Fade To Black

James Alan Hetfield, Lars Ulrich, Kirk L. Hammett, Clifford Lee Burton

Liedtexte Übersetzung

Life, it seems, will fade away
Drifting further everyday
Getting lost within myself
Nothing matters, no one else
I have lost the will to live
Simply nothing more to give
There is nothing more for me
Need the end to set me free

Things not what they used to be
Missing one inside of me
Deathly lost, this can't be real
Cannot stand this hell I feel
Emptiness is filling me
To the point of agony
Growing darkness taking dawn
I was me, but now he's gone

No one but me can save myself, but it's too late
Now I can't think, think why I should even try

Yesterday seems as though it never existed
Death greets me warm, now I will just say goodbye

Life, it seems, will fade away
Leben, es scheint, es schwindet dahin
Drifting further everyday
Driftet jeden Tag weiter
Getting lost within myself
Sich in mir selbst zu verlieren
Nothing matters, no one else
Nichts ist wichtig, niemand sonst
I have lost the will to live
Ich habe den Willen zu leben verloren
Simply nothing more to give
Einfach nichts mehr zu geben
There is nothing more for me
Es gibt nichts mehr für mich
Need the end to set me free
Ich brauche das Ende, um mich zu befreien
Things not what they used to be
Dinge sind nicht mehr, was sie einmal waren
Missing one inside of me
Es fehlt einer in mir
Deathly lost, this can't be real
Tödlich verloren, das kann nicht real sein
Cannot stand this hell I feel
Kann dieses Höllengefühl nicht ertragen, das ich fühle
Emptiness is filling me
Die Leere füllt mich aus
To the point of agony
Bis zum Punkt der Agonie
Growing darkness taking dawn
Wachsende Dunkelheit nimmt die Dämmerung
I was me, but now he's gone
Ich war ich, aber jetzt ist er weg
No one but me can save myself, but it's too late
Niemand außer mir kann mich retten, aber es ist zu spät
Now I can't think, think why I should even try
Jetzt kann ich nicht daran denken, denken, warum sollte ich es überhaupt versuchen sollte
Yesterday seems as though it never existed
Gestern scheint, als hätte es nie existiert
Death greets me warm, now I will just say goodbye
Der Tod empfängt mich warm, jetzt will ich nur noch Lebewohl sagen
Auf Wiedersehen
Life, it seems, will fade away
A vida, ao que parece, vai desaparecer
Drifting further everyday
À deriva cada dia mais
Getting lost within myself
Me perdendo dentro de mim
Nothing matters, no one else
Nada importa, ninguém mais importa
I have lost the will to live
Eu perdi a vontade de viver
Simply nothing more to give
Simplesmente nada mais para oferecer
There is nothing more for me
Não há mais nada para mim
Need the end to set me free
Preciso que o fim me liberte
Things not what they used to be
As coisas não são o que costumavam ser
Missing one inside of me
Faltando um dentro de mim
Deathly lost, this can't be real
Perdido mortalmente, isso não pode ser real
Cannot stand this hell I feel
Não aguento esse inferno que estou sentindo
Emptiness is filling me
O vazio está me preenchendo
To the point of agony
Ao ponto de agonia
Growing darkness taking dawn
Crescente escuridão tomando o amanhecer
I was me, but now he's gone
Eu era eu, mas agora ele se foi
No one but me can save myself, but it's too late
Ninguém além de mim pode me salvar, mas é tarde demais
Now I can't think, think why I should even try
Agora eu não consigo pensar, pensar por que eu deveria tentar
Yesterday seems as though it never existed
Ontem parece que nunca existiu
Death greets me warm, now I will just say goodbye
A morte me recebe calorosamente, agora vou apenas dizer adeus
Life, it seems, will fade away
La vida, tal parece, se desvanecerá
Drifting further everyday
Alejándose cada día más
Getting lost within myself
Perdiéndome dentro de mí mismo
Nothing matters, no one else
Nada importa, nadie más
I have lost the will to live
He perdido el deseo de vivir
Simply nothing more to give
Simplemente nada más que dar
There is nothing more for me
No hay nada más para mí
Need the end to set me free
Para liberarme necesito el fin
Things not what they used to be
Las cosas no son lo que antes eran
Missing one inside of me
Me falta uno dentro de mí
Deathly lost, this can't be real
Mortalmente perdido, esto no puede ser real
Cannot stand this hell I feel
No soporto este infierno que siento
Emptiness is filling me
El vacío me llena
To the point of agony
Al punto de la agonía
Growing darkness taking dawn
Oscuridad creciendo llevándose el alba
I was me, but now he's gone
Era yo, pero él ya se ha ido
No one but me can save myself, but it's too late
Nadie puede salvarme mas que yo mismo, pero es muy tarde
Now I can't think, think why I should even try
Ahora no puedo pensar, pienso por qué siquiera debería intentar
Yesterday seems as though it never existed
El ayer parece como si nunca existió
Death greets me warm, now I will just say goodbye
La muerte me recibe cálidamente, ahora solo diré adiós
Life, it seems, will fade away
La vie, semble-t-il, s'efface
Drifting further everyday
Dérivant de plus en plus chaque jour
Getting lost within myself
Je me perds en moi-même
Nothing matters, no one else
Rien ne compte, personne d'autre
I have lost the will to live
J'ai perdu la volonté de vivre
Simply nothing more to give
Je n'ai simplement plus rien à donner
There is nothing more for me
Il n'y a plus rien pour moi
Need the end to set me free
J'ai besoin que la fin me libère
Things not what they used to be
Les choses ne sont plus ce qu'elles étaient
Missing one inside of me
Il en manque un à l'intérieur de moi
Deathly lost, this can't be real
Mortellement perdu, ça ne peut pas être vrai
Cannot stand this hell I feel
Je ne supporte pas cet enfer que je ressens
Emptiness is filling me
Le vide me remplit
To the point of agony
Jusqu'à l'agonie
Growing darkness taking dawn
L'obscurité grandissante prenant l'aube
I was me, but now he's gone
J'étais moi, mais maintenant il est parti
No one but me can save myself, but it's too late
Personne d'autre que moi ne peut me sauver, mais c'est trop tard
Now I can't think, think why I should even try
Maintenant, je ne peux pas penser, penser pourquoi je devrais même essayer
Yesterday seems as though it never existed
Hier semble ne jamais avoir existé
Death greets me warm, now I will just say goodbye
La mort m'accueille chaleureusement, maintenant je vais juste dire au revoir
Au revoir
Life, it seems, will fade away
La vita sembra svanirà
Drifting further everyday
Vado alla deriva ogni giorno di più
Getting lost within myself
Mi perdo dentro me stesso
Nothing matters, no one else
Non importa nulla, nessun'altro
I have lost the will to live
Ho perso la voglia di vivere
Simply nothing more to give
Semplicemente non ho più niente da dare
There is nothing more for me
Non c'è più niente per me
Need the end to set me free
Ho bisogno della fine per liberarmi
Things not what they used to be
Le cose non sono più come prima
Missing one inside of me
Manca qualcosa dentro di me
Deathly lost, this can't be real
Terribilmente perso, non può essere vero
Cannot stand this hell I feel
Non riesco a sopportare l'inferno che sento
Emptiness is filling me
Il vuoto mi riempie
To the point of agony
Fino all'agonia
Growing darkness taking dawn
Cresce il buio che porta l'alba
I was me, but now he's gone
Ero io, ma ora me ne sono andato
No one but me can save myself, but it's too late
Nessuno può salvarmi tranne me stesso, ma è troppo tardi
Now I can't think, think why I should even try
Ora non riesco neanche a pensare, pensare perché avrei dovuto almeno tentare
Yesterday seems as though it never existed
Sembra che il passato non sia nemmeno esistito
Death greets me warm, now I will just say goodbye
La Morte mi saluta calorosamente ed ora non mi resta altro che dire addio
Life, it seems, will fade away
Hidup, sepertinya, akan memudar
Drifting further everyday
Mengambang semakin jauh setiap hari
Getting lost within myself
Tersesat dalam diri sendiri
Nothing matters, no one else
Tidak ada yang penting, tidak ada orang lain
I have lost the will to live
Saya telah kehilangan keinginan untuk hidup
Simply nothing more to give
Sederhananya tidak ada lagi yang bisa diberikan
There is nothing more for me
Tidak ada lagi untuk saya
Need the end to set me free
Perlu akhir untuk membebaskan saya
Things not what they used to be
Hal-hal tidak seperti dulu
Missing one inside of me
Kehilangan satu di dalam diri saya
Deathly lost, this can't be real
Sangat tersesat, ini tidak mungkin nyata
Cannot stand this hell I feel
Tidak tahan dengan neraka yang saya rasakan
Emptiness is filling me
Kekosongan mengisi saya
To the point of agony
Sampai titik penderitaan
Growing darkness taking dawn
Kegelapan yang tumbuh mengambil fajar
I was me, but now he's gone
Saya adalah saya, tapi sekarang dia telah pergi
No one but me can save myself, but it's too late
Tidak ada yang bisa menyelamatkan diri saya sendiri, tapi sudah terlambat
Now I can't think, think why I should even try
Sekarang saya tidak bisa berpikir, berpikir mengapa saya harus mencoba
Yesterday seems as though it never existed
Kemarin terasa seolah tidak pernah ada
Death greets me warm, now I will just say goodbye
Kematian menyambut saya dengan hangat, sekarang saya akan mengucapkan selamat tinggal
Selamat tinggal
Life, it seems, will fade away
Drifting further everyday
Getting lost within myself
Nothing matters, no one else
I have lost the will to live
Simply nothing more to give
There is nothing more for me
Need the end to set me free
Things not what they used to be
Missing one inside of me
Deathly lost, this can't be real
Cannot stand this hell I feel
Emptiness is filling me
To the point of agony
Growing darkness taking dawn
I was me, but now he's gone
No one but me can save myself, but it's too late
Now I can't think, think why I should even try
Yesterday seems as though it never existed
Death greets me warm, now I will just say goodbye
Life, it seems, will fade away
인생은 마치, 사라져버릴 것만 같아
Drifting further everyday
매일 더 멀리 표류하잖아
Getting lost within myself
내 안에서 길을 잃는 듯이
Nothing matters, no one else
아무것도 중요하지 않아, 다른 누구도
I have lost the will to live
나는 삶의 의욕을 잃었어
Simply nothing more to give
간단하게 말하자면 더 이상 줄 게 없어
There is nothing more for me
날 위한 것이 더 이상 아무것도 없어
Need the end to set me free
날 자유롭게 해 줄 종말이 필요해
Things not what they used to be
예전 같지 않은 것들
Missing one inside of me
내 안의 하나를 놓치고
Deathly lost, this can't be real
죽을 만큼 잃었어, 이게 진짜일 리 없어
Cannot stand this hell I feel
내가 느끼는 이 지옥을 견딜 수 없어
Emptiness is filling me
공허함만이 나를 채워
To the point of agony
괴로울 정도로
Growing darkness taking dawn
커지는 어둠은 새벽을 삼켜
I was me, but now he's gone
나는 나였는데, 지금은 사라져버렸어
No one but me can save myself, but it's too late
나 말고는 아무도 나를 구할 수 없지만, 너무 늦었어
Now I can't think, think why I should even try
이제 난 생각조차 못해, 내가 왜 그래야 하는 지도
Yesterday seems as though it never existed
어제란 건 마치 존재하지 않았던 거 같아
Death greets me warm, now I will just say goodbye
죽음이 나를 따뜻하게 맞이해, 이제 나는 그냥 작별 인사를 할 거야
Life, it seems, will fade away
ชีวิตดูเหมือนจะค่อยๆ จางหายไป
Drifting further everyday
Getting lost within myself
Nothing matters, no one else
ไม่มีอะไรสำคัญ, ไม่มีใครอื่น
I have lost the will to live
Simply nothing more to give
There is nothing more for me
Need the end to set me free
Things not what they used to be
สิ่งต่างๆ ไม่เหมือนที่เคยเป็น
Missing one inside of me
Deathly lost, this can't be real
หลงทางอย่างมรณะ, สิ่งนี้ไม่อาจเป็นจริงได้
Cannot stand this hell I feel
Emptiness is filling me
To the point of agony
Growing darkness taking dawn
I was me, but now he's gone
ฉันเคยเป็นฉัน, แต่ตอนนี้เขาหายไปแล้ว
No one but me can save myself, but it's too late
ไม่มีใครนอกจากฉันที่จะช่วยตัวเองได้, แต่มันสายเกินไปแล้ว
Now I can't think, think why I should even try
ตอนนี้ฉันคิดไม่ออก, คิดไม่ออกว่าทำไมฉันควรพยายามต่อไป
Yesterday seems as though it never existed
Death greets me warm, now I will just say goodbye
ความตายต้อนรับฉันอย่างอบอุ่น, ตอนนี้ฉันจะลาก่อน
Life, it seems, will fade away
Drifting further everyday
Getting lost within myself
Nothing matters, no one else
I have lost the will to live
Simply nothing more to give
There is nothing more for me
Need the end to set me free
Things not what they used to be
Missing one inside of me
Deathly lost, this can't be real
Cannot stand this hell I feel
Emptiness is filling me
To the point of agony
Growing darkness taking dawn
I was me, but now he's gone
No one but me can save myself, but it's too late
Now I can't think, think why I should even try
Yesterday seems as though it never existed
Death greets me warm, now I will just say goodbye

Wissenswertes über das Lied Fade To Black von Metallica

Auf welchen Alben wurde das Lied “Fade To Black” von Metallica veröffentlicht?
Metallica hat das Lied auf den Alben “Ride the Lightning” im Jahr 1984, “Live Shit : Binge & Purge” im Jahr 1993, “Wherever I May Roam” im Jahr 1993, “Fan Can II” im Jahr 1997, “Limited Edition Vinyl Box Set” im Jahr 2004, “Orgullo, Pasión, y Gloria : Tres Noches en la Ciudad de México” im Jahr 2009, “The Metallica Collection” im Jahr 2009, “Six Feet Down Under Pt. II” im Jahr 2010, “Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité - Live at Le Bataclan June 11th, 2003” im Jahr 2016, “Monsters of Rock Broadcast - Moscow, Russia 1991” im Jahr 2016, “Hardwired... to Self-Destruct” im Jahr 2016, “Transmission Impossible - Legendary Radio Broadcasts from the 1980s & 1990s” im Jahr 2018, “Reunion Arena Dallas 1989 - FM Broadcast” im Jahr 2018 und “Live in Argentina” im Jahr 2020 veröffentlicht.
Wer hat das Lied “Fade To Black” von Metallica komponiert?
Das Lied “Fade To Black” von Metallica wurde von James Alan Hetfield, Lars Ulrich, Kirk L. Hammett, Clifford Lee Burton komponiert.

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