I, I think that mankind greatest problem
is that we constantly feel a limitless desire of expansion
To live without limits
whilst living inside a world which is full of physical and Cartesian limits
If we refer to Nihilistic thinkers and to Tragic philosophers
We manage to understand better the dizzying insignificance of our existences
And then, the void that is our lives seems pretty obvious to us
Without being optimistic or pessimistic
But if we position ourselves as pure cynical philosophers
It's through the use of artifice that we manage to disconnect ourselves
From this Pascalian reality that frightens us so much
But all of this remains conceptual and remains uncertain
I, I think that mankind greatest problem
Ich, ich denke, dass das größte Problem der Menschheit
is that we constantly feel a limitless desire of expansion
darin besteht, dass wir ständig ein grenzenloses Verlangen nach Expansion verspüren
To live without limits
Ohne Grenzen zu leben
whilst living inside a world which is full of physical and Cartesian limits
während wir in einer Welt leben, die voller physischer und kartesischer Grenzen ist
If we refer to Nihilistic thinkers and to Tragic philosophers
Wenn wir uns auf nihilistische Denker und tragische Philosophen beziehen
We manage to understand better the dizzying insignificance of our existences
Gelingt es uns besser, die schwindelerregende Bedeutungslosigkeit unserer Existenz zu verstehen
And then, the void that is our lives seems pretty obvious to us
Und dann scheint uns die Leere, die unser Leben ist, ziemlich offensichtlich
Without being optimistic or pessimistic
Ohne optimistisch oder pessimistisch zu sein
But if we position ourselves as pure cynical philosophers
Aber wenn wir uns als rein zynische Philosophen positionieren
It's through the use of artifice that we manage to disconnect ourselves
Gelingt es uns durch den Einsatz von Kunstgriffen, uns zu entkoppeln
From this Pascalian reality that frightens us so much
Von dieser pascalschen Realität, die uns so sehr ängstigt
But all of this remains conceptual and remains uncertain
Aber all das bleibt konzeptionell und bleibt unsicher
I, I think that mankind greatest problem
Eu, eu acho que o maior problema da humanidade
is that we constantly feel a limitless desire of expansion
é que sentimos constantemente um desejo ilimitado de expansão
To live without limits
Viver sem limites
whilst living inside a world which is full of physical and Cartesian limits
enquanto vivemos em um mundo que está cheio de limites físicos e cartesianos
If we refer to Nihilistic thinkers and to Tragic philosophers
Se nos referirmos a pensadores niilistas e a filósofos trágicos
We manage to understand better the dizzying insignificance of our existences
Conseguimos entender melhor a insignificância vertiginosa de nossas existências
And then, the void that is our lives seems pretty obvious to us
E então, o vazio que é a nossa vida parece bastante óbvio para nós
Without being optimistic or pessimistic
Sem ser otimista ou pessimista
But if we position ourselves as pure cynical philosophers
Mas se nos posicionarmos como filósofos cínicos puros
It's through the use of artifice that we manage to disconnect ourselves
É através do uso de artifício que conseguimos nos desconectar
From this Pascalian reality that frightens us so much
Desta realidade pascaliana que nos assusta tanto
But all of this remains conceptual and remains uncertain
Mas tudo isso permanece conceitual e permanece incerto
I, I think that mankind greatest problem
Yo, creo que el mayor problema de la humanidad
is that we constantly feel a limitless desire of expansion
es que constantemente sentimos un deseo ilimitado de expansión
To live without limits
Vivir sin límites
whilst living inside a world which is full of physical and Cartesian limits
mientras vivimos en un mundo que está lleno de límites físicos y cartesianos
If we refer to Nihilistic thinkers and to Tragic philosophers
Si nos referimos a los pensadores nihilistas y a los filósofos trágicos
We manage to understand better the dizzying insignificance of our existences
Logramos entender mejor la insignificancia vertiginosa de nuestras existencias
And then, the void that is our lives seems pretty obvious to us
Y entonces, el vacío que son nuestras vidas nos parece bastante obvio
Without being optimistic or pessimistic
Sin ser optimistas o pesimistas
But if we position ourselves as pure cynical philosophers
Pero si nos posicionamos como filósofos cínicos puros
It's through the use of artifice that we manage to disconnect ourselves
Es a través del uso del artificio que logramos desconectarnos
From this Pascalian reality that frightens us so much
De esta realidad pascaliana que nos asusta tanto
But all of this remains conceptual and remains uncertain
Pero todo esto sigue siendo conceptual y sigue siendo incierto
I, I think that mankind greatest problem
Moi, je pense que le plus grand problème de l'humanité
is that we constantly feel a limitless desire of expansion
est que nous ressentons constamment un désir illimité d'expansion
To live without limits
Vivre sans limites
whilst living inside a world which is full of physical and Cartesian limits
tout en vivant dans un monde qui est plein de limites physiques et cartésiennes
If we refer to Nihilistic thinkers and to Tragic philosophers
Si nous nous référons aux penseurs nihilistes et aux philosophes tragiques
We manage to understand better the dizzying insignificance of our existences
Nous parvenons à mieux comprendre l'insignifiance vertigineuse de nos existences
And then, the void that is our lives seems pretty obvious to us
Et alors, le vide qui est notre vie nous semble assez évident
Without being optimistic or pessimistic
Sans être optimiste ou pessimiste
But if we position ourselves as pure cynical philosophers
Mais si nous nous positionnons comme de purs philosophes cyniques
It's through the use of artifice that we manage to disconnect ourselves
C'est par l'utilisation de l'artifice que nous parvenons à nous déconnecter
From this Pascalian reality that frightens us so much
De cette réalité pascalienne qui nous effraie tant
But all of this remains conceptual and remains uncertain
Mais tout cela reste conceptuel et reste incertain
I, I think that mankind greatest problem
Io, penso che il più grande problema dell'umanità
is that we constantly feel a limitless desire of expansion
sia che sentiamo costantemente un desiderio illimitato di espansione
To live without limits
Vivere senza limiti
whilst living inside a world which is full of physical and Cartesian limits
mentre viviamo in un mondo che è pieno di limiti fisici e cartesiani
If we refer to Nihilistic thinkers and to Tragic philosophers
Se ci riferiamo ai pensatori nichilisti e ai filosofi tragici
We manage to understand better the dizzying insignificance of our existences
Riusciamo a capire meglio l'insignificante vertigine delle nostre esistenze
And then, the void that is our lives seems pretty obvious to us
E poi, il vuoto che sono le nostre vite ci sembra piuttosto ovvio
Without being optimistic or pessimistic
Senza essere ottimisti o pessimisti
But if we position ourselves as pure cynical philosophers
Ma se ci posizioniamo come puri filosofi cinici
It's through the use of artifice that we manage to disconnect ourselves
È attraverso l'uso dell'artificio che riusciamo a disconnetterci
From this Pascalian reality that frightens us so much
Da questa realtà pascaliana che ci spaventa tanto
But all of this remains conceptual and remains uncertain
Ma tutto questo rimane concettuale e rimane incerto