
Noel Gallagher

Liedtexte Übersetzung

One, two, three, four

There's something in the way, she moves me to distraction
I traveled all this way to try and make amends
'Cause heavy in the air are the words that she left hanging
I tried to walk away but I only stand and stare

The rain that comes
All of the love that was left behind
Is gone
When the Riverman runs
Find me the girl who electrifies the storm
In a little while she'll be gone


I waited in the rain
My feet turned wet from just standing
I shouted out my name
Behind a rainbow's end
But somewhere in the crowd
She heard me jingle janging
Like a memory that fades
She slipped away again

The rain that comes
All of the love that was left behind
Is gone
When the Riverman runs
Find me the girl who electrifies the storm
The rain that comes
All of the love that was left behind
Is gone
When the Riverman runs
Find me the girl who electrifies the storm

And in a little while she'll be gone

The Riverman run
The Riverman run
The Riverman run
The Riverman run

One, two, three, four
Eins, zwei, drei, vier
There's something in the way, she moves me to distraction
Es gibt etwas in der Art, wie sie mich ablenkt
I traveled all this way to try and make amends
Ich bin all diesen Weg gereist, um Wiedergutmachung zu versuchen
'Cause heavy in the air are the words that she left hanging
Denn schwer in der Luft liegen die Worte, die sie hängen ließ
I tried to walk away but I only stand and stare
Ich versuchte wegzugehen, aber ich stehe nur da und starre
The rain that comes
Der Regen, der kommt
All of the love that was left behind
All die Liebe, die zurückgelassen wurde
Is gone
Ist weg
When the Riverman runs
Wenn der Flussmann läuft
Find me the girl who electrifies the storm
Findet mir das Mädchen, das den Sturm elektrisiert
In a little while she'll be gone
In einer kleinen Weile wird sie weg sein
I waited in the rain
Ich wartete im Regen
My feet turned wet from just standing
Meine Füße wurden nass vom Stehen
I shouted out my name
Ich rief meinen Namen aus
Behind a rainbow's end
Hinter dem Ende des Regenbogens
But somewhere in the crowd
Aber irgendwo in der Menge
She heard me jingle janging
Hörte sie mich klimpern
Like a memory that fades
Wie eine Erinnerung, die verblasst
She slipped away again
Sie rutschte wieder weg
The rain that comes
Der Regen, der kommt
All of the love that was left behind
All die Liebe, die zurückgelassen wurde
Is gone
Ist weg
When the Riverman runs
Wenn der Flussmann läuft
Find me the girl who electrifies the storm
Findet mir das Mädchen, das den Sturm elektrisiert
The rain that comes
Der Regen, der kommt
All of the love that was left behind
All die Liebe, die zurückgelassen wurde
Is gone
Ist weg
When the Riverman runs
Wenn der Flussmann läuft
Find me the girl who electrifies the storm
Findet mir das Mädchen, das den Sturm elektrisiert
And in a little while she'll be gone
Und in einer kleinen Weile wird sie weg sein
The Riverman run
Der Flussmann läuft
The Riverman run
Der Flussmann läuft
The Riverman run
Der Flussmann läuft
The Riverman run
Der Flussmann läuft
One, two, three, four
Um, dois, três, quatro
There's something in the way, she moves me to distraction
Há algo no jeito como ela me move, me distrai
I traveled all this way to try and make amends
Eu viajei todo esse caminho para tentar fazer as pazes
'Cause heavy in the air are the words that she left hanging
Porque pesado no ar estão as palavras que ela deixou penduradas
I tried to walk away but I only stand and stare
Eu tentei me afastar, mas só fico parado e olho
The rain that comes
A chuva que vem
All of the love that was left behind
Todo o amor que foi deixado para trás
Is gone
Se foi
When the Riverman runs
Quando o Homem do Rio corre
Find me the girl who electrifies the storm
Encontre-me a garota que eletrifica a tempestade
In a little while she'll be gone
Em um pouco de tempo ela se irá
I waited in the rain
Eu esperei na chuva
My feet turned wet from just standing
Meus pés ficaram molhados apenas de ficar em pé
I shouted out my name
Eu gritei meu nome
Behind a rainbow's end
Atrás do fim do arco-íris
But somewhere in the crowd
Mas em algum lugar na multidão
She heard me jingle janging
Ela me ouviu tilintar
Like a memory that fades
Como uma memória que desvanece
She slipped away again
Ela escorregou novamente
The rain that comes
A chuva que vem
All of the love that was left behind
Todo o amor que foi deixado para trás
Is gone
Se foi
When the Riverman runs
Quando o Homem do Rio corre
Find me the girl who electrifies the storm
Encontre-me a garota que eletrifica a tempestade
The rain that comes
A chuva que vem
All of the love that was left behind
Todo o amor que foi deixado para trás
Is gone
Se foi
When the Riverman runs
Quando o Homem do Rio corre
Find me the girl who electrifies the storm
Encontre-me a garota que eletrifica a tempestade
And in a little while she'll be gone
E em um pouco de tempo ela se irá
The Riverman run
O Homem do Rio corre
The Riverman run
O Homem do Rio corre
The Riverman run
O Homem do Rio corre
The Riverman run
O Homem do Rio corre
One, two, three, four
Uno, dos, tres, cuatro
There's something in the way, she moves me to distraction
Hay algo en la forma en que ella me mueve a la distracción
I traveled all this way to try and make amends
Viajé todo este camino para intentar hacer las paces
'Cause heavy in the air are the words that she left hanging
Porque pesadas en el aire están las palabras que ella dejó colgando
I tried to walk away but I only stand and stare
Intenté alejarme pero solo me quedo y miro
The rain that comes
La lluvia que viene
All of the love that was left behind
Todo el amor que se dejó atrás
Is gone
Se ha ido
When the Riverman runs
Cuando el Hombre del Río corre
Find me the girl who electrifies the storm
Encuéntrame a la chica que electrifica la tormenta
In a little while she'll be gone
En un rato ella se habrá ido
I waited in the rain
Esperé en la lluvia
My feet turned wet from just standing
Mis pies se mojaron solo de estar de pie
I shouted out my name
Grité mi nombre
Behind a rainbow's end
Detrás del final del arco iris
But somewhere in the crowd
Pero en algún lugar de la multitud
She heard me jingle janging
Ella me oyó tintinear
Like a memory that fades
Como un recuerdo que se desvanece
She slipped away again
Ella se deslizó de nuevo
The rain that comes
La lluvia que viene
All of the love that was left behind
Todo el amor que se dejó atrás
Is gone
Se ha ido
When the Riverman runs
Cuando el Hombre del Río corre
Find me the girl who electrifies the storm
Encuéntrame a la chica que electrifica la tormenta
The rain that comes
La lluvia que viene
All of the love that was left behind
Todo el amor que se dejó atrás
Is gone
Se ha ido
When the Riverman runs
Cuando el Hombre del Río corre
Find me the girl who electrifies the storm
Encuéntrame a la chica que electrifica la tormenta
And in a little while she'll be gone
Y en un rato ella se habrá ido
The Riverman run
El Hombre del Río corre
The Riverman run
El Hombre del Río corre
The Riverman run
El Hombre del Río corre
The Riverman run
El Hombre del Río corre
One, two, three, four
Un, deux, trois, quatre
There's something in the way, she moves me to distraction
Il y a quelque chose dans sa façon de bouger, elle me distrait
I traveled all this way to try and make amends
J'ai voyagé tout ce chemin pour essayer de me racheter
'Cause heavy in the air are the words that she left hanging
Car lourd dans l'air sont les mots qu'elle a laissés en suspens
I tried to walk away but I only stand and stare
J'ai essayé de m'éloigner mais je ne fais que rester et regarder
The rain that comes
La pluie qui vient
All of the love that was left behind
Tout l'amour qui a été laissé derrière
Is gone
Est parti
When the Riverman runs
Quand le Riverman court
Find me the girl who electrifies the storm
Trouve-moi la fille qui électrise la tempête
In a little while she'll be gone
Dans un petit moment, elle sera partie
I waited in the rain
J'ai attendu sous la pluie
My feet turned wet from just standing
Mes pieds sont devenus mouillés juste en restant debout
I shouted out my name
J'ai crié mon nom
Behind a rainbow's end
Derrière la fin de l'arc-en-ciel
But somewhere in the crowd
Mais quelque part dans la foule
She heard me jingle janging
Elle m'a entendu tintinnabuler
Like a memory that fades
Comme un souvenir qui s'estompe
She slipped away again
Elle s'est encore échappée
The rain that comes
La pluie qui vient
All of the love that was left behind
Tout l'amour qui a été laissé derrière
Is gone
Est parti
When the Riverman runs
Quand le Riverman court
Find me the girl who electrifies the storm
Trouve-moi la fille qui électrise la tempête
The rain that comes
La pluie qui vient
All of the love that was left behind
Tout l'amour qui a été laissé derrière
Is gone
Est parti
When the Riverman runs
Quand le Riverman court
Find me the girl who electrifies the storm
Trouve-moi la fille qui électrise la tempête
And in a little while she'll be gone
Et dans un petit moment, elle sera partie
The Riverman run
Le Riverman court
The Riverman run
Le Riverman court
The Riverman run
Le Riverman court
The Riverman run
Le Riverman court
One, two, three, four
Uno, due, tre, quattro
There's something in the way, she moves me to distraction
C'è qualcosa nel modo in cui lei mi muove alla distrazione
I traveled all this way to try and make amends
Ho viaggiato tutto questo percorso per cercare di fare ammenda
'Cause heavy in the air are the words that she left hanging
Perché pesanti nell'aria sono le parole che lei ha lasciato in sospeso
I tried to walk away but I only stand and stare
Ho cercato di andarmene ma rimango solo a fissare
The rain that comes
La pioggia che arriva
All of the love that was left behind
Tutto l'amore che è stato lasciato indietro
Is gone
È andato
When the Riverman runs
Quando corre l'uomo del fiume
Find me the girl who electrifies the storm
Trovami la ragazza che elettrizza la tempesta
In a little while she'll be gone
Tra poco se ne sarà andata
I waited in the rain
Ho aspettato sotto la pioggia
My feet turned wet from just standing
I miei piedi si sono bagnati solo stando in piedi
I shouted out my name
Ho gridato il mio nome
Behind a rainbow's end
Dietro la fine dell'arcobaleno
But somewhere in the crowd
Ma da qualche parte nella folla
She heard me jingle janging
Lei mi ha sentito tintinnare
Like a memory that fades
Come un ricordo che svanisce
She slipped away again
È scivolata via di nuovo
The rain that comes
La pioggia che arriva
All of the love that was left behind
Tutto l'amore che è stato lasciato indietro
Is gone
È andato
When the Riverman runs
Quando corre l'uomo del fiume
Find me the girl who electrifies the storm
Trovami la ragazza che elettrizza la tempesta
The rain that comes
La pioggia che arriva
All of the love that was left behind
Tutto l'amore che è stato lasciato indietro
Is gone
È andato
When the Riverman runs
Quando corre l'uomo del fiume
Find me the girl who electrifies the storm
Trovami la ragazza che elettrizza la tempesta
And in a little while she'll be gone
E tra poco se ne sarà andata
The Riverman run
Corre l'uomo del fiume
The Riverman run
Corre l'uomo del fiume
The Riverman run
Corre l'uomo del fiume
The Riverman run
Corre l'uomo del fiume
One, two, three, four
Satu, dua, tiga, empat
There's something in the way, she moves me to distraction
Ada sesuatu dalam caranya, dia mengalihkan perhatianku
I traveled all this way to try and make amends
Aku melakukan perjalanan sejauh ini untuk mencoba dan berdamai
'Cause heavy in the air are the words that she left hanging
Karena berat di udara adalah kata-kata yang dia tinggalkan menggantung
I tried to walk away but I only stand and stare
Aku mencoba untuk berjalan pergi tapi aku hanya berdiri dan menatap
The rain that comes
Hujan yang datang
All of the love that was left behind
Semua cinta yang tertinggal
Is gone
Telah hilang
When the Riverman runs
Ketika Sang Pria Sungai berlari
Find me the girl who electrifies the storm
Temukan gadis yang menghidupkan badai
In a little while she'll be gone
Dalam sebentar dia akan pergi
I waited in the rain
Aku menunggu dalam hujan
My feet turned wet from just standing
Kakiku basah karena hanya berdiri
I shouted out my name
Aku berteriak menyebut namaku
Behind a rainbow's end
Di ujung pelangi
But somewhere in the crowd
Tapi di suatu tempat di kerumunan
She heard me jingle janging
Dia mendengar aku berdenting-denting
Like a memory that fades
Seperti kenangan yang memudar
She slipped away again
Dia menghilang lagi
The rain that comes
Hujan yang datang
All of the love that was left behind
Semua cinta yang tertinggal
Is gone
Telah hilang
When the Riverman runs
Ketika Sang Pria Sungai berlari
Find me the girl who electrifies the storm
Temukan gadis yang menghidupkan badai
The rain that comes
Hujan yang datang
All of the love that was left behind
Semua cinta yang tertinggal
Is gone
Telah hilang
When the Riverman runs
Ketika Sang Pria Sungai berlari
Find me the girl who electrifies the storm
Temukan gadis yang menghidupkan badai
And in a little while she'll be gone
Dan dalam sebentar dia akan pergi
The Riverman run
Sang Pria Sungai berlari
The Riverman run
Sang Pria Sungai berlari
The Riverman run
Sang Pria Sungai berlari
The Riverman run
Sang Pria Sungai berlari
One, two, three, four
หนึ่ง, สอง, สาม, สี่
There's something in the way, she moves me to distraction
มีบางอย่างที่ขวางทาง เธอทำให้ฉันหลงลืม
I traveled all this way to try and make amends
'Cause heavy in the air are the words that she left hanging
I tried to walk away but I only stand and stare
ฉันพยายามเดินจากไป แต่ฉันก็แค่ยืนและจ้องมอง
The rain that comes
All of the love that was left behind
Is gone
When the Riverman runs
Find me the girl who electrifies the storm
In a little while she'll be gone
I waited in the rain
My feet turned wet from just standing
I shouted out my name
Behind a rainbow's end
But somewhere in the crowd
She heard me jingle janging
Like a memory that fades
She slipped away again
The rain that comes
All of the love that was left behind
Is gone
When the Riverman runs
Find me the girl who electrifies the storm
The rain that comes
All of the love that was left behind
Is gone
When the Riverman runs
Find me the girl who electrifies the storm
And in a little while she'll be gone
The Riverman run
The Riverman run
The Riverman run
The Riverman run
One, two, three, four
There's something in the way, she moves me to distraction
I traveled all this way to try and make amends
'Cause heavy in the air are the words that she left hanging
I tried to walk away but I only stand and stare
The rain that comes
All of the love that was left behind
Is gone
When the Riverman runs
Find me the girl who electrifies the storm
In a little while she'll be gone
I waited in the rain
My feet turned wet from just standing
I shouted out my name
Behind a rainbow's end
But somewhere in the crowd
She heard me jingle janging
Like a memory that fades
She slipped away again
The rain that comes
All of the love that was left behind
Is gone
When the Riverman runs
Find me the girl who electrifies the storm
The rain that comes
All of the love that was left behind
Is gone
When the Riverman runs
Find me the girl who electrifies the storm
And in a little while she'll be gone
The Riverman run
The Riverman run
The Riverman run
The Riverman run

Wissenswertes über das Lied Riverman von Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds

Auf welchen Alben wurde das Lied “Riverman” von Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds veröffentlicht?
Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds hat das Lied auf den Alben “Where the City Meets the Sky” im Jahr 2015, “Chasing Yesterday” im Jahr 2015 und “Back the Way We Came: Vol 1 (2011-2021)” im Jahr 2021 veröffentlicht.
Wer hat das Lied “Riverman” von Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds komponiert?
Das Lied “Riverman” von Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds wurde von Noel Gallagher komponiert.

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