Quiet Town

Brandon Flowers, Jonathan Rado

Liedtexte Übersetzung

(Ah yeah, oh no, the train, the train)
(Every two or three years the train kills somebody)
(Every two, three years, yup)
(Everyone knows about the train, okay, you hear it constantly)
(I think the train is a way to find your way out of this life)
(If you get hit by it)

A couple of kids got hit by a Union Pacific train
Carrying sheet metal and household appliances through the pouring rain
They were planning on getting married after graduation
Had a little baby girl, trouble came and shut it down
Things like that ain't supposed to happen

In this quiet town, families are tight
Good people, they still don't deadbolt their doors at night
In this quiet town

(In this quiet)

When we first heard opioid stories
They were always in whispering tones
Now banners of sorrow mark the front steps of childhood homes
Parents wept through daddy's girl eulogies
And merit badge milestones with their daughters and sons
Laying there lifeless in their suits and gowns
Somebody's been keepin' secrets

In this quiet town, they know how to live
Good people who lean on Jesus, they're quick to forgive
In this quiet town

And whenever I'm near the town I'll find some reason to give
And I will walk with the dead and the living where I used to live
And every time I see my parents in the prime of their lives
Offering their son the kind of love he could never put down
The part of me is still that stainless kid, lucky

In this quiet town, salt of the land
Hard-working people, if you're in trouble, they'll lend you a hand
Here in this quiet town

The first crop of hay is up
School let out and the sun beats down
Smoke billows from a Sunday train
That cries away from a quiet town

(Ah yeah, oh no, the train, the train)
(Ah ja, oh nein, der Zug, der Zug)
(Every two or three years the train kills somebody)
(Alle zwei oder drei Jahre tötet der Zug jemanden)
(Every two, three years, yup)
(Alle zwei, drei Jahre, ja)
(Everyone knows about the train, okay, you hear it constantly)
(Jeder weiß von dem Zug, okay, man hört ihn ständig)
(I think the train is a way to find your way out of this life)
(Ich denke, der Zug ist ein Weg, um aus diesem Leben zu finden)
(If you get hit by it)
(Wenn du von ihm getroffen wirst)
A couple of kids got hit by a Union Pacific train
Ein paar Kinder wurden von einem Union Pacific Zug getroffen
Carrying sheet metal and household appliances through the pouring rain
Der Blech und Haushaltsgeräte durch den strömenden Regen transportierte
They were planning on getting married after graduation
Sie planten, nach dem Abschluss zu heiraten
Had a little baby girl, trouble came and shut it down
Hatten ein kleines Mädchen, Ärger kam und machte dem ein Ende
Things like that ain't supposed to happen
So etwas sollte nicht passieren
In this quiet town, families are tight
In dieser ruhigen Stadt, die Familien sind eng
Good people, they still don't deadbolt their doors at night
Gute Leute, sie verschließen ihre Türen nachts immer noch nicht mit einem Riegel
In this quiet town
In dieser ruhigen Stadt
(In this quiet)
(In dieser Ruhe)
When we first heard opioid stories
Als wir zum ersten Mal Geschichten über Opioide hörten
They were always in whispering tones
Waren sie immer in flüsternden Tönen
Now banners of sorrow mark the front steps of childhood homes
Jetzt markieren Banner der Trauer die Vordertreppen von Kindheitshäusern
Parents wept through daddy's girl eulogies
Eltern weinten durch die Elogen auf das Daddy's Girl
And merit badge milestones with their daughters and sons
Und Verdienstabzeichen Meilensteine mit ihren Töchtern und Söhnen
Laying there lifeless in their suits and gowns
Da liegen sie leblos in ihren Anzügen und Kleidern
Somebody's been keepin' secrets
Jemand hat Geheimnisse bewahrt
In this quiet town, they know how to live
In dieser ruhigen Stadt, sie wissen, wie man lebt
Good people who lean on Jesus, they're quick to forgive
Gute Leute, die sich auf Jesus stützen, sie vergeben schnell
In this quiet town
In dieser ruhigen Stadt
And whenever I'm near the town I'll find some reason to give
Und wann immer ich in der Nähe der Stadt bin, finde ich irgendeinen Grund zu geben
And I will walk with the dead and the living where I used to live
Und ich werde mit den Toten und den Lebenden gehen, wo ich früher gelebt habe
And every time I see my parents in the prime of their lives
Und jedes Mal, wenn ich meine Eltern in der Blüte ihres Lebens sehe
Offering their son the kind of love he could never put down
Bieten sie ihrem Sohn die Art von Liebe an, die er nie ablegen könnte
The part of me is still that stainless kid, lucky
Ein Teil von mir ist immer noch dieses makellose Kind, glücklich
In this quiet town, salt of the land
In dieser ruhigen Stadt, Salz der Erde
Hard-working people, if you're in trouble, they'll lend you a hand
Fleißige Leute, wenn du in Schwierigkeiten bist, werden sie dir helfen
Here in this quiet town
Hier in dieser ruhigen Stadt
The first crop of hay is up
Die erste Heuernte ist drin
School let out and the sun beats down
Die Schule ist aus und die Sonne brennt herunter
Smoke billows from a Sunday train
Rauch steigt von einem Sonntagszug auf
That cries away from a quiet town
Der weint weg von einer ruhigen Stadt
(Ah yeah, oh no, the train, the train)
(Ah sim, oh não, o trem, o trem)
(Every two or three years the train kills somebody)
(A cada dois ou três anos o trem mata alguém)
(Every two, three years, yup)
(A cada dois, três anos, sim)
(Everyone knows about the train, okay, you hear it constantly)
(Todos sabem sobre o trem, ok, você o ouve constantemente)
(I think the train is a way to find your way out of this life)
(Eu acho que o trem é uma maneira de encontrar sua saída desta vida)
(If you get hit by it)
(Se você for atingido por ele)
A couple of kids got hit by a Union Pacific train
Um casal de crianças foi atingido por um trem da Union Pacific
Carrying sheet metal and household appliances through the pouring rain
Carregando chapas de metal e eletrodomésticos pela chuva torrencial
They were planning on getting married after graduation
Eles planejavam se casar depois da formatura
Had a little baby girl, trouble came and shut it down
Tiveram uma pequena menina, os problemas vieram e acabaram com tudo
Things like that ain't supposed to happen
Coisas assim não deveriam acontecer
In this quiet town, families are tight
Nesta cidade tranquila, as famílias são unidas
Good people, they still don't deadbolt their doors at night
Boas pessoas, elas ainda não trancam suas portas à noite
In this quiet town
Nesta cidade tranquila
(In this quiet)
(Nesta tranquila)
When we first heard opioid stories
Quando ouvimos pela primeira vez histórias sobre opioides
They were always in whispering tones
Elas sempre eram em tons de sussurro
Now banners of sorrow mark the front steps of childhood homes
Agora faixas de luto marcam as escadas da frente das casas de infância
Parents wept through daddy's girl eulogies
Pais choraram através de elogios à filhinha do papai
And merit badge milestones with their daughters and sons
E marcos de mérito com suas filhas e filhos
Laying there lifeless in their suits and gowns
Deitados ali sem vida em seus ternos e vestidos
Somebody's been keepin' secrets
Alguém tem guardado segredos
In this quiet town, they know how to live
Nesta cidade tranquila, eles sabem como viver
Good people who lean on Jesus, they're quick to forgive
Boas pessoas que se apoiam em Jesus, são rápidas para perdoar
In this quiet town
Nesta cidade tranquila
And whenever I'm near the town I'll find some reason to give
E sempre que estou perto da cidade, encontro algum motivo para dar
And I will walk with the dead and the living where I used to live
E eu andarei com os mortos e os vivos onde eu costumava viver
And every time I see my parents in the prime of their lives
E toda vez que vejo meus pais no auge de suas vidas
Offering their son the kind of love he could never put down
Oferecendo ao seu filho o tipo de amor que ele nunca poderia recusar
The part of me is still that stainless kid, lucky
Parte de mim ainda é aquele garoto inoxidável, sortudo
In this quiet town, salt of the land
Nesta cidade tranquila, sal da terra
Hard-working people, if you're in trouble, they'll lend you a hand
Pessoas trabalhadoras, se você está em apuros, elas te darão uma mão
Here in this quiet town
Aqui nesta cidade tranquila
The first crop of hay is up
A primeira colheita de feno está pronta
School let out and the sun beats down
A escola acabou e o sol bate forte
Smoke billows from a Sunday train
Fumaça se ergue de um trem de domingo
That cries away from a quiet town
Que chora longe de uma cidade tranquila
(Ah yeah, oh no, the train, the train)
(Ah sí, oh no, el tren, el tren)
(Every two or three years the train kills somebody)
(Cada dos o tres años el tren mata a alguien)
(Every two, three years, yup)
(Cada dos, tres años, sí)
(Everyone knows about the train, okay, you hear it constantly)
(Todos saben del tren, está bien, lo oyes constantemente)
(I think the train is a way to find your way out of this life)
(Creo que el tren es una forma de encontrar tu salida de esta vida)
(If you get hit by it)
(Si te golpea)
A couple of kids got hit by a Union Pacific train
Un par de niños fueron golpeados por un tren de Union Pacific
Carrying sheet metal and household appliances through the pouring rain
Transportando láminas de metal y electrodomésticos a través de la lluvia torrencial
They were planning on getting married after graduation
Estaban planeando casarse después de la graduación
Had a little baby girl, trouble came and shut it down
Tenían una pequeña niña, los problemas llegaron y lo cerraron todo
Things like that ain't supposed to happen
Cosas así no se supone que sucedan
In this quiet town, families are tight
En este tranquilo pueblo, las familias son unidas
Good people, they still don't deadbolt their doors at night
Buenas personas, aún no cierran sus puertas con cerrojo por la noche
In this quiet town
En este tranquilo pueblo
(In this quiet)
(En este tranquilo)
When we first heard opioid stories
Cuando escuchamos por primera vez historias de opioides
They were always in whispering tones
Siempre eran en tonos susurrantes
Now banners of sorrow mark the front steps of childhood homes
Ahora las banderas de dolor marcan los escalones de las casas de la infancia
Parents wept through daddy's girl eulogies
Los padres lloraban a través de los elogios de la niña de papá
And merit badge milestones with their daughters and sons
Y los hitos de las insignias de mérito con sus hijas e hijos
Laying there lifeless in their suits and gowns
Yaciendo allí sin vida en sus trajes y vestidos
Somebody's been keepin' secrets
Alguien ha estado guardando secretos
In this quiet town, they know how to live
En este tranquilo pueblo, saben cómo vivir
Good people who lean on Jesus, they're quick to forgive
Buenas personas que se apoyan en Jesús, son rápidos para perdonar
In this quiet town
En este tranquilo pueblo
And whenever I'm near the town I'll find some reason to give
Y siempre que estoy cerca del pueblo, encuentro alguna razón para dar
And I will walk with the dead and the living where I used to live
Y caminaré con los muertos y los vivos donde solía vivir
And every time I see my parents in the prime of their lives
Y cada vez que veo a mis padres en la plenitud de sus vidas
Offering their son the kind of love he could never put down
Ofreciendo a su hijo el tipo de amor que nunca podría rechazar
The part of me is still that stainless kid, lucky
Parte de mí sigue siendo ese niño inmaculado, afortunado
In this quiet town, salt of the land
En este tranquilo pueblo, sal de la tierra
Hard-working people, if you're in trouble, they'll lend you a hand
Personas trabajadoras, si tienes problemas, te echarán una mano
Here in this quiet town
Aquí en este tranquilo pueblo
The first crop of hay is up
La primera cosecha de heno está lista
School let out and the sun beats down
La escuela terminó y el sol golpea fuerte
Smoke billows from a Sunday train
El humo se eleva de un tren dominical
That cries away from a quiet town
Que llora alejándose de un tranquilo pueblo
(Ah yeah, oh no, the train, the train)
(Ah oui, oh non, le train, le train)
(Every two or three years the train kills somebody)
(Tous les deux ou trois ans, le train tue quelqu'un)
(Every two, three years, yup)
(Tous les deux, trois ans, ouais)
(Everyone knows about the train, okay, you hear it constantly)
(Tout le monde connaît le train, d'accord, on l'entend constamment)
(I think the train is a way to find your way out of this life)
(Je pense que le train est un moyen de sortir de cette vie)
(If you get hit by it)
(Si tu te fais frapper par lui)
A couple of kids got hit by a Union Pacific train
Un couple d'enfants a été frappé par un train de l'Union Pacific
Carrying sheet metal and household appliances through the pouring rain
Transportant des tôles et des appareils ménagers sous la pluie battante
They were planning on getting married after graduation
Ils prévoyaient de se marier après l'obtention de leur diplôme
Had a little baby girl, trouble came and shut it down
Ils avaient une petite fille, les ennuis sont venus et ont tout arrêté
Things like that ain't supposed to happen
Des choses comme ça ne sont pas censées arriver
In this quiet town, families are tight
Dans cette ville tranquille, les familles sont soudées
Good people, they still don't deadbolt their doors at night
De bonnes personnes, elles ne verrouillent toujours pas leurs portes la nuit
In this quiet town
Dans cette ville tranquille
(In this quiet)
(Dans cette tranquillité)
When we first heard opioid stories
Quand nous avons entendu parler des histoires d'opioïdes pour la première fois
They were always in whispering tones
Elles étaient toujours murmurées
Now banners of sorrow mark the front steps of childhood homes
Maintenant, des bannières de chagrin marquent les marches des maisons d'enfance
Parents wept through daddy's girl eulogies
Les parents pleuraient à travers les éloges funèbres de la fille de papa
And merit badge milestones with their daughters and sons
Et les jalons des badges de mérite avec leurs filles et fils
Laying there lifeless in their suits and gowns
Allongés là, sans vie, dans leurs costumes et robes
Somebody's been keepin' secrets
Quelqu'un a gardé des secrets
In this quiet town, they know how to live
Dans cette ville tranquille, ils savent comment vivre
Good people who lean on Jesus, they're quick to forgive
De bonnes personnes qui s'appuient sur Jésus, elles sont rapides à pardonner
In this quiet town
Dans cette ville tranquille
And whenever I'm near the town I'll find some reason to give
Et chaque fois que je suis près de la ville, je trouve une raison de donner
And I will walk with the dead and the living where I used to live
Et je marcherai avec les morts et les vivants là où j'ai vécu
And every time I see my parents in the prime of their lives
Et chaque fois que je vois mes parents dans la fleur de l'âge
Offering their son the kind of love he could never put down
Offrant à leur fils le genre d'amour qu'il ne pourrait jamais refuser
The part of me is still that stainless kid, lucky
Une partie de moi est toujours cet enfant immaculé, chanceux
In this quiet town, salt of the land
Dans cette ville tranquille, le sel de la terre
Hard-working people, if you're in trouble, they'll lend you a hand
Des gens travailleurs, si tu es en difficulté, ils te tendront la main
Here in this quiet town
Ici, dans cette ville tranquille
The first crop of hay is up
La première récolte de foin est levée
School let out and the sun beats down
L'école a laissé sortir et le soleil bat son plein
Smoke billows from a Sunday train
La fumée s'échappe d'un train du dimanche
That cries away from a quiet town
Qui pleure loin d'une ville tranquille
(Ah yeah, oh no, the train, the train)
(Ah sì, oh no, il treno, il treno)
(Every two or three years the train kills somebody)
(Ogni due o tre anni il treno uccide qualcuno)
(Every two, three years, yup)
(Ogni due, tre anni, sì)
(Everyone knows about the train, okay, you hear it constantly)
(Tutti sanno del treno, okay, lo senti costantemente)
(I think the train is a way to find your way out of this life)
(Penso che il treno sia un modo per trovare la via d'uscita da questa vita)
(If you get hit by it)
(Se vieni colpito da esso)
A couple of kids got hit by a Union Pacific train
Un paio di ragazzi sono stati colpiti da un treno Union Pacific
Carrying sheet metal and household appliances through the pouring rain
Trasportava lamiera e elettrodomestici attraverso la pioggia battente
They were planning on getting married after graduation
Avevano in programma di sposarsi dopo la laurea
Had a little baby girl, trouble came and shut it down
Avevano una piccola bambina, i problemi sono arrivati e hanno chiuso tutto
Things like that ain't supposed to happen
Cose del genere non dovrebbero succedere
In this quiet town, families are tight
In questa tranquilla città, le famiglie sono unite
Good people, they still don't deadbolt their doors at night
Brava gente, che ancora non chiude a chiave le porte di notte
In this quiet town
In questa tranquilla città
(In this quiet)
(In questa tranquillità)
When we first heard opioid stories
Quando abbiamo sentito per la prima volta storie di oppioidi
They were always in whispering tones
Erano sempre in toni sussurrati
Now banners of sorrow mark the front steps of childhood homes
Ora striscioni di dolore segnano i gradini delle case d'infanzia
Parents wept through daddy's girl eulogies
I genitori piangevano attraverso le eulogie della bambina del papà
And merit badge milestones with their daughters and sons
E le pietre miliari del distintivo di merito con le loro figlie e figli
Laying there lifeless in their suits and gowns
Distesi lì senza vita nei loro abiti e vestiti
Somebody's been keepin' secrets
Qualcuno ha tenuto segreti
In this quiet town, they know how to live
In questa tranquilla città, sanno come vivere
Good people who lean on Jesus, they're quick to forgive
Brava gente che si appoggia a Gesù, sono pronti a perdonare
In this quiet town
In questa tranquilla città
And whenever I'm near the town I'll find some reason to give
E ogni volta che sono vicino alla città trovo qualche motivo per dare
And I will walk with the dead and the living where I used to live
E camminerò con i morti e i vivi dove vivevo
And every time I see my parents in the prime of their lives
E ogni volta che vedo i miei genitori nel pieno della loro vita
Offering their son the kind of love he could never put down
Offrendo a loro figlio il tipo di amore che non potrebbe mai rifiutare
The part of me is still that stainless kid, lucky
Una parte di me è ancora quel bambino inossidabile, fortunato
In this quiet town, salt of the land
In questa tranquilla città, sale della terra
Hard-working people, if you're in trouble, they'll lend you a hand
Gente laboriosa, se sei in difficoltà, ti daranno una mano
Here in this quiet town
Qui in questa tranquilla città
The first crop of hay is up
Il primo raccolto di fieno è pronto
School let out and the sun beats down
La scuola ha finito e il sole batte forte
Smoke billows from a Sunday train
Il fumo si alza da un treno domenicale
That cries away from a quiet town
Che piange lontano da una tranquilla città

Wissenswertes über das Lied Quiet Town von The Killers

Auf welchen Alben wurde das Lied “Quiet Town” von The Killers veröffentlicht?
The Killers hat das Lied auf den Alben “Pressure Machine” im Jahr 2021 und “Rebel Diamonds” im Jahr 2023 veröffentlicht.
Wer hat das Lied “Quiet Town” von The Killers komponiert?
Das Lied “Quiet Town” von The Killers wurde von Brandon Flowers, Jonathan Rado komponiert.

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