Middle of Somewhere

Jonathan David Singleton, Luke Albert Combs, Randy Montana

Liedtexte Übersetzung

There's just one kind of coffee at the Café
Couple kinds of beer at Amoco
Where hard work pays and Jesus saves
Weekends come and hell gets raised
Don't eat much, we can't hunt, fish, or grow

And we like life that way
Sweet and slow and simple
Ain't for much we pray
'Cause all we need's a little
So just remember when you're drivin' through nowhere
To us, that's the middle of somewhere

May look like some empty off the interstate
Place between where you've been and where you go
Folks 'round here, we call it home
From the cradle to the stone
We don't mind, it's all we've ever known

And we like life that way
Sweet and slow and simple
It ain't for much we pray
'Cause all we need's a little
So just remember when you're drivin' through nowhere
To us, that's the middle of somewhere

I know it's just another drop in the ocean of map dots
But it means more than the world to us

'Cause we like life that way
Sweet and slow and simple
It ain't for much we pray
'Cause all we need's a little
So just remember when you're drivin' through nowhere
So just remember when you're drivin' through nowhere
To us, that's the middle of somewhere

Out in the middle of somewhere

There's just one kind of coffee at the Café
Es gibt nur eine Art von Kaffee im Cafe
Couple kinds of beer at Amoco
Ein paar Biersorten bei Amoco
Where hard work pays and Jesus saves
Wo harte Arbeit sich lohnt und Jesus rettet
Weekends come and hell gets raised
Die Wochenenden kommen und die Hölle ist los
Don't eat much, we can't hunt, fish, or grow
Wir essen nicht viel, wir können nicht jagen, fischen oder anbauen
And we like life that way
Und wir mögen das Leben auf diese Weise
Sweet and slow and simple
Süß und langsam und einfach
Ain't for much we pray
Wir beten nicht für viel
'Cause all we need's a little
Denn alles, was wir brauchen, ist ein bisschen
So just remember when you're drivin' through nowhere
Also denk dran, wenn du durchs Nirgendwo fährst
To us, that's the middle of somewhere
Für uns ist das die Mitte von irgendwo
May look like some empty off the interstate
Sieht vielleicht aus wie ein leerer Platz an der Autobahn
Place between where you've been and where you go
Ein Ort zwischen dem, wo du warst und wohin du gehst
Folks 'round here, we call it home
Die Leute hier, wir nennen es Heimat
From the cradle to the stone
Von der Wiege bis zum Stein
We don't mind, it's all we've ever known
Es macht uns nichts aus, es ist alles, was wir je kannten
And we like life that way
Und wir mögen das Leben auf diese Weise
Sweet and slow and simple
Süß und langsam und einfach
It ain't for much we pray
Wir beten nicht um viel
'Cause all we need's a little
Denn alles, was wir brauchen, ist ein bisschen
So just remember when you're drivin' through nowhere
Also denk dran, wenn du durchs Nirgendwo fährst
To us, that's the middle of somewhere
Für uns ist das die Mitte von irgendwo
I know it's just another drop in the ocean of map dots
Ich weiß, es ist nur ein weiterer Tropfen im Ozean der Kartenpunkte
But it means more than the world to us
Aber es bedeutet mehr als die Welt für uns
'Cause we like life that way
Weil wir das Leben so mögen
Sweet and slow and simple
Süß und langsam und einfach
It ain't for much we pray
Wir beten nicht um viel
'Cause all we need's a little
Denn alles, was wir brauchen, ist ein bisschen
So just remember when you're drivin' through nowhere
Also denk dran, wenn du durchs Nirgendwo fährst
So just remember when you're drivin' through nowhere
Also denk dran, wenn du durchs Nirgendwo fährst
To us, that's the middle of somewhere
Für uns ist das die Mitte von irgendwo
Out in the middle of somewhere
Draußen in der Mitte von irgendwo
There's just one kind of coffee at the Café
Há apenas um tipo de café no Café
Couple kinds of beer at Amoco
Alguns tipos de cerveja na Amoco
Where hard work pays and Jesus saves
Onde o trabalho duro compensa e Jesus salva
Weekends come and hell gets raised
Os fins de semana chegam e o inferno se agita
Don't eat much, we can't hunt, fish, or grow
Não comemos muito, não podemos caçar, pescar ou cultivar
And we like life that way
E gostamos da vida assim
Sweet and slow and simple
Doce, lenta e simples
Ain't for much we pray
Não pedimos muito em nossas orações
'Cause all we need's a little
Porque tudo que precisamos é um pouco
So just remember when you're drivin' through nowhere
Então, lembre-se quando estiver dirigindo por lugar nenhum
To us, that's the middle of somewhere
Para nós, isso é o meio de algum lugar
May look like some empty off the interstate
Pode parecer um vazio fora da rodovia
Place between where you've been and where you go
Lugar entre onde você esteve e para onde vai
Folks 'round here, we call it home
As pessoas por aqui, chamamos de lar
From the cradle to the stone
Do berço à pedra
We don't mind, it's all we've ever known
Não nos importamos, é tudo que sempre conhecemos
And we like life that way
E gostamos da vida assim
Sweet and slow and simple
Doce, lenta e simples
It ain't for much we pray
Não pedimos muito em nossas orações
'Cause all we need's a little
Porque tudo que precisamos é um pouco
So just remember when you're drivin' through nowhere
Então, lembre-se quando estiver dirigindo por lugar nenhum
To us, that's the middle of somewhere
Para nós, isso é o meio de algum lugar
I know it's just another drop in the ocean of map dots
Eu sei que é apenas mais um ponto no oceano de pontos no mapa
But it means more than the world to us
Mas isso significa mais do que o mundo para nós
'Cause we like life that way
Porque gostamos da vida assim
Sweet and slow and simple
Doce, lenta e simples
It ain't for much we pray
Não pedimos muito em nossas orações
'Cause all we need's a little
Porque tudo que precisamos é um pouco
So just remember when you're drivin' through nowhere
Então, lembre-se quando estiver dirigindo por lugar nenhum
So just remember when you're drivin' through nowhere
Então, lembre-se quando estiver dirigindo por lugar nenhum
To us, that's the middle of somewhere
Para nós, isso é o meio de algum lugar
Out in the middle of somewhere
No meio de algum lugar
There's just one kind of coffee at the Café
Sólo hay un tipo de café en el café
Couple kinds of beer at Amoco
Dos tipos de cervezas en Amoco
Where hard work pays and Jesus saves
Donde el trabajo duro paga y Jesús salva
Weekends come and hell gets raised
Fines de semana llegan y se arma el desmadre
Don't eat much, we can't hunt, fish, or grow
No se come mucho, no podemos cazar, pescar o cosechar
And we like life that way
Y así nos gusta la vida
Sweet and slow and simple
Dulce y lenta y sencilla
Ain't for much we pray
No oramos por mucho
'Cause all we need's a little
Porque todo lo que necesitamos es poco
So just remember when you're drivin' through nowhere
Así que sólo recuerda cuando manejes por el monte
To us, that's the middle of somewhere
Para nosotros, eso es en medio de la nada
May look like some empty off the interstate
Puede que se vea como de la interstate vacío
Place between where you've been and where you go
Lugar entre donde has estado y a donde vas
Folks 'round here, we call it home
La gente aquí, le llamamos casa
From the cradle to the stone
De la cuna a la piedra
We don't mind, it's all we've ever known
No nos molesta, es todo lo que conocemos
And we like life that way
Y así nos gusta la vida
Sweet and slow and simple
Dulce y lenta y sencilla
It ain't for much we pray
No oramos por mucho
'Cause all we need's a little
Porque todo lo que necesitamos es poco
So just remember when you're drivin' through nowhere
Así que sólo recuerda cuando manejes por el monte
To us, that's the middle of somewhere
Para nosotros, eso es en medio de la nada
I know it's just another drop in the ocean of map dots
Sé que sólo es otra gota en el mar de puntos
But it means more than the world to us
Pero vale más que el mundo para nosotros
'Cause we like life that way
Porque así nos gusta la vida
Sweet and slow and simple
Dulce y lenta y sencilla
It ain't for much we pray
No oramos por mucho
'Cause all we need's a little
Porque todo lo que necesitamos es poco
So just remember when you're drivin' through nowhere
Así que sólo recuerda cuando manejes por el monte
So just remember when you're drivin' through nowhere
Así que sólo recuerda cuando manejes por el monte
To us, that's the middle of somewhere
Para nosotros, eso es en medio de la nada
Out in the middle of somewhere
Ahí en medio de la nada
There's just one kind of coffee at the Café
Il n'y a qu'un seul type de café au Café
Couple kinds of beer at Amoco
Quelques types de bière à Amoco
Where hard work pays and Jesus saves
Où le travail acharné paie et Jésus sauve
Weekends come and hell gets raised
Les week-ends arrivent et l'enfer se déchaîne
Don't eat much, we can't hunt, fish, or grow
On ne mange pas beaucoup, on ne peut pas chasser, pêcher ou cultiver
And we like life that way
Et on aime la vie comme ça
Sweet and slow and simple
Douce, lente et simple
Ain't for much we pray
On ne demande pas grand chose
'Cause all we need's a little
Car tout ce dont on a besoin, c'est un peu
So just remember when you're drivin' through nowhere
Alors souviens-toi quand tu traverses nulle part
To us, that's the middle of somewhere
Pour nous, c'est le milieu de quelque part
May look like some empty off the interstate
Ça peut ressembler à un vide hors de l'autoroute
Place between where you've been and where you go
Un endroit entre où tu as été et où tu vas
Folks 'round here, we call it home
Les gens d'ici, on l'appelle maison
From the cradle to the stone
Du berceau à la pierre
We don't mind, it's all we've ever known
Ça ne nous dérange pas, c'est tout ce qu'on a toujours connu
And we like life that way
Et on aime la vie comme ça
Sweet and slow and simple
Douce, lente et simple
It ain't for much we pray
On ne demande pas grand chose
'Cause all we need's a little
Car tout ce dont on a besoin, c'est un peu
So just remember when you're drivin' through nowhere
Alors souviens-toi quand tu traverses nulle part
To us, that's the middle of somewhere
Pour nous, c'est le milieu de quelque part
I know it's just another drop in the ocean of map dots
Je sais que ce n'est qu'une goutte dans l'océan des points sur la carte
But it means more than the world to us
Mais ça signifie plus que le monde pour nous
'Cause we like life that way
Car on aime la vie comme ça
Sweet and slow and simple
Douce, lente et simple
It ain't for much we pray
On ne demande pas grand chose
'Cause all we need's a little
Car tout ce dont on a besoin, c'est un peu
So just remember when you're drivin' through nowhere
Alors souviens-toi quand tu traverses nulle part
So just remember when you're drivin' through nowhere
Alors souviens-toi quand tu traverses nulle part
To us, that's the middle of somewhere
Pour nous, c'est le milieu de quelque part
Out in the middle of somewhere
Au milieu de quelque part
There's just one kind of coffee at the Café
C'è solo un tipo di caffè al Café
Couple kinds of beer at Amoco
Un paio di tipi di birra da Amoco
Where hard work pays and Jesus saves
Dove il duro lavoro paga e Gesù salva
Weekends come and hell gets raised
Arrivano i fine settimana e si scatena l'inferno
Don't eat much, we can't hunt, fish, or grow
Non mangiamo molto, non possiamo cacciare, pescare o crescere
And we like life that way
E ci piace la vita in questo modo
Sweet and slow and simple
Dolce, lenta e semplice
Ain't for much we pray
Non è per molto che preghiamo
'Cause all we need's a little
Perché tutto ciò di cui abbiamo bisogno è un po'
So just remember when you're drivin' through nowhere
Quindi ricorda solo quando stai guidando attraverso il nulla
To us, that's the middle of somewhere
Per noi, questo è il mezzo di qualcosa
May look like some empty off the interstate
Potrebbe sembrare un vuoto fuori dall'autostrada
Place between where you've been and where you go
Posto tra dove sei stato e dove vai
Folks 'round here, we call it home
Gente da queste parti, noi la chiamiamo casa
From the cradle to the stone
Dalla culla alla lapide
We don't mind, it's all we've ever known
Non ci importa, è tutto ciò che abbiamo mai conosciuto
And we like life that way
E ci piace la vita in questo modo
Sweet and slow and simple
Dolce, lenta e semplice
It ain't for much we pray
Non è per molto che preghiamo
'Cause all we need's a little
Perché tutto ciò di cui abbiamo bisogno è un po'
So just remember when you're drivin' through nowhere
Quindi ricorda solo quando stai guidando attraverso il nulla
To us, that's the middle of somewhere
Per noi, questo è il mezzo di qualcosa
I know it's just another drop in the ocean of map dots
So che è solo un'altra goccia nell'oceano di punti della mappa
But it means more than the world to us
Ma per noi significa più del mondo
'Cause we like life that way
Perché ci piace la vita in questo modo
Sweet and slow and simple
Dolce, lenta e semplice
It ain't for much we pray
Non è per molto che preghiamo
'Cause all we need's a little
Perché tutto ciò di cui abbiamo bisogno è un po'
So just remember when you're drivin' through nowhere
Quindi ricorda solo quando stai guidando attraverso il nulla
So just remember when you're drivin' through nowhere
Quindi ricorda solo quando stai guidando attraverso il nulla
To us, that's the middle of somewhere
Per noi, questo è il mezzo di qualcosa
Out in the middle of somewhere
Nel bel mezzo di qualcosa
There's just one kind of coffee at the Café
Couple kinds of beer at Amoco
Where hard work pays and Jesus saves
Weekends come and hell gets raised
Don't eat much, we can't hunt, fish, or grow
And we like life that way
Sweet and slow and simple
Ain't for much we pray
'Cause all we need's a little
So just remember when you're drivin' through nowhere
To us, that's the middle of somewhere
May look like some empty off the interstate
Place between where you've been and where you go
Folks 'round here, we call it home
From the cradle to the stone
We don't mind, it's all we've ever known
And we like life that way
Sweet and slow and simple
It ain't for much we pray
'Cause all we need's a little
So just remember when you're drivin' through nowhere
To us, that's the middle of somewhere
I know it's just another drop in the ocean of map dots
But it means more than the world to us
'Cause we like life that way
Sweet and slow and simple
It ain't for much we pray
'Cause all we need's a little
So just remember when you're drivin' through nowhere
So just remember when you're drivin' through nowhere
To us, that's the middle of somewhere
Out in the middle of somewhere

Wissenswertes über das Lied Middle of Somewhere von Luke Combs

Wann wurde das Lied “Middle of Somewhere” von Luke Combs veröffentlicht?
Das Lied Middle of Somewhere wurde im Jahr 2022, auf dem Album “Growin' Up” veröffentlicht.
Wer hat das Lied “Middle of Somewhere” von Luke Combs komponiert?
Das Lied “Middle of Somewhere” von Luke Combs wurde von Jonathan David Singleton, Luke Albert Combs, Randy Montana komponiert.

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