를 나누던
But it's gonna be alright, I did my time
하지만 괜찮을 거야, 나는 내 시간을 보냈어

Nå, fine baby
Løper jeg tilbake hjem til deg
Rett ut av buret
Jeg vet hvem min første telefonsamtale vil bli til
(Rett ut av buret, oh)

[Vers 1]
Ennå en sommer, tar dekning, rullende torden
Han forstår meg ikke
Splintret tilbake på vinteren, stille middager, bitter
Han var med henne i drømmene

Grå og blå og krangler og tunneller
Lenket til forhеkselsen jeg var undеr
For bare en time med solskinn
År med arbeid, låser og tak
I skyggen av hvordan han følte seg
Men det skal gå i orden, jeg sonet straffen min

Nå, fine baby
Løper jeg tilbake hjem til deg
Rett ut av buret
Jeg hvem hvem min første telefonsamtale vil bli til
(Rett ut av buret, oh)

[Vers 2]
Kameraene blinker, velkomstfester, finn fyrstikkene
Kast asken over kanten
Som jeg sa i mine brev, nå som jeg vet bedre
Vil jeg aldri miste min baby igjen

Vennene mine forsøkte, men jeg ville ikke høre
Se meg forsvinne daglig
For bare et lite gløtt av hans smil
All disse nettene, han holdt meg gående
Virvlet deg inn i alle mine dikt
Nå er vi på startstreken, jeg sonet min straff

Nå, fine baby
Jeg løper

Til huset hvor du fremdeles venter opp og utelysene skinner (Skinner)
Til den som sier jeg er jenta i hans amerikanske drøm
Og hva jeg enn har gjort spiller det ingen rolle
Det er ingen sjanse for at jeg skal ødelegge dette nå som jeg vet hva som er på spill
Iført imaginære ringer

Men det skal gå i orden, jeg har sonet min straff

Teraz, piękny skarbie
Biegnę z powrotem do domu, do ciebie
Prosto z pierdla
Wiem, do kogo zadzwonię w pierwszej kolejności
(Prosto z pierdla, och)

[Zwrotka 1]
Kolejne lato, chronię się przed grzmiącą burzą
On mnie nie rozumie
Rozpada się w zimie, ciche obiady, pełne goryczy
On był z nią w snach

Szaro i niebiesko, kłótnie i tunele
Przykuta do zaklęcia, pod którym byłam
Tylko za jedną godzinę słońca
Lata harówki, zamków i sufitów
W cieniu jego nastrojów
Ale wszystko będzie dobrze, skończyłam odsiadkę

Teraz, piękny skarbie
Biegnę z powrotem do domu, do ciebie
Prosto z pierdla
Wiem, do kogo zadzwonię w pierwszej kolejności
(Prosto z pierdla, och)

[Zwrotka 2]
Błyski aparatu, powitalne przyjęcia, weź zapałki
Wyrzuć popiół z półki
Jak pisałam w listach, teraz wiem lepiej
Nigdy więcej nie stracę mojego ukochanego

Przyjaciele próbowali do mnie dotrzeć, ale nie słuchałam
Widzieli, jak codziennie znikam
Tylko dla jednego przebłysku jego uśmiechu
Przez te wszystkie nocy, on podtrzymywał mnie na duchu
Wciągnęłam cię do wszystkich moich wierszy
Teraz jesteśmy na linii startu, skończyłam odsiadkę

Teraz, piękny skarbie

Do domu, w którym wciąż czekasz, a na werandzie lśni światło (Lśni)
Do tego, który twierdzi, że jestem dziewczyną z jego amerykańskich marzeń
I nie ważne, co zrobiłam, i tak nie będzie miało to znaczenia
Nie ma mowy, żebym coś teraz spieprzyła, skoro wiem, jaka jest stawka
W parku, gdzie siadaliśmy na dziecięcych chuśtawkach
Nosząc wymyślone obrączki

Ale wszystko będzie dobrze, skończyłam odsiadkę

Şimdi, güzel bebeğim, eve sana koşuyorum
Hapisten yeni çıktım, ilk aramamın kime olacağını biliyorum
(Hapisten yeni çıktım, oh)

[Bölüm 1]
Bir yaz daha örtü altına giriyor, şimşek çakıyor
O beni anlamıyor
Kışın geriye parçalanmış, sessiz akşam yemekleri, acı
Rüyalarında onunla birlikteydi

[Nakarat Öncesi]
Gri ve mavi ve kavgalar ve tüneller
Altında olduğum büyüye kelepçelendim
Sadece bir saatlik güneş ışığı için
Yılların emeği, kilitler ve tavanlar
Onun nasıl hissettiğinin gölgesinde
Ama her şey yoluna girecеk, cezamı çektim

Şimdi, güzel bеbeğim, eve sana koşuyorum
Hapisten yeni çıktım, ilk aramamın kime olacağını biliyorum
(Hapisten yeni çıktım, oh)

[Bölüm 2]
Kamera flaşları, hoş geldin partileri, kibritleri alın
Külleri kenardan atın
Mektuplarımda da söylediğim gibi, artık daha iyi biliyorum ki
Bebeğimi bir daha asla kaybetmeyeceğim

[Nakarat Öncesi]
Arkadaşlarım denedi ama ben dinlemedim
Her gün kayboluşumu izlediler
Onun gülümsemesinden bir anlık görüntü için
Bütün o geceler, beni ayakta tuttu
Seni bütün şiirlerime kattım
Şimdi başlangıç çizgisindeyiz, cezamı çektim

Şimdi, güzel bebeğim, koşuyorum

Hala beklediğin ve veranda ışığının parladığı eve doğru (Parlıyor)
Benim onun Amerikan rüyalarının kızı olduğumu söyleyen kişiye
Ve ne yapmış olursam olayım, hiçbir önemi olmayacak
Hiçbir şekilde çuvallamayacağım, artık burada neyi riske attığımı bildiğime göre
Eskiden çocuk salıncaklarında oturduğumuz parkta
Hayali yüzük takıyoruz

Ama her şey yoluna girecek, cezamı çektim

Sad, lepi moj
Jurim ka tebi
Upravo sam izašla iz zatvora
Znam koga ću prvo pozvati
(Upravo sam izašla iz zatvora)

[Strofa 1]
Još jedno leto, skrivam se na toplom vazduhu
On me ne razume
Slomljena leđa na zimi, večere u tišini, gorčina
Sa njom je bio u snovima

Siva i plava boja, svađe i tuneli
Lisicama vezana za čaroliju koja je na mene bačena
Za samo sat na suncu
Godine napora, brava i plafon
U nijansama njegovih osećanja
Ali biće dobro, odslužila sam svoje

Sad, lepi moj
Jurim ka tebi
Upravo sam izašla iz zatvora
Znam koga ću prvo pozvati
(Upravo sam izašla iz zatvora)

[Strofa 2]
Bljeskovi kamera, dobrodošlica, uzmi šibice
Prospi pepeo sa litice
Kao što sam napisala u pismu, sad kad znam bolje
Nikad neću izgubiti mog dragog

Moji prijatelji su pokušali ali nisam htela da slušam
Samo gledajte kako nestajem svaki dan
Zbog tračka njegovog osmeha
Svake noći me je održavala misao na njega
Uplela sam te u svoje pesme
Sad smo ponovo napočetku, odslužila sam svoje

Sad, lepi moj, jurim

Do kuće gde još uvek čekaš i svetlo na tremu svetli
Do onog ko govori da sam njegova devojka iz američkog sna
I šta god da sam uradila sad nije bitno
Nema šanse da opet pokvarim nešto sad kad znam koliki je ulog
U parku gde smo se ljuljali na dečijim ljuljaškama
Noseći zamišljeno prstenje

Ali biće dobro, odslužila sam svoje

Zdaj, lepi ljubi, tečem nazaj domov k tebi
Ravno iz zapora, vem, koga bom najprej poklicala
(Ravno iz zapora, oh)

[Verz 1]
Še eno poletje z zatočišču, prihaja nevihta
On me ne razume
Zdrobim se nazaj v zimo, tihe večerje, grenke
V sanjah je bil z njo

[Pred Refren]
Siva in modra in leti in tuneli
Z lisicami vklenjena v urok, pod katerim sem bila
Za le eno uro sončne svetlobe
Leta dela, ključavnic in stropov
V senci njegovega počutja
A vse bo v redu, odsedela sem kazen

Zdaj, lepi ljubi, tečem nazaj domov k tebi
Ravno iz zapora, vem, koga bom najprej poklicala
(Ravno iz zapora, oh)

[Verz 2]
Bliski kamer, dobrodošli udarci, pojdi po vžigalice
Odvrzi pepel čez rob
Kot sem rekla v pismih, zdaj ko končno vem
Ne bom nikoli več izgubila mojega ljubega

[Pred Refren]
Moji prijatelji so poskusili, a nisem poslušala
Gledali so me, ko sem vsak dan izginjala
Le za en bežen pogled njegovega nasmeha
Vse tiste noči, ko si mi pomagal nadaljevati
Zavila sem te v vse svoje pesmi
Zdaj sva na začetni liniji, odsedela sem kazen

Zdaj, lepi ljubi, tečem

K hiši, kjer me še čakaš in kjer tista luč na verandi še gori (Gori)
K tistemu, ki reče, da sem dekle njegovih ameriških sanj
In ni važno kaj sem storila, v vsakem primeru ne bi bilo pomembno
Ni možnosti da zamočim, zdaj ko vem kaj je v igri
V parku kjer sva včasih sedela na otroških gugalnicah
Nosila sva namišljene prstane

A vse bo v redu, odsedela sem kazen

Wissenswertes über das Lied Fresh Out The Slammer von Taylor Swift

Auf welchen Alben wurde das Lied “Fresh Out The Slammer” von Taylor Swift veröffentlicht?
Taylor Swift hat das Lied auf den Alben “The Tortured Poets Department” im Jahr 2024, “The Tortured Poets Department: The Anthology” im Jahr 2024 und “THE TORTURED POETS DEPARTMENT + “Who’s Afraid Of Little Old Me?” First Draft Phone Memo” im Jahr 2024 veröffentlicht.
Wer hat das Lied “Fresh Out The Slammer” von Taylor Swift komponiert?
Das Lied “Fresh Out The Slammer” von Taylor Swift wurde von Jack Michael Antonoff, Taylor Swift komponiert.

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